47 research outputs found


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    Genetic programming applied to morphological image processing

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    This thesis presents three approaches to the automatic design of algorithms for the processing of binary images based on the Genetic Programming (GP) paradigm. In the first approach the algorithms are designed using the basic Mathematical Morphology (MM) operators, i.e. erosion and dilation, with a variety of Structuring Elements (SEs). GP is used to design algorithms to convert a binary image into another containing just a particular characteristic of interest. In the study we have tested two similarity fitness functions, training sets with different numbers of elements and different sizes of the training images over three different objectives. The results of the first approach showed some success in the evolution of MM algorithms but also identifed problems with the amount of computational resources the method required. The second approach uses Sub-Machine-Code GP (SMCGP) and bitwise operators as an attempt to speed-up the evolution of the algorithms and to make them both feasible and effective. The SMCGP approach was successful in the speeding up of the computation but it was not successful in improving the quality of the obtained algorithms. The third approach presents the combination of logical and morphological operators in an attempt to improve the quality of the automatically designed algorithms. The results obtained provide empirical evidence showing that the evolution of high quality MM algorithms using GP is possible and that this technique has a broad potential that should be explored further. This thesis includes an analysis of the potential of GP and other Machine Learning techniques for solving the general problem of Signal Understanding by means of exploring Mathematical Morphology

    Flow Fields and Agents for Immersive Interaction in Mutator VR: Vortex

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    This paper discusses the challenges in creating Mutator VR: Vortex, a virtual reality experience based on interaction with semi-autonomous, organically-inspired agents. The work allows the immersant to morph between a vast number of procedurally- generated microworlds each with its own visual elements, sounds, agent dynamics, and user interactions. We outline two methods used for procedural generation that are based fundamentally on integration of di?erent modalities. Curve-based synthesis is used for simultaneous generation of entity sounds and shape and ?ow grains are employed to determine both agent dynamics and user interaction with the agents

    A bi-objective stochastic approach for stochastic CARP

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    The Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) occurs in applications like urban waste collection or winter gritting. It is usually defined in literature on an undirected graph G = (V, E) , with a set V of n nodes and a set E of m edges. A fleet of identical vehicles of capacity Q is based at a depot node. Each edge i has a cost (length) ci and a demand qi (e.g. an amount of waste), and it may be traversed any number of times. The edges with non-zero demands or tasks require service by a vehicle. The goal is to determine a set of vehicle trips (routes) of minimum total cost, such that each trip starts and ends at the depot, each task is serviced by one single trip, and the total demand handled by any vehicle does not exceed Q . To the best of our knowledge the best published method is a memetic algorithm first introduced in 2001. This article provides a new extension of the NSGA II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) template to comply with the stochastic sight of the CARP. The main contribution is: - to introduce mathematical expression to evaluate both cost and duration of the longest trip and also standard deviation of these two criteria. - to use a NGA-II template to optimize simultaneously the cost and the duration of the longest trip including standard deviation. The numerical experiments managed on the thee well-known benchmark sets of DeArmon, Belenguer and Benavent and Eglese, prove it is possible to obtain robust solutions in four simultaneous criteria in rather short computation times

    A New Discrete Particle Swarm Algorithm Applied to Attribute Selection in a Bioinformatics Data Set

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    Many data mining applications involve the task of build- ing a model for predictive classification. The goal of such a model is to classify examples (records or data instances) into classes or categories of the same type. The use of variables (attributes) not related to the classes can reduce the accu- racy and reliability of a classification or prediction model. Superfluous variables can also increase the costs of build- ing a model - particularly on large data sets. We propose a discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm de- signed for attribute selection. The proposed algorithm deals with discrete variables, and its population of candidate solu- tions contains particles of different sizes. The performance of this algorithm is compared with the performance of a standard binary PSO algorithm on the task of selecting at- tributes in a bioinformatics data set. The criteria used for comparison are: (1) maximizing predictive accuracy; and (2) finding the smallest subset of attributes

