28 research outputs found

    Students’ perceptions of the learner attributes required for (and resulting from) heutagogical learning

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    Heutagogy, a form of self-determined learning, is a learner-centred approach to learning and teaching, grounded in constructivist principles. This case study explores final year undergraduate students’ perceptions of the learner attributes required for (and resulting from) heutagogical learning. As part of a larger research study, data were collected at two UK universities using an online survey that was intended to elicit their perceptions and experiences of a module designed using heutagogical principles. Results indicate that foundational knowledge, skills and attitude are a requirement for, and an outcome of,heutagogical learning. Potential implications for the use of heutagogical approaches tolearning and teaching are discussed. Keywords: heutagogy; self-determined learning; autonomy; sports coaching

    Students’ perceptions of the learner attributes required for (and resulting from) heutagogical learning

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    Heutagogy, a form of self-determined learning, is a learner-centred approach to learning and teaching, grounded in constructivist principles. This case study explores final year undergraduate students’ perceptions of the learner attributes required for (and resulting from) heutagogical learning. As part of a larger research study, data were collected at two UK universities using an online survey that was intended to elicit their perceptions and experiences of a module designed using heutagogical principles. Results indicate that foundational knowledge, skills and attitude are a requirement for, and an outcome of, heutagogical learning. Potential implications for the use of heutagogical approaches to learning and teaching are discussed

    To BlikBook or not to BlikBook: Exploring student engagement of an online discussion platform

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    This paper reports on the use of BlikBook, a course engagement platform for tutors and students that facilitates academic engagement in higher education. Based on a case study where BlikBook was essential to the design and delivery of a large undergraduate module, the paper discusses how the platform opens new avenues for student feedback, and encourages more independence in peer-led student groups. The paper makes several important contributions to knowledge and practice. Firstly, it outlines the process of introducing new software within a university context, and identifies potential pitfalls. Secondly, it offers an assessment of BlikBook that was previously untried in the case study organisation. Thirdly, previous studies have focused primarily on students’ perceptions of online platforms, rather than on the differences in experiences between students and tutors, whereas the present study explores both aspects. Findings suggest that incorporating BlikBook in teaching could improve student engagement

    La utilidad de las actividades de evaluación en cursos on-line. Un análisis objetivo a partir de la Teoría de la Información

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    Els campus virtuals proporcionen una bona oportunitat per a explorar nous mètodes d’ensenyament i aprenentatge col·laboratius. Aquest treball recull la nostra experiència en una assignatura on-line. El curs conté una àmplia varietat de recursos docents, eines de comunicació i una avaluació contínua. La teoria de la informació permetrà valorar la utilitat d’aquestes eines per al procés d’aprenentatge dels alumnes. Les mesures d’informació permeten reduir la incertesa sobre el procés d’aprenentatge, els beneficis dels diferents formats d’avaluació i la importància de les activitats comunicatives i de col·laboració. Els resultats subministren evidències significatives sobre els diferents tipus d’activitats implementades. Els entorns col·laboratius i les habilitats per a la cerca i anàlisi de material complementari resulten rellevants per a diferenciar el nivell de competències adquirides per l’alumnat.Virtual campuses provide a good opportunity of exploring new ways of teaching and learning under cooperative frameworks. Our experience in a virtual subject is exposed in this work. The course counts with a wide range of tuitional resources, tools of communication and continuum assessment. The Theory of the Information allow us assess the utility of these tools for the students' learning. The measures of information help to reduce the uncertainty over the learning process, the usefulness of different formats of evaluation and the importance of communicative and collaborative activities. The results provided evidence that significant differences existed by types of implemented activities. Collaborative frameworks and skills at searching for and analyzing complementary material result relevant to differentiate between student levels of competences.Los campus virtuales proporcionan una buena oportunidad para explorar nuevas formas de enseñanza y aprendizajes colaborativos. Este trabajo, recoge nuestra experiencia en una asignatura on-line. El curso contiene una amplia variedad de recursos docentes, herramientas de comunicación y una evaluación continua. La teoría de la información permitirá valorar la utilidad de estas herramientas para el proceso de aprendizaje del alumnado. La medidas de información permiten reducir la incertidumbre sobre el proceso de aprendizaje, los beneficios de los diferentes formatos de evaluación y la importancia de las actividades comunicativas y de colaboración. Los resultados suministran evidencias significativas sobre los diferentes tipos de actividades implementadas. Los entornos colaborativos y las habilidades para la búsqueda y análisis de material complementario resultan relevantes para diferenciar el nivel de competencias adquiridas por el alumnado

