3,819 research outputs found

    Hybrid Image Classification Technique for Land-Cover Mapping in the Arctic Tundra, North Slope, Alaska

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    Remotely sensed image classification techniques are very useful to understand vegetation patterns and species combination in the vast and mostly inaccessible arctic region. Previous researches that were done for mapping of land cover and vegetation in the remote areas of northern Alaska have considerably low accuracies compared to other biomes. The unique arctic tundra environment with short growing season length, cloud cover, low sun angles, snow and ice cover hinders the effectiveness of remote sensing studies. The majority of image classification research done in this area as reported in the literature used traditional unsupervised clustering technique with Landsat MSS data. It was also emphasized by previous researchers that SPOT/HRV-XS data lacked the spectral resolution to identify the small arctic tundra vegetation parcels. Thus, there is a motivation and research need to apply a new classification technique to develop an updated, detailed and accurate vegetation map at a higher spatial resolution i.e. SPOT-5 data. Traditional classification techniques in remotely sensed image interpretation are based on spectral reflectance values with an assumption of the training data being normally distributed. Hence it is difficult to add ancillary data in classification procedures to improve accuracy. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a hybrid image classification approach that effectively integrates ancillary information into the classification process and combines ISODATA clustering, rule-based classifier and the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier which uses artificial neural network (ANN). The main goal was to find out the best possible combination or sequence of classifiers for typically classifying tundra type vegetation that yields higher accuracy than the existing classified vegetation map from SPOT data. Unsupervised ISODATA clustering and rule-based classification techniques were combined to produce an intermediate classified map which was used as an input to a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier. The result from the MLP classifier was compared to the previous classified map and for the pixels where there was a disagreement for the class allocations, the class having a higher kappa value was assigned to the pixel in the final classified map. The results were compared to standard classification techniques: simple unsupervised clustering technique and supervised classification with Feature Analyst. The results indicated higher classification accuracy (75.6%, with kappa value of .6840) for the proposed hybrid classification method than the standard classification techniques: unsupervised clustering technique (68.3%, with kappa value of 0.5904) and supervised classification with Feature Analyst (62.44%, with kappa value of 0.5418). The results were statistically significant at 95% confidence level

    Data mining techniques on satellite images for discovery of risk areas

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    The high rates of cholera epidemic mortality in less developed countries is a challenge for health fa- cilities to which it is necessary to equip itself with the epidemiological surveillance. To strengthen the capacity of epidemiological surveillance, this paper focuses on remote sensing satellite data processing using data mining methods to discover risk areas of the epidemic disease by connecting the environ- ment, climate and health. These satellite data are combined with field data collected during the same set of periods in order to explain and deduct the causes of the epidemic evolution from one period to another in relation to the environment. The existing technical (algorithms) for processing satellite im- ages are mature and efficient, so the challenge today is to provide the most suitable means allowing the best interpretation of obtained results. For that, we focus on supervised classification algorithm to process a set of satellite images from the same area but on different periods. A novel research method- ology (describing pre-treatment, data mining, and post-treatment) is proposed to ensure suitable means for transforming data, generating information and extracting knowledge. This methodology consists of six phases: (1.A) Acquisition of information from the field about epidemic, (1.B) Satellite data acquisition, (2) Selection and transformation of data (Data derived from images), (3) Remote sensing measurements, (4) Discretization of data, (5) Data treatment, and (6) Interpretation of results. The main contributions of the paper are: to establish the nature of links between the environment and the epidemic, and to highlight those risky environments when the public awareness of the problem and the prevention policies are absolutely necessary for mitigation of the propagation and emergence of the epidemic. This will allow national governments, local authorities and the public health officials to effective management according to risk areas. The case study concerns the knowledge discovery in databases related to risk areas of the cholera epidemic in Mopti region, Mali (West Africa). The results generate from data mining association rules indicate that the level of the Niger River in the wintering periods and some societal factors have an impact on the variation of cholera epidemic rate in Mopti town. More the river level is high, at 66% the rate of contamination is high

