426 research outputs found

    Elucidating the Factors Affecting Entrepreneurs’ Intention to Adopt Social Media in Their Business: A Perspective from Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify the factors that influence the incorporation of social media into business activities by Indonesian Millennial. In Indonesia, although the adoption of social media can bring many advantages for the business, only a small portion of Indonesia's small and medium enterprises have fully utilized social media in their business. Most of them only use social media only to market or showcase their product. Meanwhile, only 15% of them have used social media in the selling and transaction process. This is unfortunate as it has been proven that the adoption of social media in the business can help SMEs in day-to-day operation, as well as help them to escalate their business performance.   Theoretical Framework: The integration of UTAUT and TAM models was employed to understand entrepreneurs' intentions in applying social media to their businesses. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence were proposed as the predictor of attitude toward using social media in business, which in turn would influence the intention to adopt social media in business.   Design/Method/Approach: This study employed the conclusive research design, specifically descriptive research design, as the objective of the research is to examine the relationship between proposed antecedents and the outcome variable. Three hundred and sixty-two valid responses were acquired through an online survey. PLS-SEM analysis was then conducted to test proposed research hypotheses using smartPLS software.   Findings: From the hypotheses testing, it is found that all proposed predictors were proven to be able to affect social media adoption intention, in which social influence was found to contribute the most. This study emphasizes the importance of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and attitude in encouraging the adoption of social media in business for millennial entrepreneurs in Indonesia. This study also gives insight to the Government or policy maker regarding how to use these factors in designing the strategy to increase social media adoption in millennials business in Indonesia

    Why Do People Chase Fashionable Technologies? Toward a Systematic Understanding of IT Fashion Diffusion and Adoption of Fashionable IT

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    Fashion is a ubiquitous social phenomenon. People chase after fashionable clothes, furniture and jewelry for reasons beyond utilitarian benefits. Many people did not associate information technologies with fashion for a long time. Nevertheless, as consumer technologies become increasingly smaller and more portable, they can be carried around as body accessories that bear social meanings. The fashion elements have begun to exert tremendous influence on consumers’ behaviors and companies’ successes. The advent of fashionable technologies necessitates thorough research on IT fashion. This dissertation aims to provide a systematic understanding of fashionable technologies. It first elucidates the process of IT fashion diffusion based on extant fashion theories and the unique characteristics of fashionable technologies. Then it investigates the reasons why people adopt fashionable technologies by identifying the core characteristics of fashionable technologies perceived by adopters and explicating how these perceived characteristics affect people’s behavioral beliefs of using the technologies. To empirically test the research model, 256 responses were collected by hiring a professional survey company Qualtrics. The results support most of the hypotheses. The current dissertation lays the foundation for future IT fashion research and potentially breaks new theoretical grounds for the IS field

    The factors that drive non-gaming brands’ marketers to underutilize video ads in casual games : Underutilization of casual gaming as an advertising medium

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    This research investigates the factors influencing non-gaming brands’ marketers in Finland to underutilize video ads in casual games, aiming to unravel the perceptions, attitudes, and decision-making activities that guide their investment decisions. Despite the vast potential of casual gaming advertising, particularly for non-gaming brands, this medium remains underutilized in the Finnish market. The study commences with an exploration of casual games as a relatively new advertising medium, addressing misperceptions that are surrounding casual gaming as and advertising medium (CGAM). The central research question focuses on identifying the driving factors that drive non-gaming brands’ marketers to underutilize video ads in casual games. The theoretical framework incorporates Roger's Diffusion of Innovations theory, and explores the influences of experiences, social dynamics, individual characteristics, brand perception, target audience understanding, and Integrated Marketing Communications theory. The study adopts a qualitative research design, employing semi-structured interviews with five carefully selected participants from leading media agencies in Finland. Thematic analysis is applied to extract patterns and themes from the rich qualitative data, ensuring a systematic examination of participants' narratives. Results highlight the nuanced landscape of marketers' decision-making, revealing the pivotal role of experiences, both direct and indirect, in shaping attitudes. Individual decision-makers' characteristics and social dynamics within agencies emerge as influential, emphasizing the collaborative nature of decision-making. The brand's positive perception, especially in enhancing brand image, acts as a driving force for investment. However, misperceptions about the target audience, lack of comprehensive data, and the perceived relative advantage present notable barriers. In terms of piloting video ads in casual gaming, the study identifies the perception of positive influence and context overshadowing other factors, emphasizing the role of emotional responses and subjective perceptions in decision-making. In conclusion, the decision-making activities of non-gaming brands’ marketers in piloting video ads in casual games represent a multi-faceted interplay of experiences, individual characteristics, social dynamics, brand perception, target audience understanding, data availability, and perceived relative advantage. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding to guide marketers and casual gaming ad sellers in navigating the evolving landscape of casual gaming as an advertising medium in the Finnish market

