26 research outputs found

    Towards Tropical Psi Classes

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    To help the interested reader get their initial bearings, I present a survey of prerequisite topics for understanding the budding field of tropical Gromov-Witten theory. These include the language and methods of enumerative geometry, an introduction to tropical geometry and its relation to classical geometry, an exposition of toric varieties and their correspondence to polyhedral fans, an intuitive picture of bundles and Euler classes, and finally an introduction to the moduli spaces of n-pointed stable rational curves and their tropical counterparts

    Foundations of the wald space for phylogenetic trees

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Journal of the London Mathematical Society is copyright \ua9 London Mathematical Society.Evolutionary relationships between species are represented by phylogenetic trees, but these relationships are subject to uncertainty due to the random nature of evolution. A geometry for the space of phylogenetic trees is necessary in order to properly quantify this uncertainty during the statistical analysis of collections of possible evolutionary trees inferred from biological data. Recently, the wald space has been introduced: a length space for trees which is a certain subset of the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices. In this work, the wald space is introduced formally and its topology and structure is studied in detail. In particular, we show that wald space has the topology of a disjoint union of open cubes, it is contractible, and by careful characterisation of cube boundaries, we demonstrate that wald space is a Whitney stratified space of type (A). Imposing the metric induced by the affine invariant metric on symmetric positive definite matrices, we prove that wald space is a geodesic Riemann stratified space. A new numerical method is proposed and investigated for construction of geodesics, computation of Fr\ue9chet means and calculation of curvature in wald space. This work is intended to serve as a mathematical foundation for further geometric and statistical research on this space

    Mirror symmetry for the Tate curve via tropical and log corals

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    We introduce tropical corals, balanced trees in a half-space, and show that they correspond to holomorphic polygons capturing the product rule in Lagrangian Floer theory for the elliptic curve. We then prove a correspondence theorem equating counts of tropical corals to punctured log Gromov–Witten invariants of the Tate curve. This implies that the homogeneous coordinate ring of the mirror to the Tate curve is isomorphic to the degree-zero part of symplectic cohomology, confirming a prediction of homological mirror symmetry

    Topology of moduli spaces of free group representations in real reductive groups

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    This work was partially supported by the projects PTDC/MAT-GEO/0675/2012 and PTDC/MAT/120411/2010, FCT, Portugal. The authors also acknowledge support from U.S. National Science Foundation grants DMS 1107452, 1107263, 1107367 "RNMS: Geometric structures and Representation varieties" (the GEAR Network). Additionally, the third author was partially supported by the Simons Foundation grant 245642 and the U.S. National Science Foundation grant DMS 1309376, and the fourth author was partially supported by Centro de Matematica da Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PEst-OE/MAT/UI4080/2011).Let G be a real reductive algebraic group with maximal compact subgroup K, and let F-r be a rank r free group. We show that the space of closed orbits in Hom(F-r, G)/G admits a strong deformation retraction to the orbit space Hom(F-r, K)/K. In particular, all such spaces have the same homotopy type. We compute the Poincare polynomials of these spaces for some low rank groups G, such as Sp(4, IR) and U(2, 2). We also compare these real moduli spaces to the real points of the corresponding complex moduli spaces, and describe the geometry of many examples.publishersversionpublishe

    Calculating Sparse and Dense Correspondences for Near-Isometric Shapes

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    Comparing and analysing digital models are basic techniques of geometric shape processing. These techniques have a variety of applications, such as extracting the domain knowledge contained in the growing number of digital models to simplify shape modelling. Another example application is the analysis of real-world objects, which itself has a variety of applications, such as medical examinations, medical and agricultural research, and infrastructure maintenance. As methods to digitalize physical objects mature, any advances in the analysis of digital shapes lead to progress in the analysis of real-world objects. Global shape properties, like volume and surface area, are simple to compare but contain only very limited information. Much more information is contained in local shape differences, such as where and how a plant grew. Sadly the computation of local shape differences is hard as it requires knowledge of corresponding point pairs, i.e. points on both shapes that correspond to each other. The following article thesis (cumulative dissertation) discusses several recent publications for the computation of corresponding points: - Geodesic distances between points, i.e. distances along the surface, are fundamental for several shape processing tasks as well as several shape matching techniques. Chapter 3 introduces and analyses fast and accurate bounds on geodesic distances. - When building a shape space on a set of shapes, misaligned correspondences lead to points moving along the surfaces and finally to a larger shape space. Chapter 4 shows that this also works the other way around, that is good correspondences are obtain by optimizing them to generate a compact shape space. - Representing correspondences with a “functional map” has a variety of advantages. Chapter 5 shows that representing the correspondence map as an alignment of Green’s functions of the Laplace operator has similar advantages, but is much less dependent on the number of eigenvectors used for the computations. - Quadratic assignment problems were recently shown to reliably yield sparse correspondences. Chapter 6 compares state-of-the-art convex relaxations of graphics and vision with methods from discrete optimization on typical quadratic assignment problems emerging in shape matching

