209 research outputs found

    Full Text and Figure Display Improves Bioscience Literature Search

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    When reading bioscience journal articles, many researchers focus attention on the figures and their captions. This observation led to the development of the BioText literature search engine [1], a freely available Web-based application that allows biologists to search over the contents of Open Access Journals, and see figures from the articles displayed directly in the search results. This article presents a qualitative assessment of this system in the form of a usability study with 20 biologist participants using and commenting on the system. 19 out of 20 participants expressed a desire to use a bioscience literature search engine that displays articles' figures alongside the full text search results. 15 out of 20 participants said they would use a caption search and figure display interface either frequently or sometimes, while 4 said rarely and 1 said undecided. 10 out of 20 participants said they would use a tool for searching the text of tables and their captions either frequently or sometimes, while 7 said they would use it rarely if at all, 2 said they would never use it, and 1 was undecided. This study found evidence, supporting results of an earlier study, that bioscience literature search systems such as PubMed should show figures from articles alongside search results. It also found evidence that full text and captions should be searched along with the article title, metadata, and abstract. Finally, for a subset of users and information needs, allowing for explicit search within captions for figures and tables is a useful function, but it is not entirely clear how to cleanly integrate this within a more general literature search interface. Such a facility supports Open Access publishing efforts, as it requires access to full text of documents and the lifting of restrictions in order to show figures in the search interface

    Figure mining for biomedical research

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    Motivation: Figures from biomedical articles contain valuable information difficult to reach without specialized tools. Currently, there is no search engine that can retrieve specific figure types. Results: This study describes a retrieval method that takes advantage of principles in image understanding, text mining and optical character recognition (OCR) to retrieve figure types defined conceptually. A search engine was developed to retrieve tables and figure types to aid computational and experimental research. Availability: http://iossifovlab.cshl.edu/figurome Contact: [email protected]

    Adverse Drug Event Detection, Causality Inference, Patient Communication and Translational Research

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    Adverse drug events (ADEs) are injuries resulting from a medical intervention related to a drug. ADEs are responsible for nearly 20% of all the adverse events that occur in hospitalized patients. ADEs have been shown to increase the cost of health care and the length of stays in hospital. Therefore, detecting and preventing ADEs for pharmacovigilance is an important task that can improve the quality of health care and reduce the cost in a hospital setting. In this dissertation, we focus on the development of ADEtector, a system that identifies ADEs and medication information from electronic medical records and the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System reports. The ADEtector system employs novel natural language processing approaches for ADE detection and provides a user interface to display ADE information. The ADEtector employs machine learning techniques to automatically processes the narrative text and identify the adverse event (AE) and medication entities that appear in that narrative text. The system will analyze the entities recognized to infer the causal relation that exists between AEs and medications by automating the elements of Naranjo score using knowledge and rule based approaches. The Naranjo Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale is a validated tool for finding the causality of a drug induced adverse event or ADE. The scale calculates the likelihood of an adverse event related to drugs based on a list of weighted questions. The ADEtector also presents the user with evidence for ADEs by extracting figures that contain ADE related information from biomedical literature. A brief summary is generated for each of the figures that are extracted to help users better comprehend the figure. This will further enhance the user experience in understanding the ADE information better. The ADEtector also helps patients better understand the narrative text by recognizing complex medical jargon and abbreviations that appear in the text and providing definitions and explanations for them from external knowledge resources. This system could help clinicians and researchers in discovering novel ADEs and drug relations and also hypothesize new research questions within the ADE domain

    Social media data for conservation science : A methodological overview

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    Improved understanding of human-nature interactions is crucial to conservation science and practice, but collecting relevant data remains challenging. Recently, social media have become an increasingly important source of information on human-nature interactions. However, the use of advanced methods for analysing social media is still limited, and social media data are not used to their full potential. In this article, we present available sources of social media data and approaches to mining and analysing these data for conservation science. Specifically, we (i) describe what kind of relevant information can be retrieved from social media platforms, (ii) provide a detailed overview of advanced methods for spatio-temporal, content and network analyses, (iii) exemplify the potential of these approaches for real-world conservation challenges, and (iv) discuss the limitations of social media data analysis in conservation science. Combined with other data sources and carefully considering the biases and ethical issues, social media data can provide a complementary and cost-efficient information source for addressing the grand challenges of biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene epoch.Peer reviewe

