3,339 research outputs found

    Dissidents, Rebels, and Everyday Heroes: New Perspectives on the Digital Archiving of Cultural Resistance Under State Socialism

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    The aim of this article is to present and study how a digital archive can shape and create new ways of producing, publishing, and studying historical sources. Based on our analysis of the COURAGE (Cultural Opposition—Understanding the CultuRal HeritAGE of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries) Registry about cultural dissent under state socialism in Eastern Europe in the second half of the twentieth century (and focusing on collections about environmental issues in this registry), we seek to understand how different private, amateur, and professional archivists have shaped the scientific and public legacy of cultural dissent under state socialism. The COURAGE Registry conveys a unique view of the history of the Soviet Bloc, providing an assemblage of documents concerning people, groups, institutions, events, and pieces from the time. Together, they tell an alternative story of cultural opposition under socialism, shedding light on important—but until now marginalized—problems, topics, and actors. Our results have shown that cultural opposition in the Registry is understood and constructed as a wide range of forms of engagement and activities, and it is not limited to specific high-cultural or direct political products. The structure of the COURAGE Registry creates a balance among collections that are very diverse in form, and its linked data structure helps connect the information and stories compiled in it. The COURAGE Registry enables researchers to use it as a tool with which to build their own scientific narratives about dissent under socialism

    The Handbook of COURAGE

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    Good practices of social participation in cultural heritage

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    The REACH repository of good practices related to social participation in cultural heritage is a fundamental component of the Social Platform established by the REACH project. Carried out with the contribution of several project partners, this collection currently comprises 110 records of European and extra European participatory activities in the field of cultural heritage, with an emphasis on small-scale, localised interventions, but also including examples of larger collaborative projects and global or distributed online initiatives. This document provides a critical reflection on the results obtained in this mapping exercise carried out during the first year of the project’s life. Its aim is threefold: 1) to explain in detail the methodology adopted for the collection of good practices; 2) to offer a quantitative reading of the data gathered in the repository so far; 3) to analyse the most recurrent participatory approaches and public engagement strategies that emerge from the records included in the REACH dataset. The REACH repository has a global geographic scope and a multifocal thematic orientation. Due to this expansive reach, a variety of initiatives are recorded which capture the nuances of participation in action. Both quantitative and qualitative assessments of these records are included in this deliverable. While Chapter 2 is devoted to a detailed presentation of the overall approach, accounting for methodological choices, Chapter 3 contains the core of the analysis. It highlights five emerging patterns of participatory approaches, identifying areas of commonality that characterise a sizable proportion of the collected records. These areas are de fined in relation to specific groups of beneficiaries (minorities, indigenous communities and women) or in relation to modalities of participation (the role of the arts, digital platforms and archaeology). The results of the activities charted in this document can be summarised as follows: The REACH repository is vast but uneven: some countries are very well represented, others are underrepresented or absent. To address this imbalance more records will have to be created, while others are streamlined. However, even in its present shape, the REACH dataset provides illustrative examples of social participation that can be a source of inspiration to many. Through an attentive scrutiny of the participatory activities mapped in the repository, it was possible to identify some common tendencies that reveal how participation is implemented in a fairly broad selection of cases. The dataset of good practices has been published as an Open Data collection at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3415123, under the Free Culture Creative Commons License “AttributionShareAlike 4.0 International”, as a catalogue of resources that can support and stimulate other people’s work.European Commission: REACH - Re-designing access to CH for a wider participation in preservation, (re)use and management ofEuropean culture (769827

    Ports of Luxury : strategic management behind Luxury Port Wine

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    Douro Valley is the first demarcated wine region of the world. It undoubtedly provides a powerful foundation to build a luxury brand, through the legacy and tradition of Port wine. Given the recent market entrance of luxury Port wines and luxury strategy latest developments, the present dissertation will propose a Port wine luxury strategy – how to increase brand equity, to develop and to communicate a luxury Port wine. Based upon theory and quantitative investigation, this research attempts to evaluate existent managerial practice and try to produce a set of recommendations, potentially beneficial to the industry in terms of managing the brand and the business of the called Ports of Luxury. Findings attest the good practice in terms of luxury management in Port wine industry. Pricing and target appraisals obtained the best results although none parameter has had the maximum appraisal, meaning managerial practice could be improved. It is possible to further develop distribution, digital communication and packaging.O Douro é a primeira região vinícola demarcada do mundo. Tal fornece um robusto alicerce para a construção de uma marca de luxo, através do legado e tradição do vinho do Porto. Dada a recente introdução no mercado de vinhos do Porto de luxo e novos desenvolvimentos na gestão de marcas de luxo, a presente dissertação irá propor uma estratégia de vinho do Porto de luxo - como aumentar o valor da marca e como desenvolver e comunicar um vinho do Porto de luxo. Com base na teoria e avaliação quantitativa, esta investigação procura analisar a prática de gestão existente e apresenta um conjunto de recomendações, potencialmente benéficas para a indústria em termos de gestão da marca e do negócio dos chamados Portos de Luxo. Os resultados sustentam as boas práticas em termos de gestão de luxo na indústria do vinho do Porto. A avaliação do preço e do segmento-alvo apresenta os melhores resultados, embora nenhum parâmetro tenha obtido avaliação máxima, o que poderá denotar que a prática de gestão pode ser melhorada. Há possibilidade de aprimorar a estratégia de distribuição, a comunicação digital e a embalagem

