19 research outputs found

    Enhancing project-based learning in software engineering lab teaching through an e-portfolio approach

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. A. Macías, "Enhancing project-based learning in software engineering lab teaching through an e-portfolio approach", in IEEE Transactions on Education, 5, 4, 2012, 502 - 507Project-based learning is one of the main successful student-centered pedagogies broadly used in computing science courses. However, this approach can be insufficient when dealing with practical subjects that implicitly require many deliverables and a great deal of feedback and organizational resources. In this paper, a worked e-portfolio is presented as an approach to improve the teaching/learning and evaluation processes in project-based learning environments needing considerable resources. To validate this approach, a practical project-based software engineering course supported by a Moodle-based e-portfolio was designed and taught. The results obtained corroborated the effectiveness of the e-portfolio in practical software engineering teaching; this approach can be extended to similar subjects in other studies and/or curricula

    Holistic analysis of the effectiveness of a software engineering teaching approach

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    To provide the best training in software engineering, several approaches and strategies are carried out. Some of them are more theoretical, learned through books and manuals, while others have a practical focus and often done in collaboration with companies. In this paper, we share an approach based on a balanced mix to foster the assimilation of knowledge, the approximation with what is done in software companies and student motivation. Two questionnaires were also carried out, one involving students, who had successfully completed the subject in past academic years (some had already graduated, and others are still students), and other questionnaire involving companies, in the field of software development, which employ students from our school. The analysis of the perspectives of the different stakeholders allows an overall and holistic) view, and a general understanding, of the effectiveness of the software engineering teaching approach. We analyse the results of the questionnaires and share some of the experiences and lessons learned.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of ePortfolio as Integrated Learning Strategy in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Online Course

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    Integrated learning is a vital strategy for engaging undergraduate Engineering students in the higher levels of learning, as it encourages students to reflect on their learning processes and draw connections between course-work and real-world experiences. Specifically, ePortfolios encourage novice engineers to consider their learning processes over time, drawing connections between coursework and their intended profession, as well as cultivating an online identity that supports their efforts to pursue a career in Engineering. The use of ePortfolios is one method for fostering integrative learning, focusing on the application of digital communication and assessment and awareness of self-competence. By training students to archive digital artifacts related to their learning, ePortfolios encourage student to draw connections between course content and their future careers. Digital portfolios also provide students with the opportunity to develop an online presence, demonstrating through multi-modal content the skills they gained through their education. At the same time, students develop basic digital literacies, from creating and curating digital artifacts throughout the learning process, managing their data, to displaying knowledge and skills which are important for their future engineering careers. This paper examines the efforts of students at Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia who created ePortfolios in a variety of contexts, as a part of a course which was specifically developed as part of a university wide ePortfolio initiative. In May 2015, faculty attended a professional development workshop, eP3: Praxis, Process, and Production, in order to learn about basic ePortfolio strategies and ways in which to foster students\u27 archival habits. The project presented in this paper was established in the summer 2015 semester in the undergraduate course Computer Integrated Manufacturing at the senior level

    Competence and Perceived Benefits in Project-Based Learning for Postgraduate Students in History Education

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    The paradigm developed at the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) in recent years has focused on competence to achieve workability. This paradigm shift requires a more flexible and active teaching-learning context. This paper presents empirical research into the application of a case-based project-based learning model (Case-Project Based Learning, CPjBL) in the learning of Evaluation, Process, and Learning Outcomes courses at the History Education Postgraduate Program of UNJ. Considering the important role of motivation and performance, we pursue three main goals. First, this study aims to analyze students' perceptions of the effectiveness of the CPjBL learning model to improve key competencies for employability. Second, we explored whether the perceived benefits of these competencies changed after the PBL trial. Finally, we aim to explore students' opinions about the usefulness, advantages, and disadvantages of this model. Our findings support the perceived effectiveness of PBL for improving teamwork, communication, creativity, organization, and information management competencies

    El campus virtual como soporte para implementar una metodología activa para mejorar la tasa de éxito en la materia de Ingeniería del Software