    Measuring River Wetted Width from Remotely Sensed Imagery at the Subpixel Scale with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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    River wetted width (RWW) is an important variable in the study of river hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Presently, RWW is often measured from remotely sensed imagery and the accuracy of RWW estimation is typically low when coarse spatial resolution imagery is used because river boundaries often run through pixels that represent a region that is a mixture of water and land. Thus, when conventional hard classification methods are used in the estimation of RWW, the mixed pixel problem can become a large source of error. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel approach to measure RWW at the sub‐pixel scale. Spectral unmixing is first applied to the imagery to obtain a water fraction image that indicates the proportional coverage of water in image pixels. A fine spatial resolution river map from which RWW may be estimated is then produced from the water fraction image by super‐resolution mapping (SRM). In the SRM analysis, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to eliminate the negative effects of water fraction errors and reconstruct the geographical distribution of water. The proposed approach is assessed in two experiments, with the results demonstrating that the CNN based SRM model can effectively estimate sub‐pixel scale details of rivers, and that the accuracy of RWW estimation is substantially higher than that obtained from the use of a conventional hard image classification. The improvement shows that the proposed method has great potential to derive more accurate RWW values from remotely sensed imagery

    Classification using semantic feature and machine learning: Land-use case application

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    Land cover classification has interested recent works especially for deforestation, urban are monitoring and agricultural land use. Traditional classification approaches have limited accuracy especially for non-heterogeneous land cover. Thus, using machine may improve the classification accuracy. The presented paper deals with the land-use scene recognition on very high-resolution remote sensing imagery. We proposed a new framework based on semantic features, handcrafted features and machine learning classifiers decisions. The method starts by semantic feature extraction using a convolutional neural network. Handcraft features are also extracted based on color and multi-resolution characteristics. Then, the classification stage is processed by three learning machine algorithms. The final classification result performed by majority vote algorithm. The idea behind is to take advantages from semantic features and handcrafted features. The second scope is to use the decision fusion to enhance the classification result. Experimentation results show that the proposed method provides good accuracy and trustable tool for land use image identification

    Geoscience-aware deep learning:A new paradigm for remote sensing

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    Information extraction is a key activity for remote sensing images. A common distinction exists between knowledge-driven and data-driven methods. Knowledge-driven methods have advanced reasoning ability and interpretability, but have difficulty in handling complicated tasks since prior knowledge is usually limited when facing the highly complex spatial patterns and geoscience phenomena found in reality. Data-driven models, especially those emerging in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), have achieved substantial progress in geoscience and remote sensing applications. Although DL models have powerful feature learning and representation capabilities, traditional DL has inherent problems including working as a black box and generally requiring a large number of labeled training data. The focus of this paper is on methods that integrate domain knowledge, such as geoscience knowledge and geoscience features (GK/GFs), into the design of DL models. The paper introduces the new paradigm of geoscience-aware deep learning (GADL), in which GK/GFs and DL models are combined deeply to extract information from remote sensing data. It first provides a comprehensive summary of GK/GFs used in GADL, which forms the basis for subsequent integration of GK/GFs with DL models. This is followed by a taxonomy of approaches for integrating GK/GFs with DL models. Several approaches are detailed using illustrative examples. Challenges and research prospects in GADL are then discussed. Developing more novel and advanced methods in GADL is expected to become the prevailing trend in advancing remotely sensed information extraction in the future.</p

    Image mining: trends and developments

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    [Abstract]: Advances in image acquisition and storage technology have led to tremendous growth in very large and detailed image databases. These images, if analyzed, can reveal useful information to the human users. Image mining deals with the extraction of implicit knowledge, image data relationship, or other patterns not explicitly stored in the images. Image mining is more than just an extension of data mining to image domain. It is an interdisciplinary endeavor that draws upon expertise in computer vision, image processing, image retrieval, data mining, machine learning, database, and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we will examine the research issues in image mining, current developments in image mining, particularly, image mining frameworks, state-of-the-art techniques and systems. We will also identify some future research directions for image mining
