409 research outputs found

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    DEPAS: A Decentralized Probabilistic Algorithm for Auto-Scaling

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    The dynamic provisioning of virtualized resources offered by cloud computing infrastructures allows applications deployed in a cloud environment to automatically increase and decrease the amount of used resources. This capability is called auto-scaling and its main purpose is to automatically adjust the scale of the system that is running the application to satisfy the varying workload with minimum resource utilization. The need for auto-scaling is particularly important during workload peaks, in which applications may need to scale up to extremely large-scale systems. Both the research community and the main cloud providers have already developed auto-scaling solutions. However, most research solutions are centralized and not suitable for managing large-scale systems, moreover cloud providers' solutions are bound to the limitations of a specific provider in terms of resource prices, availability, reliability, and connectivity. In this paper we propose DEPAS, a decentralized probabilistic auto-scaling algorithm integrated into a P2P architecture that is cloud provider independent, thus allowing the auto-scaling of services over multiple cloud infrastructures at the same time. Our simulations, which are based on real service traces, show that our approach is capable of: (i) keeping the overall utilization of all the instantiated cloud resources in a target range, (ii) maintaining service response times close to the ones obtained using optimal centralized auto-scaling approaches.Comment: Submitted to Springer Computin

    Effects of Data Replication on Data Exfiltration in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Utilizing Reactive Protocols

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    A swarm of autonomous UAVs can provide a significant amount of ISR data where current UAV assets may not be feasible or practical. As such, the availability of the data the resides in the swarm is a topic that will benefit from further investigation. This thesis examines the impact of le replication and swarm characteristics such as node mobility, swarm size, and churn rate on data availability utilizing reactive protocols. This document examines the most prominent factors affecting the networking of nodes in a MANET. Factors include network routing protocols and peer-to-peer le protocols. It compares and contrasts several open source network simulator environments. Experiment implementation is documented, covering design considerations, assumptions, and software implementation, as well as detailing constant, response and variable factors. Collected data is presented and the results show that in swarms of sizes of 30, 45, and 60 nodes, le replication improves data availability until network saturation is reached, with the most significant benefit gained after only one copy is made. Mobility, churn rate, and swarm density all influence the replication impact

    Live Streaming in P2P and Hybrid P2P-Cloud Environments for the Open Internet

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live media streaming is an emerging technology that reduces the barrier to stream live events over the Internet. However, providing a high quality media stream using P2P overlay networks is challenging and gives raise to a number of issues: (i) how to guarantee quality of the service (QoS) in the presence of dynamism, (ii) how to incentivize nodes to participate in media distribution, (iii) how to avoid bottlenecks in the overlay, and (iv) how to deal with nodes that reside behind Network Address Translators gateways (NATs). In this thesis, we answer the above research questions in form of new algorithms and systems. First of all, we address problems (i) and (ii) by presenting our P2P live media streaming solutions: Sepidar, which is a multiple-tree overlay, and GLive, which is a mesh overlay. In both models, nodes with higher upload bandwidth are positioned closer to the media source. This structure reduces the playback latency and increases the playback continuity at nodes, and also incentivizes the nodes to provide more upload bandwidth. We use a reputation model to improve participating nodes in media distribution in Sepidar and GLive. In both systems, nodes audit the behaviour of their directly connected nodes by getting feedback from other nodes. Nodes who upload more of the stream get a relatively higher reputation, and proportionally higher quality streams. To construct our streaming overlay, we present a distributed market model inspired by Bertsekas auction algorithm, although our model does not rely on a central server with global knowledge. In our model, each node has only partial information about the system. Nodes acquire knowledge of the system by sampling nodes using the Gradient overlay, where it facilitates the discovery of nodes with similar upload bandwidth. We address the bottlenecks problem, problem (iii), by presenting CLive that satisïŹes real-time constraints on delay between the generation of the stream and its actual delivery to users. We resolve this problem by borrowing some resources (helpers) from the cloud, upon need. In our approach, helpers are added on demand to the overlay, to increase the amount of total available bandwidth, thus increasing the probability of receiving the video on time. As the use of cloud resources costs money, we model the problem as the minimization of the economical cost, provided that a set of constraints on QoS is satisïŹed. Finally, we solve the NAT problem, problem (iv), by presenting two NAT-aware peer sampling services (PSS): Gozar and Croupier. Traditional gossip-based PSS breaks down, where a high percentage of nodes are behind NATs. We overcome this problem in Gozar using one-hop relaying to communicate with the nodes behind NATs. Croupier similarly implements a gossip-based PSS, but without the use of relaying

