101 research outputs found

    Resumption of virtual machines after adaptive deduplication of virtual machine images in live migration

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    In cloud computing, load balancing, energy utilization are the critical problems solved by virtual machine (VM) migration. Live migration is the live movement of VMs from an overloaded/underloaded physical machine to a suitable one. During this process, transferring large disk image files take more time, hence more migration and down time. In the proposed adaptive deduplication, based on the image file size, the file undergoes both fixed, variable length deduplication processes. The significance of this paper is resumption of VMs with reunited deduplicated disk image files. The performance measured by calculating the percentage reduction of VM image size after deduplication, the time taken to migrate the deduplicated file and the time taken for each VM to resume after the migration. The results show that 83%, 89.76% reduction overall image size and migration time respectively. For a deduplication ratio of 92%, it takes an overall time of 3.52 minutes, 7% reduction in resumption time, compared with the time taken for the total QCOW2 files with original size. For VMDK files the resumption time reduced by a maximum 17% (7.63 mins) compared with that of for original files

    An overview of virtual machine live migration techniques

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    In a cloud computing the live migration of virtual machines shows a process of moving a running virtual machine from source physical machine to the destination, considering the CPU, memory, network, and storage states. Various performance metrics are tackled such as, downtime, total migration time, performance degradation, and amount of migrated data, which are affected when a virtual machine is migrated. This paper presents an overview and understanding of virtual machine live migration techniques, of the different works in literature that consider this issue, which might impact the work of professionals and researchers to further explore the challenges and provide optimal solutions


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    Virtual Machine (VM) live storage migration is widely performed in the data cen- ters of the Cloud, for the purposes of load balance, reliability, availability, hardware maintenance and system upgrade. It entails moving all the state information of the VM being migrated, including memory state, network state and storage state, from one physical server to another within the same data center or across different data centers. To minimize its performance impact, this migration process is required to be transparent to applications running within the migrating VM, meaning that ap- plications will keep running inside the VM as if there were no migration operations at all. In this dissertation, a thorough literature review is conducted to provide a big picture of the VM live storage migration process, its problems and existing solutions. After an in-depth examination, we observe that a severe IO interference between the VM IO threads and migration IO threads exists and causes both types of the IO threads to suffer from performance degradation. This interference stems from the fact that both types of IO threads share the same critical IO path by reading from and writing to the same shared storage system. Owing to IO resource contention and requests interference between the two different types of IO requests, not only will the IO request queue lengthens in the storage system, but the time-consuming disk seek operations will also become more frequent. Based on this fundamental observation, this dissertation research presents three related but orthogonal solutions that tackle the IO interference problem in order to improve the VM live storage migration performance. First, we introduce the Workload-Aware IO Outsourcing scheme, called WAIO, to improve the VM live storage migration efficiency. Second, we address this problem by proposing a novel scheme, called SnapMig, to improve the VM live storage migration efficiency and eliminate its performance impact on user applications at the source server by effectively leveraging the existing VM snapshots in the backup servers. Third, we propose the IOFollow scheme to improve both the VM performance and migration performance simultaneously. Finally, we outline the direction for the future research work. Advisor: Hong Jian

    ORC: Increasing cloud memory density via object reuse with capabilities

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    Cloud environments host many tenants, and typically there is substantial overlap between the application binaries and libraries executed by tenants. Thus, memory de-duplication can increase memory density by allocating memory for shared binaries only once. Existing de-duplication approaches, however, either rely on a shared OS to de-deduplicate binary objects, which provides unacceptably weak isolation; or exploit hypervisor-based de-duplication at the level of memory pages, which is blind to the semantics of the objects to be shared. We describe Object Reuse with Capabilities (ORC), which supports the fine-grained sharing of binary objects between tenants, while isolating tenants strongly through a small trusted computing base (TCB). ORC uses hardware sup- port for memory capabilities to isolate tenants, which permits shared objects to be accessible to multiple tenants safely. Since ORC shares binary objects within a single address space through capabilities, it uses a new relocation type to create per-tenant state when loading shared objects. ORC supports the loading of objects by an untrusted guest, outside of its TCB, only verifying the safety of the loaded data. Our experiments show that ORC achieves a higher memory density with a lower overhead than hypervisor-based de-deduplication

    Resource-Efficient Replication and Migration of Virtual Machines.

