16 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of various machine learning algorithms for ransomware detection

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    Recently, the ransomware attack posed a serious threat that targets a wide range of organizations and individuals for financial gain. So, there is a real need to initiate more innovative methods that are capable of proactively detect and prevent this type of attack. Multiple approaches were innovated to detect attacks using different techniques. One of these techniques is machine learning techniques which provide reasonable results, in most attack detection systems. In the current article, different machine learning techniques are tested to analyze its ability in a detection ransomware attack. The top 1000 features extracted from raw byte with the use of gain ratio as a feature selection method. Three different classifiers (decision tree (J48), random forest, radial basis function (RBF) network) available in Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) based machine learning tool are evaluated to achieve significant detection accuracy of ransomware. The result shows that random forest gave the best detection accuracy almost around 98%

    Android Application Security Scanning Process

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    This chapter presents the security scanning process for Android applications. The aim is to guide researchers and developers to the core phases/steps required to analyze Android applications, check their trustworthiness, and protect Android users and their devices from being victims to different malware attacks. The scanning process is comprehensive, explaining the main phases and how they are conducted including (a) the download of the apps themselves; (b) Android application package (APK) reverse engineering; (c) app feature extraction, considering both static and dynamic analysis; (d) dataset creation and/or utilization; and (e) data analysis and data mining that result in producing detection systems, classification systems, and ranking systems. Furthermore, this chapter highlights the app features, evaluation metrics, mechanisms and tools, and datasets that are frequently used during the app’s security scanning process

    energy consumption metrics for mobile device dynamic malware detection

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    Abstract The ineffectiveness of signature-based malware detection systems prevents the detection of malware, even objects of trivial obfuscation techniques, makes mobile devices vulnerable. In this paper a dynamic technique to detect malware on Android platform is proposed. We exploit a set of energy related features i.e., feature which can be symptomatic of abnormal battery consumption. We built different models exploiting four different supervised machine learning classification algorithms, obtaining for all the evaluated models an accuracy greater than 0.91

    Malware detection at runtime for resource-constrained mobile devices: data-driven approach

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    The number of smart and connected mobile devices is increasing, bringing enormous possibilities to users in various domains and transforming everything that we get in touch with into smart. Thus, we have smart watches, smart phones, smart homes, and finally even smart cities. Increased smartness of mobile devices means that they contain more valuable information about their users, more decision making capabilities, and more control over sometimes even life-critical systems. Although, on one side, all of these are necessary in order to enable mobile devices maintain their main purpose to help and support people, on the other, it opens new vulnerabilities. Namely, with increased number and volume of smart devices, also the interest of attackers to abuse them is rising, making their security one of the main challenges. The main mean that the attackers use in order to abuse mobile devices is malicious software, shortly called malware. One way to protect against malware is by using static analysis, that investigates the nature of software by analyzing its static features. However, this technique detects well only known malware and it is prone to obfuscation, which means that it is relatively easy to create a new malicious sample that would be able to pass the radar. Thus, alone, is not powerful enough to protect the users against increasing malicious attacks. The other way to cope with malware is through dynamic analysis, where the nature of the software is decided based on its behavior during its execution on a device. This is a promising solution, because while the code of the software can be easily changed to appear as new, the same cannot be done with ease with its behavior when being executed. However, in order to achieve high accuracy dynamic analysis usually requires computational resources that are beyond suitable for battery-operated mobile devices. This is further complicated if, in addition to detecting the presence of malware, we also want to understand which type of malware it is, in order to trigger suitable countermeasures. Finally, the decisions on potential infections have to happen early enough, to guarantee minimal exposure to the attacks. Fulfilling these requirements in a mobile, battery-operated environments is a challenging task, for which, to the best of our knowledge, a suitable solution is not yet proposed. In this thesis, we pave the way towards such a solution by proposing a dynamic malware detection system that is able to early detect malware that appears at runtime and that provides useful information to discriminate between diverse types of malware while taking into account limited resources of mobile devices. On a mobile device we monitor a set of the representative features for presence of malware and based on them we trigger an alarm if software infection is observed. When this happens, we analyze a set of previously stored information relevant for malware classification, in order to understand what type of malware is being executed. In order to make the detection efficient and suitable for resource-constrained environments of mobile devices, we minimize the set of observed system parameters to only the most informative ones for both detection and classification. Additionally, since sampling period of monitoring infrastructure is directly connected to the power consumption, we take it into account as an important parameter of the development of the detection system. In order to make detection effective, we use dynamic features related to memory, CPU, system calls and network as they reflect well the behavior of a system. Our experiments show that the monitoring with a sampling period of eight seconds gives a good trade-off between detection accuracy, detection time and consumed power. Using it and by monitoring a set of only seven dynamic features (six related to the behavior of memory and one of CPU), we are able to provide a detection solution that satisfies the initial requirements and to detect malware at runtime with F- measure of 0.85, within 85.52 seconds of its execution, and with consumed average power of 20mW. Apart from observed features containing enough information to discriminate between malicious and benign applications, our results show that they can also be used to discriminate between diverse behavior of malware, reflected in different malware families. Using small number of features we are able to identify the presence of the malicious records from the considered family with precision of up to 99.8%. In addition to the standalone use of the proposed detection solution, we have also used it in a hybrid scenario where the applications were first analyzed by a static method, and it was able to detect correctly all the malware previously undetected by static analysis with false positive rate of 3.81% and average detection time of 44.72s. The method, we have designed, tested and validated, has been applied on a smartphone running on Android Operating System. However, since in the design of this method efficient usage of available computational resources was one of our main criteria, we are confident that the method as such can be applied also on the other battery-operated mobile devices of Internet of Things, in order to provide an effective and efficient system able to counter the ever-increasing and ever-evolving number and a variety of malicious attacks

