10,025 research outputs found

    Analysis and Mitigation of Soft-Errors on High Performance Embedded GPUs

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    Multiprocessor system-on-chip such as embedded GPUs are becoming very popular in safety-critical applications, such as autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. However, these devices can suffer from the effects of soft-errors, such as those produced by radiation effects. These effects are able to generate unpredictable misbehaviors. Fault tolerance oriented to multi-threaded software introduces severe performance degradations due to the redundancy, voting and correction threads operations. In this paper, we propose a new fault injection environment for NVIDIA GPGPU devices and a fault tolerance approach based on error detection and correction threads executed during data transfer operations on embedded GPUs. The fault injection environment is capable of automatically injecting faults into the instructions at SASS level by instrumenting the CUDA binary executable file. The mitigation approach is based on concurrent error detection threads running simultaneously with the memory stream device to host data transfer operations. With several benchmark applications, we evaluate the impact of softerrors classifying Silent Data Corruption, Detection, Unrecoverable Error and Hang. Finally, the proposed mitigation approach has been validated by soft-error fault injection campaigns on an NVIDIA Pascal Architecture GPU controlled by Quad-Core A57 ARM processor (JETSON TX2) demonstrating an advantage of more than 37% with respect to state of the art solution

    Real-Time Trace Decoding and Monitoring for Safety and Security in Embedded Systems

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    Integrated circuits and systems can be found almost everywhere in today’s world. As their use increases, they need to be made safer and more perfor mant to meet current demands in processing power. FPGA integrated SoCs can provide the ideal trade-off between performance, adaptability, and energy usage. One of today’s vital challenges lies in updating existing fault tolerance techniques for these new systems while utilizing all available processing capa bilities, such as multi-core and heterogeneous processing units. Control-flow monitoring is one of the primary mechanisms described for error detection at the software architectural level for the highest grade of hazard level clas sifications (e.g., ASIL D) described in industry safety standards ISO-26262. Control-flow errors are also known to compose the majority of detected errors for ICs and embedded systems in safety-critical and risk-susceptible environ ments [5]. Software-based monitoring methods remain the most popular [6–8]. However, recent studies show that the overheads they impose make actual reliability gains negligible [9, 10]. This work proposes and demonstrates a new control flow checking method implemented in FPGA for multi-core embedded systems called control-flow trace checker (CFTC). CFTC uses existing trace and debug subsystems of modern processors to rebuild their execution states. It can iden tify any errors in real-time by comparing executed states to a set of permitted state transitions determined statically. This novel implementation weighs hardware resource trade-offs to target mul tiple independent tasks in multi-core embedded applications, as well as single core systems. The proposed system is entirely implemented in hardware and isolated from all monitored software components, requiring 2.4% of the target FPGA platform resources to protect an execution unit in its entirety. There fore, it avoids undesired overheads and maintains deterministic error detection latencies, which guarantees reliability improvements without impairing the target software system. Finally, CFTC is evaluated under different software i Resumo fault-injection scenarios, achieving detection rates of 100% of all control-flow errors to wrong destinations and 98% of all injected faults to program binaries. All detection times are further analyzed and precisely described by a model based on the monitor’s resources and speed and the software application’s control-flow structure and binary characteristics.Circuitos integrados estão presentes em quase todos sistemas complexos do mundo moderno. Conforme sua frequência de uso aumenta, eles precisam se tornar mais seguros e performantes para conseguir atender as novas demandas em potência de processamento. Sistemas em Chip integrados com FPGAs conseguem prover o balanço perfeito entre desempenho, adaptabilidade, e uso de energia. Um dos maiores desafios agora é a necessidade de atualizar técnicas de tolerância à falhas para estes novos sistemas, aproveitando os novos avanços em capacidade de processamento. Monitoramento de fluxo de controle é um dos principais mecanismos para a detecção de erros em nível de software para sistemas classificados como de alto risco (e.g. ASIL D), descrito em padrões de segurança como o ISO-26262. Estes erros são conhecidos por compor a maioria dos erros detectados em sistemas integrados [5]. Embora métodos de monitoramento baseados em software continuem sendo os mais populares [6–8], estudos recentes mostram que seus custos adicionais, em termos de performance e área, diminuem consideravelmente seus ganhos reais em confiabilidade [9, 10]. Propomos aqui um novo método de monitora mento de fluxo de controle implementado em FPGA para sistemas embarcados multi-core. Este método usa subsistemas de trace e execução de código para reconstruir o estado atual do processador, identificando erros através de com parações entre diferentes estados de execução da CPU. Propomos uma implementação que considera trade-offs no uso de recuros de sistema para monitorar múltiplas tarefas independetes. Nossa abordagem suporta o monitoramento de sistemas simples e também de sistemas multi-core multitarefa. Por fim, nossa técnica é totalmente implementada em hardware, evitando o uso de unidades de processamento de software que possa adicionar custos indesejáveis à aplicação em perda de confiabilidade. Propomos, assim, um mecanismo de verificação de fluxo de controle, escalável e extensível, para proteção de sistemas embarcados críticos e multi-core

