2,622 research outputs found

    Instabilities in extreme magnetoconvection

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    Thermal convection in an electrically conducting fluid (for example, a liquid metal) in the presence of a static magnetic field is considered in this chapter. The focus is on the extreme states of the flow, in which both buoyancy and Lorentz forces are very strong. It is argued that the instabilities occurring in such flows are often of unique and counter-intuitive nature due to the action of the magnetic field, which suppresses conventional turbulence and gives preference to two-dimensional instability modes not appearing in more conventional convection systems. Tools of numerical analysis suitable for such flows are discussed

    Fluid physics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer experiments in space

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    An overstudy committee was formed to study and recommend fundamental experiments in fluid physics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer for experimentation in orbit, using the space shuttle system and a space laboratory. The space environment, particularly the low-gravity condition, is an indispensable requirement for all the recommended experiments. The experiments fell broadly into five groups: critical-point thermophysical phenomena, fluid surface dynamics and capillarity, convection at reduced gravity, non-heated multiphase mixtures, and multiphase heat transfer. The Committee attempted to assess the effects of g-jitter and other perturbations of the gravitational field on the conduct of the experiments. A series of ground-based experiments are recommended to define some of the phenomena and to develop reliable instrumentation

    Direct Numerical Simulation of Transition and Turbulence in Magnetohydrodynamic Flows in Rectangular Ducts

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    In this work, a flow of an electrically conducting fluid is driven through a rectangular duct by a constant pressure gradient in the presence of a transverse, externally applied magnetic field: the flow is studied using the method of Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). This particular Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow investigation is important in the development of liquid metal blankets design, which is the proposed cooling system within nuclear fusion reactors. The duct walls parallel to the magnetic field are ideally electrically insulating, while the walls perpendicular to the magnetic field are ideally electrically conducting. This flow is referred to as a Hunt’s flow. In this work the emergence of time dependent flow and its transition to a fully developed turbulent regime is explored. By fixing the strength of the magnetic field and increasing the fluid velocity, a number of time-dependent flow regimes have been observed in the side layers, which includes Ting-Walker vortices, elongated vortical structures, fully turbulent side-wall jets, as well as singular and multiple side-wall jet detachments. It has been found that at low velocities, the time-dependant flow takes the form of TingWalker vortices, which develop in the side layers of the duct. For all but the lowest magnetic fields studied, the Ting-Walkers vortices completely disappear after a short initial transient time, being replaced by new, higher energy, complex, anisotropic vortical structures. Additionally, a number of new flow regimes involving jet detachment have been identified. This study also demonstrates that Hunt’s flow exhibits hysteresis behaviour, where different unsteady states are possible for the same flow parameters

