3,182 research outputs found

    To develop an efficient variable speed compressor motor system

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    This research presents a proposed new method of improving the energy efficiency of a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for induction motors. The principles of VSD are reviewed with emphasis on the efficiency and power losses associated with the operation of the variable speed compressor motor drive, particularly at low speed operation.The efficiency of induction motor when operated at rated speed and load torque is high. However at low load operation, application of the induction motor at rated flux will cause the iron losses to increase excessively, hence its efficiency will reduce dramatically. To improve this efficiency, it is essential to obtain the flux level that minimizes the total motor losses. This technique is known as an efficiency or energy optimization control method. In practice, typical of the compressor load does not require high dynamic response, therefore improvement of the efficiency optimization control that is proposed in this research is based on scalar control model.In this research, development of a new neural network controller for efficiency optimization control is proposed. The controller is designed to generate both voltage and frequency reference signals imultaneously. To achieve a robust controller from variation of motor parameters, a real-time or on-line learning algorithm based on a second order optimization Levenberg-Marquardt is employed. The simulation of the proposed controller for variable speed compressor is presented. The results obtained clearly show that the efficiency at low speed is significant increased. Besides that the speed of the motor can be maintained. Furthermore, the controller is also robust to the motor parameters variation. The simulation results are also verified by experiment

    Fuzzy efficiency optimization of AC induction motors

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    This paper describes the early states of work to implement a fuzzy logic controller to optimize the efficiency of AC induction motor/adjustable speed drive (ASD) systems running at less than optimal speed and torque conditions. In this paper, the process by which the membership functions of the controller were tuned is discussed and a controller which operates on frequency as well as voltage is proposed. The membership functions for this dual-variable controller are sketched. Additional topics include an approach for fuzzy logic to motor current control which can be used with vector-controlled drives. Incorporation of a fuzzy controller as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) microchip is planned

    Investigating the Intelligent Methods of Loss Minimization in Induction Motors

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    Induction motors are widely used in industry. Given the increasing demand for electric machines in different industries, optimization of these machines to achieve a high efficiency with low cost is of utmost importance. Loss-minimization in motor is done in three ways: 1) optimizing motor selection and design; 2) improving motor power supply waveforms; and 3) using appropriate controlling methods in drives. Often, inductive motors provide the maximum efficiency in their nominal load. In most applications it is necessary for a motor to work in light loads for a long time, e.g. in conveyors, elevators, etc. In these conditions, the machine load is not the nominal load, and a higher percentage of the input power is lost. So, in the case of variable load, the first and second methods cannot increase the efficiency; but the third method provides a large flexibility in decreasing motor losses. In this paper, the application of the third method in loss-minimization is reviewed. These motor losses are mostly related to the controlling strategy and basically occur in light-load conditions. There are various strategies to decrease this kind of losses, which are generally divided into two categories: classic methods and intelligent methods. In this paper, first the classic methods, including losses model control (LMC), flux control as a function of torque and search control (SC), are discussed. Then the intelligent methods, such as genetic algorithm, PSO, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network are investigated. This paper is presented while the last methods of efficiency improvement are being investigated and each method is described briefly

    Evolution of Controllers for the Speed Control in Thyristor Fed Induction Motor Drive

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    Induction Motors (IMs) are now becoming the pillar of almost all the motoring applications related to the industry and household. The practical applications of IMs usually require constant motoring speed. As a result, different types of control systems for IM's speed controlling have been shaped. One of the important techniques is the utilization of thyristor fed drive. Although, the thyristor fed induction motor drive (TFIMD) offers stable speed performance, the practical speed control demand is much more precise. Hence, this drive system utilizes additional controllers to attain precise speed for practical applications. This paper offers a detailed review of the controllers utilized with the thyristor fed IM drive in the past few decades to achieve good speed control performance. The clear intent of the paper is to provide a comprehensible frame of the pros and cons of the existing controllers developed for the TFIMD speed control requirements. Keywords: Thyristor Fed Drives, Induction Motors, Speed Controller, Conventional Controllers, and Soft Computing Techniques

    African vulture optimizer algorithm based vector control induction motor drive system

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    This study describes a new optimization approach for three-phase induction motor speed drive to minimize the integral square error for speed controller and improve the dynamic speed performance. The new proposed algorithm, African vulture optimizer algorithm (AVOA) optimizes internal controller parameters of a fuzzy like proportional differential (PD) speed controller. The AVOA is notable for its ease of implementation, minimal number of design parameters, high convergence speed, and low computing burden. This study compares fuzzy-like PD speed controllers optimized with AVOA to adaptive fuzzy logic speed regulators, fuzzy-like PD optimized with genetic algorithm (GA), and proportional integral (PI) speed regulators optimized with AVOA to provide speed control for an induction motor drive system. The drive system is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink and laboratory prototype is implemented using DSP-DS1104 board. The results demonstrate that the suggested fuzzy-like PD speed controller optimized with AVOA, with a speed steady state error performance of 0.5% compared to the adaptive fuzzy logic speed regulator’s 0.7%, is the optimum alternative for speed controller. The results clarify the effectiveness of the controllers based on fuzzy like PD speed controller optimized with AVOA for each performance index as it provides lower overshoot, lowers rising time, and high dynamic response

    Revolusi Industri

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    Terhasilnya buku ini adalah atas hasrat untuk berkongsi sedikit pengetahuan mengenai revolusi industri terkini yang pesat berkembang mengikut peredaran masa. Sejajar dengan kehendak pendidikan abad 21, atas kesedaran bahawa masih ramai lagi antara kita masih kurang cakna tentang proses yang sedang pesat berlangsung ini. Dengan adanya transformasi sebegini, proses pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi lebih kuat dan menghasilkan tahap produksi lebih tinggi. Penggunaan teknologi yang semakin berkembang pesat ke serata dunia termasuklah di Malaysia dan telah mempengaruhi manusia setiap hari hingga tidak boleh dibayangkan bagaimana dunia hari ini tanpa penggunaan teknologi dalam kehidupan seharian. Dalam melahirkan modal insan yang berdaya saing menghadapi revolusi industri, pihak universiti dan syarikat antarabangsa sentiasa menjalin kerjasama yang baik. Dengan adanya platform yang canggih sebagai contoh dalam teknologi IoT ini, keupayaan berkomunikasi dengan efisyen secara lisan dan bertulis menjadi sangat kritikal pada masa kini. Pada hari ini, sesi perbincangan boleh dilakukan di mana-mana sahaja tanpa mengira sempadan. Oleh itu, jika bahasa dan seni komunikasi tidak dijaga dengan baik, ia boleh menimbulkan konflik antara komunikasi, salah faham dan kerja berpasukan yang kurang berkesan. Penggunaan teknologi-teknologi yang canggih menjadi semakin meluas mengikut peredaran zaman. Setiap individu perlulah meningkatkan potensi diri selaras dengan pembangunan negara agar kita tidak jauh ketinggalan. Dengan berkembangnya pembangunan negara yang begitu pesat ini juga, setiap individu perlu memberi sokongan yang padu agar negara kita menjadi negara yang setanding dengan negara maju yang lain serta menjadi negara yang kompetitif. Ternyata revolusi industri ini mempunyai banyak kesan baik dan memberi manfaatnya kepada orang ramai tetapi jika ia tidak ditangani dengan baik akan menyebabkan kesan buruk kepada negara