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    Las materias relacionadas con la Ingeniería del Software en los estudios universitarios de informática y, más concretamente, aquellas impartidas en los primeros cursos, suponen un reto tanto para docentes como estudiantes. La novedad de los conceptos y la necesidad de desarrollar el pensamiento abstracto para adquirir las diferentes competencias de la materia plantea la necesidad de llevar a cabo cambios significativos en la metodología docente utilizada. El presente trabajo presenta un cambio metodológico llevado a cabo durante los últimos tres cursos académicos y, en particular, la implementación llevada a cabo durante el curso 2017-18 con objeto de aumentar la tasa de éxito de una asignatura de Ingeniería del Software y lograr que los alumnos participen en el proceso de aprendizaje. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos muestra una fuerte correlación entre la participación de los alumnos y la tasa de éxito en la asignatura


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model asesmen portofolio elektronik untuk meningkatkan habits of mind dan penguasaan konsep kimia siswa kelas XI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian mix method dengan desain embedded experimental. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 79 siswa kelas eksperimen dan 82 siswa kelas kontrol. Habits of mind yang diukur dalam penelitian ini merupakan habits of mind yang diadaptasi dari Marzano Pickering, sedangkan penguasaan konsep kimia mencakup materi larutan penyangga, titrasi asam basa dan sistem koloid. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa model asesmen portofolio elektronik memiliki karakteristik: 1) komponen-komponen asesmen portofolio elektronik mengintegrasikan habits of mind dengan materi larutan penyangga, titrasi asam basa dan sistem koloid yang didokumentasikan secara online; 2) implementasi asesmen portofolio elektronik sesuai dengan proses pembelajaran kimia; 3) bersifat student-centered; 4) dapat memantau perkembangan kemajuan pembelajaran siswa. Habits of mind siswa mengalami peningkatan melalui asesmen portofolio elektronik. Effect size terbesar (1,76) terdapat pada aspek critical thinking, sedangkan effect size terendah (1,02) terdapat pada self regulation. Penguasaan konsep kimia siswa meningkat pada setiap materi melalui asesmen portofolio elektronik. Effect size terbesar (1,09) terdapat pada topik larutan penyangga, effect size terendah (0,54) terdapat pada topik titrasi asam basa. Kata kunci: Portofolio elektronik, habits of mind, penguasaan konsep kimia ABSTRACT This study aims to develop an electronic portfolio assessment model to improve students' habits of mind and mastery of chemical concepts in class XI. The research method used was mixed method research with embedded experimental design. Participants in this research were 79 students of the experimental class and 82 students of the control class. Habits of mind measured in this study are habits of mind adapted from Marzano Pickering, while mastery of chemical concepts includes material for buffer solutions, acid-base titrations and colloidal systems. The results of the study show that electronic portfolio assessment model have the following characteristics: a) the components of the electronic portfolio assessment integrate habits of mind with buffer solution materials, acid-base titrations and colloid systems which are documented online; b) implementation of electronic portfolio assessment according to the syntax; c) is student-centered; d) can monitor the progress of student learning progress. Students' habits of mind have increased through electronic portfolio assessment. The largest effect size (1,76) is found in the aspect of critical thinking, while the lowest effect size (1,02) is found in self-regulation. Students' mastery of chemistry concepts increases in each material through electronic portfolio assessment. The biggest effect size (1,09) is on the topic of buffer solutions, the lowest effect size (0,54) is on the topic of acid-base titrations. Keywords: electronic portfolio, habits of mind, mastery of chemistry concept

    Docencia de la asignatura Interacción Persona-Ordenador en tiempos de pandemia: una experiencia con Microsoft Teams