    Key drivers of customer value : a business model analysis of VG Nett, Dagbladet.no, and Nettavisen

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    The research intent of this thesis was to explore the main drivers of customer value in the context of the three biggest online newspapers in Norway, respectively VG Nett, Dagbladet.no, and Nettavisen. The aspect of customer value was studied from a provider-centric perspective, rather than through the consumers’ evaluation of such value. The customer value concept was further looked upon in terms of non-monetary and intangible aspects, and referred to the intrinsic benefits appropriated to the customer segments from the perspective of the three online newspapers. The motivation for pursuing this research objective was based on the contention that the implementation of such value drivers, along with high editorial standards and efficient revenue models, could establish an economic fundament for firm profitability, as well as strong buyer-supplier relationships. In order to elucidate the key sources of customer value, I explored the business activities and the strategic choices of the three media companies, by conducting a qualitative content analysis of their business model. By scrutinising their key activities through the lenses of the Business Model Ontology, I was able to elucidate the locus of customer value, and, more specifically, the intrinsic benefits appropriated to the customer segments. Discussing these benefits in light of the Value Driver Model and the interview responses of three newspaper executives provided sufficient grounds for identifying efficiency, complementarities, novelty, convenience, interactivity, connectivity, and customer integration as the key drivers of customer value in the context of VG Nett, Dagbladet.no, and Nettavisen. As these sources bring valuable insights into the strategic choices and the distinct value creation logic of key online players, I reason that their identification and implementation would have a vocational and practical value to the online news industry

    Spirit: motivational object

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    The objective of this project is to find a way to process information in a more personal experience, considering the era of the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT) and the connection between a digital and real-world through motivational messages. It is focused on an object that will motivate people with their daily tasks, re-framing their state of mind on a shareable self-intrinsic motivation by related people and new relationships. The project relies in the relation between objects and cued memories — this can be an elucidating trade-off for encountering and re-evaluating personal disposition towards an environment, objects, and their related memories. Since this evaluative process happens in the mind, the project aims to develop a method showing it in a device. The project consists of an object that aims to improve adherence by giving reminders and helping people or patients to keep track of their mental state and most important daily motivations, by exchanging messages between a restrictive group of people. This can affect the Mental State for good progress to be healthier. The disproportional information of IoT in comparison with what it was needed in the real world and having an app that could have a richer emotional state and life satisfaction to people. Overall the objective of this object is to develop a good emotional investment in social media having a source of deeper connection if used. Social media have a crucial role in the way to connect people far and close to share goals, visions, and influences. With this object, Artificial Intelligence and a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) bot could have, in the future, a role in the advances of the computational capacity of the data collection and machine learning. Both can have a great impact on people's lives and can influence areas like psychology and psychiatry being a tool to clarify patients' state of mind for motivational messaging or be a mediator to teach some emotional regulation skills on investment on a social purpose.O objetivo deste projeto é processar informações de forma mais pessoal na era da Internet e Internet of Things (IoT) entre um mundo digital e mundo real com uma mensagem motivacional. Tem por objetivo um objeto que irá intervir para motivar as pessoas com suas tarefas diárias, reformulando estado de espírito em uma motivação intrínseca compartilhável por pessoas relacionadas e novos relacionamentos que possam surgir. O projeto está na relação entre objetos e memórias lembradas - isso pode estar elucidando o trade-off para encontrar e reavaliar nossa disposição em direção a um ambiente, objetos e suas memórias relacionadas. Dado que este processo de avaliação ocorre na mente, o projeto tem por objetivo desenvolver um método para mostrá-lo no dispositivo. O projeto consiste em um objeto que visa melhorar a adesão, dando tanto mensagens e sinais de cor e ajudando pessoas ou pacientes a acompanhar seu estado mental e motivações importantes diariamente, trocando mensagens entre um grupo restritivo de pessoas. Isso pode afetar o estado mental para que um bom progresso para que seja mais saudável. A informação da Internet em comparação com o que precisamos no mundo real é enorme e ter um objeto que pode dispor um estado emocional mais rico e com satisfação de vida para as pessoas sem haver grande relação tecnológica é importante. Em geral, o uso deste objeto irá desenvolver um bom investimento emocional em uma rede social com uma fonte de conexão mais profunda, se usada. Os média sociais têm um papel crucial na maneira de conectar as pessoas de longe e compartilhar objetivos, visões e influências. Com a utilização do objeto num Future Work através de um bot a terapia comportamental cognitiva pode ter um papel nos avanços na capacidade computacional da coleta de dados e aprendizado de máquina. Ambos podem ter um grande impacto na vida das pessoas e podem influenciar áreas como psicologia e psiquiatria, sendo uma ferramenta para esclarecer o estado mental dos pacientes por mensagens motivacionais ou para ser um mediador ensinando algumas habilidades de regulação emocional no investimento de médias sociais

