5,383 research outputs found

    Polymorphism and Type Inference in Database Programming

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    The polymorphic type system of ML can be extended in two ways that make it appropriate as the basis of a database programming language. The first is an extension to the language of types that captures the polymorphic nature of field selection; the second is a technique that generalizes relational operators to arbitrary data structures. The combination provides a statically typed language in which relational databases may be cleanly represented as typed structures. As in ML types are inferred, which relieves the programmer of making the rather complicated type assertions that may be required to express the most general type of a program that involves field selection and generalized relational operators. It is also possible to use these ideas to implement various aspects of object-oriented databases. By implementing database objects as reference types and generating the appropriate views - sets of structures with identity - we can achieve a degree of static type checking for object-oriented databases. Moreover it is possible to exploit the type system to check the consistency of object-oriented classes (abstract data types with inheritance). A prototype language based on these ideas has been implemented. While it lacks some important practical features, it demonstrates that a wide variety of database structures can be cleanly represented in a polymorphic programming language

    Type Classes for Mathematics in Type Theory

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    The introduction of first-class type classes in the Coq system calls for re-examination of the basic interfaces used for mathematical formalization in type theory. We present a new set of type classes for mathematics and take full advantage of their unique features to make practical a particularly flexible approach formerly thought infeasible. Thus, we address both traditional proof engineering challenges as well as new ones resulting from our ambition to build upon this development a library of constructive analysis in which abstraction penalties inhibiting efficient computation are reduced to a minimum. The base of our development consists of type classes representing a standard algebraic hierarchy, as well as portions of category theory and universal algebra. On this foundation we build a set of mathematically sound abstract interfaces for different kinds of numbers, succinctly expressed using categorical language and universal algebra constructions. Strategic use of type classes lets us support these high-level theory-friendly definitions while still enabling efficient implementations unhindered by gratuitous indirection, conversion or projection. Algebra thrives on the interplay between syntax and semantics. The Prolog-like abilities of type class instance resolution allow us to conveniently define a quote function, thus facilitating the use of reflective techniques

    Modules as values in a persistent object store

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    Journal ArticleWe report on an object manager (OM) providing persistent implementations for C ++ classes. Our OM generalizes this problem to that of managing persistent modules, where the module concept is an abstract data type (ADT). This approach permits a powerful suite of module manipulation operations to be applied uniformly to modules of many provenances, including non-class based entities such as conventional object files, application libraries, and shared system libraries. OMOS, a generalized linker and loader, plays a central role in our OM. Class implementations are represented by OMOS modules, which in turn are constructed from OMOS meta-objects encapsulating linkage blueprints. We cleanly solve the problems of (i) logically (but not physically) including executable object files in our OM, (ii) reconciling class inheritance history and linkage history, and (iii) supporting alternative implementations of a class, for client interoperability or version control

    Workshop on Database Programming Languages

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    These are the revised proceedings of the Workshop on Database Programming Languages held at Roscoff, Finistère, France in September of 1987. The last few years have seen an enormous activity in the development of new programming languages and new programming environments for databases. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together researchers from both databases and programming languages to discuss recent developments in the two areas in the hope of overcoming some of the obstacles that appear to prevent the construction of a uniform database programming environment. The workshop, which follows a previous workshop held in Appin, Scotland in 1985, was extremely successful. The organizers were delighted with both the quality and volume of the submissions for this meeting, and it was regrettable that more papers could not be accepted. Both the stimulating discussions and the excellent food and scenery of the Brittany coast made the meeting thoroughly enjoyable. There were three main foci for this workshop: the type systems suitable for databases (especially object-oriented and complex-object databases,) the representation and manipulation of persistent structures, and extensions to deductive databases that allow for more general and flexible programming. Many of the papers describe recent results, or work in progress, and are indicative of the latest research trends in database programming languages. The organizers are extremely grateful for the financial support given by CRAI (Italy), Altaïr (France) and AT&T (USA). We would also like to acknowledge the organizational help provided by Florence Deshors, Hélène Gans and Pauline Turcaud of Altaïr, and by Karen Carter of the University of Pennsylvania

    Gendered production and consumption in rural Africa

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    Recent research underscores the continued importance of gender in rural Africa. Analysis of interactions within households is becoming more sophisticated and continues to reject the unitary model. There is some evidence of discriminatory treatment of girls relative to boys, although the magnitudes of differential investments in health and schooling are not large and choices seem quite responsive to changes in opportunity costs. Social norms proscribing and prescribing male and female economic behavior remain substantial, extending into many domains, especially land tenure. Gender constructions are constantly evolving, although there is little evidence of rapid, transformative change in rural areas

    The programming language jigsaw: mixins, modularity and multiple in heritance

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    technical reportThis dissertation provides a framework for modularity in programming languages. In this framework known as Jigsaw, inheritance is understood to be an essential linguistic mechanism for module manipulation. In Jigsaw, the roles of classes in existing languages are "unbundled," by providing a suite of operators independently controlling such effects as combination, modification encapsulation name resolution and sharing all on the single notion of module. All module operators are forms of inheritance Thus, inheritance is not in conflict with modularity in this system but is indeed its foundation This allows a previously unobtainable spectrum of features to be combined in a cohesive manner including multiple inheritance mixins, encapsulation and strong typing. Jigsaw has a rigorous semantics based upon a denotational model of inheritance Jigsaw provides a notion of modularity independent of a particular computational paradigm Jigsaw can therefore be applied to a wide variety of languages especially special purpose languages where the effort of designing specific mechanisms for modularity is difficult to justify but which could still benefit from such mechanisms. The framework is used to derive an extension of Modula-3 that supports the new operations An efficient implementation strategy is developed for this extension The performance of this scheme is on a par with the methods employed by the highest performance object oriented language processors currently available