9 research outputs found

    Exploring and Evaluating Array Layout Restructuration for SIMDization

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    International audienceSIMD processor units have become ubiquitous. Using SIMD instructions is the key for performance for many applications. Modern compilers have made immense progress in generating efficient SIMD code. However, they still may fail or SIMDize poorly, due to conservativeness, source complexity or missing capabilities. When SIMDization fails, programmers are left with little clues about the root causes and actions to be taken. Our proposed guided SIMDization framework builds on the assembly-code quality assessment toolkit MAQAO to analyzes binaries for possible SIMDization hindrances. It proposes improvement strategies and readily quantifies their impact, using in vivo evaluations of suggested transformation. Thanks to our framework, the programmer gets clear directions and quantified expectations on how to improve his/her code SIMDizability. We show results of our technique on TSVC benchmark.Les unités de calcul vectorielles sont désormais omniprésentes dans les processeurs. L'utilisation des jeux d'instructions vectoriels est un facteur clé dans la recherche de performances pour de nombreuses applications. Les compilateurs modernes ont fait d'immenses progrès dans la génération d'un code vectorisé efficace. Cependant, ils peuvent encore échouer ou générer un code vectorisé de mauvaise qualité dans certains cas, du fait d'un conservatisme trop important, de la complexité du code source ou de capacités insuffisantes. Lorsque la vectorisation échoue, les programmeurs n'obtiennent que peu d'indices sur les causes réelles et les actions correctives à entreprendre. Notre proposition d'environnement de vectorisation guidée se base sur notre outil MAQAO de contrôle qualitatif de code assembleur pour analyser les binaires produits et rechercher les causes possibles empêchant la vectorisation. Cet environnement propose des stratégies d'amélioration du code et permet d'en vérifier immédiatement leur impact en termes de performances, à l'aide d'évaluations in-vivo des transformations suggérées. Grâce à notre environnement, le programmeur obtiens des orientations claires sur la manière d'améliorer son code et une estimation quantifiée du gain espéré de telles transformations. Nous présentons les résultat de notre outil sur la suite de tests TSVC

    Rewriting System for Profile-Guided Data Layout Transformations on Binaries

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    International audienceCareful data layout design is crucial for achieving high performance. However exploring data layouts is time-consuming and error-prone, and assessing the impact of a layout transformation on performance is difficult without performing it. We propose to guide application programmers through data layout restructuring by providing a comprehensive multidimensional description of the initial layout, built from trace analysis, and then by giving a performance evaluation of the transformations tested and an expression of each transformed layout. The programmer can limit the exploration to layouts matching some patterns. We apply this method to two multithreaded applications. The performance prediction of multiple transformations matches within 5% the performance of hand-transformed layout code

    The fast multipole method at exascale

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    This thesis presents a top to bottom analysis on designing and implementing fast algorithms for current and future systems. We present new analysis, algorithmic techniques, and implementations of the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for solving N- body problems. We target the FMM because it is broadly applicable to a variety of scientific particle simulations used to study electromagnetic, fluid, and gravitational phenomena, among others. Importantly, the FMM has asymptotically optimal time complexity with guaranteed approximation accuracy. As