21 research outputs found

    Environmental and Human Controls of Ecosystem Functional Diversity in Temperate South America

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    The regional controls of biodiversity patterns have been traditionally evaluated using structural and compositional components at the species level, but evaluation of the functional component at the ecosystem level is still scarce. During the last decades, the role of ecosystem functioning in management and conservation has increased. Our aim was to use satellite-derived Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs, patches of the land-surface with similar carbon gain dynamics) to characterize the regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity and to evaluate the environmental and human controls that determine EFT richness across natural and human-modified systems in temperate South America. The EFT identification was based on three descriptors of carbon gain dynamics derived from seasonal curves of the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI): annual mean (surrogate of primary production), seasonal coefficient of variation (indicator of seasonality) and date of maximum EVI (descriptor of phenology). As observed for species richness in the southern hemisphere, water availability, not energy, emerged as the main climatic driver of EFT richness in natural areas of temperate South America. In anthropogenic areas, the role of both water and energy decreased and increasing human intervention increased richness at low levels of human influence, but decreased richness at high levels of human influence

    Disentangling the signal of climatic fluctuations from land use : changes in ecosystem functioning in South American protected areas (1982-2012)

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    177-189Global environmental change is characterized by changing climate, atmospheric composition and land use. Its impact on ecosystem structure and functioning has been detected throughout the world. While every ecosystem is vulnerable to climate change, the degree of the impact and the magnitude of the ecosystem response are likely to vary. Protected areas of South America provide a ‘laboratory’ to test expectations of climate change effects on ecosystems at a regional scale. By using protected areas we minimized the effects of land use/land cover changes over ecosystem functioning. We analyzed the temporal trends, that is, directional changes, and spatial heterogeneity of both climatic variables and attributes of the seasonal dynamics of the normalized difference vegetation index, that is, a surrogate of vegetation carbon gains derived from satellite information, on 201 protected areas of South America. Increased productivity and higher seasonality, frequently climate driven, is the most common signal across South American biomes but concentrated on those areas located in the tropics and subtropics. In general, arid and semiarid sites responded positively to increases in precipitation and negatively to increases in temperature, while humid ecosystems responded in the opposite way. Our results provide a preliminary basis for predicting which ecosystems will respond more rapidly and strongly to climate change. We also provide support to the fact that protected areas are not static systems as their functioning is changing with different magnitude and in contrasting directions

    Cambios en la estacionalidad de la vegetación y la carga animal en la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina)

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    Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape.La producción de cultivos está atravesando procesos de expansión e intensificación alrededor de todo el planeta. En consecuencia, la producción ganadera está siendo desplazada hacia tierras marginales de menor capacidad de carga. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la estacionalidad de la vegetación en la provincia de La Pampa, ubicada en la región semiárida argentina; y explorar si las variaciones en la estacionalidad están relacionadas con la carga de ganado vacuno. Se plantea como hipótesis que los cambios en la carga animal y la presión de pastoreo alteran la proporción de diferentes grupos funcionales de vegetación, y de esta manera, su estacionalidad. Se predice que el sobrepastoreo de los pastos más estacionales alterará la proporción de especies leñosas, y ello repercutirá sobre los índices espectrales. Se analizó la información satelital, particularmente el Índice de Vegetación Mejorado (EVI) de MODIS y se lo relacionó con los registros de carga animal de SENASA. Este trabajo evidencia la relación entre la carga animal y el EVI, indicador de la productividad primaria de la vegetación, a la escala de departamento en las áreas naturales del Monte y el Espinal de La Pampa. Los resultados indican que al oeste de la provincia (Monte) hubo un aumento de la carga animal y una disminución de la estacionalidad de la vegetación a escala de departamento. La mayor presión de pastoreo habría conducido al sobrepastoreo de las especies herbáceas más palatables aumentando la proporción de arbustos en el paisaje.Fil: Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Beget, María Eugenia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Campos, Alfredo Nicolás. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Viglizzo, Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasFil: Jobbágy, Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasFil: García, Alfredo Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Cotroneo, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina

    Changes in vegetation seasonality and livestock stocking rate in La Pampa Province (Argentina)

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    Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape.Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape

    Changes in vegetation seasonality and livestock stocking rate in La Pampa Province (Argentina) = Cambios en la estacionalidad de la vegetación y la carga animal en la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina)

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    Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape.La producción de cultivos está atravesando procesos de expansión e intensificación alrededor de todo el planeta. En consecuencia, la producción ganadera está siendo desplazada hacia tierras marginales de menor capacidad de carga. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la estacionalidad de la vegetación en la provincia de La Pampa, ubicada en la región semiárida argentina; y explorar si las variaciones en la estacionalidad están relacionadas con la carga de ganado vacuno. Se plantea como hipótesis que los cambios en la carga animal y la presión de pastoreo alteran la proporción de diferentes grupos funcionales de vegetación, y de esta manera, su estacionalidad. Se predice que el sobrepastoreo de los pastos más estacionales alterará la proporción de especies leñosas, y ello repercutirá sobre los índices espectrales. Se analizó la información satelital, particularmente el Índice de Vegetación Mejorado (EVI) de MODIS y se lo relacionó con los registros de carga animal de SENASA. Este trabajo evidencia la relación entre la carga animal y el EVI, indicador de la productividad primaria de la vegetación, a la escala de departamento en las áreas naturales del Monte y el Espinal de La Pampa. Los resultados indican que al oeste de la provincia (Monte) hubo un aumento de la carga animal y una disminución de la estacionalidad de la vegetación a escala de departamento. La mayor presión de pastoreo habría conducido al sobrepastoreo de las especies herbáceas más palatables aumentando la proporción de arbustos en el paisaje.Instituto de Clima y AguaFil: Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información; ArgentinaFil: Beget, Maria Eugenia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Alfredo Nicolas. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Electrónica; ArentinaFil: Viglizzo, Ernesto Francisco. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Alfredo Gabriel.Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sycz, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Cotroneo, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentin

    Río de la Plata Grasslands: how did land-cover and ecosystem functioning change in the 21st century?