    Real-time trace decoding and monitoring for safety and security in embedded systems

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    Integrated circuits and systems can be found almost everywhere in today’s world. As their use increases, they need to be made safer and more perfor mant to meet current demands in processing power. FPGA integrated SoCs can provide the ideal trade-off between performance, adaptability, and energy usage. One of today’s vital challenges lies in updating existing fault tolerance techniques for these new systems while utilizing all available processing capa bilities, such as multi-core and heterogeneous processing units. Control-flow monitoring is one of the primary mechanisms described for error detection at the software architectural level for the highest grade of hazard level clas sifications (e.g., ASIL D) described in industry safety standards ISO-26262. Control-flow errors are also known to compose the majority of detected errors for ICs and embedded systems in safety-critical and risk-susceptible environ ments [5]. Software-based monitoring methods remain the most popular [6–8]. However, recent studies show that the overheads they impose make actual reliability gains negligible [9, 10]. This work proposes and demonstrates a new control flow checking method implemented in FPGA for multi-core embedded systems called control-flow trace checker (CFTC). CFTC uses existing trace and debug subsystems of modern processors to rebuild their execution states. It can iden tify any errors in real-time by comparing executed states to a set of permitted state transitions determined statically. This novel implementation weighs hardware resource trade-offs to target mul tiple independent tasks in multi-core embedded applications, as well as single core systems. The proposed system is entirely implemented in hardware and isolated from all monitored software components, requiring 2.4% of the target FPGA platform resources to protect an execution unit in its entirety. There fore, it avoids undesired overheads and maintains deterministic error detection latencies, which guarantees reliability improvements without impairing the target software system. Finally, CFTC is evaluated under different software i Resumo fault-injection scenarios, achieving detection rates of 100% of all control-flow errors to wrong destinations and 98% of all injected faults to program binaries. All detection times are further analyzed and precisely described by a model based on the monitor’s resources and speed and the software application’s control-flow structure and binary characteristics.Circuitos integrados estão presentes em quase todos sistemas complexos do mundo moderno. Conforme sua frequência de uso aumenta, eles precisam se tornar mais seguros e performantes para conseguir atender as novas demandas em potência de processamento. Sistemas em Chip integrados com FPGAs conseguem prover o balanço perfeito entre desempenho, adaptabilidade, e uso de energia. Um dos maiores desafios agora é a necessidade de atualizar técnicas de tolerância à falhas para estes novos sistemas, aproveitando os novos avanços em capacidade de processamento. Monitoramento de fluxo de controle é um dos principais mecanismos para a detecção de erros em nível de software para sistemas classificados como de alto risco (e.g. ASIL D), descrito em padrões de segurança como o ISO-26262. Estes erros são conhecidos por compor a maioria dos erros detectados em sistemas integrados [5]. Embora métodos de monitoramento baseados em software continuem sendo os mais populares [6–8], estudos recentes mostram que seus custos adicionais, em termos de performance e área, diminuem consideravelmente seus ganhos reais em confiabilidade [9, 10]. Propomos aqui um novo método de monitora mento de fluxo de controle implementado em FPGA para sistemas embarcados multi-core. Este método usa subsistemas de trace e execução de código para reconstruir o estado atual do processador, identificando erros através de com parações entre diferentes estados de execução da CPU. Propomos uma implementação que considera trade-offs no uso de recuros de sistema para monitorar múltiplas tarefas independetes. Nossa abordagem suporta o monitoramento de sistemas simples e também de sistemas multi-core multitarefa. Por fim, nossa técnica é totalmente implementada em hardware, evitando o uso de unidades de processamento de software que possa adicionar custos indesejáveis à aplicação em perda de confiabilidade. Propomos, assim, um mecanismo de verificação de fluxo de controle, escalável e extensível, para proteção de sistemas embarcados críticos e multi-core

    Hierarchical Agent-based Adaptation for Self-Aware Embedded Computing Systems

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    Siirretty Doriast

    RosneT: A block tensor algebra library for out-of-core quantum computing simulation