such, it is among the most attractive solutions for scalable particle simulation on future extreme scale systems. We specifically address two key challenges. The first challenge is how to engineer fast code for today’s platforms. We present the first in-depth study of multicore op- timizations and tuning for FMM, along with a systematic approach for transforming a conventionally-parallelized FMM into a highly-tuned one. We introduce novel opti- mizations that significantly improve the within-node scalability of the FMM, thereby enabling high-performance in the face of multicore and manycore systems. The second challenge is how to understand scalability on future systems. We present a new algorithmic complexity analysis of the FMM that considers both intra- and inter- node communication costs. Using these models, we present results for choosing the optimal algorithmic tuning parameter. This analysis also yields the surprising prediction that although the FMM is largely compute-bound today, and therefore highly scalable on current systems, the trajectory of processor architecture designs, if there are no significant changes could cause it to become communication-bound as early as the year 2015. This prediction suggests the utility of our analysis approach, which directly relates algorithmic and architectural characteristics, for enabling a new kind of highlevel algorithm-architecture co-design. To demonstrate the scientific significance of FMM, we present two applications namely, direct simulation of blood which is a multi-scale multi-physics problem and large-scale biomolecular electrostatics. MoBo (Moving Boundaries) is the infrastruc- ture for the direct numerical simulation of blood. It comprises of two key algorithmic components of which FMM is one. We were able to simulate blood flow using Stoke- sian dynamics on 200,000 cores of Jaguar, a peta-flop system and achieve a sustained performance of 0.7 Petaflop/s. The second application we propose as future work in this thesis is biomolecular electrostatics where we solve for the electrical potential using the boundary-integral formulation discretized with boundary element methods (BEM). The computational kernel in solving the large linear system is dense matrix vector multiply which we propose can be calculated using our scalable FMM. We propose to begin with the two dielectric problem where the electrostatic field is cal- culated using two continuum dielectric medium, the solvent and the molecule. This is only a first step to solving biologically challenging problems which have more than two dielectric medium, ion-exclusion layers, and solvent filled cavities. Finally, given the difficulty in producing high-performance scalable code, productivity is a key concern. Recently, numerical algorithms are being redesigned to take advantage of the architectural features of emerging multicore processors. These new classes of algorithms express fine-grained asynchronous parallelism and hence reduce the cost of synchronization. We performed the first extensive performance study of a recently proposed parallel programming model, called Concurrent Collections (CnC). In CnC, the programmer expresses her computation in terms of application-specific operations, partially-ordered by semantic scheduling constraints. The CnC model is well-suited to expressing asynchronous-parallel algorithms, so we evaluate CnC using two dense linear algebra algorithms in this style for execution on state-of-the-art mul- ticore systems. Our implementations in CnC was able to match and in some cases even exceed competing vendor-tuned and domain specific library codes. We combine these two distinct research efforts by expressing FMM in CnC, our approach tries to marry performance with productivity that will be critical on future systems. Looking forward, we would like to extend this to distributed memory machines, specifically implement FMM in the new distributed CnC, distCnC to express fine-grained paral- lelism which would require significant effort in alternative models.Ph.D

