2,296 research outputs found

    Inkjet printed paper based frequency selective surfaces and skin mounted RFID tags: the interrelation between silver nanoparticle ink, paper substrate and low temperature sintering technique

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    Inkjet printing of functional frequency selective surfaces (FSS) and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags on commercial paper substrates using silver nanoparticle inks sintered using low temperature thermal, plasma and photonic techniques is reported. Printed and sintered FSS devices demonstrate performances which achieve wireless communication requirements having a forward transmission scattering parameter, S21, depth greater than ?20 dB at 13 GHz. Printed and plasma sintered RFID tags on transfer paper, which are capable of being mounted on skin, improved read distances compared to previously reported single layer transfer RFID tags fabricated by conventional thermal sintering

    Parameter Retrieval of Samples on a Substrate From Reflection-Only Waveguide Measurements

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    A microwave method has been proposed for constitutive parameters' extraction of samples on a known substrate. The advantage of this method is that it relies on noniterative reflection-only (air- and metal-backed) scattering (S-) parameters so that it is a good candidate for the characterization of samples when only one-port measurements are available. It is validated by the X-band (8.2-12.4 GHz) waveguide S-parameter measurements. A sensitivity analysis is followed to evaluate and improve the performance of our method. IEE

    Nanocomposites of polymer and inorganic nanoparticles for optical and magnetic applications

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    This article provides an up-to-date review on nanocomposites composed of inorganic nanoparticles and the polymer matrix for optical and magnetic applications. Optical or magnetic characteristics can change upon the decrease of particle sizes to very small dimensions, which are, in general, of major interest in the area of nanocomposite materials. The use of inorganic nanoparticles into the polymer matrix can provide high-performance novel materials that find applications in many industrial fields. With this respect, frequently considered features are optical properties such as light absorption (UV and color), and the extent of light scattering or, in the case of metal particles, photoluminescence, dichroism, and so on, and magnetic properties such as superparamagnetism, electromagnetic wave absorption, and electromagnetic interference shielding. A general introduction, definition, and historical development of polymer–inorganic nanocomposites as well as a comprehensive review of synthetic techniques for polymer–inorganic nanocomposites will be given. Future possibilities for the development of nanocomposites for optical and magnetic applications are also introduced. It is expected that the use of new functional inorganic nano-fillers will lead to new polymer–inorganic nanocomposites with unique combinations of material properties. By careful selection of synthetic techniques and understanding/exploiting the unique physics of the polymeric nanocomposites in such materials, novel functional polymer–inorganic nanocomposites can be designed and fabricated for new interesting applications such as optoelectronic and magneto-optic applications

    Shaping, imaging and controlling plasmonic interference fields at buried interfaces

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    Filming and controlling plasmons at buried interfaces with nanometer (nm) and femtosecond (fs) resolution has yet to be achieved and is critical for next generation plasmonic/electronic devices. In this work, we use light to excite and shape a plasmonic interference pattern at a buried metal-dielectric interface in a nanostructured thin film. Plasmons are launched from a photoexcited array of nanocavities and their propagation is filmed via photon-induced near-field electron microscopy (PINEM). The resulting movie directly captures the plasmon dynamics, allowing quantification of their group velocity at approximately 0.3c, consistent with our theoretical predictions. Furthermore, we show that the light polarization and nanocavity design can be tailored to shape transient plasmonic gratings at the nanoscale. These results, demonstrating dynamical imaging with PINEM, pave the way for the fs/nm visualization and control of plasmonic fields in advanced heterostructures based on novel 2D materials such as graphene, MoS2_2, and ultrathin metal films.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 3 supplementary figure

    Light Matter Interaction in Epsilon Near Zero Metal/Insulator Layered Nanocavities Thesis