    Content-Based VLE Designs Improve Learning Efficiency in Constructivist Statistics Education

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    Background: We introduced a series of computer-supported workshops in our undergraduate statistics courses, in the hope that it would help students to gain a deeper understanding of statistical concepts. This raised questions about the appropriate design of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in which such an approach had to be implemented. Therefore, we investigated two competing software design models for VLEs. In the first system, all learning features were a function of the classical VLE. The second system was designed from the perspective that learning features should be a function of the course's core content (statistical analyses), which required us to develop a specific-purpose Statistical Learning Environment (SLE) based on Reproducible Computing and newly developed Peer Review (PR) technology. Objectives: The main research question is whether the second VLE design improved learning efficiency as compared to the standard type of VLE design that is commonly used in education. As a secondary objective we provide empirical evidence about the usefulness of PR as a constructivist learning activity which supports non-rote learning. Finally, this paper illustrates that it is possible to introduce a constructivist learning approach in large student populations, based on adequately designed educational technology, without subsuming educational content to technological convenience. Methods: Both VLE systems were tested within a two-year quasi-experiment based on a Reliable Nonequivalent Group Design. This approach allowed us to draw valid conclusions about the treatment effect of the changed VLE design, even though the systems were implemented in successive years. The methodological aspects about the experiment's internal validity are explained extensively. Results: The effect of the design change is shown to have substantially increased the efficiency of constructivist, computer-assisted learning activities for all cohorts of the student population under investigation. The findings demonstrate that a content-based design outperforms the traditional VLE-based design


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    ResumenLa demanda creciente de inscripción de alumnos de Licenciatura en las Instituciones de Educación Pública genera la necesidad de nuevas modalidades de conducción del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En éste trabajo se desarrolla el BAOC (Big Academic Open Course), cursos escolarizados para grupos grandes, su objetivo fue ofrecer una modalidad alternativa para cubrir la demanda creciente de alumnos inscritos en cursos de Ingeniería en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana con grupos grandes. Sus características se fundamentan en el b-learning y los MOOC aplicado a cursos escolarizados. Su principal ventaja es que optimiza los recursos físicos y humanos para atender un mayor número de estudiantes, rompiendo el paradigma de tiempo-espacio. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un índice de aprobación medio del 68%, mientras que el índice de retención medio es del 61 %. El 88% de alumnos consideran útil la modalidad y al 76% le gustaría tomar otros cursos en esta modalidad.Palabras Claves: Aprendizaje cooperativo, b-learning, modalidad de conducción del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, MOOC.NUMERICAL METHODS IN UAM AZCAPOTZALCO ENGINEERING: BAOC (BIG ACADEMIC OPEN COURSE)AbstractThe growing demand for enrollment of undergraduate students in public education institutions generates the need for new ways of conducting the teaching and learning process. This paper develops the proposal of Semi-faceted School Courses for Large Groups: Big Academic Open Course (BAOC). The objective was to offer an alternative modality to cover the growing demand of students enrolled in Engineering courses at the Autonomous Metropolitan University with large groups. Its characteristics are based on b-learning and the MOOC applied to school courses. Its main advantage is that it optimizes the physical and human resources to attend a greater number of students, breaking the time-space paradigm. The results obtained show an average approval rate of 68%, while the average retention rate is 61%. 88% of students consider the modality useful and 76% would like to take other courses in this modality.Keywords: b-learning, conduction of the teaching-learning process, cooperative learning, MOOC