    A framework for the dynamic management of Peer-to-Peer overlays

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications have been associated with inefficient operation, interference with other network services and large operational costs for network providers. This thesis presents a framework which can help ISPs address these issues by means of intelligent management of peer behaviour. The proposed approach involves limited control of P2P overlays without interfering with the fundamental characteristics of peer autonomy and decentralised operation. At the core of the management framework lays the Active Virtual Peer (AVP). Essentially intelligent peers operated by the network providers, the AVPs interact with the overlay from within, minimising redundant or inefficient traffic, enhancing overlay stability and facilitating the efficient and balanced use of available peer and network resources. They offer an “insider‟s” view of the overlay and permit the management of P2P functions in a compatible and non-intrusive manner. AVPs can support multiple P2P protocols and coordinate to perform functions collectively. To account for the multi-faceted nature of P2P applications and allow the incorporation of modern techniques and protocols as they appear, the framework is based on a modular architecture. Core modules for overlay control and transit traffic minimisation are presented. Towards the latter, a number of suitable P2P content caching strategies are proposed. Using a purpose-built P2P network simulator and small-scale experiments, it is demonstrated that the introduction of AVPs inside the network can significantly reduce inter-AS traffic, minimise costly multi-hop flows, increase overlay stability and load-balancing and offer improved peer transfer performance


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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology has emerged as an important alternative to the traditional client-server communication paradigm to build large-scale distributed systems. P2P enables the creation, dissemination and access to information at low cost and without the need of dedicated coordinating entities. However, existing P2P systems fail to provide high-levels of content availability, which limit their applicability and adoption. This dissertation takes a holistic approach to device mechanisms to improve content availability in large-scale P2P systems. Content availability in P2P can be impacted by hardware failures and churn. Hardware failures, in the form of disk or node failures, render information inaccessible. Churn, an inherent property of P2P, is the collective effect of the users’ uncoordinated behavior, which occurs when a large percentage of nodes join and leave frequently. Such a behavior reduces content availability significantly. Mitigating the combined effect of hardware failures and churn on content availability in P2P requires new and innovative solutions that go beyond those applied in existing distributed systems. To addresses this challenge, the thesis proposes two complementary, low cost mechanisms, whereby nodes self-organize to overcome failures and improve content availability. The first mechanism is a low complexity and highly flexible hybrid redundancy scheme, referred to as Proactive Repair (PR). The second mechanism is an incentive-based scheme that promotes cooperation and enforces fair exchange of resources among peers. These mechanisms provide the basis for the development of distributed self-organizing algorithms to automate PR and, through incentives, maximize their effectiveness in realistic P2P environments. Our proposed solution is evaluated using a combination of analytical and experimental methods. The analytical models are developed to determine the availability and repair cost properties of PR. The results indicate that PR’s repair cost outperforms other redundancy schemes. The experimental analysis was carried out using simulation and the development of a testbed. The simulation results confirm that PR improves content availability in P2P. The proposed mechanisms are implemented and tested using a DHT-based P2P application environment. The experimental results indicate that the incentive-based mechanism can promote fair exchange of resources and limits the impact of uncooperative behaviors such as “free-riding”