    Hybrid nature-inspired computation methods for optimization

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    The focus of this work is on the exploration of the hybrid Nature-Inspired Computation (NIC) methods with application in optimization. In the dissertation, we first study various types of the NIC algorithms including the Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Simulated Annealing (SA), Harmony Search (HS), Differential Evolution (DE), and Mind Evolution Computing (MEC), and propose several new fusions of the NIC techniques, such as CSA-DE, HS-DE, and CSA-SA. Their working principles, structures, and algorithms are analyzed and discussed in details. We next investigate the performances of our hybrid NIC methods in handling nonlinear, multi-modal, and dynamical optimization problems, e.g., nonlinear function optimization, optimal LC passive power filter design, and optimization of neural networks and fuzzy classification systems. The hybridization of these NIC methods can overcome the shortcomings of standalone algorithms while still retaining all the advantages. It has been demonstrated using computer simulations that the proposed hybrid NIC approaches are capable of yielding superior optimization performances over the individual NIC methods as well as conventional methodologies with regard to the search efficiency, convergence speed, and quantity and quality of the optimal solutions achieved

    Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation

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    Computational creativity seeks to understand computational mechanisms that can be characterized as creative. The creation of new concepts is a central challenge for any creative system. In this article, we outline different approaches to computational concept creation and then review conceptual representations relevant to concept creation, and therefore to computational creativity. The conceptual representations are organized in accordance with two important perspectives on the distinctions between them. One distinction is between symbolic, spatial and connectionist representations. The other is between descriptive and procedural representations. Additionally, conceptual representations used in particular creative domains, such as language, music, image and emotion, are reviewed separately. For every representation reviewed, we cover the inference it affords, the computational means of building it, and its application in concept creation.Peer reviewe

    Cultural particle swarm optimization

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    Nature-inspired algorithms for solving some hard numerical problems

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    Optimisation is a branch of mathematics that was developed to find the optimal solutions, among all the possible ones, for a given problem. Applications of optimisation techniques are currently employed in engineering, computing, and industrial problems. Therefore, optimisation is a very active research area, leading to the publication of a large number of methods to solve specific problems to its optimality. This dissertation focuses on the adaptation of two nature inspired algorithms that, based on optimisation techniques, are able to compute approximations for zeros of polynomials and roots of non-linear equations and systems of non-linear equations. Although many iterative methods for finding all the roots of a given function already exist, they usually require: (a) repeated deflations, that can lead to very inaccurate results due to the problem of accumulating rounding errors, (b) good initial approximations to the roots for the algorithm converge, or (c) the computation of first or second order derivatives, which besides being computationally intensive, it is not always possible. The drawbacks previously mentioned served as motivation for the use of Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for root-finding, since they are known, respectively, for their ability to explore high-dimensional spaces (not requiring good initial approximations) and for their capability to model complex problems. Besides that, both methods do not need repeated deflations, nor derivative information. The algorithms were described throughout this document and tested using a test suite of hard numerical problems in science and engineering. Results, in turn, were compared with several results available on the literature and with the well-known Durand–Kerner method, depicting that both algorithms are effective to solve the numerical problems considered.A Optimização é um ramo da matemática desenvolvido para encontrar as soluções óptimas, de entre todas as possíveis, para um determinado problema. Actualmente, são várias as técnicas de optimização aplicadas a problemas de engenharia, de informática e da indústria. Dada a grande panóplia de aplicações, existem inúmeros trabalhos publicados que propõem métodos para resolver, de forma óptima, problemas específicos. Esta dissertação foca-se na adaptação de dois algoritmos inspirados na natureza que, tendo como base técnicas de optimização, são capazes de calcular aproximações para zeros de polinómios e raízes de equações não lineares e sistemas de equações não lineares. Embora já existam muitos métodos iterativos para encontrar todas as raízes ou zeros de uma função, eles usualmente exigem: (a) deflações repetidas, que podem levar a resultados muito inexactos, devido ao problema da acumulação de erros de arredondamento a cada iteração; (b) boas aproximações iniciais para as raízes para o algoritmo convergir, ou (c) o cálculo de derivadas de primeira ou de segunda ordem que, além de ser computacionalmente intensivo, para muitas funções é impossível de se calcular. Estas desvantagens motivaram o uso da Optimização por Enxame de Partículas (PSO) e de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs) para o cálculo de raízes. Estas técnicas são conhecidas, respectivamente, pela sua capacidade de explorar espaços de dimensão superior (não exigindo boas aproximações iniciais) e pela sua capacidade de modelar problemas complexos. Além disto, tais técnicas não necessitam de deflações repetidas, nem do cálculo de derivadas. Ao longo deste documento, os algoritmos são descritos e testados, usando um conjunto de problemas numéricos com aplicações nas ciências e na engenharia. Os resultados foram comparados com outros disponíveis na literatura e com o método de Durand–Kerner, e sugerem que ambos os algoritmos são capazes de resolver os problemas numéricos considerados