14 research outputs found

    Menjana pemodulatan lebar denyut (PWM) penyongsang tiga fasa menggunakan pemproses isyarat digital (DSP)

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    Baru-baru ini, penyongsang digunakan secara meluas dalam aplikasi industri. Walaubagaimanapun, teknik Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut (PWM) diperlukan untuk mengawal voltan keluaran dan frekuensi penyongsang. Dalam tesis ini, untuk Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut Sinus Unipolar (SPWM) penyongsang tiga fasa adalah dicadang menggunakan Pemproses Isyarat Digital (DSP). Satu model simulasi menggunakan MATLAB Simulink dibangunkan untuk menentukan program Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut Sinus Unipolar (SPWM) Program ini kemudian dibangunkan dalam Pemproses Isyarat Digital (DSP) TMS320f28335. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa voltan keluaran penyongsang tiga fasa boleh dikendalikan

    Playing Tic-Tac-Toe Using Genetic Neural Network with Double Transfer functions

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    Computational intelligence is a powerful tool for game development. In this paper, an algorithm of playing the game Tic-Tac-Toe with computational intelligence is developed. This algorithm is learned by a Neural Network with Double Transfer functions (NNDTF), which is trained by genetic algorithm (GA). In the NNDTF, the neuron has two transfer functions and exhibits a node-to-node relationship in the hidden layer that enhances the learning ability of the network. A Tic-Tac-Toe game is used to show that the NNDTF provide a better performance than the traditional neural network does

    Evolution of Swarm Robotics Systems with Novelty Search

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    Novelty search is a recent artificial evolution technique that challenges traditional evolutionary approaches. In novelty search, solutions are rewarded based on their novelty, rather than their quality with respect to a predefined objective. The lack of a predefined objective precludes premature convergence caused by a deceptive fitness function. In this paper, we apply novelty search combined with NEAT to the evolution of neural controllers for homogeneous swarms of robots. Our empirical study is conducted in simulation, and we use a common swarm robotics task - aggregation, and a more challenging task - sharing of an energy recharging station. Our results show that novelty search is unaffected by deception, is notably effective in bootstrapping the evolution, can find solutions with lower complexity than fitness-based evolution, and can find a broad diversity of solutions for the same task. Even in non-deceptive setups, novelty search achieves solution qualities similar to those obtained in traditional fitness-based evolution. Our study also encompasses variants of novelty search that work in concert with fitness-based evolution to combine the exploratory character of novelty search with the exploitatory character of objective-based evolution. We show that these variants can further improve the performance of novelty search. Overall, our study shows that novelty search is a promising alternative for the evolution of controllers for robotic swarms.Comment: To appear in Swarm Intelligence (2013), ANTS Special Issue. The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    Coevolutionary Approaches to Generating Robust Build-Orders for Real-Time Strategy Games

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    We aim to find winning build-orders for Real-Time Strategy games. Real-Time Strategy games provide a variety of challenges, from short-term control to longer term planning. We focus on a longer-term planning problem; which units to build and in what order to produce the units so a player successfully defeats the opponent. Plans which address unit construction scheduling problems in Real-Time Strategy games are called build-orders. A robust build-order defeats many opponents, while a strong build-order defeats opponents quickly. However, no single build-order defeats all other build-orders, and build-orders that defeat many opponents may still lose against a specific opponent. Other researchers have only investigated generating build-orders that defeat a specific opponent, rather than finding robust, strong build-orders. Additionally, previous research has not applied coevolutionary algorithms towards generating build-orders. In contrast, our research has three main contributions towards finding robust, strong build-orders. First, we apply a coevolutionary algorithm towards finding robust build-orders. Compared to exhaustive search, a genetic algorithm finds the strongest build-orders while a coevolutionary algorithm finds more robust build-orders. Second, we show that case-injection enables coevolution to learn from specific opponents while maintaining robustness. Build-orders produced with coevolution and case-injection learn to defeat or play like the injected build-orders. Third, we show that coevolved build-orders benefit from a representation which includes branches and loops. Coevolution will utilize multiple branches and loops to create build-orders that are stronger than build-orders without loops and branches. We believe this work provides evidence that coevolutionary algorithms may be a viable approach to creating robust, strong build-orders for Real-Time Strategy games

