18 research outputs found

    Transparent encryption with scalable video communication: Lower-latency, CABAC-based schemes

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    Selective encryption masks all of the content without completely hiding it, as full encryption would do at a cost in encryption delay and increased bandwidth. Many commercial applications of video encryption do not even require selective encryption, because greater utility can be gained from transparent encryption, i.e. allowing prospective viewers to glimpse a reduced quality version of the content as a taster. Our lightweight selective encryption scheme when applied to scalable video coding is well suited to transparent encryption. The paper illustrates the gains in reducing delay and increased distortion arising from a transparent encryption that leaves reduced quality base layer in the clear. Reduced encryption of B-frames is a further step beyond transparent encryption in which the computational overhead reduction is traded against content security and limited distortion. This spectrum of video encryption possibilities is analyzed in this paper, though all of the schemes maintain decoder compatibility and add no bitrate overhead as a result of jointly encoding and encrypting the input video by virtue of carefully selecting the entropy coding parameters that are encrypted. The schemes are suitable both for H.264 and HEVC codecs, though demonstrated in the paper for H.264. Selected Content Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) parameters are encrypted by a lightweight Exclusive OR technique, which is chosen for practicality

    Surveillance centric coding

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    PhDThe research work presented in this thesis focuses on the development of techniques specific to surveillance videos for efficient video compression with higher processing speed. The Scalable Video Coding (SVC) techniques are explored to achieve higher compression efficiency. The framework of SVC is modified to support Surveillance Centric Coding (SCC). Motion estimation techniques specific to surveillance videos are proposed in order to speed up the compression process of the SCC. The main contributions of the research work presented in this thesis are divided into two groups (i) Efficient Compression and (ii) Efficient Motion Estimation. The paradigm of Surveillance Centric Coding (SCC) is introduced, in which coding aims to achieve bit-rate optimisation and adaptation of surveillance videos for storing and transmission purposes. In the proposed approach the SCC encoder communicates with the Video Content Analysis (VCA) module that detects events of interest in video captured by the CCTV. Bit-rate optimisation and adaptation are achieved by exploiting the scalability properties of the employed codec. Time segments containing events relevant to surveillance application are encoded using high spatiotemporal resolution and quality while the irrelevant portions from the surveillance standpoint are encoded at low spatio-temporal resolution and / or quality. Thanks to the scalability of the resulting compressed bit-stream, additional bit-rate adaptation is possible; for instance for the transmission purposes. Experimental evaluation showed that significant reduction in bit-rate can be achieved by the proposed approach without loss of information relevant to surveillance applications. In addition to more optimal compression strategy, novel approaches to performing efficient motion estimation specific to surveillance videos are proposed and implemented with experimental results. A real-time background subtractor is used to detect the presence of any motion activity in the sequence. Different approaches for selective motion estimation, GOP based, Frame based and Block based, are implemented. In the former, motion estimation is performed for the whole group of pictures (GOP) only when a moving object is detected for any frame of the GOP. iii While for the Frame based approach; each frame is tested for the motion activity and consequently for selective motion estimation. The selective motion estimation approach is further explored at a lower level as Block based selective motion estimation. Experimental evaluation showed that significant reduction in computational complexity can be achieved by applying the proposed strategy. In addition to selective motion estimation, a tracker based motion estimation and fast full search using multiple reference frames has been proposed for the surveillance videos. Extensive testing on different surveillance videos shows benefits of application of proposed approaches to achieve the goals of the SCC

    Schémas de tatouage d'images, schémas de tatouage conjoint à la compression, et schémas de dissimulation de données

