536 research outputs found

    Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic Tasks in Hard Real-Time Systems

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    The stringent timing constraints as well as the functional correctness are essential requirements of hard real-time systems. In such systems, scheduling plays a very important role in satisfying these constraints. The priority based scheduling schemes have been used commonly due to the simplicity of the scheduling algorithm. However, in the presence of task interdependencies and complex timing constraints, such scheduling schemes may not be appropriate due to the lack of an efficient mechanism to schedule them and to carry out the schedulability analysis. In contrast, the time based scheduling scheme may be used to schedule a set of tasks with greater degree of schedulability achieved at a cost of higher complexity of off-line scheduling. One of the drawbacks of currently available scheduling schemes, however, is known to be their inflexibility in dynamic environments where dynamic processes exist, such as aperiodic and sporadic processes. We develop and analyze scheduling schemes which efficiently provide the flexibility required in real-time systems for scheduling processes arriving dynamically. This enables static hard periodic processes and dynamic processes(aperiodic or sporadic) to be jointly scheduled. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-44

    Scheduling Techniques for Operating Systems for Medical and IoT Devices: A Review

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    Software and Hardware synthesis are the major subtasks in the implementation of hardware/software systems. Increasing trend is to build SoCs/NoC/Embedded System for Implantable Medical Devices (IMD) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which includes multiple Microprocessors and Signal Processors, allowing designing complex hardware and software systems, yet flexible with respect to the delivered performance and executed application. An important technique, which affect the macroscopic system implementation characteristics is the scheduling of hardware operations, program instructions and software processes. This paper presents a survey of the various scheduling strategies in process scheduling. Process Scheduling has to take into account the real-time constraints. Processes are characterized by their timing constraints, periodicity, precedence and data dependency, pre-emptivity, priority etc. The affect of these characteristics on scheduling decisions has been described in this paper

    Software parametrization of feasible reconfigurable real-time systems under energy and dependency constraints

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    Enforcing temporal constraints is necessary to maintain the correctness of a realtime system. However, a real-time system may be enclosed by many factors and constraints that lead to different challenges to overcome. In other words, to achieve the real-time aspects, these systems face various challenges particularly in terms of architecture, reconfiguration property, energy consumption, and dependency constraints. Unfortunately, the characterization of real-time task deadlines is a relatively unexplored problem in the real-time community. Most of the literature seems to consider that the deadlines are somehow provided as hard assumptions, this can generate high costs relative to the development time if these deadlines are violated at runtime. In this context, the main aim of this thesis is to determine the effective temporal properties that will certainly be met at runtime under well-defined constraints. We went to overcome these challenges in a step-wise manner. Each time, we elected a well-defined subset of challenges to be solved. This thesis deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core and multi-core architectures. First, we propose a new scheduling strategy based on configuring feasible scheduling of software tasks of various types (periodic, sporadic, and aperiodic) and constraints (hard and soft) mono-core architecture. Then, the second contribution deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core under energy and resource sharing constraints. Finally, the main objective of the multi-core architecture is achieved in a third contribution.Das Erzwingen zeitlicher Beschränkungen ist notwendig,um die Korrektheit eines Echtzeitsystems aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein Echtzeitsystem kann jedoch von vielen Faktoren und Beschränkungen umgeben sein, die zu unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen führen, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Mit anderen Worten, um die zeitlichen Aspekte zu erreichen, können diese Systeme verschiedenen Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen, einschliesslich Architektur, Rekonfigurationseigenschaft, Energie und Abhängigkeitsbeschränkungen. Leider ist die Charakterisierung von Echtzeit-Aufgabenterminen ein relativ unerforschtes Problem in der Echtzeit-Community. Der grösste Teil der Literatur geht davon aus, dass die Fristen (Deadlines) irgendwie als harte Annahmen bereitgestellt werden, was im Verhältnis zur Entwicklungszeit hohe Kosten verursachen kann, wenn diese Fristen zur Laufzeit verletzt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit, die effektiven zeitlichen Eigenschaften zu bestimmen, die zur Laufzeit unter wohldefinierten Randbedingungen mit Sicherheit erfüllt werden. Wir haben diese Herausforderungen schrittweise gemeistert. Jedes Mal haben wir eine wohldefinierte Teilmenge von Herausforderungen ausgewählt, die es zu lösen gilt. Zunächst schlagen wir eine neue Scheduling-Strategie vor, die auf der Konfiguration eines durchführbaren Scheduling von Software-Tasks verschiedener Typen (periodisch, sporadisch und aperiodisch) und Beschränkungen (hart und weich) einer Mono-Core-Architektur basiert. Der zweite Beitrag befasst sich dann mit rekonfigurierbaren Echtzeitsystemen in Mono-Core unter Energie und Ressourcenteilungsbeschränkungen. Abschliessend wird in einem dritten Beitrag das Verfahren auf Multi-Core-Architekturen erweitert

    CSP channels for CAN-bus connected embedded control systems

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    Closed loop control system typically contains multitude of sensors and actuators operated simultaneously. So they are parallel and distributed in its essence. But when mapping this parallelism to software, lot of obstacles concerning multithreading communication and synchronization issues arise. To overcome this problem, the CT kernel/library based on CSP algebra has been developed. This project (TES.5410) is about developing communication extension to the CT library to make it applicable in distributed systems. Since the library is tailored for control systems, properties and requirements of control systems are taken into special consideration. Applicability of existing middleware solutions is examined. A comparison of applicable fieldbus protocols is done in order to determine most suitable ones and CAN fieldbus is chosen to be first fieldbus used. Brief overview of CSP and existing CSP based libraries is given. Middleware architecture is proposed along with few novel ideas