    Solução de problemas de otimização linear por redes neurais associadas a metodos de pontos interiores

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    Orientadores : Christiano Lyra Filho, Aurelio Ribeiro Leite de OliveiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoDoutorad

    Efficient Evolution of Neural Networks

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    This thesis addresses the study of evolutionary methods for the synthesis of neural network controllers. Chapter 1 introduces the research area, reviews the state of the art, discusses promising research directions, and presents the two major scientific objectives of the thesis. The first objective, which is covered in Chapter 2, is to verify the efficacy of some of the most promising neuro-evolutionary methods proposed in the literature, including two new methods that I elaborated. This has been made by designing extended version of the double-pole balancing problem, which can be used to more properly benchmark alternative algorithms, by studying the effect of critical parameters, and by conducting several series of comparative experiments. The obtained results indicate that some methods perform better with respect to all the considered criteria, i.e. performance, robustness to environmental variations and capability to scale-up to more complex problems. The second objective, which is targeted in Chapter 3, consists in the design of a new hybrid algorithm that combines evolution and learning by demonstration. The combination of these two processes is appealing since it potentially allows the adaptive agent to exploit a richer training feedback constituted by both a scalar performance objective (reinforcement signal or fitness measure) and a detailed description of a suitable behaviour (demonstration). The proposed method has been successfully evaluated on two qualitatively different robotic problems. Chapter 4 summarizes the results obtained and describes the major contributions of the thesis

    Investigating evolutionary checkers by incorporating individual and social learning, N-tuple systems and a round robin tournament

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    In recent years, much research attention has been paid to evolving self-learning game players. Fogel's Blondie24 is just one demonstration of a real success in this field and it has inspired many other scientists. In this thesis, artificial neural networks are employed to evolve game playing strategies for the game of checkers by introducing a league structure into the learning phase of a system based on Blondie24. We believe that this helps eliminate some of the randomness in the evolution. The best player obtained is tested against an evolutionary checkers program based on Blondie24. The results obtained are promising. In addition, we introduce an individual and social learning mechanism into the learning phase of the evolutionary checkers system. The best player obtained is tested against an implementation of an evolutionary checkers program, and also against a player, which utilises a round robin tournament. The results are promising. N-tuple systems are also investigated and are used as position value functions for the game of checkers. The architecture of the n-tuple is utilises temporal difference learning. The best player obtained is compared with an implementation of evolutionary checkers program based on Blondie24, and also against a Blondie24 inspired player, which utilises a round robin tournament. The results are promising. We also address the question of whether piece difference and the look-ahead depth are important factors in the Blondie24 architecture. Our experiments show that piece difference and the look-ahead depth have a significant effect on learning abilities

    Investigating evolutionary checkers by incorporating individual and social learning, N-tuple systems and a round robin tournament

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    In recent years, much research attention has been paid to evolving self-learning game players. Fogel's Blondie24 is just one demonstration of a real success in this field and it has inspired many other scientists. In this thesis, artificial neural networks are employed to evolve game playing strategies for the game of checkers by introducing a league structure into the learning phase of a system based on Blondie24. We believe that this helps eliminate some of the randomness in the evolution. The best player obtained is tested against an evolutionary checkers program based on Blondie24. The results obtained are promising. In addition, we introduce an individual and social learning mechanism into the learning phase of the evolutionary checkers system. The best player obtained is tested against an implementation of an evolutionary checkers program, and also against a player, which utilises a round robin tournament. The results are promising. N-tuple systems are also investigated and are used as position value functions for the game of checkers. The architecture of the n-tuple is utilises temporal difference learning. The best player obtained is compared with an implementation of evolutionary checkers program based on Blondie24, and also against a Blondie24 inspired player, which utilises a round robin tournament. The results are promising. We also address the question of whether piece difference and the look-ahead depth are important factors in the Blondie24 architecture. Our experiments show that piece difference and the look-ahead depth have a significant effect on learning abilities