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    In this manuscript we address data-hiding in images and videos. Specifically we address robust watermarking for images, robust watermarking jointly with compression, and finally non robust data-hiding.The first part of the manuscript deals with high-rate robust watermarking. After having briefly recalled the concept of informed watermarking, we study the two major watermarking families : trellis-based watermarking and quantized-based watermarking. We propose, firstly to reduce the computational complexity of the trellis-based watermarking, with a rotation based embedding, and secondly to introduce a trellis-based quantization in a watermarking system based on quantization.The second part of the manuscript addresses the problem of watermarking jointly with a JPEG2000 compression step or an H.264 compression step. The quantization step and the watermarking step are achieved simultaneously, so that these two steps do not fight against each other. Watermarking in JPEG2000 is achieved by using the trellis quantization from the part 2 of the standard. Watermarking in H.264 is performed on the fly, after the quantization stage, choosing the best prediction through the process of rate-distortion optimization. We also propose to integrate a Tardos code to build an application for traitors tracing.The last part of the manuscript describes the different mechanisms of color hiding in a grayscale image. We propose two approaches based on hiding a color palette in its index image. The first approach relies on the optimization of an energetic function to get a decomposition of the color image allowing an easy embedding. The second approach consists in quickly obtaining a color palette of larger size and then in embedding it in a reversible way.Dans ce manuscrit nous abordons l’insertion de donnĂ©es dans les images et les vidĂ©os. Plus particuliĂšrement nous traitons du tatouage robuste dans les images, du tatouage robuste conjointement Ă  la compression et enfin de l’insertion de donnĂ©es (non robuste).La premiĂšre partie du manuscrit traite du tatouage robuste Ă  haute capacitĂ©. AprĂšs avoir briĂšvement rappelĂ© le concept de tatouage informĂ©, nous Ă©tudions les deux principales familles de tatouage : le tatouage basĂ© treillis et le tatouage basĂ© quantification. Nous proposons d’une part de rĂ©duire la complexitĂ© calculatoire du tatouage basĂ© treillis par une approche d’insertion par rotation, ainsi que d’autre part d’introduire une approche par quantification basĂ©e treillis au seind’un systĂšme de tatouage basĂ© quantification.La deuxiĂšme partie du manuscrit aborde la problĂ©matique de tatouage conjointement Ă  la phase de compression par JPEG2000 ou par H.264. L’idĂ©e consiste Ă  faire en mĂȘme temps l’étape de quantification et l’étape de tatouage, de sorte que ces deux Ă©tapes ne « luttent pas » l’une contre l’autre. Le tatouage au sein de JPEG2000 est effectuĂ© en dĂ©tournant l’utilisation de la quantification basĂ©e treillis de la partie 2 du standard. Le tatouage au sein de H.264 est effectuĂ© Ă  la volĂ©e, aprĂšs la phase de quantification, en choisissant la meilleure prĂ©diction via le processus d’optimisation dĂ©bit-distorsion. Nous proposons Ă©galement d’intĂ©grer un code de Tardos pour construire une application de traçage de traĂźtres.La derniĂšre partie du manuscrit dĂ©crit les diffĂ©rents mĂ©canismes de dissimulation d’une information couleur au sein d’une image en niveaux de gris. Nous proposons deux approches reposant sur la dissimulation d’une palette couleur dans son image d’index. La premiĂšre approche consiste Ă  modĂ©liser le problĂšme puis Ă  l’optimiser afin d’avoir une bonne dĂ©composition de l’image couleur ainsi qu’une insertion aisĂ©e. La seconde approche consiste Ă  obtenir, de maniĂšre rapide et sĂ»re, une palette de plus grande dimension puis Ă  l’insĂ©rer de maniĂšre rĂ©versible

    Efficient and Robust Video Steganography Algorithms for Secure Data Communication

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    Over the last two decades, the science of secretly embedding and communicating data has gained tremendous significance due to the technological advancement in communication and digital content. Steganography is the art of concealing secret data in a particular interactive media transporter such as text, audio, image, and video data in order to build a covert communication between authorized parties. Nowadays, video steganography techniques are important in many video-sharing and social networking applications such as Livestreaming, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook because of noteworthy developments in advanced video over the Internet. The performance of any steganography method, ultimately, relies on the imperceptibility, hiding capacity, and robustness against attacks. Although many video steganography methods exist, several of them lack the preprocessing stages. In addition, less security, low embedding capacity, less imperceptibility, and less robustness against attacks are other issues that affect these algorithms. This dissertation investigates and analyzes cutting edge video steganography techniques in both compressed and raw domains. Moreover, it provides solutions for the aforementioned problems by proposing new and effective methods for digital video steganography. The key objectives of this research are to develop: 1) a highly secure video steganography algorithm based on error correcting codes (ECC); 2) an increased payload video steganography algorithm in the discrete wavelet domain based on ECC; 3) a novel video steganography algorithm based on Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) tracking and ECC; 4) a robust video steganography algorithm in the wavelet domain based on KLT tracking and ECC; 5) a new video steganography algorithm based on the multiple object tracking (MOT) and ECC; and 6) a robust and secure video steganography algorithm in the discrete wavelet and discrete cosine transformations based on MOT and ECC. The experimental results from our research demonstrate that our proposed algorithms achieve higher embedding capacity as well as better imperceptibility of stego videos. Furthermore, the preprocessing stages increase the security and robustness of the proposed algorithms against attacks when compared to state-of-the-art steganographic methods

    Description-driven Adaptation of Media Resources

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    The current multimedia landscape is characterized by a significant diversity in terms of available media formats, network technologies, and device properties. This heterogeneity has resulted in a number of new challenges, such as providing universal access to multimedia content. A solution for this diversity is the use of scalable bit streams, as well as the deployment of a complementary system that is capable of adapting scalable bit streams to the constraints imposed by a particular usage environment (e.g., the limited screen resolution of a mobile device). This dissertation investigates the use of an XML-driven (Extensible Markup Language) framework for the format-independent adaptation of scalable bit streams. Using this approach, the structure of a bit stream is first translated into an XML description. In a next step, the resulting XML description is transformed to reflect a desired adaptation of the bit stream. Finally, the transformed XML description is used to create an adapted bit stream that is suited for playback in the targeted usage environment. The main contribution of this dissertation is BFlavor, a new tool for exposing the syntax of binary media resources as an XML description. Its development was inspired by two other technologies, i.e. MPEG-21 BSDL (Bitstream Syntax Description Language) and XFlavor (Formal Language for Audio-Visual Object Representation, extended with XML features). Although created from a different point of view, both languages offer solutions for translating the syntax of a media resource into an XML representation for further processing. BFlavor (BSDL+XFlavor) harmonizes the two technologies by combining their strengths and eliminating their weaknesses. The expressive power and performance of a BFlavor-based content adaptation chain, compared to tool chains entirely based on either BSDL or XFlavor, were investigated by several experiments. One series of experiments targeted the exploitation of multi-layered temporal scalability in H.264/AVC, paying particular attention to the use of sub-sequences and hierarchical coding patterns, as well as to the use of metadata messages to communicate the bit stream structure to the adaptation logic. BFlavor was the only tool to offer an elegant and practical solution for XML-driven adaptation of H.264/AVC bit streams in the temporal domain

