Modules as values in a persistent object store


Journal ArticleWe report on an object manager (OM) providing persistent implementations for C ++ classes. Our OM generalizes this problem to that of managing persistent modules, where the module concept is an abstract data type (ADT). This approach permits a powerful suite of module manipulation operations to be applied uniformly to modules of many provenances, including non-class based entities such as conventional object files, application libraries, and shared system libraries. OMOS, a generalized linker and loader, plays a central role in our OM. Class implementations are represented by OMOS modules, which in turn are constructed from OMOS meta-objects encapsulating linkage blueprints. We cleanly solve the problems of (i) logically (but not physically) including executable object files in our OM, (ii) reconciling class inheritance history and linkage history, and (iii) supporting alternative implementations of a class, for client interoperability or version control

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