28 research outputs found

    Adding TQ-BOT into a Third-party Learning Management System

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    Intelligent Tutoring Systems are computer programs that aim at providing personalized instruction to students. In recent years, artificial intelligence conversational robots, usually known as chatterbots, have become very popular in the Internet. In this paper we show how chatterbots can be integrated in e-Learning Systems. To perform such an integration the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm is adopted and e-learning standardization initiatives are considered. A middleware is provided to enable the integration and reuse of chatterbots by e-Learning systems enabling a tight control of their operation. Such middleware takes to account several issues such as authorising users, creating instances, transferring data to and from the chatterbot, assigning permissions to users, and subscribing to events. Our approach is applied to the specific case of TQ-Bot, which is use to track and supervise the student progress and to provide answers orienting the student to the more appropriate course contents

    PBL Benchmarking Studies

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    Multilinguismo, CLIL e innovazione didattica. 7th AICLU conference, Brixen-Bressanone, 7-9 July 2011

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    The 7th conference of the Italian Association of University Language Centres (AICLU) took place in Bressanone- Brixen from 7 to 9 July 2011. The papers in Italian, English and Spanish cover various issues such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), multilingualism and internationalization, new tendencies in using new technologies in language learning at universities and give an insight into the state of the art of language teaching and learning in Italian and European institutions in higher education. (DIPF/Orig.)Die 7. Konferenz des AICLU (italienische Vereinigung der universitären Sprachzentren) fand vom 7. bis 9. Juli 2011 in Brixen statt. Die in Italienisch, Englisch und Spanisch verfassten Beiträge decken verschiedene Aspekte ab: das Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), die Mehrsprachigkeit sowie neue Trends im Umgang mit neuen Technologien zum Spracherwerb an Universitäten. Der Konferenzband gewährt einen Einblick in die Kunst des Sprachunterrichts und Spracherwerbs an den Sprachenzentren der italienischen und europäischen Hochschulen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Pioniergeist, Ausdauer, Leidenschaft. Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. JĂĽrgen Handke

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    Diese Festschrift ist dem wissenschaftlichen Wirken von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke gewidmet und wurde anlässlich seiner Pensionierung im März 2020 zusammengestellt. Der Band behandelt eine Vielzahl an wissenschaftlichen Bereichen, dazu zählen die Linguistik, die digitale Lehre, der Inverted Classroom, das curriculare Design sowie die Educational Robotics. Zu den Beitragenden gehören namhafte Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft sowie Jungwissenschaftler und Nachwuchsforscher mit Artikeln in sowohl deutscher als auch englischer Sprache. Darüber hinaus hat sich eine Gruppe Künstler mit dem „Forschungsgegenstand“ Jürgen Handke auf künstlerische Weise auseinandergesetzt

    Learn Languages, Explore Cultures, Transform Lives

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    Selected Papers from the 2015 Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Aleidine J. Moeller, Editor 1. Creating a Culture-driven Classroom One Activity at a Time — Sharon Wilkinson, Patricia Calkins, & Tracy Dinesen 2. The Flipped German Classroom — Theresa R. Bell 3. Engaging Learners in Culturally Authentic Virtual Interactions —Diane Ceo-Francesco 4. Jouney to Global Competence: Learning Languages, Exploring Cultures, Transforming Lives — J. S. Orozco-Domoe 5. Strangers in a Strange Land: Perceptions of Culture in a First-year French Class — Rebecca L. Chism 6. 21st Century World Language Classrooms: Technology to Support Cultural Competence — Leah McKeeman & Blanca Oviedo 7. Effective Cloud-based Technologies to Maximize Language Learning — Katya Koubek & John C. Bedward 8. An Alternative to the Language Laboratory: Online and Face-to-face Conversation Groups — Heidy Cuervo Carruthers 9. Free Online Machine Translation: Use and Perceptions by Spanish Students and Instructors —Jason R. Jolley & Luciane Maimone 10. A Corpus-based Pedagogy for German Vocabulary — Colleen Neary-Sundquist 11. Grammar Teaching Approaches for Heritage Learners of Spanish —Clara Burgo 12. Going Online: Research-based Course Design — Elizabeth Harsm

