517 research outputs found

    The Establishing of a Professional Folk Orchestra in the Interwar period in Belgrade

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    This paper aims to illuminate on how the institution of the folk orchestra in Serbia was established using archive material. The folk orchestra, as a specific instrumental formation for accompaniment of popular folk songs and the performance of dance music, is part of the urban legacy all over the Balkans, mostly connected with the context of taverns. The period focussed on is between the World Wars because of the creation of the "Folk orchestra" and the "Tambura orchestra" on Radio Belgrade, as those were the first ensembles that were both professional and folk. Namely, Belgrade has been the centre of music broadcasting and musicians networking in the country, so those ensembles became official and the examples for later musicians. The main criteria of professionalization are: the establishing of musicians' guilds, their education and payment, the media representation of the band, and the professional status of musicians with respect to their ethnicity and gender.Symposium 24 September – 1 October 2014; International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM); Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium of the Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europ

    La participación del alumnado de magisterio en la construcción de un entorno virtual de aprendizaje. Análisis a partir del grupo de discusión

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    The present work arises from the conviction on the essential need to inform to what extent the students involvement in the construction of a Learning Management System (LMS), can help to improve its functioning and the learning of the students. Specifically, it deeps on such learning process of the students on Primary Education Teaching in the University of Valencia, who are actively participating on the LMS for the ¿History of the School¿ course. In order to do so, on a methodological level, we have develop the discussion group. This qualitative technic permits to obtain qualitative material around their perceptions, interests, motivations, and attitudes related to LMS, as well as its possibilities of use and its implications for the learning process. Thenceforth, we have founded interesting conclusions concerning the LMS which are, among other possibilities, allowing us to stablish criteria to improve and develop new categories for the final LMS design, and its implementation in the university context. The whole intervention aim is to optimize the learning process of our students, and their development of competences as future teachers

    Caracterización del razonamiento abductivo en estudiantes practicantes de psicología clínica. Un acercamiento a la comprensión de la forma como los psicólogos clínicos razonan sobre las vivencias de sus consultantes

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    El razonamiento abductivo es un proceso en el que se infieren hipótesis explicativas a partir de la observación de hechos desconcertantes que requieren una explicación plausible. Durante este proceso se pueden generar varias hipótesis de las cuales se debe elegir la mejor posible para la situación. Su importancia en psicología clínica radica en que permite generar diagnósticos y/o hipótesis explicativas sobre el comportamiento, pensamientos y emociones de un consultante. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el razonamiento abductivo que realizan en una tarea cognitiva estudiantes practicantes de psicología clínica. El enfoque de esta investigación fue cualitativo, de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo, de corte transeccional. Se redactó un caso clínico que funcionó como tarea cognitiva, luego se analizaron los datos obtenidos por medio de matrices de análisis teniendo en cuenta la clasificación de Thagard (1993) y la propuesta de J. Josephson y Josephson (1994), lo cual permitió identificar tipos de inferencias y describir el proceso de razonamiento abductivo llevado a cabo por 12 practicantes de psicología clínica de la Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz. Los datos mostraron que las inferencias abductivas fueron de tipo simple, existencial y analógico, y un resultado inductivo denominado diagnóstico histórico actual, donde las etapas de integración de la información, formulación y evaluación de hipótesis tuvieron un papel relevante. Además, los resultados obtenidos permiten realizar una discusión sobre los lineamientos de los procesos actuales de formación en psicología clínica y además pueden contribuir a mejorar las metodologías para la enseñanza de esta disciplina.The abductive reasoning is a process in which explanatory hypothesis are inferred from the observation of puzzling facts that require a plausible explanation. During this process many hypothesis could be generated from which one should be chosen as the best possible explanation for the situation. Its importance in clinical psychology resides in generate diagnostics or/and explanative hypothesis about the behaviour, thoughts and emotions of a client. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to characterize the abductive reasoning performing a cognitive task by clinical psychology students. This research had a qualitative approach with exploratory and descriptive purposes, and a cross-sectional study. To this end, it was written a clinical case, and it served as a cognitive task. Then, the data was analysed taking into account the classification of Thagard (1993) and the proposal of J. Josephson and Josephson (1994), that allowed to identify types of inferences and to describe the abductive process carried out by 12 psychology students from Fundación Universitaria Konrand Lorenz. The data showed that abductive inferences were of simple, existential and analogic type, and an inductive result called current historic diagnostic, and the steps of integrating information, formulating and testing hypotheses played an important role. Moreover, the findings allow making a discussion on the guidelines of the current processes on clinical psychology training. In addition, they also could contribute to improve methodologies for teaching this discipline.Magíster en EducaciónMaestrí