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    The Río de la Plata Grasslands region is one of the largest plains in the world, covering a significant portion of the southern Brazilian grasslands. This temperate sub-humid region is also one of the most diverse grassland areas globally. However, in the last decades, important land-use and land-cover changes occurred threatening the natural ecosystem and the provision of essential ecosystem services. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the primary land-use and land-cover changes that have occurred in this region over the last two decades. We also discuss some of the consequences derived from these changes on the ecosystem functioning, the supply of ecosystem services, and the human appropriation of primary production. Finally, we evaluate the observed transition trends among land-use and land-covers and speculate on the most likely changes that may occur in the next few years.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    An integrative assessment based on land cover

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    Cabral, P., Campos, F. S., David, J., & Caser, U. (2021). Disentangling ecosystem services perception by stakeholders: An integrative assessment based on land cover. Ecological Indicators, 126, 1-10. [107660]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107660Understanding where ecosystem services (ES) are and quantifying their supply using stakeholderś information is key for effective sustainable management. This paper describes a participatory methodology for extracting stakeholders’ ES perception for continental Portugal based on land cover using analytical hierarchy process (AHP), matrix-based approach with data visualization techniques, and scenario analysis. Results show that drought regulation was the most valued ES by stakeholders and recreation was considered the least important. Results also show that the “Agricultural areas and “Forests and semi-natural areas” land cover classes provide about two-thirds of the total ES for the country. An “Economic development” scenario will yield negative values for all ES except recreation and food supply, whereas an “Environmental development” scenario will increase all ES, except food supply. Finally, a “Sustainable development” scenario, presents values between the previous two scenarios and is the best for food supply. This operational methodology for extracting information from stakeholders and to report information on the mapping and assessment of ES can be helpful for sustainable planning in Portugal and elsewhere.publishersversionpublishe

    The ecosystem service provision index as a generic indicator of ecosystem service supply for monitoring conservation targets

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    At present, most governments, particularly in low and middle-income countries, are not effectively using ecosystem services (ES) indicators for conservation monitoring, which is in part due to the complexity of current indicators. This study seeks to contribute to this implementation gap by illustrating the performance of a remote sensing based indicator, the Ecosystem Services Provision Index (ESPI) (based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), as a feasible indicator for monitoring ES supply. We examined ESPI's performance by analyzing its spatial congruence (regression and cluster analysis) with four type-specific ES indicators, namely timber provision, forage provision, opportunities for recreation and water regulation, for different types of temperate native forests, non-native tree plantations, shrublands and grasslands, within a southern district in Chile. We additionally compared values of ESPI and ES indicators across land uses and covers by means of ANOVA and Tuckey test (post-hoc). The regression analysis showed medium to low fitting of ES indicators to linear and non-linear variations of ESPI. Unexplained variation can arise from different dispersion sources: a) uncaptured variation in specific ES flow by variation in their corresponding indicators (specific ES indicators and ESPI), b) distances between parametric values of different ES indicators and ESPI, and c) mismatches between ESPI and ES indicator scales and resolutions. Cluster analysis showed ESPI-ES hotspot congruence of 62% for water regulation, followed by the ES bundle (56%), recreation opportunities (38%), timber supply (36%) and forage provision (32%). The values of ESPI, water regulation and recreation opportunities were significantly higher on old growth forests. Our study contributes to establish to what extent remote sensing indicators can be used as a proxy of ES supply, which is relevant for the adoption of these indicators in monitoring conservation outcomes when specific ES indicators are not available or they lack the necessary spatial and temporal coverage.Fil: Jullian, C.. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Nahuelhual, Laura. Universidad Austral de Chile; Chile. Instituto Milenio en Socio-Ecología Costera; ChileFil: Laterra, Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Fundación Bariloche; Argentin

    Regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity in the Argentina Pampas using MODIS time-series

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    The characterization of ecosystem functioning is significant for different purposes such as biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. A key aspect of ecosystem functioning is carbon gains, since it represents the energy available for upper trophic levels. In this sense, remote-sensing methods have allowed the study of ecosystem dynamics and spatial distribution at different spatial and temporal scales. The objectives were to describe the regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity and to establish the importance of interannual variability in the definition of Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs) in the Argentina Pampas. EFTs were obtained from carbon gains using a set of seven functional attributes and their interannual variations, which were retrieved from 14-year NDVI time-series. An ISODATA technique was applied to all the analyzed variables, and the clusters that best separate in the n-dimensional space were selected using discriminant analysis. The Argentina Pampas shows a high heterogeneity in the spatial patterns of ecosystem functional attributes. The annual integral of NDVI (i-NDVI, a linear estimator of net primary productivity), a complex of ecosystem functional attributes that describe the interannual variability, and the annual relative range of NDVI (RREL, ecosystem seasonality) had the highest relevance to distinguish nine EFTs in the study area. This study shows a novel approach for mapping ecosystem functioning, which reveals the importance of interannual variations. This methodology includes the effects of climate variability on ecosystem dynamics, thus enhancing our understanding of ecosystem functional diversity. The results obtained represent a baseline scenario to evaluate the effects of both land use change and climate variability on ecosystem functioning from a temporal perspective