    On service optimization in community network micro-clouds

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    Cotutela Universitat PolitĂšcnica de Catalunya i KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyInternet coverage in the world is still weak and local communities are required to come together and build their own network infrastructures. People collaborate for the common goal of accessing the Internet and cloud services by building Community networks (CNs). The use of Internet cloud services has grown over the last decade. Community network cloud infrastructures (i.e. micro-clouds) have been introduced to run services inside the network, without the need to consume them from the Internet. CN micro-clouds aims for not only an improved service performance, but also an entry point for an alternative to Internet cloud services in CNs. However, the adaptation of the services to be used in CN micro-clouds have their own challenges since the use of low-capacity devices and wireless connections without a central management is predominant in CNs. Further, large and irregular topology of the network, high software and hardware diversity and different service requirements in CNs, makes the CN micro-clouds a challenging environment to run local services, and to achieve service performance and quality similar to Internet cloud services. In this thesis, our main objective is the optimization of services (performance, quality) in CN micro-clouds, facilitating entrance to other services and motivating members to make use of CN micro-cloud services as an alternative to Internet services. We present an approach to handle services in CN micro-cloud environments in order to improve service performance and quality that can be approximated to Internet services, while also giving to the community motivation to use CN micro-cloud services. Furthermore, we break the problem into different levels (resource, service and middleware), propose a model that provides improvements for each level and contribute with information that helps to support the improvements (in terms of service performance and quality) in the other levels. At the resource level, we facilitate the use of community devices by utilizing virtualization techniques that isolate and manage CN micro-cloud services in order to have a multi-purpose environment that fosters services in the CN micro-cloud environment. At the service level, we build a monitoring tool tailored for CN micro-clouds that helps us to analyze service behavior and performance in CN micro-clouds. Subsequently, the information gathered enables adaptation of the services to the environment in order to improve their quality and performance under CN environments. At the middleware level, we build overlay networks as the main communication system according to the social information in order to improve paths and routes of the nodes, and improve transmission of data across the network by utilizing the relationships already established in the social network or community of practices that are related to the CNs. Therefore, service performance in CN micro-clouds can become more stable with respect to resource usage, performance and user perceived quality.Acceder a Internet sigue siendo un reto en muchas partes del mundo y las comunidades locales se ven en la necesidad de colaborar para construir sus propias infraestructuras de red. Los usuarios colaboran por el objetivo comĂșn de acceder a Internet y a los servicios en la nube construyendo redes comunitarias (RC). El uso de servicios de Internet en la nube ha crecido durante la Ășltima dĂ©cada. Las infraestructuras de nube en redes comunitarias (i.e., micronubes) han aparecido para albergar servicios dentro de las mismas redes, sin tener que acceder a Internet para usarlos. Las micronubes de las RC no solo tienen por objetivo ofrecer un mejor rendimiento, sino tambiĂ©n ser la puerta de entrada en las RC hacia una alternativa a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Sin embargo, la adaptaciĂłn de los servicios para ser usados en micronubes de RC conlleva sus retos ya que el uso de dispositivos de recursos limitados y de conexiones inalĂĄmbricas sin una gestiĂłn centralizada predominan en las RC. MĂĄs aĂșn, la amplia e irregular topologĂ­a de la red, la diversidad en el hardware y el software y los diferentes requisitos de los servicios en RC convierten en un desafĂ­o albergar servicios locales en micronubes de RC y obtener un rendimiento y una calidad del servicio comparables a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Esta tesis tiene por objetivo la optimizaciĂłn de servicios (rendimiento, calidad) en micronubes de RC, facilitando la entrada a otros servicios y motivando a sus miembros a usar los servicios en la micronube de RC como una alternativa a los servicios en Internet. Presentamos una aproximaciĂłn para gestionar los servicios en entornos de micronube de RC para mejorar su rendimiento y calidad comparable a los servicios en Internet, a la vez que proporcionamos a la comunidad motivaciĂłn para usar los servicios de micronube en RC. AdemĂĄs, dividimos el problema en distintos niveles (recursos, servicios y middleware), proponemos un modelo que proporciona mejoras para cada nivel y contribuye con informaciĂłn que apoya las mejoras (en tĂ©rminos de rendimiento y calidad de los servicios) en los otros niveles. En el nivel de los recursos, facilitamos el uso de dispositivos comunitarios al emplear tĂ©cnicas de virtualizaciĂłn que aĂ­slan y gestionan los servicios en micronubes de RC para obtener un entorno multipropĂłsito que fomenta los servicios en el entorno de micronube de RC. En el nivel de servicio, construimos una herramienta de monitorizaciĂłn a la medida de las micronubes de RC que nos ayuda a analizar el comportamiento de los servicios y su rendimiento en micronubes de RC. Luego, la informaciĂłn recopilada permite adaptar los servicios al entorno para mejorar su calidad y rendimiento bajo las condiciones de una RC. En el nivel de middleware, construimos redes de overlay que actĂșan como el sistema de comunicaciĂłn principal de acuerdo a informaciĂłn social para mejorar los caminos y las rutas de los nodos y mejoramos la transmisiĂłn de datos a lo largo de la red al utilizar las relaciones preestablecidas en la red social o la comunidad de prĂĄcticas que estĂĄn relacionadas con las RC. De este modo, el rendimiento en las micronubes de RC puede devenir mĂĄs estable respecto al uso de recursos, el rendimiento y la calidad percibidas por el usuario.Postprint (published version