    Vectorization system for unstructured codes with a Data-parallel Compiler IR

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    With Dennard Scaling coming to an end, Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) offers itself as a way to improve the compute throughput of CPUs. One fundamental technique in SIMD code generators is the vectorization of data-parallel code regions. This has applications in outer-loop vectorization, whole-function vectorization and vectorization of explicitly data-parallel languages. This thesis makes contributions to the reliable vectorization of data-parallel code regions with unstructured, reducible control flow. Reducibility is the case in practice where all control-flow loops have exactly one entry point. We present P-LLVM, a novel, full-featured, intermediate representation for vectorizers that provides a semantics for the code region at every stage of the vectorization pipeline. Partial control-flow linearization is a novel partial if-conversion scheme, an essential technique to vectorize divergent control flow. Different to prior techniques, partial linearization has linear running time, does not insert additional branches or blocks and gives proved guarantees on the control flow retained. Divergence of control induces value divergence at join points in the control-flow graph (CFG). We present a novel control-divergence analysis for directed acyclic graphs with optimal running time and prove that it is correct and precise under common static assumptions. We extend this technique to obtain a quadratic-time, control-divergence analysis for arbitrary reducible CFGs. For this analysis, we show on a range of realistic examples how earlier approaches are either less precise or incorrect. We present a feature-complete divergence analysis for P-LLVM programs. The analysis is the first to analyze stack-allocated objects in an unstructured control setting. Finally, we generalize single-dimensional vectorization of outer loops to multi-dimensional tensorization of loop nests. SIMD targets benefit from tensorization through more opportunities for re-use of loaded values and more efficient memory access behavior. The techniques were implemented in the Region Vectorizer (RV) for vectorization and TensorRV for loop-nest tensorization. Our evaluation validates that the general-purpose RV vectorization system matches the performance of more specialized approaches. RV performs on par with the ISPC compiler, which only supports its structured domain-specific language, on a range of tree traversal codes with complex control flow. RV is able to outperform the loop vectorizers of state-of-the-art compilers, as we show for the SPEC2017 nab_s benchmark and the XSBench proxy application.Mit dem Ausreizen des Dennard Scalings erreichen die gewohnten Zuwächse in der skalaren Rechenleistung zusehends ihr Ende. Moderne Prozessoren setzen verstärkt auf parallele Berechnung, um den Rechendurchsatz zu erhöhen. Hierbei spielen SIMD Instruktionen (Single Instruction Multiple Data), die eine Operation gleichzeitig auf mehrere Eingaben anwenden, eine zentrale Rolle. Eine fundamentale Technik, um SIMD Programmcode zu erzeugen, ist der Einsatz datenparalleler Vektorisierung. Diese unterliegt populären Verfahren, wie der Vektorisierung äußerer Schleifen, der Vektorisierung gesamter Funktionen bis hin zu explizit datenparallelen Programmiersprachen. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, ein zuverlässiges Vektorisierungssystem für datenparallelen Code mit reduziblem Steuerfluss zu entwickeln. Diese Anforderung ist für alle Steuerflussgraphen erfüllt, deren Schleifen nur einen Eingang haben, was in der Praxis der Fall ist. Wir präsentieren P-LLVM, eine ausdrucksstarke Zwischendarstellung für Vektorisierer, welche dem Programm in jedem Stadium der Transformation von datenparallelem Code zu SIMD Code eine definierte Semantik verleiht. Partielle Steuerfluss-Linearisierung ist ein neuer Algorithmus zur If-Conversion, welcher Sprünge erhalten kann. Anders als existierende Verfahren hat Partielle Linearisierung eine lineare Laufzeit und fügt keine neuen Sprünge oder Blöcke ein. Wir zeigen Kriterien, unter denen der Algorithmus Steuerfluss erhält, und beweisen diese. Steuerflussdivergenz induziert Divergenz an Punkten zusammenfließenden Steuerflusses. Wir stellen eine neue Steuerflussdivergenzanalyse für azyklische Graphen mit optimaler Laufzeit vor und beweisen deren Korrektheit und Präzision. Wir verallgemeinern die Technik zu einem Algorithmus mit quadratischer Laufzeit für beliebiege, reduzible Steuerflussgraphen. Eine Studie auf realistischen Beispielgraphen zeigt, dass vergleichbare Techniken entweder weniger präsize sind oder falsche Ergebnisse liefern. Ebenfalls präsentieren wir eine Divergenzanalyse für P-LLVM Programme. Diese Analyse ist die erste Divergenzanalyse, welche Divergenz in stapelallokierten Objekten unter unstrukturiertem Steuerfluss analysiert. Schließlich generalisieren wir die eindimensionale Vektorisierung von äußeren Schleifen zur multidimensionalen Tensorisierung von Schleifennestern. Tensorisierung eröffnet für SIMD Prozessoren mehr Möglichkeiten, bereits geladene Werte wiederzuverwenden und das Speicherzugriffsverhalten des Programms zu optimieren, als dies mit Vektorisierung der Fall ist. Die vorgestellten Techniken wurden in den Region Vectorizer (RV) für Vektorisierung und TensorRV für die Tensorisierung von Schleifennestern implementiert. Wir zeigen auf einer Reihe von steuerflusslastigen Programmen für die Traversierung von Baumdatenstrukturen, dass RV das gleiche Niveau erreicht wie der ISPC Compiler, welcher nur seine strukturierte Eingabesprache verarbeiten kann. RV kann schnellere SIMD-Programme erzeugen als die Schleifenvektorisierer in aktuellen Industriecompilern. Dies demonstrieren wir mit dem nab_s benchmark aus der SPEC2017 Benchmarksuite und der XSBench Proxy-Anwendung

    A computing origami: Optimized code generation for emerging parallel platforms

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    Combiner approches statique et dynamique pour modéliser la performance de boucles HPC