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    Light-matter interaction has been a widely investigated phenomena enlarging the area of nanophotonics beyond the limit. This stand out to be the back bone for future generation optical devices. Light confinement and propagation in a small volume gives rise to several rich optical properties. This can be realized in different type of nanostructured materials. Metal(M)/Insulator(I) multilayer nanocavities are highly versatile systems for light confinement and wave guiding at nanoscale. Their physical behavior is discussed successfully by electromagnetic theory. However, it is still obscured about the nature of cavity modes in layered metal/insulator nanocavities. The reason why such cavity mode can be excited without having any momentum matching technique are yet to be investigated. We start with a quantum treatment of the MIM as a double barrier quantum well where the resonant modes are assisted by tunneling of photons. The lossless characteristics of these modes with zero wavevector condition are inherent to the epsilon-nearzero (ENZ) band. We further investigated the coupling between epsilon near zero assisted volume plasmons in MIMIM nanocavities where one MIM cavity placed above the other. Strong coupling has been demonstrated in this system by an anticrossing of the ENZ modes in the individual cavities, where the splitting depends strongly on the thickness of the central metal layer. The properties of ENZ bulk plasmon modes for MIM and MIMIM systems are exploited to achieve both enhancement of spontaneous emission and decay rate of the perovskite nanocrystal film placed on the top of the nanocavity. However, the enhancement is within the limit of weak coupling regime. In order to achieve strong coupling between ENZ mode of cavity and emission mode of the fluorophore, one need to embed the fluorophore inside the cavity. But it has been realized that in such a case, long term stability of fluorophore by retaining its original optical properties are primary challenges. We studied the optical properties of nanocrystal layer that were overcoated with alumina by atomic layer deposition. This enabled us to effectively embed the NCs inside the dielectric layers of planar MIM and MIMIM nanocavities

    Tomographic inversion of time-domain resistivity and chargeability data for the investigation of landfills using a priori information

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    In this paper, we present a new code for the modelling and inversion of resistivity and chargeability data using a priori information to improve the accuracy of the reconstructed model for landfill. When a priori information is available in the study area, we can insert them by means of inequality constraints on the whole model or on a single layer or assigning weighting factors for enhancing anomalies elongated in the horizontal or vertical directions. However, when we have to face a multilayered scenario with numerous resistive to conductive transitions (the case of controlled landfills), the effective thickness of the layers can be biased. The presented code includes a model-tuning scheme, which is applied after the inversion of field data, where the inversion of the synthetic data is performed based on an initial guess, and the absolute difference between the field and synthetic inverted models is minimized. The reliability of the proposed approach has been supported in two real-world examples; we were able to identify an unauthorized landfill and to reconstruct the geometrical and physical layout of an old waste dump. The combined analysis of the resistivity and chargeability (normalised) models help us to remove ambiguity due to the presence of the waste mass. Nevertheless, the presence of certain layers can remain hidden without using a priori information, as demonstrated by a comparison of the constrained inversion with a standard inversion. The robustness of the above-cited method (using a priori information in combination with model tuning) has been validated with the cross-section from the construction plans, where the reconstructed model is in agreement with the original design

    Optimal design and freeform extrusion fabrication of functionally gradient smart parts

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    An extrusion-based additive manufacturing process, called the Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion (CODE) process, for producing three-dimensional ceramic components with near theoretical density was developed. In this process, an aqueous paste of ceramic particles with a very low binder content (\u3c1 vol%) is extruded through a moving nozzle at room temperature. After a layer is deposited, it is surrounded by oil (to a level just below the top surface of most recent layer) to preclude non-uniform evaporation from the sides. Infrared radiation is then used to partially, and uniformly, dry the just-deposited layer so that the yield stress of the paste increases and the part maintains its shape. The same procedure is repeated for every layer until part fabrication is completed. Sample parts made of alumina and fully stabilized zirconia were produced using this process and their mechanical properties including density, strength, Young\u27s modulus, Weibull modulus, toughness, and hardness were examined. Microstructural evaluation was also performed to measure the grain size, and critical flaw sizes were obtained. The results indicate that the proposed method enables fabrication of geometrically complex parts with superior mechanical properties. Furthermore, several methods were developed to increase the productivity of the CODE process and enable manufacturing of functionally graded materials with an optimum distribution of material composition. As an application of the CODE process, advanced ceramic components with embedded sapphire optical fiber sensors were fabricated and properties of parts and sensors were evaluated using standard test methods --Abstract, page iv