    Serviços Web para o processamento e gestĂŁo de conteĂșdo A/V em ambientes profissionais de TV

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    Estågio realizado na MOG Solutions, S. ATese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Major Telecommunications. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Slice-Level Trading of Quality and Performance in Decoding H.264 Video: Slice-basiertes AbwÀgen zwischen QualitÀt und Leistung beim Dekodieren von H.264-Video

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    When a demanding video decoding task requires more CPU resources then available, playback degrades ungracefully today: The decoder skips frames selected arbitrarily or by simple heuristics, which is noticed by the viewer as jerky motion in the good case or as images completely breaking up in the bad case. The latter can happen due to missing reference frames. This thesis provides a way to schedule individual decoding tasks based on a cost for performance trade. Therefore, I will present a way to preprocess a video, generating estimates for the cost in terms of execution time and the performance in terms of perceived visual quality. The granularity of the scheduling decision is a single slice, which leads to a much more ïŹne-grained approach than dealing with entire frames. Together with an actual scheduler implementation that uses the generated estimates, this work allows for higher perceived quality video playback in case of CPU overload.Wenn eine anspruchsvolle Video-Dekodierung mehr Prozessor-Ressourcen benötigt, als verfĂŒgbar sind, dann verschlechtert sich die AbspielqualitĂ€t mit aktuellen Methoden drastisch: WillkĂŒrlich oder mit einfachen Heuristiken ausgewĂ€hlten Bilder werden nicht dekodiert. Diese Auslassung nimmt der Betrachter im gĂŒnstigsten Fall nur als ruckelnde Bewegung wahr, im ungĂŒnstigen Fall jedoch als komplettes Zusammenbrechen nachfolgender Bilder durch Folgefehler im Dekodierprozess. Meine Arbeit ermöglicht es, einzelne Teilaufgaben des Dekodierprozesses anhand einer Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse einzuplanen. DafĂŒr ermittle ich die Kosten im Sinne von Rechenzeitbedarf und den Nutzen im Sinne von visueller QualitĂ€t fĂŒr einzelne Slices eines H.264 Videos. Zusammen mit einer Implementierung eines Schedulers, der diese Werte nutzt, erlaubt meine Arbeit höhere vom Betrachter wahrgenommene VideoqualitĂ€t bei knapper Prozessorzeit

    Detection and representation of moving objects for video surveillance

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    In this dissertation two new approaches have been introduced for the automatic detection of moving objects (such as people and vehicles) in video surveillance sequences. The first technique analyses the original video and exploits spatial and temporal information to find those pixels in the images that correspond to moving objects. The second technique analyses video sequences that have been encoded according to a recent video coding standard (H.264/AVC). As such, only the compressed features are analyzed to find moving objects. The latter technique results in a very fast and accurate detection (up to 20 times faster than the related work). Lastly, we investigated how different XML-based metadata standards can be used to represent information about these moving objects. We proposed the usage of Semantic Web Technologies to combine information described according to different metadata standards

    Scalable Video Streaming with Prioritised Network Coding on End-System Overlays

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    PhDDistribution over the internet is destined to become a standard approach for live broadcasting of TV or events of nation-wide interest. The demand for high-quality live video with personal requirements is destined to grow exponentially over the next few years. Endsystem multicast is a desirable option for relieving the content server from bandwidth bottlenecks and computational load by allowing decentralised allocation of resources to the users and distributed service management. Network coding provides innovative solutions for a multitude of issues related to multi-user content distribution, such as the coupon-collection problem, allocation and scheduling procedure. This thesis tackles the problem of streaming scalable video on end-system multicast overlays with prioritised push-based streaming. We analyse the characteristic arising from a random coding process as a linear channel operator, and present a novel error detection and correction system for error-resilient decoding, providing one of the first practical frameworks for Joint Source-Channel-Network coding. Our system outperforms both network error correction and traditional FEC coding when performed separately. We then present a content distribution system based on endsystem multicast. Our data exchange protocol makes use of network coding as a way to collaboratively deliver data to several peers. Prioritised streaming is performed by means of hierarchical network coding and a dynamic chunk selection for optimised rate allocation based on goodput statistics at application layer. We prove, by simulated experiments, the efficient allocation of resources for adaptive video delivery. Finally we describe the implementation of our coding system. We highlighting the use rateless coding properties, discuss the application in collaborative and distributed coding systems, and provide an optimised implementation of the decoding algorithm with advanced CPU instructions. We analyse computational load and packet loss protection via lab tests and simulations, complementing the overall analysis of the video streaming system in all its components