113,029 research outputs found

    ETeach3D: Designing a 3D virtual environment for evaluating the digital competence of preservice teachers

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    The acquisition of teacher digital competence is a key aspect in the initial training of teachers. However, most existing evaluation instruments do not provide sufficient evidence of this teaching competence. In this study, we describe the design and development process of a three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment for evaluating the teacher digital competence of future teachers, through a performance-based, collaborative and contextual evaluation. This environment, named ETeach3D, has been constructed using the educational design research approach. It is based on successive iterative cycles and is in accordance with the criteria of usefulness, validity, and effectiveness. In addition to the research team responsible for the project, participating in this study were 187 Spanish undergraduate students of Education and 22 experts in the field of educational technology. Results show that these environments, in addition to other characteristics, should (a) function smoothly and have simple interfaces, realistic scenes, and interactive activities and (b) follow a systematic evaluation procedure that integrates several strategies and levels of complexity. This research helps to improve the initial training of preservice teachers and contributes to the growing number of educational design research studies that focus in the field of evaluation of the curriculum domain.This research is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, SIMUL@B (ref: EDU2013-42223-P), and supported by the Secretary of Universities and Research, Department of Economy and Knowledge, Government of Catalonia. The project is coordinated by the ARGET research group (ref: 2014SGR1399)

    Implementing use of ICT in teacher education

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    Teachers in Sweden are still in need of digital literacies to master the pedagogical use of ICT in schools. Teacher education has a key role in adding the use of ICT to the abilities of their students and teachers. At Stockholm Institute of Education the Learning Resource Centre has an important role in providing appropriate technology, supported learning environments and competence development for teachers and students. Competence development programs focus on digital literacies. Continuous self evaluation by participants points to good results. The problems which arise for teachers are mainly dependant on lack of time for training and maintaining digital work patterns.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Enhancing teacher creativity in digitalizing math-literacy modules through technological pedagogical content knowledge training

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    Mathematical literacy is one of the abilities that must be mastered by teachers. To increase teachers' creative competence, digital modules oriented towards mathematical literacy are supported by Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) training. This study aims to evaluate the validity and practicality of digital modules oriented towards mathematical literacy. This study uses the design research method with the Plomp model, which consists of three stages: preliminary research, the prototype stage, and the evaluation stage. The instruments used were validation sheets for material experts and media experts, as well as student and teacher response questionnaires to see the effectiveness and practicality of the digital modules that had been developed. The results of the study show that digital modules oriented towards mathematical literacy using TPACK training have been successfully carried out. Based on the results of the analysis, effectiveness, and practicality, the feasibility of the module is 87.65%, which is in the very good category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the developed mathematical literacy-oriented digital modules have valid, practical, and effective qualities to enhance teacher creativity


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    This study aims to analyze the principal's policies, teacher efforts and student efforts in improving learning achievement. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection instruments used interview guidelines, observation sheets and documentation. Test the validity of the data using technical triangulation and source triangulation. The data analysis technique uses Miles and Huberman interactive analysis: data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the research include: Schools in collaboration with DUDI (Industrial World Business) in accordance with expertise competencies; Principal's policy to increase accreditation; Principals provide guidance and training to teachers in accordance with the areas of competence being taught; Principal conducts academic evaluation and supervision; Teachers participate in training and IHT activities; The teacher conducts a survey of students; Teachers provide training, coaching and motivation to students; Teachers use digital media such as Canva to train students' skills; Students participate in training and coaching activities in entrepreneurship activities; Students listen and understand the material explained by the teacher; Students work on and submit assignments on time

    Teachers’ digital competencies in higher education: a systematic literature review

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    This article received support from the Teaching Innovation Project PIBD Basic II of the UGR (Grant No. 21-71): FlippedClassroom and Work-integrated Learning as Active Methodologies for Teaching Marketing in English and from the Innovation Project for The Improvement of Pre-service Teacher Training in Online Contexts (#BetterTeachers) (Grant No. ID-UDIMA-2020-02).Digital competence has gained a strong prominence in the educational context, being one of the key competencies that teachers must master in today’s society. Although most models and frameworks focus on the pre-university level, there is a growing interest in knowing the state of digital competencies of university teachers, that is, the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for a teacher to make effective use of technologies. The aim of this research is to present a systematic review of the literature in the Web of Science and Scopus, to identify, analyze and classify the published articles between 2000 and 2021 on digital competences, and thus find and improve the research being done on digital skills and future avenues of teachers in the university context. The SciMAT software is used in the analysis. The initial search reveals more than 343 articles in English, of which 152 are duplicates and 135 are not related to the topic of study. After this filtering, 56 articles are obtained and analyzed in depth. The results reveal a predominance of research that focuses on analyzing teachers’ self-assessment and reflection of their digital competencies. Teachers recognize that they have a low or medium–low digital competence, as well as the absence of certain competencies, especially those related to the evaluation of educational practice. Despite the multiple studies that address this issue, it is necessary to continue improving research in this area, deepening the assessment of teachers’ digital competencies and design, on this basis, more practical and personalized training programs that respond to the needs of teachers in the digital era.Teaching Innovation Project PIBD Basic II of the UGR 21-71Innovation Project for The Improvement of Pre-service Teacher Training in Online Contexts (#BetterTeachers) ID-UDIMA-2020-0


