152 research outputs found

    Image synthesis based on a model of human vision

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    Modern computer graphics systems are able to construct renderings of such high quality that viewers are deceived into regarding the images as coming from a photographic source. Large amounts of computing resources are expended in this rendering process, using complex mathematical models of lighting and shading. However, psychophysical experiments have revealed that viewers only regard certain informative regions within a presented image. Furthermore, it has been shown that these visually important regions contain low-level visual feature differences that attract the attention of the viewer. This thesis will present a new approach to image synthesis that exploits these experimental findings by modulating the spatial quality of image regions by their visual importance. Efficiency gains are therefore reaped, without sacrificing much of the perceived quality of the image. Two tasks must be undertaken to achieve this goal. Firstly, the design of an appropriate region-based model of visual importance, and secondly, the modification of progressive rendering techniques to effect an importance-based rendering approach. A rule-based fuzzy logic model is presented that computes, using spatial feature differences, the relative visual importance of regions in an image. This model improves upon previous work by incorporating threshold effects induced by global feature difference distributions and by using texture concentration measures. A modified approach to progressive ray-tracing is also presented. This new approach uses the visual importance model to guide the progressive refinement of an image. In addition, this concept of visual importance has been incorporated into supersampling, texture mapping and computer animation techniques. Experimental results are presented, illustrating the efficiency gains reaped from using this method of progressive rendering. This visual importance-based rendering approach is expected to have applications in the entertainment industry, where image fidelity may be sacrificed for efficiency purposes, as long as the overall visual impression of the scene is maintained. Different aspects of the approach should find many other applications in image compression, image retrieval, progressive data transmission and active robotic vision

    NeRRF: 3D Reconstruction and View Synthesis for Transparent and Specular Objects with Neural Refractive-Reflective Fields

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    Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have revolutionized the field of image-based view synthesis. However, NeRF uses straight rays and fails to deal with complicated light path changes caused by refraction and reflection. This prevents NeRF from successfully synthesizing transparent or specular objects, which are ubiquitous in real-world robotics and A/VR applications. In this paper, we introduce the refractive-reflective field. Taking the object silhouette as input, we first utilize marching tetrahedra with a progressive encoding to reconstruct the geometry of non-Lambertian objects and then model refraction and reflection effects of the object in a unified framework using Fresnel terms. Meanwhile, to achieve efficient and effective anti-aliasing, we propose a virtual cone supersampling technique. We benchmark our method on different shapes, backgrounds and Fresnel terms on both real-world and synthetic datasets. We also qualitatively and quantitatively benchmark the rendering results of various editing applications, including material editing, object replacement/insertion, and environment illumination estimation. Codes and data are publicly available at https://github.com/dawning77/NeRRF

    Towards Interactive Photorealistic Rendering

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    A Frequency Analysis of Monte-Carlo and other Numerical Integration Schemes

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    The numerical calculation of integrals is central to many computer graphics algorithms such as Monte-Carlo Ray Tracing. We show that such methods can be studied using Fourier analysis. Numerical error is shown to correspond to aliasing and the link between properties of the sampling pattern and the integrand is studied. The approach also permits the unified study of image aliasing and numerical integration, by considering a multidimensional domain where some dimensions are integrated while others are sampled

    Neural View-Interpolation for Sparse Light Field Video

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    We suggest representing light field (LF) videos as "one-off" neural networks (NN), i.e., a learned mapping from view-plus-time coordinates to high-resolution color values, trained on sparse views. Initially, this sounds like a bad idea for three main reasons: First, a NN LF will likely have less quality than a same-sized pixel basis representation. Second, only few training data, e.g., 9 exemplars per frame are available for sparse LF videos. Third, there is no generalization across LFs, but across view and time instead. Consequently, a network needs to be trained for each LF video. Surprisingly, these problems can turn into substantial advantages: Other than the linear pixel basis, a NN has to come up with a compact, non-linear i.e., more intelligent, explanation of color, conditioned on the sparse view and time coordinates. As observed for many NN however, this representation now is interpolatable: if the image output for sparse view coordinates is plausible, it is for all intermediate, continuous coordinates as well. Our specific network architecture involves a differentiable occlusion-aware warping step, which leads to a compact set of trainable parameters and consequently fast learning and fast execution

    Precision of pose estimation using corner detection.