    Development of a simulation tool for MHD flows under nuclear fusion conditions

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    In Nuclear Fusion Technology, MHD flows can be encountered in liquid metal (LM) breeding blankets, the part of a fusion reactor where tritium, one of the fusion fuels, is to be produced. There are several types of LM breeding blankets, which can be classified according to the fraction of the thermal load extracted by the LM. Such classification provides valuable information on liquid metal flow properties. For instance, if no heat removal is carried out by the LM, its velocity can be quite low, what makes buoyancy the predominant force in front of inertia. The flow inside breeding blanket channels can be very complex, particularly in those blanket types where buoyancy plays a relevant role. The understanding of the flow nature, including the possible instabilities that might appear, the exact knowledge of flow profiles for tritium control purposes, and the prediction of thermal fluxes for thermal efficiency analysis are of great interest for blanket design optimization. In this direction, a thermal-MHD coupled simulation tool has been implemented in the OpenFOAM toolkit. The resultant code can be understood as a preliminary predictive tool for liquid metal breeding blanket channel design. The developed code is a transient 3D tool that accounts for thermal-MHD coupling and can deal with several layers of materials. Various MHD modeling strategies have been studied, starting with the implementation of an induced magnetic field formulation and continuing with an electric potential formulation based on the low magnetic Reynolds approximation, in this case using the conservative formula of the Lorentz force proposed by Ni et al. (2007). Two pressure-velocity couplings have been analyzed. The first one is based on a projection method whereas the second one, which has proved to be more robust, follows a PISO-like algorithm (Weller et al. 1998). The thermal coupling has been achieved by means of the Boussinesq hypothesis. The developed tool accounts for the linear wall function for Hartmann boundary layers from Leboucher (1999), which reduces substantially the CPU time of the simulations. The code also accounts for fluid-solid thermal and electrical coupling by means of implicit coupling of fluid and solid grids. Special attention has been placed in correctly coupling liquid-solid energy transport equations by means of the conservative form of the equations in both domains. All along the development process, validation steps have been carried out with successful results. An alternative thermal-MHD tool has also been implemented following the 2D approach from Sommeria and Moreau (1982). Such code accounts for the 0-equation Q2D turbulence RANS model from Smolentsev and Moreau (2006). Three application cases are considered. In the first case, the integrated effect of volumetric heating and magnetic field on tritium transport in a U-bend flow, as applied to the EU HCLL blanket concept, is studied. The second application case corresponds to the thermal analysis of the blanket design that is being developed in the framework of the Spanish National Project on Breeding Blanket Technologies TECNO_FUS (through CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Programme). The third and last case includes the instability analysis of a pressure-driven MHD flow in a horizontal channel with a constant thermal load. The application cases have not only shown the code capabilities to simulate liquid metal channels in breeding blankets but, also, have provided a useful know-how on flow properties inside those channels.En Tecnologia de Fusió Nuclear, per descriure la circulació de fluids dins dels embolcalls regeneradors de metall líquid (ML) cal recórrer a la magnetohidrodinàmica (MHD). Un embolcall regenerador (o tritigeni) és la zona d'un reactor de fusió on es produeix triti, un dels combustibles de fusió. Els embolcalls regeneradors de ML poden classificar-se atenent a la fracció de la càrrega tèrmica extreta pel ML. Aquesta classificació proporciona informació valuosa sobre les propietats del flux de metall líquid. Per exemple, si el ML no extreu potència tèrmica, la seva velocitat pot ser bastant baixa, el que implica que la força dominant sigui la flotació en front de la inèrcia. El flux dins dels canals d’un embolcall regenerador pot ser molt complex, especialment en aquells tipus d’embolcall on la flotació juga un paper rellevant. La comprensió de la naturalesa del flux, incloent les inestabilitats que podrien aparèixer, el coneixement exacte dels perfils de flux per al control de triti, i la predicció de fluxos tèrmics per a l’anàlisi de l’eficiència tèrmica són de gran interès per a l’optimització del disseny. En aquest sentit, s’ha implementat un codi de simulació acoblada tèrmica-MHD en l’eina de codi lliure OpenFOAM. El codi resultant pot ser entès com una eina predictiva preliminar per al disseny dels canals de ML dels embolcalls regeneradors. El codi desenvolupat permet el càlcul transitori en 3D amb acoblament tèrmic-MHD i pot tractar amb diverses capes de materials. S’ha estudiat diferents models MHD, començant per la implementació d’una formulació basada en el camp magnètic induït i continuant amb una formulació basada en el potencial elèctric mitjançant l’aproximació per a Reynolds magnètics baixos, en aquest darrer cas utilitzant la fórmula conservativa de la força de Lorentz proposada per Ni et al. (2007). S’han analitzat dos acoblaments pressió-velocitat. El primer acoblament es basa en un mètode de projecció, mentre que el segon, que ha demostrat ser més robust, segueix un algorisme tipus PISO (Weller et al. 1998). L’acoblament tèrmic s'ha modelat per mitjà de la hipòtesi de Boussinesq. El codi desenvolupat compta amb la funció de paret lineal de Leboucher (1999) per a les capes límit de Hartmann, cosa que redueix substancialment el temps de CPU de les simulacions. El codi també inclou acoblament tèrmic i magnètic líquid-sòlid mitjançant l'acoblament implícit de les malles del fluid i del sòlid. S’ha tingut una cura especial en realitzar correctament aquest acoblament fluid-sòlid fent ús de la forma conservativa de l’equació d’energia en ambdós dominis. Al llarg del procés de desenvolupament, s’han dut a terme les corresponents validacions amb resultats satisfactoris. També s'ha implementat un codi tèrmic-MHD alternatiu basat en el model MHD 2D de Sommeria i Moreau (1982). Aquest segon codi té implementat el model RANS de 0-equacions de Smolentsev i Moreau (2006) per a la turbulència Q2D. Els codis desenvolupats s’han emprat en tres casos d’interès. En el primer cas, s’ha estudiat l’efecte integrat de l’escalfament volumètric i el camp magnètic en el transport de triti en un canal en U, com el que es pot trobar en el disseny d’embolcall regenerador UE HCLL. En el segon cas, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi tèrmica del disseny d’embolcall que s’està definint dins del Programa Nacional Espanyol en Tecnologia d’Embolcalls Regeneradors TECNO_FUS (a través del Programa CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010). En el tercer i últim cas, s’han analitzat les inestabilitats que tenen lloc en fluxos MHD en canals horitzontals amb gradient de pressió extern, amb camp magnètic transversal i amb una càrrega tèrmica uniforme. Els casos d’aplicació no només han demostrat la capacitat del codi per simular canals de metall líquid en embolcalls regeneradors; també han permès caracteritzar el flux a l’interior d’aquests canals.Postprint (published version

    Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement of Heat Transfer and Mass Transport in Gaseous Media, Bulk Dielectric Liquids and Dielectric Thin Liquid Films

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    Controlling transport phenomena in liquid and gaseous media through electrostatic forces has brought new important scientific and industrial applications. Although numerous EHD applications have been explored and extensively studied so far, the fast-growing technologies, mainly in the semiconductor industry, introduce new challenges and demands. These challenges require enhancement of heat transfer and mass transport in small scales (sometimes in molecular scales) to remove highly concentrated heat fluxes from reduced size devices. Electric field induced flows, or electrohydrodynamics (EHD), have shown promise in both macro and micro-scale devices. Several existing problems in EHD heat transfer enhancements were investigated in this thesis. Enhancement of natural convection heat transfer through corona discharge from an isothermal horizontal cylindrical tube at low Rayleigh numbers was studied experimentally and numerically. Due to the lack of knowledge about local heat transfer enhancements, Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) was used for thermal boundary layer visualization. For the first time, local Nusselt numbers were extracted from the interferograms at different applied voltages by mapping the hydrodynamic and thermal field results from numerical analysis into the thermal boundary layer visualizations and local heat transfer results. A novel EHD conduction micropump with electrode separations less than 300 µm was fabricated and investigated experimentally. By scaling down the pump, the operating voltage was reduced one order of magnitude with respect to macro-scale pumps. The pumping mechanism in small-scales was explored through a numerical analysis. The measured static pressure generations at different applied voltages were predicted numerically. A new electrostatically-assisted technique for spreading of a dielectric liquid film over a metallic substrate was proposed. The mechanism of the spreading was explained through several systematic experiments and a simplified theoretical model. The theoretical model was based on an analogy between the Stefan’s problem and current problem. The spreading law was predicted by the theoretical approach and compared with the experimental results. Since the charge transport mechanism across the film depends on the thickness of the film, by continuing the corona discharge exposure, the liquid film becomes thinner and thinner and both hydrodynamic and charge transport mechanisms show a cross-over and causes different regimes of spreading. Four different regimes of spreading were identified. For the first time, an electrostatically accelerated molecular film (precursor film) was reported. The concept of spreading and interfacial pressure produced by a corona discharge was applied to control an impacting dielectric droplet on non-wetting substrate. For the first time, the retraction phase of the impact process was actively suppressed at moderate corona discharge voltages. At higher corona discharge strengths, not only was the retraction inhibited but also the spreading phase continued as if the surface was a wetting surface

    Charge injection enhanced natural convection heat transfer in horizontal concentric annuli filled with a dielectric liquid

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    The natural convection heat transfer in a highly insulating liquid contained between two horizontal concentric cylinders is shown by two-dimensional numerical simulations to be noticeably enhanced by imposing a direct current electric field. This augmentation of heat transfer is due to the radial flow motion induced by unipolar injection of ions. It is found that there exists a threshold of the electric driving parameter T, above which the heat transfer enhancement due to the electric effect becomes significant. For relatively small T values, the mean Nusselt numbers are closely related to the flow pattern and Rayleigh number Ra. In addition, for sufficiently high T values, the flow is fully dominated by the Coulomb force, and thus the heat transfer rate no long depends on Ra.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología FIS2011-25161Junta de Andalucía P10-FQM-5735Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-458