40 research outputs found

    A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    Deep learning algorithms, in particular convolutional networks, have rapidly become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images. This paper reviews the major deep learning concepts pertinent to medical image analysis and summarizes over 300 contributions to the field, most of which appeared in the last year. We survey the use of deep learning for image classification, object detection, segmentation, registration, and other tasks and provide concise overviews of studies per application area. Open challenges and directions for future research are discussed.Comment: Revised survey includes expanded discussion section and reworked introductory section on common deep architectures. Added missed papers from before Feb 1st 201

    A Morphing Technique Applied to Lung Motions in Radiotherapy: Preliminary Results

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    Organ motion leads to dosimetric uncertainties during a patient’s treatment. Much work has been done to quantify the dosimetric effects of lung movement during radiation treatment. There is a particular need for a good description and prediction of organ motion. To describe lung motion more precisely, we have examined the possibility of using a computer technique: a morphing algorithm. Morphing is an iterative method which consists of blending one image into another image. To evaluate the use of morphing, Four Dimensions Computed Tomography (4DCT) acquisition of a patient was performed. The lungs were automatically segmented for different phases, and morphing was performed using the end-inspiration and the end-expiration phase scans only. Intermediate morphing files were compared with 4DCT intermediate images. The results showed good agreement between morphing images and 4DCT images: fewer than 2 % of the 512 by 256 voxels were wrongly classified as belonging/not belonging to a lung section. This paper presents preliminary results, and our morphing algorithm needs improvement. We can infer that morphing offers considerable advantages in terms of radiation protection of the patient during the diagnosis phase, handling of artifacts, definition of organ contours and description of organ motion

    Segmentation and skeletonization techniques for cardiovascular image analysis

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    Incorporating Cardiac Substructures Into Radiation Therapy For Improved Cardiac Sparing

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    Growing evidence suggests that radiation therapy (RT) doses to the heart and cardiac substructures (CS) are strongly linked to cardiac toxicities, though only the heart is considered clinically. This work aimed to utilize the superior soft-tissue contrast of magnetic resonance (MR) to segment CS, quantify uncertainties in their position, assess their effect on treatment planning and an MR-guided environment. Automatic substructure segmentation of 12 CS was completed using a novel hybrid MR/computed tomography (CT) atlas method and was improved upon using a 3-dimensional neural network (U-Net) from deep learning. Intra-fraction motion due to respiration was then quantified. The inter-fraction setup uncertainties utilizing a novel MR-linear accelerator were also quantified. Treatment planning comparisons were performed with and without substructure inclusions and methods to reduce radiation dose to sensitive CS were evaluated. Lastly, these described technologies (deep learning U-Net) were translated to an MR-linear accelerator and a segmentation pipeline was created. Automatic segmentations from the hybrid MR/CT atlas was able to generate accurate segmentations for the chambers and great vessels (Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) \u3e 0.75) but coronary artery segmentations were unsuccessful (DSC\u3c0.3). After implementing deep learning, DSC for the chambers and great vessels was ≥0.85 along with an improvement in the coronary arteries (DSC\u3e0.5). Similar accuracy was achieved when implementing deep learning for MR-guided RT. On average, automatic segmentations required ~10 minutes to generate per patient and deep learning only required 14 seconds. The inclusion of CS in the treatment planning process did not yield statistically significant changes in plan complexity, PTV, or OAR dose. Automatic segmentation results from deep learning pose major efficiency and accuracy gains for CS segmentation offering high potential for rapid implementation into radiation therapy planning for improved cardiac sparing. Introducing CS into RT planning for MR-guided RT presented an opportunity for more effective sparing with limited increase in plan complexity

    Incorporating Cardiac Substructures Into Radiation Therapy For Improved Cardiac Sparing

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    Growing evidence suggests that radiation therapy (RT) doses to the heart and cardiac substructures (CS) are strongly linked to cardiac toxicities, though only the heart is considered clinically. This work aimed to utilize the superior soft-tissue contrast of magnetic resonance (MR) to segment CS, quantify uncertainties in their position, assess their effect on treatment planning and an MR-guided environment. Automatic substructure segmentation of 12 CS was completed using a novel hybrid MR/computed tomography (CT) atlas method and was improved upon using a 3-dimensional neural network (U-Net) from deep learning. Intra-fraction motion due to respiration was then quantified. The inter-fraction setup uncertainties utilizing a novel MR-linear accelerator were also quantified. Treatment planning comparisons were performed with and without substructure inclusions and methods to reduce radiation dose to sensitive CS were evaluated. Lastly, these described technologies (deep learning U-Net) were translated to an MR-linear accelerator and a segmentation pipeline was created. Automatic segmentations from the hybrid MR/CT atlas was able to generate accurate segmentations for the chambers and great vessels (Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) \u3e 0.75) but coronary artery segmentations were unsuccessful (DSC\u3c0.3). After implementing deep learning, DSC for the chambers and great vessels was ≥0.85 along with an improvement in the coronary arteries (DSC\u3e0.5). Similar accuracy was achieved when implementing deep learning for MR-guided RT. On average, automatic segmentations required ~10 minutes to generate per patient and deep learning only required 14 seconds. The inclusion of CS in the treatment planning process did not yield statistically significant changes in plan complexity, PTV, or OAR dose. Automatic segmentation results from deep learning pose major efficiency and accuracy gains for CS segmentation offering high potential for rapid implementation into radiation therapy planning for improved cardiac sparing. Introducing CS into RT planning for MR-guided RT presented an opportunity for more effective sparing with limited increase in plan complexity