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    With the advent of more powerful Quantum Computers, the need for larger Quantum Simulations has boosted. As the amount of resources grows exponentially with size of the target system Tensor Networks emerge as an optimal framework with which we represent Quantum States in tensor factorizations. As the extent of a tensor network increases, so does the size of intermediate tensors requiring HPC tools for their manipulation. Simulations of medium-sized circuits cannot fit on local memory, and solutions for distributed contraction of tensors are scarce. In this work we present RosneT, a library for distributed, out-of-core block tensor algebra. We use the PyCOMPSs programming model to transform tensor operations into a collection of tasks handled by the COMPSs runtime, targeting executions in existing and upcoming Exascale supercomputers. We report results validating our approach showing good scalability in simulations of Quantum circuits of up to 53 qubits.We acknowledge support from project QuantumCAT (ref. 001- P-001644), co-funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Union Regional Development Fund within the ERDF Operational Program of Catalunya, and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951911 (AI4Media). This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Government (PID2019-107255GB) and by Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2014-SGR-1051). This work is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the framework of the ERFD Operative Programme for Catalunya 2014-2020, with 1.527.637,88C. Anna Queralt is a Serra Hunter Fellow.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationA modern software system is a composition of parts that are themselves highly complex: operating systems, middleware, libraries, servers, and so on. In principle, compositionality of interfaces means that we can understand any given module independently of the internal workings of other parts. In practice, however, abstractions are leaky, and with every generation, modern software systems grow in complexity. Traditional ways of understanding failures, explaining anomalous executions, and analyzing performance are reaching their limits in the face of emergent behavior, unrepeatability, cross-component execution, software aging, and adversarial changes to the system at run time. Deterministic systems analysis has a potential to change the way we analyze and debug software systems. Recorded once, the execution of the system becomes an independent artifact, which can be analyzed offline. The availability of the complete system state, the guaranteed behavior of re-execution, and the absence of limitations on the run-time complexity of analysis collectively enable the deep, iterative, and automatic exploration of the dynamic properties of the system. This work creates a foundation for making deterministic replay a ubiquitous system analysis tool. It defines design and engineering principles for building fast and practical replay machines capable of capturing complete execution of the entire operating system with an overhead of several percents, on a realistic workload, and with minimal installation costs. To enable an intuitive interface of constructing replay analysis tools, this work implements a powerful virtual machine introspection layer that enables an analysis algorithm to be programmed against the state of the recorded system through familiar terms of source-level variable and type names. To support performance analysis, the replay engine provides a faithful performance model of the original execution during replay

    A Machine Learning Enhanced Scheme for Intelligent Network Management

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    The versatile networking services bring about huge influence on daily living styles while the amount and diversity of services cause high complexity of network systems. The network scale and complexity grow with the increasing infrastructure apparatuses, networking function, networking slices, and underlying architecture evolution. The conventional way is manual administration to maintain the large and complex platform, which makes effective and insightful management troublesome. A feasible and promising scheme is to extract insightful information from largely produced network data. The goal of this thesis is to use learning-based algorithms inspired by machine learning communities to discover valuable knowledge from substantial network data, which directly promotes intelligent management and maintenance. In the thesis, the management and maintenance focus on two schemes: network anomalies detection and root causes localization; critical traffic resource control and optimization. Firstly, the abundant network data wrap up informative messages but its heterogeneity and perplexity make diagnosis challenging. For unstructured logs, abstract and formatted log templates are extracted to regulate log records. An in-depth analysis framework based on heterogeneous data is proposed in order to detect the occurrence of faults and anomalies. It employs representation learning methods to map unstructured data into numerical features, and fuses the extracted feature for network anomaly and fault detection. The representation learning makes use of word2vec-based embedding technologies for semantic expression. Next, the fault and anomaly detection solely unveils the occurrence of events while failing to figure out the root causes for useful administration so that the fault localization opens a gate to narrow down the source of systematic anomalies. The extracted features are formed as the anomaly degree coupled with an importance ranking method to highlight the locations of anomalies in network systems. Two types of ranking modes are instantiated by PageRank and operation errors for jointly highlighting latent issue of locations. Besides the fault and anomaly detection, network traffic engineering deals with network communication and computation resource to optimize data traffic transferring efficiency. Especially when network traffic are constrained with communication conditions, a pro-active path planning scheme is helpful for efficient traffic controlling actions. Then a learning-based traffic planning algorithm is proposed based on sequence-to-sequence model to discover hidden reasonable paths from abundant traffic history data over the Software Defined Network architecture. Finally, traffic engineering merely based on empirical data is likely to result in stale and sub-optimal solutions, even ending up with worse situations. A resilient mechanism is required to adapt network flows based on context into a dynamic environment. Thus, a reinforcement learning-based scheme is put forward for dynamic data forwarding considering network resource status, which explicitly presents a promising performance improvement. In the end, the proposed anomaly processing framework strengthens the analysis and diagnosis for network system administrators through synthesized fault detection and root cause localization. The learning-based traffic engineering stimulates networking flow management via experienced data and further shows a promising direction of flexible traffic adjustment for ever-changing environments
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