28 research outputs found

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Obiter Dicta

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    "Stitched together over five years of journaling, Obiter Dicta is a commonplace book of freewheeling explorations representing the transcription of a dozen notebooks, since painstakingly reimagined for publication. Organized after Theodor Adorno’s Minima Moralia, this unschooled exercise in aesthetic thought—gleefully dilettantish, oftentimes dangerously close to the epigrammatic—interrogates an array of subject matter (although inescapably circling back to the curiously resemblant histories of Western visual art and instrumental music) through the lens of drive-by speculation. Erick Verran’s approach to philosophical inquiry follows the brute-force literary technique of Jacques Derrida to exhaustively favor the material grammar of a signifier over hand-me-down meaning, juxtaposing outer semblances with their buried systems and our etched-in-stone intuitions about color and illusion, shape and value, with lessons stolen from seemingly unrelatable disciplines. Interlarded with extracts of Ludwig Wittgenstein but also Wallace Stevens, Cormac McCarthy as well as Roland Barthes, this cache of incidental remarks eschews what’s granular for the biggest picture available, leaving below the hyper-specialized fields of academia for a bird’s-eye view of their crop circles. Obiter Dicta is an unapologetic experiment in intellectual dot-connecting that challenges much long-standing wisdom about everything from illuminated manuscripts to Minecraft and the evolution of European music with lyrical brevity; that is, before jumping to the next topic.

    Twentieth-Century Poetry and Visual Culture: transatlantic Perspectives of European and American Modernism

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    [ES] Este estudio investiga el impacto de la cultura visual moderna en la poesía vanguardista desde una perspectiva que tiene en cuenta los intercambios transatlánticos entre el modernismo europeo y norteamericano. A principios del siglo veinte las imágenes formaban parte de una sociedad influenciada por los avances tecnológicos y el consumismo. Sensible a los métodos empleados por la cultura de masas y la publicidad, los poetas modernistas recurrieron al potencial de la experiencia óptica no sólo para promover sus obras sino también para apelar al sentido de la vista como el medio más rápido y efectivo en provocar una reacción en el espectador. Movimientos como el cubismo, el futurismo, el dadaísmo, el expresionismo alemán y el surrealismo francés ejercieron influencia sobre el experimentalismo británico y norteamericano. En Gran Bretaña el imagismo y el vorticismo tomaron como referentes las disciplinas de la pintura y la escultura para articular un lenguaje poético que reprodujera los efectos de la cultura publicitaria. En Estados Unidos poetas y artistas tales como William Carlos Williams, Hart Crane y los precisionistas utilizaron la imagen visual para recrear la energía de la metrópolis norteamericana. Otros modernistas en la línea de Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot y Ezra Pound expresaron en París su extrañamiento respecto de su patria escribiendo una poesía épica que se asentaba en el collage pictórico con el fin de proporcionar una visión plural que enfatizara las perspectivas interculturales. Asimismo, la aparición del cine y la fotografía inspira la poesía de Marianne Moore y H.D., cuya imagen cinemática puede interpretarse en favor de la democratización y la expansión del arte. El estudio de la cultura visual contribuye a conectar formas populares como los medios de masa con la estética de las bellas artes y de la poesía. La interrelación de los géneros literarios con las artes plásticas, el cine y la fotografía nos invita a reflexionar acerca de la condición ontológica del sujeto u objeto presentado en la obra artística así como la tensión entre arte y verdad en la época moderna. La estética de principios del siglo veinte participa en estructuras visuales e incluye nuevos modelos que emulan la realidad publicitaria y los medios de masas.[En] This study investigates the impact of modern visual culture on avant-garde poetry from a perspective that considers transatlantic exchanges between European and American Modernism. My argument is at the brink of twentieth century images were part and parcel of a highly technologized and capitalist society. Sensitive to the methods employed by mass culture and the advertising industry, Modernist poets relied upon the potential of optical experience not only to promote their works but also to appeal to eyesight as the fastest and most effective way to provoke a reaction in the viewer. Therefore, I pay heed to Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, German Expressionism and French Surrealism as a means of exploring the origin of avant-garde aesthetics and their bearing on the British and American experimentalism. In Great Britain, Imagism and Vorticism relied upon the disciplines of painting and sculpture to articulate a poetic language that reproduced the artifice of promotional culture. In the U.S. poets and artists such as Williams, Crane, Stevens and the Precisionists, utilized visual imagery to envision American city life and natural landscapes. Other Modernists such as Stein, Eliot and Pound conveyed their displacement from their homeland by engaging in an epic poetry that reproduced cross-cultural perspectives thanks to the collage effect. Likewise, the emergence of cinema and photography makes a direct impact on the poetry of Moore and H.D., whose mechanized image might be interpreted in terms of the democratization and expansion of art. The study of visual culture thus helps connect popular or low forms, such as media, with high forms in line with the fine arts and poetry. The interrelation of the literary genre with plastic and mechanical forms is significant because it invites us to think over the original thing and its duplicates as well as the tension between art and truth in modernity. All in all, early twentieth-century aesthetics participates in visual structures, opening up models that emulate the free circulation of commodities, whether they are tangible or intangible

    Integrated nematode management

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    This book outlines the economic importance of specific plant parasitic nematode problems on the major food and industrial crops and presents the state-of-the-art management strategies that have been developed to reduce specific nematode impacts and outlines their limitations. Case studies to illustrate nematode impact in the field are presented and future changes in nematode disease pressure that might develop as a result of climate change and new cropping systems are discussed.illustrato

    Third Annual Earth Resources Program Review. Volume 2: Agriculture, forestry, and sensor studies

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    Remote sensing and data reduction techniques for Earth Resources Program applied to agriculture and forestry - conferenc

    An Investigation on Benefit-Cost Analysis of Greenhouse Structures in Antalya

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    Significant population increase across the world, loss of cultivable land and increasing demand for food put pressure on agriculture. To meet the demand, greenhouses are built, which are, light structures with transparent cladding material in order to provide controlled microclimatic environment proper for plant production. Conceptually, greenhouses are similar with manufacturing buildings where a controlled environment for manufacturing and production have been provided and proper spaces for standardized production processes have been enabled. Parallel with the trends in the world, particularly in southern regions, greenhouse structures have been increasingly constructed and operated in Turkey. A significant number of greenhouses are located at Antalya. The satellite images demonstrated that for over last three decades, there has been a continuous invasion of greenhouses on all cultivable land. There are various researches and attempts for the improvement of greenhouse design and for increasing food production by decreasing required energy consumption. However, the majority of greenhouses in Turkey are very rudimentary structures where capital required for investment is low, but maintenance requirements are high when compared with new generation greenhouse structures. In this research paper, life-long capital requirements for construction and operation of greenhouse buildings in Antalya has been investigated by using benefit-cost analysis study

    Intelligence, Creativity and Fantasy

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019 This is the 2nd volume of PHI series, published by CRC Press, the 4th published by CRC Press and the 5th volume of PHI proceedings.The texts presented in Proportion Harmonies and Identities (PHI) - INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY AND FANTASY were compiled with the intent to establish a multidisciplinary platform for the presentation, interaction and dissemination of research. The aim is also to foster the awareness and discussion on the topics of Harmony and Proportion with a focus on different visions relevant to Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Design, Engineering, Social and Natural Sciences, and their importance and benefits for the sense of both individual and community identity. The idea of modernity has been a significant motor for development since the Western Early Modern Age. Its theoretical and practical foundations have become the working tools of scientists, philosophers, and artists, who seek strategies and policies to accelerate the development process in different contexts.authorsversionpublishe