    Augmented reality in biology education: A systematic literature review

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    Augmented Reality (AR) has seen extensive utilization in the modern era, driven by rapid technological advancements. The aim of the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method is to meticulously analyze and assess previous research on a specific phenomenon in a systematic and explicit manner. The search was conducted on the Scopus database using the keyword "Augmented Reality," resulting in 209 relevant articles. Out of this total, 35 articles passed the journal selection criteria and were deemed ready for analysis. The article selection process was carried out using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) model for inclusion and exclusion purposes. Since 2019, there has been a rising trend in research on augmented reality. The issue of AR can be approached through quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and even development research (R&D). The most prominent author in AR research is NF Saidin. The data shows that the keyword "augmented reality" is strongly associated with "education" and "biology." These keywords are linked to concepts such as teacher training, augmented reality tools, teaching, biology learning, learning performance, e-learning, and virtual reality. Themes related to AR in education focus on teacher training in biology, which applies e-learning or mobile learning based on AR and virtual reality (VR). Articles were published by authors from 28 different countries, with authors predominantly from Asia. There are 15 institutions worldwide that fund AR research and publications. It can be concluded that the focus on AR in biology education will continue to grow, supported by the ongoing emphasis on technology in the modern era. This trend is reflected in the distribution year, research types/methods, instruments, areas of study, authors, keywords, authors’ nationalities, and collaboration patterns

    Management of Scientific Images: An approach to the extraction, annotation and retrieval of figures in the field of High Energy Physics

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    El entorno de la información en la primera década del siglo XXI no tiene precedentes. Las barreras físicas que han limitado el acceso al conocimiento están desapareciendo a medida que los métodos tradicionales de acceso a información se reemplazan o se mejoran gracias al uso de sistemas basados en computador. Los sistemas digitales son capaces de gestionar colecciones mucho más grandes de documentos, confrontando a los usuarios de información con la avalancha de documentos asociados a su tópico de interés. Esta nueva situación ha creado un incentivo para el desarrollo de técnicas de minería de datos y la creación de motores de búsqueda más eficientes y capaces de limitar los resultados de búsqueda a un subconjunto reducido de los más relevantes. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los motores de búsqueda en la actualidad trabajan con descripciones textuales. Estas descripciones se pueden extraer o bien del contenido o a través de fuentes externas. La recuperación basada en el contenido no textual de documentos es un tema de investigación continua. En particular, la recuperación de imágenes y el desentrañar la información contenida en ellas están suscitando un gran interés en la comunidad científica. Las bibliotecas digitales se sitúan en una posición especial dentro de los sistemas que facilitan el acceso al conocimiento. Actúan como repositorios de documentos que comparten algunas características comunes (por ejemplo, pertenecer a la misma área de conocimiento o ser publicados por la misma institución) y como tales contienen documentos considerados de interés para un grupo particular de usuarios. Además, facilitan funcionalidades de recuperación sobre las colecciones gestionadas. Normalmente, las publicaciones científicas son las unidades más pequeñas gestionadas por las bibliotecas digitales científicas. Sin embargo, en el proceso de creación científica hay diferentes tipos de artefactos, entre otros: figuras y conjuntos de datos. Las figuras juegan un papel particularmente importante en el proceso de publicación científica. Representan los datos en una forma gráfica que nos permite mostrar patrones sobre grandes conjuntos de datos y transmitir ideas complejas de un modo fácilmente entendible. Los sistemas existentes para bibliotecas digitales facilitan el acceso a figuras, pero solo como parte de los ficheros sobre los que se serializa la publicación entera. El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un conjunto de métodos ytécnicas que permitan transformar las figuras en productos de primera clase dentro del proceso de publicación científica, permitiendo que los investigadores puedan obtener el máximo beneficio a la hora de realizar búsquedas y revisiones de bibliografía existente. Los métodos y técnicas propuestos están orientados a facilitar la adquisición, anotación semántica y búsqueda de figuras contenidas en publicaciones científicas. Para demostrar la completitud de la investigación se han ilustrado las teorías propuestas mediante ejemplos en el campo de la Física de Partículas (también conocido como Física de Altas Energías). Para aquellos casos en los que se han necesitadoo en las figuras que aparecen con más frecuencia en las publicaciones de Física de Partículas: los gráficos científicos denominados en inglés con el término plots. Los prototipos que propuestas más detalladas han desarrollado para esta tesis se han integrado parcialmente dentro del software Invenio (1) para bibliotecas digitales, así como dentro de INSPIRE, una de las mayores bibliotecas digitales en Física de Partículas mantenida gracias a la colaboración de grandes laboratorios y centros de investigación como son el CERN, SLAC, DESY y Fermilab. 1). http://invenio-software.org

    Simple identification tools in FishBase

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    Simple identification tools for fish species were included in the FishBase information system from its inception. Early tools made use of the relational model and characters like fin ray meristics. Soon pictures and drawings were added as a further help, similar to a field guide. Later came the computerization of existing dichotomous keys, again in combination with pictures and other information, and the ability to restrict possible species by country, area, or taxonomic group. Today, www.FishBase.org offers four different ways to identify species. This paper describes these tools with their advantages and disadvantages, and suggests various options for further development. It explores the possibility of a holistic and integrated computeraided strategy
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