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    The complexity of CPUs has increased considerably since their beginnings, introducing mechanisms such as register renaming, out-of-order execution, vectorization,prefetchers and multi-core environments to keep performance rising with each product generation. However, so has the difficulty in making proper use of all these mechanisms, or even evaluating whether one’s program makes good use of a machine,whether users’ needs match a CPU’s design, or, for CPU architects, knowing how each feature really affects customers.This thesis focuses on increasing the observability of potential bottlenecks inHPC computational loops and how they relate to each other in modern microarchitectures.We will first introduce a framework combining CQA and DECAN (respectively static and dynamic analysis tools) to get detailed performance metrics on smallcodelets in various execution scenarios.We will then present PAMDA, a performance analysis methodology leveraging elements obtained from codelet analysis to detect potential performance problems in HPC applications and help resolve them. A work extending the Cape linear model to better cover Sandy Bridge and give it more flexibility for HW/SW codesign purposes will also be described. It will bedirectly used in VP3, a tool evaluating the performance gains vectorizing loops could provide.Finally, we will describe UFS, an approach combining static analysis and cycle accurate simulation to very quickly estimate a loop’s execution time while accounting for out-of-order limitations in modern CPUsLa complexité des CPUs s’est accrue considérablement depuis leurs débuts, introduisant des mécanismes comme le renommage de registres, l’exécution dans le désordre, la vectorisation, les préfetchers et les environnements multi-coeurs pour améliorer les performances avec chaque nouvelle génération de processeurs. Cependant, la difficulté a suivi la même tendance pour ce qui est a) d’utiliser ces mêmes mécanismes à leur plein potentiel, b) d’évaluer si un programme utilise une machine correctement, ou c) de savoir si le design d’un processeur répond bien aux besoins des utilisateurs.Cette thèse porte sur l’amélioration de l’observabilité des facteurs limitants dans les boucles de calcul intensif, ainsi que leurs interactions au sein de microarchitectures modernes.Nous introduirons d’abord un framework combinant CQA et DECAN (des outils d’analyse respectivement statique et dynamique) pour obtenir des métriques détaillées de performance sur des petits codelets et dans divers scénarios d’exécution.Nous présenterons ensuite PAMDA, une méthodologie d’analyse de performance tirant partie de l’analyse de codelets pour détecter d’éventuels problèmes de performance dans des applications de calcul à haute performance et en guider la résolution.Un travail permettant au modèle linéaire Cape de couvrir la microarchitecture Sandy Bridge de façon détaillée sera décrit, lui donnant plus de flexibilité pour effectuer du codesign matériel / logiciel. Il sera mis en pratique dans VP3, un outil évaluant les gains de performance atteignables en vectorisant des boucles.Nous décrirons finalement UFS, une approche combinant analyse statique et simulation au cycle près pour permettre l’estimation rapide du temps d’exécution d’une boucle en prenant en compte certaines des limites de l’exécution en désordre dans des microarchitectures moderne

    A novel access pattern-based multi-core memory architecture

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    Increasingly High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications run on heterogeneous multi-core platforms. The basic reason of the growing popularity of these architectures is their low power consumption, and high throughput oriented nature. However, this throughput imposes a requirement on the data to be supplied in a high throughput manner for the multi-core system. This results in the necessity of an efficient management of on-chip and off-chip memory data transfers, which is a significant challenge. Complex regular and irregular memory data transfer patterns are becoming widely dominant for a range of application domains including the scientific, image and signal processing. Data accesses can be arranged in independent patterns that an efficient memory management can exploit. The software based approaches using general purpose caches and on-chip memories are beneficial to some extent. However, the task of efficient data management for the throughput oriented devices could be improved by providing hardware mechanisms that exploit the knowledge of access patterns in memory management and scheduling of accesses for a heterogeneous multi-core architecture. The focus of this thesis is to present architectural explorations for a novel access pattern-based multi-core memory architecture. In general, the thesis covers four main aspects of memory system in this research. These aspects can be categorized as: i) Uni-core Memory System for Regular Data Pattern. ii) Multi-core Memory System for Regular Data Pattern. iii) Uni-core Memory System for Irregular Data Pattern. and iv) Multi-core Memory System for Irregular Data Pattern.Les aplicacions de computació d'alt rendiment (HPC) s'executen cada vegada més en plataformes heterogènies de múltiples nuclis. El motiu bàsic de la creixent popularitat d'aquestes arquitectures és el seu baix consum i la seva natura orientada a alt throughput. No obstant, aquest thoughput imposa el requeriment de que les dades es proporcionin al sistema també amb alt throughput. Això resulta en la necessitat de gestionar eficientment les trasferències de memòria (dins i fora del chip), un repte significatiu. Els patrons de transferències de memòria regulars però complexos així com els irregulars són cada vegada més dominants per a diversos dominis d'aplicacions, incloent el científic i el processat d'imagte i senyals. Aquests accessos a dades poden ser organitzats en patrons independents que un gestor de memòria eficient pot explotar. Els mètodes basats en programari emprant memòries cau de propòsit general i memòries al chip són beneficioses fins a cert punt. No obstant, la tasca de gestionar eficientment les transferències de dades per a dispositius orientats a throughput pot ser millorada oferint mecanismes hardware que explotin el coneixement dels patrons d'accés de les aplicacions, així com la planificació dels accessos a una arquitectura de múltiples nuclis. Aquesta tesis està enfocada a explorar una arquitectura de memòria novedosa per a processadors de múltiples nuclis, basada en els patrons d'accés. En general, la recerca de la tesis cobreix quatres aspectes principals del sistema de memòria. Aquests aspectes són: i) sistema de memòria per a un únic nucli amb patrons regulars, ii) sistema de memòria per a múltiples nuclis amb patrons regulars, iii) sistema de memòria per a un únic nucli amb patrons irregulars, iv) sistema de memòria per a múltiples nuclis amb patrons irregulars