    A Real-time Calculus Approach for Integrating Sporadic Events in Time-triggered Systems

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    In time-triggered systems, where the schedule table is predefined and statically configured at design time, sporadic event-triggered (ET) tasks can only be handled within specially dedicated slots or when time-triggered (TT) tasks finish their execution early. We introduce a new paradigm for synthesizing TT schedules that guarantee the correct temporal behavior of TT tasks and the schedulability of sporadic ET tasks with arbitrary deadlines. The approach first expresses a constraint for the TT task schedule in the form of a maximal affine envelope that guarantees that as long as the schedule generation respects this envelope, all sporadic ET tasks meet their deadline. The second step consists of modeling this envelope as a burst limiting constraint and building the TT schedule via simulating a modified Least-Laxity-First (LLF) scheduler. Using this novel technique, we show that we achieve equal or better schedulability and a faster schedule generation for most use-cases compared to other approaches inspired by, e.g., hierarchical scheduling. Moreover, we present an extension to our method that finds the most favourable schedule for TT tasks with respect to ET schedulability, thus increasing the probability of the computed TT schedule remaining feasible when ET tasks are later added or changed

    Rate Monotonic vs. EDF: Judgment Day

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    Since the first results published in 1973 by Liu and Layland on the Rate Monotonic (RM) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF) algorithms, a lot of progress has been made in the schedulability analysis of periodic task sets. Unfortunately, many misconceptions still exist about the properties of these two scheduling methods, which usually tend to favor RMmore than EDF. Typical wrong statements often heard in technical conferences and even in research papers claim that RM is easier to analyze than EDF, it introduces less runtime overhead, it is more predictable in overload conditions, and causes less jitter in task execution. Since the above statements are either wrong, or not precise, it is time to clarify these issues in a systematic fashion, because the use of EDF allows a better exploitation of the available resources and significantly improves system’s performance. This paper comparesRMagainstEDFunder several aspects, using existing theoretical results, specific simulation experiments, or simple counterexamples to show that many common beliefs are either false or only restricted to specific situations

    Deadline Scheduling for Aperiodic Tasks in inter-Cloud Environments: a new approach to resource management

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    This is a copy of the author 's final draft version of an article published in the journal Journal of supercomputing. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11227-014-1285-8In the big data era, the speed of analytical processing is influenced by the storage and retrieval capabilities to handle large amounts of data. While the distributed crunching applications themselves can yield useful information, the analysts face difficult challenges: they need to predict how much data to process and where, such that to get an optimum data crunching cost, while also respect deadlines and service level agreements within a limited budget. In today's data centers, data processing on demand and data transfers requests coming from distributed applications are usually expressed as aperiodic tasks. In this paper, we challenge the problem of tasks scheduling with deadline constraints of aperiodic tasks within inter-Cloud environments. In massively multithreaded computing systems that deal with data-intensive applications, Hadoop and BaTs tasks arrive periodically, which challenges traditional scheduling approaches previously proposed for supercomputing. Here, we consider the deadline as the main constraint, and propose a method to estimate the number of resources needed to schedule a set of aperiodic tasks, considering both execution and data transfers costs. Starting from classical scheduling techniques, and considering asynchronous tasks handling, we analyze the possibility of decoupling task arriving from task creation, scheduling and execution, sets of actions that can be put into a peer-to-peer relation over a network or over a client-server architecture in the Cloud. Based on a mathematical model, and using different simulation scenarios, we prove the following statements: (1) multiple source of independent aperiodic tasks can be considered similar to a single one; (2) with respect to the global deadline, the tasks migration between different regional centers is the appropriate solution when the number of estimated resources exceed a data center capacity; and (3) in a heterogeneous data center, we need a higher number of resources for the same request in order to respect the deadline constraints. We believe such results will benefit researchers and practitioners alike, who are interested in optimizing the resource management in data centers according to novel challenges coming from next-generation big data applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Energy-efficient thermal-aware multiprocessor scheduling for real-time tasks using TCPNs

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    We present an energy-effcient thermal-aware real-time global scheduler for a set of hard real-time (HRT) tasks running on a multiprocessor system. This global scheduler fulfills the thermal and temporal constraints by handling two independent variables, the task allocation time and the selection of clock frequency. To achieve its goal, the proposed scheduler is split into two stages. An off-line stage, based on a deadline partitioning scheme, computes the cycles that the HRT tasks must run per deadline interval at the minimum clock frequency to save energy while honoring the temporal and thermal constraints, and computes the maximum frequency at which the system can run below the maximum temperature. Then, an on-line, event-driven stage performs global task allocation applying a Fixed-Priority Zero-Laxity policy, reducing the overhead of quantum-based or interval-based global schedulers. The on-line stage embodies an adaptive scheduler that accepts or rejects soft RT aperiodic tasks throttling CPU frequency to the upper lowest available one to minimize power consumption while meeting time and thermal constraints. This approach leverages the best of two worlds: the off-line stage computes an ideal discrete HRT multiprocessor schedule, while the on-line stage manage soft real-time aperiodic tasks with minimum power consumption and maximum CPU utilization
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