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    Todos los sectores de la sociedad se han visto afectados durante la crisis sanitaria causada por la COVID-19. La pandemia ha impulsado cambios en el sector educativo, principalmente relacionados con la transformación digital de los procesos. Estos cambios no solo en el uso de la tecnología sino también en el enfoque metodológico utilizado. En este escenario, se desarrolla la adaptación de la asignatura Interacción Persona-Ordenador, primero a formato online durante el curso 2019-20, y después a formato presencial con retransmisión online para el curso 2020-21. En este proceso, la incorporación de Microsoft Teams ha permitido reforzar la metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos y mejorar la comunicación con el alumnado. Este trabajo describe la experiencia como ejemplo para incorporar Microsoft Teams en otras asignaturas independientemente de si la docencia se desarrolla en formato presencial, online o híbrido

    Planificación, comunicación y metodologías activas: Evaluación online de la asignatura ingeniería de software durante la crisis del COVID-19

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    The coronavirus pandemic has had a high impact worldwide. The health crisis has not only had an impact on people's own health and on health systems, but has also affected other areas. In the educational context, the lockdown measures implemented by different governments have challenged the learning ecosystem. In the case of higher education in Spain, with a strong attendance factor in most public universities, face-to-face classes were interrupted after a month in the second term, ending the academic year in the online mode. This change has meant a great effort on the teachers’ side to transform the face-to-face teaching into the online approach, which in many cases has meant quite a comprehensive new design of the subject, changing the evaluation process and the methodologies used. This work presents a success case of online assessment developed in the Software Engineering I subject of the Degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Salamanca. The objective is to show how the previous use of active methodologies and the integration of educational technologies in classroom-based teaching facilitates the transformation of assessment to an online or blended approach while maintaining a high degree of student involvement and satisfaction. After presenting a comparison between the face-to-face approach and the adaptation to the online approach, an analysis is made of the learning results and student satisfaction concerning previous academic years. The results show that the change of approach has not reduced the satisfaction results obtained in previous courses. In terms of learning outcomes, there is an overall increase in the grades obtained by students in all assessment items.La pandemia de coronavirus ha tenido un alto impacto a nivel mundial. La crisis sanitaria no solo ha tenido un impacto en la propia salud de las personas y en los sistemas de salud, sino que ha afectado a otros ámbitos. En el contexto educativo, las medidas de confinamiento implementadas por los diferentes gobiernos han supuesto un reto para el ecosistema de aprendizaje. En el caso de la educación superior en España, con un fuerte componente presencial en la mayoría de las universidades públicas, se interrumpieron las clases presenciales un mes después del inicio del segundo cuatrimestre, finalizando el curso académico en modalidad online. Este cambio ha supuesto un gran esfuerzo por parte de los docentes para transformar la enseñanza presencial al enfoque online, lo que en muchos casos ha supuesto un rediseño casi integral de la asignatura, cambiando el proceso de evaluación y las metodologías utilizadas. El presente trabajo presenta un caso de éxito de evaluación online desarrollado en la asignatura Ingeniería de Software I del Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Salamanca. El objetivo es sustentar cómo el uso previo de metodologías activas y la integración de tecnologías educativas en la docencia presencial facilita la transformación de la evaluación a un enfoque online o mixto, a la par que mantiene un alto grado de implicación y satisfacción por parte de los estudiantes. Para ello, tras presentar una comparativa entre el enfoque presencial y la adaptación al enfoque online, se realiza un análisis de los resultados de aprendizaje y la satisfacción de los estudiantes respecto a los cursos académicos previos. Los resultados muestran que el cambio de enfoque no ha mermado los resultados de satisfacción obtenidos en los cursos anteriores. En cuanto a los resultados de aprendizaje, hay un aumento general de las calificaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes en todos los ítems de evaluación

    Experiencing the Sheffield team software project: a project-based learning approach to teaching agile

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    Graduates of computer science and software engineering degrees are often expected by employers to possess various technical skills as well as competencies in project management, testing, teamwork, and other soft skills. Extant literature has identified that these competencies are often not addressed by traditional teaching approaches such as lectures and labs. In this paper, we present a project-based learning approach to teaching agile software development where students work in multicultural teams to develop software for clients. This approach to teaching software development addresses some of the competencies required by employers, and the feedback from students, clients, and tutors are discussed and analysed critically