    Spatial and spatiotemporal variation in metapopulation structure affects population dynamics in a passively dispersing arthropod

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    The spatial and temporal variation in the availability of suitable habitat within metapopulations determines colonization-extinction events, regulates local population sizes and eventually affects local population and metapopulation stability. Insights into the impact of such a spatiotemporal variation on the local population and metapopulation dynamics are principally derived from classical metapopulation theory and have not been experimentally validated. By manipulating spatial structure in artificial metapopulations of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae, we test to which degree spatial (mainland-island metapopulations) and spatiotemporal variation (classical metapopulations) in habitat availability affects the dynamics of the metapopulations relative to systems where habitat is constantly available in time and space (patchy metapopulations). Our experiment demonstrates that (i) spatial variation in habitat availability decreases variance in metapopulation size and decreases density-dependent dispersal at the metapopulation level, while (ii) spatiotemporal variation in habitat availability increases patch extinction rates, decreases local population and metapopulation sizes and decreases density dependence in population growth rates. We found dispersal to be negatively density dependent and overall low in the spatial variable mainland-island metapopulation. This demographic variation subsequently impacts local and regional population dynamics and determines patterns of metapopulation stability. Both local and metapopulation-level variabilities are minimized in mainland-island metapopulations relative to classical and patchy ones

    Electromagnetic Characterization of Inhomogeneous Media

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    Developed two permittivity profile extraction algorithms for inhomogeneous materials. These two algorithms were created using discrete and continuous approaches. The discrete method used a piece-wise constant permittivity assumption that allowed the use of homogeneous wave equations. Using laboratory data and a theoretical formulation, the permittivity of each piece-wise constant layer within the material was extracted using a root search algorithm. The continuous approach solved the problem using inhomogeneous wave equations. These equations were used to extract a linear permittivity profile using laboratory data and a root search

    Compiling geophysical and geological information into a 3-D model of the glacially-affected island of Föhr

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    Within the scope of climatic change and associated sea level rise, coastal aquifers are endangered and are becoming more a focus of research to ensure the future water supply in coastal areas. For groundwater modelling a good understanding of the geological/hydrogeological situation and the aquifer behavior is necessary. In preparation of groundwater modelling and assessment of climate change impacts on coastal water resources, we setup a geological/hydrogeological model for the North Sea Island of Föhr. <br><br> Data from different geophysical methods applied from the air, the surface and in boreholes contribute to the 3-D model, e.g. airborne electromagnetics (SkyTEM) for spatial mapping the resistivity of the entire island, seismic reflections for detailed cross-sections in the groundwater catchment area, and geophysical borehole logging for calibration of these measurements. An iterative and integrated evaluation of the results from the different geophysical methods contributes to reliable data as input for the 3-D model covering the whole island and not just the well fields. <br><br> The complex subsurface structure of the island is revealed. The local waterworks use a freshwater body embedded in saline groundwater. Several glaciations reordered the youngest Tertiary and Quaternary sediments by glaciotectonic thrust faulting, as well as incision and refill of glacial valleys. Both subsurface structures have a strong impact on the distribution of freshwater-bearing aquifers. A digital geological 3-D model reproduces the hydrogeological structure of the island as a base for a groundwater model. In the course of the data interpretation, we deliver a basis for rock identification. <br><br> We demonstrate that geophysical investigation provide petrophysical parameters and improve the understanding of the subsurface and the groundwater system. The main benefit of our work is that the successful combination of electromagnetic, seismic and borehole data reveals the complex geology of a glacially-affected island. A sound understanding of the subsurface structure and the compilation of a 3-D model is imperative and the basis for a groundwater flow model to predict climate change effects on future water resources