1,197 research outputs found

    Throughput Analysis of Manual Order Picking Systems with Congestion Consideration

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    Throughput in manual order picking systems with narrow aisles suffers from congestion as pickers cannot pass each other. Only few models incorporate congestion but they have very strict assumptions. In this work, queueing theory is used to analyze systems with traversal routing as well as different storage policies. The models are able to estimate throughput for many alternative designs in a relatively short amount of time. New guidelines for narrow-­aisle order picking systems are introduced

    MinoanER: Schema-Agnostic, Non-Iterative, Massively Parallel Resolution of Web Entities

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    Entity Resolution (ER) aims to identify different descriptions in various Knowledge Bases (KBs) that refer to the same entity. ER is challenged by the Variety, Volume and Veracity of entity descriptions published in the Web of Data. To address them, we propose the MinoanER framework that simultaneously fulfills full automation, support of highly heterogeneous entities, and massive parallelization of the ER process. MinoanER leverages a token-based similarity of entities to define a new metric that derives the similarity of neighboring entities from the most important relations, as they are indicated only by statistics. A composite blocking method is employed to capture different sources of matching evidence from the content, neighbors, or names of entities. The search space of candidate pairs for comparison is compactly abstracted by a novel disjunctive blocking graph and processed by a non-iterative, massively parallel matching algorithm that consists of four generic, schema-agnostic matching rules that are quite robust with respect to their internal configuration. We demonstrate that the effectiveness of MinoanER is comparable to existing ER tools over real KBs exhibiting low Variety, but it outperforms them significantly when matching KBs with high Variety.Comment: Presented at EDBT 2001

    Storage Format Selection and Optimization for Materialized Intermediate Results in Data-Intensive Flows

