138 research outputs found

    Analysis of Scheduling Policies for a M/G/I Queue with Rework

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    This thesis analyzes a multi-class M/G/1 priority queueing system in which distinct job types require one service cycle and, with non-zero probability, require a second service cycle. The main objective is to find a new heuristic scheduling policy that minimizes the long-run expected holding and preemption costs. Arrival rates, service rates, and the probability of undertaking second service are all class specific. A mean value analysis (MVA) approach was employed to derive the long- run mean time in queue for each job type under each policy, thereby providing the appropriate cost equations. Numerical experiments suggest that the preemptive resume scheduling policy yields the lowest cost most frequently

    Throughput and Yield Improvement for a Continuous Discrete-Product Manufacturing System

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    A seam-welded steel pipe manufacturing process has mainly four distinct major design and/or operational problems dealing with buffer inventory, cutting tools, pipe sizing and inspection-rework facility. The general objective of this research is to optimally solve these four important problems to improve the throughput and yield of the system at a minimum cost. The first problem of this research finds the optimal buffer capacity of steel strip coils to minimize the maintenance and downtime related costs. The total cost function for this coil feeding system is formulated as a constrained non-linear programming (NLP) problem which is solved with a search algorithm. The second problem aims at finding the optimal tool magazine reload timing, magazine size and the order quantity for the cutting tools. This tool magazine system is formulated as a mixed-integer NLP problem which is solved for minimizing the total cost. The third problem deals with different type of manufacturing defects. The profit function of this problem forms a binary integer NLP problem which involves multiple integrals with several exponential and discrete functions. An exhaustive search method is employed to find the optimum strategy for dealing with the defects and pipe sizing. The fourth problem pertains to the number of servers and floor space allocations for the off-line inspection-rework facility. The total cost function forms an integer NLP structure, which is minimized with a customized search algorithm. In order to judge the impact of the above-mentioned problems, an overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) measure, coined as monetary loss based regression (MLBR) method, is also developed as the fifth problem to assess the performance of the entire manufacturing system. Finally, a numerical simulation of the entire process is conducted to illustrate the applications of the optimum parameters setting and to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the simulated system. The successful improvement of the simulated system supports this research to be implemented in a real manufacturing setup. Different pathways shown here for improving the throughput and yield of industrial systems reflect not only to the improvement of methodologies and techniques but also to the advancement of new technology and national economy

    Manufacturing flow line systems: a review of models and analytical results

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    The most important models and results of the manufacturing flow line literature are described. These include the major classes of models (asynchronous, synchronous, and continuous); the major features (blocking, processing times, failures and repairs); the major properties (conservation of flow, flow rate-idle time, reversibility, and others); and the relationships among different models. Exact and approximate methods for obtaining quantitative measures of performance are also reviewed. The exact methods are appropriate for small systems. The approximate methods, which are the only means available for large systems, are generally based on decomposition, and make use of the exact methods for small systems. Extensions are briefly discussed. Directions for future research are suggested.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DDM-8914277

    Cycle Time Estimation in a Semiconductor Wafer Fab: A concatenated Machine Learning Approach