    E-learning success determinants: Brazilian empirical study

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    E-learning is a web-based learning ecosystem for the dissemination of information, communication, and knowledge for education and training. Understanding the impact of e-learning on society, as well as its benefits, is important to link e-learning systems to their success drivers. The aim of this study is to find the determinants of user perceived satisfaction, use, and individual impact of e-learning. This study proposes a theoretical model integrating theories of information systems' satisfaction and success in the e-learning systems. The model was empirically validated in higher education institutions and university centers in Brazil through a quantitative method of structural equation modeling. Collaboration quality, information quality, and user perceived satisfaction explain e-learning use. The drivers of user perceived satisfaction are information quality, system quality, instructor attitude toward e-learning, diversity in assessment, and learner perceived interaction with others. System quality, use, and user perceived satisfaction explain individual impact.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Knowledge of physicians regarding the management of Type two Diabetes in a primary care setting: the impact of online continuous medical education

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    Background: To explore the impact of an online continuing medical education (CME) program on physicians� knowledge about the management of type two diabetes. Methods: An online CME program was designed and uploaded in the CME platform, Department of Education, Ministry of health, Iran. A 28-item questionnaire was used for the assessment. In the beginning, a case scenario was introduced. Then, participants were asked to follow and answer to a pretest assessment. Details of the educational content were provided afterward. Finally, the participants took part in the same post-test exam 4 weeks later. The Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test was used to compare the measurements. In addition, the Mann-Whitney test was applied to compare knowledge indices between the general practitioners (GPs) and internists. Results: Five hundred twenty-six primary care physicians participated in this study. There was a significant positive effect regarding diagnosis confirmation (10.3 difference, P = 0.0001). Moreover, a smaller effect was observed in relation to the importance of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) at diagnosis (5.2 difference, P = 0.0006). The effect was positive in relation to the self-reported HbA1c testing frequency: more than 90 of the participants answered correctly in the post-test exam (7.6 difference, P = 0.0001). Considering improved knowledge in the treatment of diabetes, there was a very significant difference in response to questions targeting advice on a healthy diet, and physical activity; 27.7 (P = 0.000), and 18.7 (P = 0.000), respectively. In addition, the program had a positive impact on various aspects of treatment with oral glucose-lowering drugs (OGLDs). Moreover, the intervention difference was 25, and 34.4 for the questions targeting the appropriate type of insulin, and insulin initiation regimen after OGLD failure. Subgroup analyses revealed that the intervention increased the rate of correct responses among the GPs in various domains of knowledge in diagnosis and treatment. The initial differences between the GPs and internists no longer remained significant after the intervention. Conclusion: Knowledge of Iranian primary health care professionals in diabetes management has significant shortcomings. This is concerning because they are at the front line of patient care. We demonstrate the effectiveness of online CME on improving GPs knowledge in the management of type 2 diabetes. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Caracterización de los estilos de aprendizaje en ambientes de formación virtual

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    In this paper a review of the concepts and the theoretical models to identify learning styles is made. Research on the subject of interest, aspects related to virtual training environments, and identifying and applying learning styles are described. The theory of experiential learning and the model of learning styles stated by David Kolb are presented as an alternative to identify and implement learning styles in virtual training environments. Preliminary results are presented on both prevailing learning styles (according to David Kolb’s theory) in students taking distance short courses and the relationship between identified styles, activities and methodological strategies used to develop their activities. Results that will allow to establish parameters to betaken into account in building a methodology for implementing learning styles in virtual training environments.En este trabajo se hace una revisión de los conceptos y los modelos teóricos de identificación de estilos de aprendizaje. Se describen investigaciones sobre el tema de interés, aspectos relativos a los ambientes de formación virtual, la identificación y aplicación de los estilos de aprendizaje. Se presenta la teoría del aprendizaje experiencial y el modelo de estilos de aprendizaje expuesto por David Kolb como alternativa de identificación e implementación de los estilos de aprendizaje en ambientes de formación virtual. Se presentan resultados preliminares sobre los estilos de aprendizaje predominantes (de acuerdo con la teoría de David Kolb) en estudiantes de cursos cortos a distancia y la relación entre los estilos identificados, las actividades y estrategias metodológicas que utilizan para desarrollar sus actividades. Estos resultados permitirán establecer parámetros para tener en cuenta en la construcción de una metodología para la implementación de los estilos de aprendizaje en ambientes de formación virtual