    A Sturm-Liouville equation on the crossroads of continuous and discrete hypercomplex analysis

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    The paper studies discrete structural properties of polynomials that play an important role in the theory of spherical harmonics in any dimensions. These polynomials have their origin in the research on problems of harmonic analysis by means of generalized holomorphic (monogenic) functions of hypercomplex analysis. The Sturm-Liouville equation that occurs in this context supplements the knowledge about generalized Vietoris number sequences Vn, first encountered as a special sequence (corresponding to n=2) by Vietoris in connection with positivity of trigonometric sums. Using methods of the calculus of holonomic differential equations, we obtain a general recurrence relation for Vn, and we derive an exponential generating function of Vn expressed by Kummer's confluent hypergeometric function.This work was supported by Portuguese funds through the CMAT—Research Centre of Mathematics of University of Minho—and through the CIDMA-Center of Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (University of Aveiro) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (“FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia”), within projects UIDB/00013/2020, UIDP/00013/2020, UIDB/04106/2020 , and UIDP/04106/2020

    On the Tropicalization of Lines onto Tropical Quadrics

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    Tropical geometry uses the minimum and addition operations to consider tropical versions of the curves, surfaces, and more generally the zero set of polynomials, called varieties, that are the objects of study in classical algebraic geometry. One known result in classical geometry is that smooth quadric surfaces in three-dimensional projective space, P3\mathbb{P}^3, are doubly ruled, and those rulings form a disjoint union of conics in P5\mathbb{P}^5. We wish to see if the same result holds for smooth tropical quadrics. We use the Fundamental Theorem of Tropical Algebraic Geometry to outline an approach to studying how lines lift onto a tropical quadric, which is necessary for understanding what lines are on smooth tropical quadrics and their structure. We also provide suggestions of how computational tools can be used to implement the approach

    Persistence codebooks for topological data analysis

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    Persistent homology is a rigorous mathematical theory that provides a robust descriptor of data in the form of persistence diagrams (PDs) which are 2D multisets of points. Their variable size makes them, however, difficult to combine with typical machine learning workflows. In this paper we introduce persistence codebooks, a novel expressive and discriminative fixed-size vectorized representation of PDs that adapts to the inherent sparsity of persistence diagrams. To this end, we adapt bag-of-words, vectors of locally aggregated descriptors and Fischer vectors for the quantization of PDs. Persistence codebooks represent PDs in a convenient way for machine learning and statistical analysis and have a number of favorable practical and theoretical properties including 1-Wasserstein stability. We evaluate the presented representations on several heterogeneous datasets and show their (high) discriminative power. Our approach yields comparable-and partly even higher-performance in much less time than alternative approaches

    Control of spatio-temporal pattern formation governed by geometrical models of interface evolution

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    Numerous natural phenomena are characterized by spatio-temporal dynamics which give rise to time evolving spatial patterns. Although studies that address the problem of modelling these complex dynamics exist, a model based control approach for such systems is still a challenging task. The work in this thesis is concerned with the development of control methods for such spatio-temporal systems, where interface growth is represented using a geometric evolution law. In particular, the focus is set on the control of dendritic crystal growth and wind-aided wildfire sprea

    Stabilization distance bounds from link Floer homology

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    We consider the set of connected surfaces in the 4-ball with boundary a fixed knot in the 3-sphere. We define the stabilization distance between two surfaces as the minimal such that we can get from one to the other using stabilizations and destabilizations through surfaces of genus at most . Similarly, we consider a double-point distance between two surfaces of the same genus that is the minimum over all regular homotopies connecting the two surfaces of the maximal number of double points appearing in the homotopy. To many of the concordance invariants defined using Heegaard Floer homology, we construct an analogous invariant for a pair of surfaces. We show that these give lower bounds on the stabilization distance and the double-point distance. We compute our invariants for some pairs of deform-spun slice disks by proving a trace formula on the full infinity knot Floer complex, and by determining the action on knot Floer homology of an automorphism of the connected sum of a knot with itself that swaps the two summands. We use our invariants to find pairs of slice disks with arbitrarily large distance with respect to many of the metrics we consider in this paper. We also answer a slice-disk analog of Problem 1.105 (B) from Kirby's problem list by showing the existence of non-0-cobordant slice disks