    Implicit deformable models for biomedical image segmentation.

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    In this thesis, new methods for the efficient segmentation of images are presented. The proposed methods are based on the deformable model approach, and can be used efficiently in the segmentation of complex geometries from various imaging modalities. A novel deformable model that is based on a geometrically induced external force field which can be conveniently generalized to arbitrary dimensions is presented. This external force field is based on hypothesized interactions between the relative geometries of the deformable model and the object boundary characterized by image gradient. The evolution of the deformable model is solved using the level set method so that topological changes are handled automatically. The relative geometrical configurations between the deformable model and the object boundaries contributes to a dynamic vector force field that changes accordingly as the deformable model evolves. The geometrically induced dynamic interaction force has been shown to greatly improve the deformable model performance in acquiring complex geometries and highly concave boundaries, and give the deformable model a high invariance in initialization configurations. The voxel interactions across the whole image domain provides a global view of the object boundary representation, giving the external force a long attraction range. The bidirectionality of the external force held allows the new deformable model to deal with arbitrary cross-boundary initializations, and facilitates the handling of weak edges and broken boundaries. In addition, it is shown that by enhancing the geometrical interaction field with a nonlocal edge-preserving algorithm, the new deformable model can effectively overcome image noise. A comparative study on the segmentation of various geometries with different topologies from both synthetic and real images is provided, and the proposed method is shown to achieve significant improvements against several existing techniques. A robust framework for the segmentation of vascular geometries is described. In particular, the framework consists of image denoising, optimal object edge representation, and segmentation using implicit deformable model. The image denoising is based on vessel enhancing diffusion which can be used to smooth out image noise and enhance the vessel structures. The image object boundaries are derived using an edge detection technique which can produce object edges of single pixel width. The image edge information is then used to derive the geometric interaction field for optimal object edge representation. The vascular geometries are segmented using an implict deformable model. A region constraint is added to the deformable model which allows it to easily get around calcified regions and propagate across the vessels to segment the structures efficiently. The presented framework is ai)plied in the accurate segmentation of carotid geometries from medical images. A new segmentation model with statistical shape prior using a variational approach is also presented in this thesis. The proposed model consists of an image attraction force that propagates contours towards image object boundaries, and a global shape force that attracts the model towards similar shapes in the statistical shape distribution. The image attraction force is derived from gradient vector interactions across the whole image domain, which makes the model more robust to image noise, weak edges and initializations. The statistical shape information is incorporated using kernel density estimation, which allows the shape prior model to handle arbitrary shape variations. It is shown that the proposed model with shape prior can be used to segment object shapes from images efficiently

    CLAIRE: Scalable GPU-Accelerated Algorithms for Diffeomorphic Image Registration in 3D

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    We present our work on scalable, GPU-accelerated algorithms for diffeomorphic image registration. The associated software package is termed CLAIRE. Image registration is a non-linear inverse problem. It is about computing a spatial mapping from one image of the same object or scene to another. In diffeomorphic image registration, the set of admissible spatial transformations is restricted to maps that are smooth, one-to-one, and have a smooth inverse. We formulate diffeomorphic image registration as a variational problem governed by transport equations. We use an inexact, globalized (Gauss--)Newton--Krylov method for numerical optimization. We consider semi-Lagrangian methods for numerical time integration. Our solver features mixed-precision, hardware-accelerated computational kernels for optimal computational throughput. We use the message-passing interface for distributed-memory parallelism and deploy our code on modern high-performance computing architectures. Our solver allows us to solve clinically relevant problems in under four seconds on a single GPU. It can also be applied to large-scale 3D imaging applications with data that is discretized on meshes with billions of voxels. We demonstrate that our numerical framework yields high-fidelity results in only a few seconds, even if we search for an optimal regularization parameter