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    Continuous replication and live migration of Virtual Machines (VMs) are two vital tools in a virtualized environment, but they are resource-expensive. Continuously replicating a VM's checkpointed state to a backup host maintains high-availability (HA) of the VM despite host failures, but checkpoint replication can generate significant network traffic. Each replicated VM also incurs a 100% memory overhead, since the backup unproductively reserves the same amount of memory to hold the redundant VM state. Live migration, though being widely used for load-balancing, power-saving, etc., can also generate excessive network traffic, by transferring VM state iteratively. In addition, it can incur a long completion time and degrade application performance. This thesis explores ways to replicate VMs for HA using resources efficiently, and to migrate VMs fast, with minimal execution disruption and using resources efficiently. First, we investigate the tradeoffs in using different compression methods to reduce the network traffic of checkpoint replication in a HA system. We evaluate gzip, delta and similarity compressions based on metrics that are specifically important in a HA system, and then suggest guidelines for their selection. Next, we propose HydraVM, a storage-based HA approach that eliminates the unproductive memory reservation made in backup hosts. HydraVM maintains a recent image of a protected VM in a shared storage by taking and consolidating incremental VM checkpoints. When a failure occurs, HydraVM quickly resumes the execution of a failed VM by loading a small amount of essential VM state from the storage. As the VM executes, the VM state not yet loaded is supplied on-demand. Finally, we propose application-assisted live migration, which skips transfer of VM memory that need not be migrated to execute running applications at the destination. We develop a generic framework for the proposed approach, and then use the framework to build JAVMM, a system that migrates VMs running Java applications skipping transfer of garbage in Java memory. Our evaluation results show that compared to Xen live migration, which is agnostic of running applications, JAVMM can reduce the completion time, network traffic and application downtime caused by Java VM migration, all by up to over 90%.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111575/1/karenhou_1.pd

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn the past few years, we have seen a tremendous increase in digital data being generated. By 2011, storage vendors had shipped 905 PB of purpose-built backup appliances. By 2013, the number of objects stored in Amazon S3 had reached 2 trillion. Facebook had stored 20 PB of photos by 2010. All of these require an efficient storage solution. To improve space efficiency, compression and deduplication are being widely used. Compression works by identifying repeated strings and replacing them with more compact encodings while deduplication partitions data into fixed-size or variable-size chunks and removes duplicate blocks. While we have seen great improvements in space efficiency from these two approaches, there are still some limitations. First, traditional compressors are limited in their ability to detect redundancy across a large range since they search for redundant data in a fine-grain level (string level). For deduplication, metadata embedded in an input file changes more frequently, and this introduces more unnecessary unique chunks, leading to poor deduplication. Cloud storage systems suffer from unpredictable and inefficient performance because of interference among different types of workloads. This dissertation proposes techniques to improve the effectiveness of traditional compressors and deduplication in improving space efficiency, and a new IO scheduling algorithm to improve performance predictability and efficiency for cloud storage systems. The common idea is to utilize similarity. To improve the effectiveness of compression and deduplication, similarity in content is used to transform an input file into a compression- or deduplication-friendly format. We propose Migratory Compression, a generic data transformation that identifies similar data in a coarse-grain level (block level) and then groups similar blocks together. It can be used as a preprocessing stage for any traditional compressor. We find metadata have a huge impact in reducing the benefit of deduplication. To isolate the impact from metadata, we propose to separate metadata from data. Three approaches are presented for use cases with different constrains. For the commonly used tar format, we propose Migratory Tar: a data transformation and also a new tar format that deduplicates better. We also present a case study where we use deduplication to reduce storage consumption for storing disk images, while at the same time achieving high performance in image deployment. Finally, we apply the same principle of utilizing similarity in IO scheduling to prevent interference between random and sequential workloads, leading to efficient, consistent, and predictable performance for sequential workloads and a high disk utilization