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    Modern organizations produce and collect large volumes of data, that need to be processed repeatedly and quickly for gaining business insights. For such processing, typically, Data-intensive Flows (DIFs) are deployed on distributed processing frameworks. The DIFs of different users have many computation overlaps (i.e., parts of the processing are duplicated), thus wasting computational resources and increasing the overall cost. The output of these computation overlaps (known as intermediate results) can be materialized for reuse, which helps in reducing the cost and saves computational resources if properly done. Furthermore, the way such outputs are materialized must be considered, as different storage layouts (i.e., horizontal, vertical, and hybrid) can be used to reduce the I/O cost. In this PhD work, we first propose a novel approach for automatically materializing the intermediate results of DIFs through a multi-objective optimization method, which can tackle multiple and conflicting quality metrics. Next, we study the behavior of different operators of DIFs that are the first to process the loaded materialized results. Based on this study, we devise a rule-based approach, that decides the storage layout for materialized results based on the subsequent operation types. Despite improving the cost in general, the heuristic rules do not consider the amount of data read while making the choice, which could lead to a wrong decision. Thus, we design a cost model that is capable of finding the right storage layout for every scenario. The cost model uses data and workload characteristics to estimate the I/O cost of a materialized intermediate results with different storage layouts and chooses the one which has minimum cost. The results show that storage layouts help to reduce the loading time of materialized results and overall, they improve the performance of DIFs. The thesis also focuses on the optimization of the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts. We propose ATUN-HL (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts), which based on the same cost model and given the workload and characteristics of data, finds the optimal values for configurable parameters in hybrid layouts (i.e., Parquet). Finally, the thesis also studies the impact of parallelism in DIFs and hybrid layouts. Our proposed cost model helps to devise an approach for fine-tuning the parallelism by deciding the number of tasks and machines to process the data. Thus, the cost model proposed in this thesis, enables in choosing the best possible storage layout for materialized intermediate results, tuning the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts, and estimating the number of tasks and machines for the execution of DIFs.Moderne Unternehmen produzieren und sammeln große Datenmengen, die wiederholt und schnell verarbeitet werden müssen, um geschäftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Für die Verarbeitung dieser Daten werden typischerweise Datenintensive Prozesse (DIFs) auf verteilten Systemen wie z.B. MapReduce bereitgestellt. Dabei ist festzustellen, dass die DIFs verschiedener Nutzer sich in großen Teilen überschneiden, wodurch viel Arbeit mehrfach geleistet, Ressourcen verschwendet und damit die Gesamtkosten erhöht werden. Um diesen Effekt entgegenzuwirken, können die Zwischenergebnisse der DIFs für spätere Wiederverwendungen materialisiert werden. Hierbei müssen vor allem die unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts (horizontal, vertikal und hybrid) berücksichtigt werden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur automatischen Materialisierung der Zwischenergebnisse von DIFs durch eine mehrkriterielle Optimierungsmethode vorgeschlagen, der in der Lage ist widersprüchliche Qualitätsmetriken zu behandeln. Des Weiteren wird untersucht die Wechselwirkung zwischen verschiedenen peratortypen und unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts untersucht. Basierend auf dieser Untersuchung wird ein regelbasierter Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der das Speicherlayout für materialisierte Ergebnisse, basierend auf den nachfolgenden Operationstypen, festlegt. Obwohl sich die Gesamtkosten für die Ausführung der DIFs im Allgemeinen verbessern, ist der heuristische Ansatz nicht in der Lage die gelesene Datenmenge bei der Auswahl des Speicherlayouts zu berücksichtigen. Dies kann in einigen Fällen zu falschen Entscheidung führen. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Kostenmodell entwickelt, mit dem für jedes Szenario das richtige Speicherlayout gefunden werden kann. Das Kostenmodell schätzt anhand von Daten und Auslastungsmerkmalen die E/A-Kosten eines materialisierten Zwischenergebnisses mit unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts und wählt das kostenminimale aus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Speicherlayouts die Ladezeit materialisierter Ergebnisse verkürzen und insgesamt die Leistung von DIFs verbessern. Die Arbeit befasst sich auch mit der Optimierung der konfigurierbaren Parameter von hybriden Layouts. Konkret wird der sogenannte ATUN-HL Ansatz (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts) entwickelt, der auf der Grundlage des gleichen Kostenmodells und unter Berücksichtigung der Auslastung und der Merkmale der Daten die optimalen Werte für konfigurierbare Parameter in Parquet, d.h. eine Implementierung von hybrider Layouts. Schließlich werden in dieser Arbeit auch die Auswirkungen von Parallelität in DIFs und hybriden Layouts untersucht. Dazu wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der in der Lage ist die Anzahl der Aufgaben und dafür notwendigen Maschinen automatisch zu bestimmen. Zusammengefasst lässt sich festhalten, dass das in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Kostenmodell es ermöglicht, das bestmögliche Speicherlayout für materialisierte Zwischenergebnisse zu ermitteln, die konfigurierbaren Parameter hybrider Layouts festzulegen und die Anzahl der Aufgaben und Maschinen für die Ausführung von DIFs zu schätzen

    Storage format selection and optimization for materialized intermediate results in data-intensive flows