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    ABSTRAKPeningkatan literasi digital terhadap guru merupakan hal yang perlu dilakukan di era revolusi industri 4.0 saat ini. Semenjak pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak terhadap dunia pendidikan, tuntutan kompetensi digital guru karena adanya kebijakan pembelajaran secara daring menjadi sangat vital. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan digital guru PAUD melalui pelatihan pengoperasian aplikasi Zoom di PAUD Ceria Anak Bangsaku, Desa Jabon Mekar, Kecamatan Parung sebanyak 6 orang. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan aplikasi Zoom yang dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) tahap, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi hasil kegiatan. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa literasi digital guru PAUD meningkat setelah diberi pelatihan yang dapat dilihat dari indikator pada tahapan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi dari 6 guru PAUD yang terlibat menunjukkan bahwa 83% menjadi lebih tahu aplikasi Zoom dan cara pengoperasiannya. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa kegiatan ini berjalan sesuai dengan sasaran dan tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, yaitu peningkatan literasi digital pada guru PAUD. Kata kunci : peningkatan literasi digital; guru PAUD; aplikasi Zoom ABSTRACTIncreasing digital literacy for teachers is something that needs to be done in the current era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Because the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the world of education, the need for digital teacher competence due to learning policies is very important. Therefore, this community service was carried out with the aim of increasing the digital skills of nursery school teachers through training on the operation of Zoom application at Ceria Anak Bangsaku (CAB) nursery school, Jabon Mekar Village, Parung District. The method applied in this activity was training. It was divided into 3 (three) stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the training showed that the digital literacy of CAB teachers increased after training had given. It was seen from the indicators at the evaluation stage. The evaluation results showed that 83% CAB teachers becoming more familiar with Zoom application and how operate it. Thus, this community service was in accordance with the objective of this activity which was increasing digital literacy for nursery school teachers. Keywords: digital literacy improvement; nursery school teacher; Zoom applicatio

    Competence development for the educational integration of digital resources

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    In previous research work [1] where we studied the conceptions of teacher training defended in six references of digital competences for teachers, we recognized that the integration of digital technologies in the context of learning has been attempted since the last decades of the twentieth century. In fact, the central axis of the references was based on the development of digital skills for pedagogical integration. Moreover, we also know that the innovative potential of digital technologies can have a relevant role in transforming and enriching pedagogy and we are also aware that considerable effort in teacher training/education has been centred on the pedagogical exploitation of ICT in learning contexts. Aiming to ensure innovation in pedagogical practices, concerns with continuous transformation of technology-based learning seem necessary. In addition, research also points to the need to improve conditions for teacher educators’ development with digital technology and professional digital competence [2]. In this context, the digital skills of teachers play a fundamental role in the students' learning process, but also in the development of skills related to critical thinking, innovation, collaboration, problem solving and others that are emerging, related to a society increasingly supported by artificial intelligence applications and services [3]. Training and professional development is something that must be continuously monitored in order to be able to react with the urgency necessary to fill any gap that may condition the preparation of students for the digital society. That bearing in mind, we designed a survey with the following objectives: (i) to verify and analyse the digital skills of Basic Education teachers in Portugal (1st to 3rd Cycles); (ii) to categorize the levels of teachers' digital competence; (iii) to assess the level of influence of digital competence in innovative learning practices in educational contexts. The survey was finished by 242 teachers who completed an online questionnaire asking for an individual self-evaluation of DigCompEdu [4] area 2 (digital resources) competencies: (i) selection; (ii) creation and modification; (iii) management, protection and sharing of ICT. Subjects were asked about their level of experience in the daily and professional use of ICT. As a first study that will serve as a basis for other more extensive studies in order to regularly monitor the evolution of Basic Education teachers’ pedagogical integration skills with ICT, provisional findings show that teachers seem to feel able to: (i) use advanced strategies and resources comprehensively; (ii) adapt digital resources to the learning context; (iii) use interactive resources strategically. In this paper, we aim to fully present the collected data as well as to share the analysis we will be conducting, bearing in mind that teachers who participated in the survey have shown high awareness of the importance of their continuous professional development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluasi Program Pelatihan Google Certified Educator Dalam Peningkatan Profesionalitas Guru: Studi Kasus Sekolah Kristen Ketapang

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    Technology is a very important tool in the world of education so technological progress must be balanced with the competence of educators for its use in the learning process. This study aims to confirm the evaluation results of the Google Certified Educator training program in increasing teacher professionalism (Case Study at Ketapang Christian School). The research method uses qualitative research with an experiential learning approach, namely with 4 stages: the real experience stage, the reflection observation stage, the conceptualization stage, and the implementation stage. The subjects in this study were 116 Ketapang Christian School teachers from the KB-TK to high school levels. The results of the study show that Google Certified Educator training can increase teacher professionalism in carrying out digital-based learning processes supported by measurements of maturity in the use of substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition-based technology (SAMR). Keywords: Google Certified Educator Training, Training Evaluation, Teacher Professionalis

    Implementing use of ICT in teacher education

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    Teachers in Sweden are still in need of digital literacies to master the pedagogical use of ICT in schools. Teacher education has a key role in adding the use of ICT to the abilities of their students and teachers. At Stockholm Institute of Education the Learning Resource Centre has an important role in providing appropriate technology, supported learning environments and competence development for teachers and students. Competence development programs focus on digital literacies. Continuous self evaluation by participants points to good results. The problems which arise for teachers are mainly dependant on lack of time for training and maintaining digital work patterns.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Línguas, mediações e aprendizagens à luz do Quadro Europeu Comum de Competência Digital

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    There being a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages that regulates learning, teaching and evaluation of this domain, we will discuss its dual association to the CEFR for Digital Competence, which we understand as dialogic since Digital Technologies are part of the teaching of any language, let alone other domains. Our approach will be provocative in that, taking into account what has been called soft skills, it will show parallels that each of the teachers contribute to learning, teaching and evaluation, with implications for teacher training and teachers’ respective responsibilities in the impacts of their activity in the future of their students.publishe
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