    Current status: Urban creativity studies

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    The field of urban creativity studies has a broad range of interests including, but not limited to, street art, graffiti, urban foraging, parkour, skateboarding and guerrilla gardening. However, as with any field, once it starts to settle, a dominant paradigm tends to emerge. This will to some degree influence what is considered the core of the field, not only in terms of objects of study, but also in terms of method and theoretical approachesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Payments for Ecosystem Services: Legal and Institutional Frameworks

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    Analysis and engagement with partners working on ecosystem services transactions, policies and laws over the past 10 years have demonstrated a clear need to better understand the legal and institutional frameworks that have the potential to promote or hinder the development of payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, as well as the complex legal considerations that affect ecosystem services projects. In response, the IUCN Environmental Law Centre and The Katoomba Group have worked on a joint initiative to analyze the legal and institutional frameworks of water-related PES schemes and projects in four Andean countries: South America (Northeastern)-Brazil; Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. It has resulted in this report. Country-based analysts with experience in ecosystem services transactions have developed country and project assessments to define existing and recommend future regulatory and institutional frameworks that enable equitable and long-lasting ecosystem services transactions. Partners from North America (Central America)-Costa Rica; North America-Mexico; Ecuador and the North America-United States provided feedback on the assessments. The country assessments yielded lessons which were used to develop a set of recommendations on legal frameworks, property rights, enabling institutions, PES contracts, and governance issues supporting the future development of PES schemes

    Community-Sourced Cultural Heritage Valorization Model

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    Cultural practices of exploring, revitalizing, interpreting and developing cultural heritage have become an important driving force in alleviating the social, cultural, environmental and economic challenges of today's world and in initiating sustainable progress in local communities. The interpretation of cultural uniqueness is not only in the hands of professionals from heritage institutions or research centres, but also in the hands of local residents, who are recognized as heritage bearers, cultural activists, practitioners and transmitters of heritage to the younger generations. The main objective of the model is to describe steps to achieve community involvement in cultural heritage projects and guidelines for carrying out the valorisation process with the active participation of the local population. The model outlines interesting and instructive case studies of how different interactive and “soft” methods can be used to build communities by following both top-down and bottom-up approaches. In addition, presented practices also show how to convince the younger generation that local heritage offers many opportunities to put bold ideas into practice.Kulturne prakse povezane z raziskovanjem, ohranjanjem, oživitvijo in razvojem kulturne dediščine so postale pomembna gonilna sila pri lajšanju sodobnih družbenih, kulturnih, okoljskih in gospodarskih izzivov ter vzpostavljanju trajnostnega napredka v lokalnih skupnostih. Interpretacije lokalnih kulturnih prvin niso več le v rokah strokovnjakov iz dediščinskih institucij ali raziskovalnih centrov, temveč tudi v rokah lokalnih prebivalcev, ki so prepoznani kot nosilci dediščine, kulturni aktivisti, izvajalci in prenašalci dediščine mlajšim generacijam. Glavni cilj modela je predstaviti korake, kako doseči sodelovanje skupnosti v projektih, povezanih s kulturno dediščino in kako implementirati procese ovrednotenja preteklih stvaritev z aktivnim vključevanjem lokalnih prebivalcev. V priročniku so predstavljene zanimive in poučne prakse, ki izpostavljajo uporabo različnih interaktivnih in „mehkih“ metod za krepitev skupnosti po pristopih „od zgoraj navzdol“ in „od spodaj navzgor“. Predstavljeni primeri še pokažejo, kako prepričati mlade generacije, da ustvarjanje lokalne dediščine lahko omogoči številne priložnosti za uresničevanje drznih idej v praksi