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotuela: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Technische Universität DresdenModern organizations produce and collect large volumes of data, that need to be processed repeatedly and quickly for gaining business insights. For such processing, typically, Data-intensive Flows (DIFs) are deployed on distributed processing frameworks. The DIFs of different users have many computation overlaps (i.e., parts of the processing are duplicated), thus wasting computational resources and increasing the overall cost. The output of these computation overlaps (known as intermediate results) can be materialized for reuse, which helps in reducing the cost and saves computational resources if properly done. Furthermore, the way such outputs are materialized must be considered, as different storage layouts (i.e., horizontal, vertical, and hybrid) can be used to reduce the I/O cost. In this PhD work, we first propose a novel approach for automatically materializing the intermediate results of DIFs through a multi-objective optimization method, which can tackle multiple and conflicting quality metrics. Next, we study the behavior of different operators of DIFs that are the first to process the loaded materialized results. Based on this study, we devise a rule-based approach, that decides the storage layout for materialized results based on the subsequent operation types. Despite improving the cost in general, the heuristic rules do not consider the amount of data read while making the choice, which could lead to a wrong decision. Thus, we design a cost model that is capable of finding the right storage layout for every scenario. The cost model uses data and workload characteristics to estimate the I/O cost of a materialized intermediate results with different storage layouts and chooses the one which has minimum cost. The results show that storage layouts help to reduce the loading time of materialized results and overall, they improve the performance of DIFs. The thesis also focuses on the optimization of the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts. We propose ATUN-HL (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts), which based on the same cost model and given the workload and characteristics of data, finds the optimal values for configurable parameters in hybrid layouts (i.e., Parquet). Finally, the thesis also studies the impact of parallelism in DIFs and hybrid layouts. Our proposed cost model helps to devise an approach for fine-tuning the parallelism by deciding the number of tasks and machines to process the data. Thus, the cost model proposed in this thesis, enables in choosing the best possible storage layout for materialized intermediate results, tuning the configurable parameters of hybrid layouts, and estimating the number of tasks and machines for the execution of DIFs.Las organizaciones producen y recopilan grandes volúmenes de datos, que deben procesarse de forma repetitiva y rápida para obtener información relevante para la empresa. Para tal procesamiento, por lo general, se emplean flujos intensivos de datos (DIFs por sussiglas en inglés) en entornos de procesamiento distribuido. Los DIFs de diferentes usuarios tienen elementos comunes (es decir, se duplican partes del procesamiento, lo que desperdicia recursos computacionales y aumenta el coste en general). Los resultados intermedios de varios DIFs pueden pues coincidir y se pueden por tanto materializar para facilitar su reutilización, lo que ayuda a reducir el coste y ahorrar recursos si se realiza correctamente. Además, la forma en qué se materializan dichos resultados debe ser considerada. Por ejemplo, diferentes tipos de diseño lógico de los datos (es decir, horizontal, vertical o híbrido) se pueden utilizar para reducir el coste de E/S. En esta tesis doctoral, primero proponemos un enfoque novedoso para materializar automáticamente los resultados intermedios de los DIFs a través de un método de optimización multi-objetivo, que puede considerar múltiples y contradictorias métricas de calidad. A continuación, estudiamos el comportamiento de diferentes operadores de DIF que acceden directamente a los resultados materializados. Sobre la base de este estudio, ideamos un enfoque basado en reglas, que decide el diseño del almacenamiento para los resultados materializados en función de los tipos de operaciones que los utilizan directamente. A pesar de mejorar el coste en general, las reglas heurísticas no consideran estadísticas sobre la cantidad de datos leídos al hacer la elección, lo que podría llevar a una decisión errónea. Consecuentemente, diseñamos un modelo de costos que es capaz de encontrar el diseño de almacenamiento