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    Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung aller Bereiche des Lebens und der Industrie lĂ€sst die Nachfrage nach Mikrochips steigen. Immer mehr Branchen – unter anderem auch die Automobilindustrie – stellen fest, dass die Lieferketten heutzutage von den Halbleiterherstellern abhĂ€ngig sind, was kĂŒrzlich zur Halbleiterkrise gefĂŒhrt hat. Diese Situation erhöht den Bedarf an genauen Vorhersagen von Lieferzeiten von Halbleitern. Da aber deren Produktion extrem schwierig ist, sind solche SchĂ€tzungen nicht einfach zu erstellen. GĂ€ngige AnsĂ€tze sind entweder zu simpel (z.B. Mittelwert- oder rollierende MittelwertschĂ€tzer) oder benötigen zu viel Zeit fĂŒr detaillierte Szenarioanalysen (z.B. ereignisdiskrete Simulationen). Daher wird in dieser Arbeit eine neue Methodik vorgeschlagen, die genauer als Mittelwert- oder rollierende MittelwertschĂ€tzer, aber schneller als Simulationen sein soll. Diese Methodik nutzt eine Verkettung von Modellen des maschinellen Lernens, die in der Lage sind, Wartezeiten in einer Halbleiterfabrik auf der Grundlage einer Reihe von Merkmalen vorherzusagen. In dieser Arbeit wird diese Methodik entwickelt und analysiert. Sie umfasst eine detaillierte Analyse der fĂŒr jedes Modell benötigten Merkmale, eine Analyse des genauen Produktionsprozesses, den jedes Produkt durchlaufen muss – was als "Route" bezeichnet wird – und entwickelte Strategien zur BewĂ€ltigung von Unsicherheiten, wenn die Merkmalswerte in der Zukunft nicht bekannt sind. ZusĂ€tzlichwird die vorgeschlagene Methodik mit realen Betriebsdaten aus einerWafer-Fabrik der Robert Bosch GmbH evaluiert. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Methodik den Mittelwert- und Rollierenden MittelwertschĂ€tzern ĂŒberlegen ist, insbesondere in Situationen, in denen die Zykluszeit eines Loses signifikant vom Mittelwert abweicht. ZusĂ€tzlich kann gezeigt werden, dass die AusfĂŒhrungszeit der Methode signifikant kĂŒrzer ist als die einer detaillierten Simulation

    A framework for generating operational characteristic curves for semiconductor manufacturing systems using flexible and reusable discrete event simulations

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    This thesis proposes a framework for generating operating curves for semiconductor manufacturing facilities using a modular flexible discrete event simulation (DES) model embedded in an application that automates the design of experiments for the simulations. Typically, operating curves are generated using analytical queueing models that are difficult to implement and hence, can only be used for benchmarking purposes. Alternatively, DES models are more capable of capturing the complexities of a semiconductor manufacturing facility such as re-entrancy, rework and non-identical toolsets. However, traditional craft-based simulations require much time and resources. The proposed methodology aims to reduce this time by automatically calculating the parameters for experimentation and generating the simulation model. It proposes a novel method to more appropriately allocate simulation effort by selecting design points more relevant to the operating curve. The methodology was initially applied to a single toolset model and tested as a pilot case study using actual factory data. Overall, the resulting operating curves matched that of the actual data. Subsequently, the methodology was applied to a full semiconductor manufacturing facility, using datasets from the Semiconductor Wafer Manufacturing Data Format Specification. The automated framework was shown to generate the curves rapidly and comparisons against a number of queueing model equivalents showed that the DES curves were more accurate. The implications of this work mean that on deployment of the application, semiconductor manufacturers can quickly obtain an accurate operating curve of their factory that could be used to aid in capacity planning and enable better decision-making regarding allocation of resources

    Development of a Methodology for Hybrid Metamodeling of Hierarchical Manufacturing Systems Within a Simulation Framework

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    Industrial Engineering and Managemen

    Modelling and analysis of pull production systems

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    Ankara : Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent Univ., 1995.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 1995.Includes bibliographical references.A variety of production systems appearing in the literature are reviewed in order to develop a classification scheme for production systems. A number of pull production systems appearing in the classification are found to be equivalent to a tandem queue so that accurate tandem queue decomposition methods can be used to find the performance of such systems. The primary concern of this dissertation is to model and analyze non-tandem queue equivalent periodic pull production systems. In this research, an exact performance evaluation model is developed for a singleitem periodic pull production system. The processing and demand interarrival times are assumed to be Markovian. For large systems, which are difficult to evaluate exactly because of large state spaces involved, an approximate decomposition method is proposed. A typical approximate decomposition procedure takes individual stages or pairs of stages in isolation to analyze the system and then it aggregates the results to obtain an approximate performance for the whole system. An experiment is designed in order to investigate the general behavior of the decomposition. The results are worth attention. A second aspect of this study is to investigate an allocation methodology to achieve the maximum throughput rate with providing two sets of allocation parameters regarding the number of kanbans and the workload at each stage of the system. Together with some structural properties, the experimental results provide some insight into the behavior of pull production systems and also provide a basis for the proposed allocation methodology. Finally, we conclude our findings together with some directions for future research.Kırkavak, NureddinPh.D

    Investigation, modelling and planning of stochastic concrete placing operations

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