    RanAware, analysis and detection of ransomware on Windows systems

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    These past years the use of the computers increased significantly with the introduction of the home office policy caused by the pandemic. This grow has been accompanied by malware attacks and ransomware in particular. Therefore, it is mandatory to have a system able to protect, to prevent and to reduce the impact that this type of malware has in an organization. RanAware is a tool that performs an early ransomware detection based on recording file system operations. This information allows RanAware to monitor activity on the file system, collect and process statistics used to determine the presence of a ransomware in the system. After detection, RanAware handles the termination and isolation of the malicious program as well as the creation of an activity report of the ransomware operations. In addition, this project performs an evaluation of the impact that RanAware has in a system

    Telecommunication Systems

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    This book is based on both industrial and academic research efforts in which a number of recent advancements and rare insights into telecommunication systems are well presented. The volume is organized into four parts: "Telecommunication Protocol, Optimization, and Security Frameworks", "Next-Generation Optical Access Technologies", "Convergence of Wireless-Optical Networks" and "Advanced Relay and Antenna Systems for Smart Networks." Chapters within these parts are self-contained and cross-referenced to facilitate further study

    Identifying Ransomware Through Statistical and Behavioural Analysis

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    Ransomware is a devastating type of malicious software that restricts a user's access to a digital asset of value, demanding a ransom in order to restore it. Ransomware attacks have only increased in popularity over the years and show no signs of abating. Moreover, the complexity and potential impact of these attacks have also increased, such that modern-day ransomware attacks are capable of bringing businesses and organisations to a standstill, with ransom demands often in excess of millions of pounds. The research presented in this thesis aims to contribute to a stronger foundation of knowledge regarding this relatively new cyberthreat through the development of several novel countermeasures. An in-depth analysis of current state-of-the-art anti-ransomware tools was conducted, through which an overall preference towards statistical and behavioural detection methods was identified. Additionally, several datasets and an analysis environment were constructed in order to identify and subsequently improve current statistical and behavioural approaches, contributing towards more effective ransomware detection. Untapped potential within statistical-based approaches to ransomware detection was clearly identified, showing that near-perfect classification rates were possible within the scope of our experiments. Despite the continual growth both in terms of frequency and sophistication of ransomware attacks, our results suggest that the significant differences in system behaviour observed during a ransomware attack are enough to identify and thwart ransomware attacks. Future work should pay particular attention to these clear fingerprints created by ransomware attacks, such that damages can largely be mitigated, alleviating the need to pay the ransom and thus toppling the underground ransomware economy