    Popularity Characterization and Modelling for User-generated Videos

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    User-generated content systems such as YouTube have become highly popular. It is difficult to under- stand and predict content popularity in such systems. Characterizing and modelling content popularity can provide deeper insights into system design trade-offs and enable prediction of system behaviour in advance. Borghol et al. collected two datasets of YouTube video weekly view counts over eight months in 2008/09, namely a “recently-uploaded” dataset and a “keyword-search” dataset, and analyzed the popular- ity characteristics of the videos in the recently-uploaded dataset including the video popularity evolution over time. Based on the observed characteristics, they developed a model that can generate synthetic video weekly view counts whose characteristics with respect to video popularity evolution match those observed in the recently-uploaded dataset. For this thesis, new weekly view count data was collected over two months in 2011 for the videos in the recently-uploaded and keyword-search datasets of Borghol et al. This data was used to evaluate the accuracy of the Borghol et al. model when used to generate synthetic view counts for a much longer time period than the eight month period previously considered. Although the model yielded distributions of total (lifetime) video view counts that match the empirical distributions, significant differences between the model and em- pirical data were observed. These differences appear to arise because of particular popularity characteristics that change over time rather than being week-invariant as assumed in the model. This thesis also characterizes how video popularity evolves beyond the eight month period considered by Borghol et al., and studies the characteristics of the keyword-search dataset with respect to content popu- larity, popularity evolution, and sampling biases. Finally, the thesis studies the popularity characteristics of the videos in the recently-uploaded and keyword-search datasets for which additional view count data could not be collected, owing to the removal of these videos from YouTube

    Simulation and data analysis of peer-to-peer traffic for live video streaming

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    Evaluating and testing changes or configurations to peer-to-peer systems or even understanding their behaviour can be complicated. One approach is to simulate a large peer-to-peer system and visualise the results. In this master's thesis a study is performed to understand how an actual implementation of a hybrid peer-to-peer live video streaming system behaves and performs under different scenarios. The behaviour and performance of a hybrid live video streaming system consisting of an unstructured mesh-pull-based P2P network and a classic content delivery network solution is studied by simulating the system with different scenarios such as flash crowds and flash disconnects. The simulation system includes a network model taking latency and bandwidth into consideration. As expected the mesh-based system performed well under user churn. Although the system consisted of approximately 80% free-riders the utilisation of the content distribution network was reduced by 95% on average. The data analysis was successful in improving the system's overall performance. Furthermore, the visualisations and data analysis were used to understand the system's behaviour
