2,726 research outputs found

    Master slave en-face OCT/SLO

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    Master Slave optical coherence tomography (MS-OCT) is an OCT method that does not require resampling of data and can be used to deliver en-face images from several depths simultaneously. As the MS-OCT method requires important computational resources, the number of multiple depth en-face images that can be produced in real-time is limited. Here, we demonstrate progress in taking advantage of the parallel processing feature of the MS-OCT technology. Harnessing the capabilities of graphics processing units (GPU)s, information from 384 depth positions is acquired in one raster with real time display of up to 40 en-face OCT images. These exhibit comparable resolution and sensitivity to the images produced using the conventional Fourier domain based method. The GPU facilitates versatile real time selection of parameters, such as the depth positions of the 40 images out of the set of 384 depth locations, as well as their axial resolution. In each updated displayed frame, in parallel with the 40 en-face OCT images, a scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) lookalike image is presented together with two B-scan OCT images oriented along rectangular directions. The thickness of the SLO lookalike image is dynamically determined by the choice of number of en-face OCT images displayed in the frame and the choice of differential axial distance between them

    Beyond backscattering: Optical neuroimaging by BRAD

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a powerful technology for rapid volumetric imaging in biomedicine. The bright field imaging approach of conventional OCT systems is based on the detection of directly backscattered light, thereby waiving the wealth of information contained in the angular scattering distribution. Here we demonstrate that the unique features of few-mode fibers (FMF) enable simultaneous bright and dark field (BRAD) imaging for OCT. As backscattered light is picked up by the different modes of a FMF depending upon the angular scattering pattern, we obtain access to the directional scattering signatures of different tissues by decoupling illumination and detection paths. We exploit the distinct modal propagation properties of the FMF in concert with the long coherence lengths provided by modern wavelength-swept lasers to achieve multiplexing of the different modal responses into a combined OCT tomogram. We demonstrate BRAD sensing for distinguishing differently sized microparticles and showcase the performance of BRAD-OCT imaging with enhanced contrast for ex vivo tumorous tissue in glioblastoma and neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease

    Phase-dispersion optical tomography

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    We report on phase-dispersion optical tomography, a new imaging technique based on phase measurements using low-coherence interferometry. The technique simultaneously probes the target with fundamental and second-harmonic light and interferometrically measures the relative phase shift of the backscattered light fields. This phase change can arise either from reflection at an interface within a sample or from bulk refraction. We show that this highly sensitive 5 phase technique can complement optical coherence tomography, which measures electric field amplitude, by revealing otherwise undetectable dispersive variations in the sample

    Complex Master Slave Interferometry

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    A general theoretical model is developed to improve the novel Spectral Domain Interferometry method denoted as Master/Slave (MS) Interferometry. In this model, two functions, g and h are introduced to describe the modulation chirp of the channeled spectrum signal due to nonlinearities in the decoding process from wavenumber to time and due to dispersion in the interferometer. The utilization of these two functions brings two major improvements to previous implementations of the MS method. A first improvement consists in reducing the number of channeled spectra necessary to be collected at Master stage. In previous MSI implementation, the number of channeled spectra at the Master stage equated the number of depths where information was selected from at the Slave stage. The paper demonstrates that two experimental channeled spectra only acquired at Master stage suffice to produce A-scans from any number of resolved depths at the Slave stage. A second improvement is the utilization of complex signal processing. Previous MSI implementations discarded the phase. Complex processing of the electrical signal determined by the channeled spectrum allows phase processing that opens several novel avenues. A first consequence of such signal processing is reduction in the random component of the phase without affecting the axial resolution. In previous MSI implementations, phase instabilities were reduced by an average over the wavenumber that led to reduction in the axial resolution

    Molecular Contrast Optical Coherence Tomography: A Review

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    This article reviews the current state of research on the use of molecular contrast agents in optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging techniques. After a brief discussion of the basic principle of OCT and the importance of incorporating molecular contrast agent usage into this imaging modality, we shall present an overview of the different molecular contrast OCT (MCOCT) methods that have been developed thus far. We will then discuss several important practical issues that define the possible range of contrast agent choice, the design criteria for engineered molecular contrast agent and the implementability of a given MCOCT method for clinical or biological applications. We will conclude by outlining a few areas of pursuit that deserve a greater degree of research and development

    Sculpting oscillators with light within a nonlinear quantum fluid

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    Seeing macroscopic quantum states directly remains an elusive goal. Particles with boson symmetry can condense into such quantum fluids producing rich physical phenomena as well as proven potential for interferometric devices [1-10]. However direct imaging of such quantum states is only fleetingly possible in high-vacuum ultracold atomic condensates, and not in superconductors. Recent condensation of solid state polariton quasiparticles, built from mixing semiconductor excitons with microcavity photons, offers monolithic devices capable of supporting room temperature quantum states [11-14] that exhibit superfluid behaviour [15,16]. Here we use microcavities on a semiconductor chip supporting two-dimensional polariton condensates to directly visualise the formation of a spontaneously oscillating quantum fluid. This system is created on the fly by injecting polaritons at two or more spatially-separated pump spots. Although oscillating at tuneable THz-scale frequencies, a simple optical microscope can be used to directly image their stable archetypal quantum oscillator wavefunctions in real space. The self-repulsion of polaritons provides a solid state quasiparticle that is so nonlinear as to modify its own potential. Interference in time and space reveals the condensate wavepackets arise from non-equilibrium solitons. Control of such polariton condensate wavepackets demonstrates great potential for integrated semiconductor-based condensate devices.Comment: accepted in Nature Physic

    A Novel Automatic Method to Estimate Visual Acuity and Analyze the Retinal Vasculature in Retinal Vein Occlusion Using Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

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    The assessment of vascular biomarkers and their correlation with visual acuity is one of the most important issues in the diagnosis and follow-up of retinal vein occlusions (RVOs). The high workloads of clinical practice make it necessary to have a fast, objective, and automatic method to analyze image features and correlate them with visual function. The aim of this study is to propose a fully automatic system which is capable of estimating visual acuity (VA) in RVO eyes, based only on information obtained from macular optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. We also propose an automatic methodology to rapidly measure the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) area and the vascular density (VD) in the superficial and deep capillary plexuses in swept-source OCTA images centered on the fovea. The proposed methodology is validated using a representative sample of 133 visits of 50 RVO patients. Our methodology estimates VA with very high precision and is even more accurate when we integrate depth information, providing a high correlation index of 0.869 with the real VA, which outperforms the correlation index of 0.855 obtained when estimating VA from the data obtained by the semiautomatic existing method. In conclusion, the proposed method is the first computational system able to estimate VA in RVO, with the additional benefits of being automatic, less time-consuming, objective and more accurate. Furthermore, the proposed method is able to integrate depth information, a feature which is lacking in the existing methodThis work has received partial financial support from the Mutua Madrileña project, Ref. 2017/365S