adecuado para cada escenario dependiendo de las características de los datos almacenados. El modelo de costes usa estadísticas y características de acceso para estimar el coste de E/S de un resultado intervii medio materializado con diferentes diseños de almacenamiento y elige el de menor coste. Los resultados muestran que los diseños de almacenamiento ayudan a reducir el tiempo de carga de los resultados materializados y, en general, mejoran el rendimiento de los DIF. La tesis también presta atención a la optimización de los parámetros configurables de diseños híbridos. Proponemos así ATUN-HL (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts), que, basado en el mismo modelo de costes, las características de los datos y el tipo de acceso que se está haciendo, encuentra los valores óptimos para los parámetros de configuración en disponibles Parquet (una implementación de diseños híbridos para Hadoop Distributed File System). Finalmente, esta tesis estudia el impacto del paralelismo en DIF y diseños híbridos. El modelo de coste propuesto ayuda a idear un enfoque para ajustar el paralelismo al decidir la cantidad de tareas y máquinas para procesar los datos. En resumen, el modelo de costes propuesto permite elegir el mejor diseño de almacenamiento posible para los resultados intermedios materializados, ajustar los parámetros configurables de diseños híbridos y estimar el número de tareas y máquinas para la ejecución de DIF.Moderne Unternehmen produzieren und sammeln große Datenmengen, die wiederholt und schnell verarbeitet werden müssen, um geschäftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Für die Verarbeitung dieser Daten werden typischerweise Datenintensive Prozesse (DIFs) auf verteilten Systemen wie z.B. MapReduce bereitgestellt. Dabei ist festzustellen, dass die DIFs verschiedener Nutzer sich in großen Teilen überschneiden, wodurch viel Arbeit mehrfach geleistet, Ressourcen verschwendet und damit die Gesamtkosten erhöht werden. Um diesen Effekt entgegenzuwirken, können die Zwischenergebnisse der DIFs für spätere Wiederverwendungen materialisiert werden. Hierbei müssen vor allem die unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts (horizontal, vertikal und hybrid) berücksichtigt werden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur automatischen Materialisierung der Zwischenergebnisse von DIFs durch eine mehrkriterielle Optimierungsmethode vorgeschlagen, der in der Lage ist widersprüchliche Qualitätsmetriken zu behandeln. Des Weiteren wird untersucht die Wechselwirkung zwischen verschiedenen Operatortypen und unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts untersucht. Basierend auf dieser Untersuchung wird ein regelbasierter Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der das Speicherlayout für materialisierte Ergebnisse, basierend auf den nachfolgenden Operationstypen, festlegt. Obwohl sich die Gesamtkosten für die Ausführung der DIFs im Allgemeinen verbessern, ist der heuristische Ansatz nicht in der Lage die gelesene Datenmenge bei der Auswahl des Speicherlayouts zu berücksichtigen. Dies kann in einigen Fällen zu falschen Entscheidung führen. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Kostenmodell entwickelt, mit dem für jedes Szenario das richtige Speicherlayout gefunden werden kann. Das Kostenmodell schätzt anhand von Daten und Auslastungsmerkmalen die E/A-Kosten eines materialisierten Zwischenergebnisses mit unterschiedlichen Speicherlayouts und wählt das kostenminimale aus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Speicherlayouts die Ladezeit materialisierter Ergebnisse verkürzen und insgesamt die Leistung von DIFs verbessern. Die Arbeit befasst sich auch mit der Optimierung der konfigurierbaren Parameter von hybriden Layouts. Konkret wird der sogenannte ATUN-HLAnsatz (Auto TUNing Hybrid Layouts) entwickelt, der auf der Grundlage des gleichen Kostenmodells und unter Berücksichtigung der Auslastung und der Merkmale der Daten die optimalen Werte für konfigurierbare Parameter in Parquet, d.h. eine Implementierung von hybrider Layouts. Schließlich werden in dieser Arbeit auch die Auswirkungen von Parallelität in DIFs und hybriden Layouts untersucht. Dazu wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der in der Lage ist die Anzahl der Aufgaben und dafür notwendigen Maschinen automatisch zu bestimmen. Zusammengefasst lässt sich festhalten, dass das in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Kostenmodell es ermöglicht, das bestmögliche Speicherlayout für materialisierte Zwischenergebnisse zu ermitteln, die konfigurierbaren Parameter hybrider Layouts festzulegen und die Anzahl der Aufgaben und Maschinen für die Ausführung von DIFs zu schätzenPostprint (published version