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    The aim of this research was to develop a method for recording ground truth with performance comparable to motion capture, in order to produce high-quality outdoor visual odometry datasets. A novel fiducial marker system was developed, featuring a smooth pattern which is used in an optimisation process to produce refined estimates. On average, precision was increased by 27 % compared to traditional fiducial markers. To investigate the limit of the increase in pose estimation precision possible with this method, the marker was modelled as a dense grid of checkerboard corners and the Cramér-Rao lower bound of the corresponding estimator was derived symbolically. This gave a lower bound for the variance of a pose estimated from a given image. The model was validated in simulation and using real images. The distribution of the error for a common checkerboard corner detector was evaluated to determine whether modelling it using independent and identically distributed Gaussian random variables was valid. In a series of experiments where images were collected from a tripod, a robot arm, and a slider-type electric actuator, it was determined that the error is usually normally distributed but its variance depends on the amount of lens blur in the image, and that any amount of motion blur can produce correlated results. Furthermore, in images with little blur (less than approximately one pixel) the estimates are biased, and both the bias and the variance are dependent on the location of the corner within a pixel. In real images, the standard deviation of the noise was around 80 % larger at the pixel edges than at the centre. The intensity noise from the image sensor was also found not to be identically distributed: in one camera, the standard deviation of the intensity noise varied by a factor of approximately four within the region around a checkerboard corner. This research suggests that it is possible to significantly increase fiducial marker pose estimation precision, presents a novel approach for predicting and evaluating pose estimation precision, and highlights sources of error not considered in prior work

    Information theoretic refinement criteria for image synthesis

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    Aquest treball està enmarcat en el context de gràfics per computador partint de la intersecció de tres camps: rendering, teoria de la informació, i complexitat.Inicialment, el concepte de complexitat d'una escena es analitzat considerant tres perspectives des d'un punt de vista de la visibilitat geomètrica: complexitat en un punt interior, complexitat d'una animació, i complexitat d'una regió. L'enfoc principal d'aquesta tesi és l'exploració i desenvolupament de nous criteris de refinament pel problema de la il·luminació global. Mesures de la teoria de la informació basades en la entropia de Shannon i en la entropia generalitzada de Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis, conjuntament amb les f-divergències, són analitzades com a nuclis del refinement. Mostrem com ens aporten una rica varietat d'eficients i altament discriminatòries mesures que són aplicables al rendering en els seus enfocs de pixel-driven (ray-tracing) i object-space (radiositat jeràrquica).Primerament, basat en la entropia de Shannon, es defineixen un conjunt de mesures de qualitat i contrast del pixel. S'apliquen al supersampling en ray-tracing com a criteris de refinement, obtenint un algorisme nou de sampleig adaptatiu basat en entropia, amb un alt rati de qualitat versus cost. En segon lloc, basat en la entropia generalitzada de Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis, i en la informació mutua generalitzada, es defineixen tres nous criteris de refinament per la radiositat jeràrquica. En correspondencia amb tres enfocs clàssics, es presenten els oracles basats en la informació transportada, el suavitzat de la informació, i la informació mutua, amb resultats molt significatius per aquest darrer. Finalment, tres membres de la familia de les f-divergències de Csiszár's (divergències de Kullback-Leibler, chi-square, and Hellinger) son analitzats com a criteris de refinament mostrant bons resultats tant pel ray-tracing com per la radiositat jeràrquica.This work is framed within the context of computer graphics starting out from the intersection of three fields: rendering, information theory, and complexity.Initially, the concept of scene complexity is analysed considering three perspectives from a geometric visibility point of view: complexity at an interior point, complexity of an animation, and complexity of a region. The main focus of this dissertation is the exploration and development of new refinement criteria for the global illumination problem. Information-theoretic measures based on Shannon entropy and Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis generalised entropy, together with f-divergences, are analysed as kernels of refinement. We show how they give us a rich variety of efficient and highly discriminative measures which are applicable to rendering in its pixel-driven (ray-tracing) and object-space (hierarchical radiosity) approaches.Firstly, based on Shannon entropy, a set of pixel quality and pixel contrast measures are defined. They are applied to supersampling in ray-tracing as refinement criteria, obtaining a new entropy-based adaptive sampling algorithm with a high rate quality versus cost. Secondly, based on Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis generalised entropy, and generalised mutual information, three new refinement criteria are defined for hierarchical radiosity. In correspondence with three classic approaches, oracles based on transported information, information smoothness, and mutual information are presented, with very significant results for the latter. And finally, three members of the family of Csiszár's f-divergences (Kullback-Leibler, chi-square, and Hellinger divergences) are analysed as refinement criteria showing good results for both ray-tracing and hierarchical radiosity