    AIUCD2019 - Book of Abstracts

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    L’ottava edizione del Convegno nazionale dell’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale, collocandosi nel solco delle precedenti edizioni, si pone l’obiettivo di costituire un punto di incontro tra studiosi delle diverse discipline che - a vario titolo - fanno capo alle cosiddette Digital Humanities: umanisti digitali, informatici, linguisti, storici, archeologi, musicologi, filologici e non solo. Il tema principale di questa ottava edizione è la “Didattica e ricerca al tempo delle Digital Humanities”. Si tratta di un ambito vasto che accomuna pratiche e settori di studio interdisciplinari e multidisciplinari e che riguarda i mutamenti della didattica e della ricerca nell'era digitale

    AIUCD2019 - Book of Abstracts

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    L’ottava edizione del Convegno nazionale dell’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale, collocandosi nel solco delle precedenti edizioni, si pone l’obiettivo di costituire un punto di incontro tra studiosi delle diverse discipline che - a vario titolo - fanno capo alle cosiddette Digital Humanities: umanisti digitali, informatici, linguisti, storici, archeologi, musicologi, filologici e non solo. Il tema principale di questa ottava edizione è la “Didattica e ricerca al tempo delle Digital Humanities”. Si tratta di un ambito vasto che accomuna pratiche e settori di studio interdisciplinari e multidisciplinari e che riguarda i mutamenti della didattica e della ricerca nell'era digitale

    Exploring an action research process of multimodal learning system design for online learners of English language education in a Chinese university

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    This thesis is my professional autobiography that records an action research process of three full cycles ranging from 2004 to 2006. I follow a narrative style and a first person perspective to present this process in loyalty to the action research nature and my research reality. I work at an online institute (the Institute) of a Chinese university and I am responsible for course design and development of degree-bearing courses in English language education via online delivery to learners nationwide. My job is contextualized in a situation in China where online course design and development booms in practice, yet it lacks theoretical guidelines, quality research with responsive approaches and staff with professional identity and practice. I started my research in 2004 with a mono-commitment -- a real-situation task of adapting the courseware of an "orientation” module of a post-diploma BA course in English language education. I worked alone as both a researcher and a practitioner, only to find that the task involved more than just courseware design - it dealt with subject matter in that online course design and development was a process as well as a product that aimed at the construction of a learning system (the "What" issue); it also dealt with a methodological issue of selecting a research approach that could accommodate my research need and situation (the "How" issue). I started my second research cycle in 2005 with dual commitments – the exploration of instructional design as a subject matter guideline and action research as a responsive research methodology. I led a team of 3 tutor-researchers and 15 learner-researchers through a process of "plan -- act -- analyze and reflect” during the design, development, implementation and evaluation phases of the "orientation" module. Two issues emerged from this research cycle. One was that there existed four major tensions between instructional design and the learners' reality: time design, media selection, support design in relation to interaction and group learning, and assessment design. The other was that action research could be applied as an effective approach to professional development. I conducted my third research cycle in 2006 with tri-commitments – professional development (the "Who" issue) of 12 new staff at the Institute in addition to a further exploration of instructional design (the "What" issue) and action research (the "How" issue). This research cycle revealed that the interventional strategies worked to some extent, but some issues persisted and new issues emerged. Among them, the tensions between instructional design and the learners' reality, and the multi-faceted context of the research were repeatedly recognized. The three research cycles have informed my further research to establish a paradigmatic and practical framework that can integrate the "What", the "How" and the "Who" issues. This framework is termed multimodal learning system design that adopts a design, learning, multimodal and ecological view to guide a cyclical process that involves a community of practice in inquiry and reflection as well as all the major stakeholders (e.g. designers, tutors, administrators and learners) and a product that creates a learning system. This framework is valued for its responsiveness to sustainable improvements and changes in the online education field full of innovation and challenges in theory, research and professionalism