    End-to-End Entity Resolution for Big Data: A Survey

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    One of the most important tasks for improving data quality and the reliability of data analytics results is Entity Resolution (ER). ER aims to identify different descriptions that refer to the same real-world entity, and remains a challenging problem. While previous works have studied specific aspects of ER (and mostly in traditional settings), in this survey, we provide for the first time an end-to-end view of modern ER workflows, and of the novel aspects of entity indexing and matching methods in order to cope with more than one of the Big Data characteristics simultaneously. We present the basic concepts, processing steps and execution strategies that have been proposed by different communities, i.e., database, semantic Web and machine learning, in order to cope with the loose structuredness, extreme diversity, high speed and large scale of entity descriptions used by real-world applications. Finally, we provide a synthetic discussion of the existing approaches, and conclude with a detailed presentation of open research directions

    A Predictive Model of Nuclear Power Plant Crew Decision-Making and Performance in a Dynamic Simulation Environment

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    The safe operation of complex systems such as nuclear power plants requires close coordination between the human operators and plant systems. In order to maintain an adequate level of safety following an accident or other off-normal event, the operators often are called upon to perform complex tasks during dynamic situations with incomplete information. The safety of such complex systems can be greatly improved if the conditions that could lead operators to make poor decisions and commit erroneous actions during these situations can be predicted and mitigated. The primary goal of this research project was the development and validation of a cognitive model capable of simulating nuclear plant operator decision-making during accident conditions. Dynamic probabilistic risk assessment methods can improve the prediction of human error events by providing rich contextual information and an explicit consideration of feedback arising from man-machine interactions. The Accident Dynamics Simulator paired with the Information, Decision, and Action in a Crew context cognitive model (ADS-IDAC) shows promise for predicting situational contexts that might lead to human error events, particularly knowledge driven errors of commission. ADS-IDAC generates a discrete dynamic event tree (DDET) by applying simple branching rules that reflect variations in crew responses to plant events and system status changes. Branches can be generated to simulate slow or fast procedure execution speed, skipping of procedure steps, reliance on memorized information, activation of mental beliefs, variations in control inputs, and equipment failures. Complex operator mental models of plant behavior that guide crew actions can be represented within the ADS-IDAC mental belief framework and used to identify situational contexts that may lead to human error events. This research increased the capabilities of ADS-IDAC in several key areas. The ADS-IDAC computer code was improved to support additional branching events and provide a better representation of the IDAC cognitive model. An operator decision-making engine capable of responding to dynamic changes in situational context was implemented. The IDAC human performance model was fully integrated with a detailed nuclear plant model in order to realistically simulate plant accident scenarios. Finally, the improved ADS-IDAC model was calibrated, validated, and updated using actual nuclear plant crew performance data. This research led to the following general conclusions: (1) A relatively small number of branching rules are capable of efficiently capturing a wide spectrum of crew-to-crew variabilities. (2) Compared to traditional static risk assessment methods, ADS-IDAC can provide a more realistic and integrated assessment of human error events by directly determining the effect of operator behaviors on plant thermal hydraulic parameters. (3) The ADS-IDAC approach provides an efficient framework for capturing actual operator performance data such as timing of operator actions, mental models, and decision-making activities

    Where 'Ignoring Delete Lists' Works: Local Search Topology in Planning Benchmarks

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    Between 1998 and 2004, the planning community has seen vast progress in terms of the sizes of benchmark examples that domain-independent planners can tackle successfully. The key technique behind this progress is the use of heuristic functions based on relaxing the planning task at hand, where the relaxation is to assume that all delete lists are empty. The unprecedented success of such methods, in many commonly used benchmark examples, calls for an understanding of what classes of domains these methods are well suited for. In the investigation at hand, we derive a formal background to such an understanding. We perform a case study covering a range of 30 commonly used STRIPS and ADL benchmark domains, including all examples used in the first four international planning competitions. We *prove* connections between domain structure and local search topology -- heuristic cost surface properties -- under an idealized version of the heuristic functions used in modern planners. The idealized heuristic function is called h^+, and differs from the practically used functions in that it returns the length of an *optimal* relaxed plan, which is NP-hard to compute. We identify several key characteristics of the topology under h^+, concerning the existence/non-existence of unrecognized dead ends, as well as the existence/non-existence of constant upper bounds on the difficulty of escaping local minima and benches. These distinctions divide the (set of all) planning domains into a taxonomy of classes of varying h^+ topology. As it turns out, many of the 30 investigated domains lie in classes with a relatively easy topology. Most particularly, 12 of the domains lie in classes where FFs search algorithm, provided with h^+, is a polynomial solving mechanism. We also present results relating h^+ to its approximation as implemented in FF. The behavior regarding dead ends is provably the same. We summarize the results of an empirical investigation showing that, in many domains, the topological qualities of h^+ are largely inherited by the approximation. The overall investigation gives a rare example of a successful analysis of the connections between typical-case problem structure, and search performance. The theoretical investigation also gives hints on how the topological phenomena might be automatically recognizable by domain analysis techniques. We outline some preliminary steps we made into that direction