    SimuBoost: Scalable Parallelization of Functional System Simulation

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    Für das Sammeln detaillierter Laufzeitinformationen, wie Speicherzugriffsmustern, wird in der Betriebssystem- und Sicherheitsforschung häufig auf die funktionale Systemsimulation zurückgegriffen. Der Simulator führt dabei die zu untersuchende Arbeitslast in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) aus, indem er schrittweise Instruktionen interpretiert oder derart übersetzt, sodass diese auf dem Zustand der VM arbeiten. Dieser Prozess ermöglicht es, eine umfangreiche Instrumentierung durchzuführen und so an Informationen zum Laufzeitverhalten zu gelangen, die auf einer physischen Maschine nicht zugänglich sind. Obwohl die funktionale Systemsimulation als mächtiges Werkzeug gilt, stellt die durch die Interpretation oder Übersetzung resultierende immense Ausführungsverlangsamung eine substanzielle Einschränkung des Verfahrens dar. Im Vergleich zu einer nativen Ausführung messen wir für QEMU eine 30-fache Verlangsamung, wobei die Aufzeichnung von Speicherzugriffen diesen Faktor verdoppelt. Mit Simulatoren, die umfangreichere Instrumentierungsmöglichkeiten mitbringen als QEMU, kann die Verlangsamung um eine Größenordnung höher ausfallen. Dies macht die funktionale Simulation für lang laufende, vernetzte oder interaktive Arbeitslasten uninteressant. Darüber hinaus erzeugt die Verlangsamung ein unrealistisches Zeitverhalten, sobald Aktivitäten außerhalb der VM (z. B. Ein-/Ausgabe) involviert sind. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir SimuBoost vor, eine Methode zur drastischen Beschleunigung funktionaler Systemsimulation. SimuBoost führt die zu untersuchende Arbeitslast zunächst in einer schnellen hardwaregestützten virtuellen Maschine aus. Dies ermöglicht volle Interaktivität mit Benutzern und Netzwerkgeräten. Während der Ausführung erstellt SimuBoost periodisch Abbilder der VM (engl. Checkpoints). Diese dienen als Ausgangspunkt für eine parallele Simulation, bei der jedes Intervall unabhängig simuliert und analysiert wird. Eine heterogene deterministische Wiederholung (engl. heterogeneous deterministic Replay) garantiert, dass in dieser Phase die vorherige hardwaregestützte Ausführung jedes Intervalls exakt reproduziert wird, einschließlich Interaktionen und realistischem Zeitverhalten. Unser Prototyp ist in der Lage, die Laufzeit einer funktionalen Systemsimulation deutlich zu reduzieren. Während mit herkömmlichen Verfahren für die Simulation des Bauprozesses eines modernen Linux über 5 Stunden benötigt werden, schließt SimuBoost die Simulation in nur 15 Minuten ab. Dies sind lediglich 16% mehr Zeit, als der Bau in einer schnellen hardwaregestützten VM in Anspruch nimmt. SimuBoost ist imstande, diese Geschwindigkeit auch bei voller Instrumentierung zur Aufzeichnung von Speicherzugriffen beizubehalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist das erste Projekt, welches das Konzept der Partitionierung und Parallelisierung der Ausführungszeit auf die interaktive Systemvirtualisierung in einer Weise anwendet, die eine sofortige parallele funktionale Simulation gestattet. Wir ergänzen die praktische Umsetzung mit einem mathematischen Modell zur formalen Beschreibung der Beschleunigungseigenschaften. Dies erlaubt es, für ein gegebenes Szenario die voraussichtliche parallele Simulationszeit zu prognostizieren und gibt eine Orientierung zur Wahl der optimalen Intervalllänge. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Arbeiten legt SimuBoost einen starken Fokus auf die Skalierbarkeit über die Grenzen eines einzelnen physischen Systems hinaus. Ein zentraler Schlüssel hierzu ist der Einsatz moderner Checkpointing-Technologien. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir zwei neuartige Methoden zur effizienten und effektiven Kompression von periodischen Systemabbildern

    Optimizing Virtual Machine I/O Performance in Cloud Environments

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    Maintaining closeness between data sources and data consumers is crucial for workload I/O performance. In cloud environments, this kind of closeness can be violated by system administrative events and storage architecture barriers. VM migration events are frequent in cloud environments. VM migration changes VM runtime inter-connection or cache contexts, significantly degrading VM I/O performance. Virtualization is the backbone of cloud platforms. I/O virtualization adds additional hops to workload data access path, prolonging I/O latencies. I/O virtualization overheads cap the throughput of high-speed storage devices and imposes high CPU utilizations and energy consumptions to cloud infrastructures. To maintain the closeness between data sources and workloads during VM migration, we propose Clique, an affinity-aware migration scheduling policy, to minimize the aggregate wide area communication traffic during storage migration in virtual cluster contexts. In host-side caching contexts, we propose Successor to recognize warm pages and prefetch them into caches of destination hosts before migration completion. To bypass the I/O virtualization barriers, we propose VIP, an adaptive I/O prefetching framework, which utilizes a virtual I/O front-end buffer for prefetching so as to avoid the on-demand involvement of I/O virtualization stacks and accelerate the I/O response. Analysis on the traffic trace of a virtual cluster containing 68 VMs demonstrates that Clique can reduce inter-cloud traffic by up to 40%. Tests of MPI Reduce_scatter benchmark show that Clique can keep VM performance during migration up to 75% of the non-migration scenario, which is more than 3 times of the Random VM choosing policy. In host-side caching environments, Successor performs better than existing cache warm-up solutions and achieves zero VM-perceived cache warm-up time with low resource costs. At system level, we conducted comprehensive quantitative analysis on I/O virtualization overheads. Our trace replay based simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of VIP for data prefetching with ignorable additional cache resource costs