19,069 research outputs found


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    The playing experiences of esport participants: An analysis of treatment discrimination and hostility in esport environments

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    The eSport industry has seen rapid growth over the previous decade with additional opportunities for participants to compete in competitive and casual environments. As such, the sport industry has taken notice of this increase in popularity and exposure for eSport. A recent call to arms by sport management scholars suggests that the field of sport management needs to broaden research endeavors to include analyses of eSport and eSport spaces. To that end, this investigation serves as one of the first that investigates the playing experiences of eSport participants with a particular focus on the presence of discrimination and hostility in playing environments for men and women competitors. Previous events within the eSport industry, such as the now infamous harassment of female gamers known as Gamergate, suggests that female eSport players may experience discrimination and hostility at higher rates than their male counterparts. Guided by the frameworks of hegemonic masculinity and treatment discrimination, this investigation gauged the experiences of men and women eSport participants with discrimination and hostility in eSport playing environments. Results indicated that female eSport participants reported experiencing instances of treatment discrimination more frequently than their male counterparts, while male participants reported experiencing hostility more frequently. Results aim to assist the eSport industry as well as sport management scholars in guiding new policy to create inclusive spaces for eSport enthusiasts and career hopefuls


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    eSport Building Design Role In Introducing Its Activities

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    esport has the meaning of electronic sports, which the aspect of the sport is all facilitated by the electronic system. The definition of esport is a sport that does not compete physically, but is more concerned with strategy and competed online via computer, so players from each team can compete without face to face. In its development, esport enthusiasts from year to year increase, but unfortunately this is not balanced with the existence of  facilities that can support the development of esport. Some facilities are often used is a place with different functions. There is still no building with a special function that is used for esport activities. The purpose of  this research is to create a building facility that can accommodate the esport activities. Use method / application micro-concept of form is transformative, dynamic macro concept, and modern architectural theme, Result of building design that can present the function esport visually. So that building can be characteristic for esport building

    Evaluating The Impact of Esport Brand Extensions on Brand Equity and Behavioral Intentions

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    Esport, which consists of video game competitions that fans can watch remotely or attend, is a rapidly growing industry. Although there is trepidation among traditional sport organizations about embracing esport, the popularity of esport with young consumers makes it attractive to sport practitioners. Some traditional sport entities have started to embrace esport. Specifically, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has made a concerted effort to incorporate esport into its brand. Certain NBA franchises (e.g., the Philadelphia 76ers) manage esport teams (e.g., 76ers GC) that compete in the NBA 2K League. The NBA esport teams consist of athletes/gamers who play NBA2K, a sport video game, and compete against other teams in the NBA 2K League. The NBA esport teams therefore act as brand extensions of each NBA franchise (the parent brand). Brand extensions are a common brand management strategy in sport; however, esport brand extensions of a traditional sport parent brand have yet to be studied. The purpose of this research was to test a brand extension model to examine (1) factors that may determine consumers’ esport brand extension evaluations, (2) the relationship between evaluations and extension brand equity, and (3) the impact of identification on extension brand equity. As esport is likely to continue to grow in size and popularity, there is a practical need for sport practitioners to understand esport as a brand extension strategy to attract esport fans and consumers to the parent brand. Furthermore, despite an abundance of brand extension research there are inconsistencies in the theoretical explanations and dimensions that determine how consumers evaluate brand extensions. To assess the practicality of an esport brand extension strategy in traditional sport, and to assess differing theoretical explanations of the factors that influence consumer evaluations of brand extensions, this study examined how potential consumers responded to an esport brand extension of an individual NBA franchise that joined the NBA 2K League in 2019. Surveys were electronically distributed to potential respondents who are representative of the parent brand’s target market and of the overall esport market. A conceptual model was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine the relationships between these factors

    Career as a professional gamer: gaming motives as predictors of career plans to become a professional esport player

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    Increasing numbers of young video gamers view esports (i.e., competitive video gaming) as a career opportunity, rather than just a recreational activity. Previous studies have explored the motivational differences between esport and recreational gamers and the motivational changes through career journey to become a professional esport player. The present study explored the predictors of career plans to become a professional esport player, with a specific focus on gaming motivations. Gaming time, gaming motivations, and esport-related playing experience were also examined among Hungarian gamers with competitive gaming experience (N = 190), such as years spent in esports, medium and frequency of participating in esport tournaments, the effort put into training before the tournaments, and the plans to become a professional esport player. Binary logistic regressions were carried out and results showed that the gaming motivations of competition, skill development, and social motivations predicted career planning as a professional esport player. Additionally, results showed that younger players were more likely to seek career opportunity as professional esport players than older players. Future studies should focus on novice esport players’ psychological exposure to the hypercompetitive scene of esports, such as high expectations or the risk of becoming problematic videogame users due to their motivational changes

    Esport i felicitat

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    Aquest treball analitza la relació entre l’esport i la felicitat en un grup de joves estudiants de primer curs de la Facultat de Ciències de l’Activitat Física i de l’Esport-INEF, de la Universitat Politècnica de Madrid (curs 2014-15). Es volia conèixer el seu nivell de felicitat subjectiu declarat, si consideraven que l’esport podia fer les persones més felices, o fins i tot si els havia fet més feliços a ells mateixos, i si contestaven afirmativament, de quina forma pensaven que ho aconseguia. A la percepció subjectiva de felicitat van contestar 229 estudiants (16.6% dones), i a la relació entre esport i felicitat 216 (15.3% dones). Els resultats mostren un nivell de felicitat declarat per l’alumnat de 8 punts (en una escala d’1 a 10) sent mínima la diferència entre homes i dones (8 i 8,2 respectivament). Pràcticament tot l’alumnat considera que l’esport pot fer més felices a les persones i que també a ells els ha fet més feliços. Quant als motius pels quals l’esport afavoreix majors nivells de felicitat, en general, assenyalen: millora la socialització, ajuda a desconnectar, diverteix i afavoreix la salut. Els tres primers es repeteixen quan se’ls pregunta per la influència sobre la seva pròpia felicitat, però el quart varia, en comptes de la salut, que baixa molt significativament, assenyalen la millora d’habilitats en la mateixa proporció que la diversió

    Del deport a l'esport i de l'esport al deport : més que una discussió terminològica

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    Aquest article presenta una discussió terminològica i conceptual al voltant dels termes esport i deport. Es parteix d'una anàlisi sobre l'origen i la història d'aquests termes. El nou Diccionari general de l'esport (2010) ha definit oficialment el mot esport reduint-lo a activitat institucionalitzada. N'ha deixat fora de la definició les activitats físiques d'esbarjo que no estan sotmeses a reglamentacions i que no es practiquen amb un entrenament programat. Haurem de recórrer a un terme nou per a designar aquest tipus d'activitats o és que ja el tenim?From Deport to Esport and from Esport to Deport. More Than a Terminological Discussion. This article presents a terminological and conceptual discussion about the Catalan terms esport and deport. It is based on the analysis of their origin and their history. The new Diccionari general de l’esport (2010) has officially defined the term esport by reducing it to an institutionalized activity. It excludes any leisure physical activity that is not subject to regulations and that does not involve scheduled training. Will we have to resort to a new term to refer to these activities or do we already have one
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