    Impact of Gamification on Student Engagement in Graduate Medical Studies

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    Rapid technological advances have created major societal changes, transformed business sectors, and revolutionized enterprises. In contrast, the curricular structure of medical education has remained unchanged for the last 100 years, and, for the most part, medical education has been reluctant to embrace the use of technology. The prevalent pedagogical model is reliant on rote memorization. The conceptual framework that informed this study was the user-centered framework for meaningful gamification. This framework\u27s components are organismic integration theory, situational relevance, situated motivational affordance, and the universal design for learning. This quantitative study focused on key research questions related to identifying whether significant increases occurred over time in cooperative learning, cognitive level, and personal skills \u27the dependent variables\u27 when using a gamified learning method-the independent variable. The validated Student Engagement Survey was used to collect data from second-year medical students in a Southern California medical school, with N = 64. A repeated measures MANOVA with follow-up univariate ANOVAs was used, and statistical results indicated that there were significant differences over time in cooperative learning, cognitive level, and personal skills when using gamified learning methods. This research was conducted over a period of 3 months, divided into 3 Time Periods (TP). For all three variables, significant increases were noticed between TP 1 and TP 2, followed by significant decreases between TP 2 and TP 3. These findings pointed to the fact that more studies are needed to better understand whether certain types of gamification implementations are detrimental to student engagement in medical education, or whether more sound design principles ought to be explored to produce effective gamified learning components that could positively impact student engagement in medical education

    Why do people purchase from food delivery apps? A consumer value perspective

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    AbstractConsumers are increasingly using food delivery apps (FDAs) to facilitate convenient and quick food delivery. Yet, the existing research offers a limited understanding of consumers’ behavioral responses to the visibility and values derived from FDAs. Our study utilized the theory of consumption values (TCV) to examine associations between FDA visibility, consumption values, and purchase intentions. The mediating role of consumption values and the moderating role of attitude was also studied. A qualitative study was conducted with 15 FDA consumers to derive context-specific consumption values. Responses from 355 FDA consumers from the United States of America (USA) were obtained through Prolific and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Visibility acted as an antecedent of all consumption values and significantly influenced purchase intentions. Attitude also positively and significantly influenced purchase intentions. Consumption values partially mediated the association between visibility and purchase intention, while attitude negatively moderated the relationship that purchase intention has with visibility and preference value. These findings have important implications for theory and practice.</p