    O conceito ecológico do Património e a sua Valorização: O caso da Serra de Leomil

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    São os valores materiais ou imateriais, resultantes da interacção entre os grupos humanos e o espaço, e o próprio conceito ecológico da paisagem que nos conduzem à dicotomia que pretendemos apresentar neste artigo: a existência de Patrimónios fruto das diferentes interacções do Homem com o Meio, ou de um Património intrínseco aos diferentes Grupos Humanos, no entanto comum da Humanidade, que urge preservar pelas mais variadas razões. Cada vez mais, o Património é visto como um factor de desenvolvimento e só desta forma se podem explicar as novas concepções de património, nomeadamente a Nova Museologia, directamente relacionada com o conceito ecológico do Património e consequentemente, neste caso, com os “modos de vida rurais”. O presente artigo tem como objectivo aplicar esta discussão a uma área geográfica concreta, alvo de um estudo mais alargado e do qual apenas fazemos uma primeira abordagem metodológica; a Serra de Leomil

    Lessons Learned from the Prevalence of Childhood Asthma in Korea

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    Asthma is a chronic disease in childhood that affects virtually every facet of a patient's life and school activities, and every member of the family. It imposes a substantial socio-economic burden and demands many special considerations. Despite frequent updates on the current concepts of asthma management and its natural history, the prevalence of childhood asthma has increased worldwide in recent decades. More recently, however, comparable data on the prevalence of childhood asthma showed little change or a plateau in the incidence in some countries, including Korea. For example, the prevalence of asthma symptoms in the past 12 months in 13- to 14-year-old school children was 8.7% in Korea, compared with 8.8% in the entire Asia-Pacific region.1 As part of collaborative international studies in 1995, 2000, and 2005, national and regional cross-sectional surveys of asthma were performed using the Korean versions of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) written and video questionnaires. The ISAAC involves epidemiological studies enthusiastically carried out by the contributing members of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Diseases. There is little doubt regarding the prevalence of asthma determined by the ISAAC using the Korean versions of the written and video questionnaire

    Spartan Daily, May 14, 1958

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    Volume 45, Issue 127https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12617/thumbnail.jp

    Lista de los peces de la provincia de Corrientes

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    Fil: Nadalin, Diego Oscar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Protogino, Lucila Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: López, Hugo Luis. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Vertebrados; Argentin

    O contributo das organizações de economia social para o desenvolvimento: o caso do concelho de Almeida

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    JEL: O10, O18, L31Esta dissertação foi elaborada no âmbito da candidatura ao grau de Mestre em Economia Social e Solidária e tem como objetivo dar uma contribuição para um maior conhecimento do papel das organizações de economia social na procura de respostas aos problemas sociais do concelho de Almeida. O concelho apresenta uma estrutura populacional fortemente envelhecida, fruto do êxodo demográfico verificado nas últimas décadas, provocado tanto pela emigração, como pelas migrações internas, e pelas próprias dinâmicas demográficas. A dinâmica das organizações da Economia Social do concelho contribui para o processo de desenvolvimento da região. O esforço para dinamizar o processo de desenvolvimento local está expresso na promoção de projetos de luta contra a pobreza e exclusão social implementados no terreno, nomeadamente através de programas com financiamento comunitário (Pobreza III, Equal) e da oferta de novos serviços de proximidade que contribuem para a resolução de problemas inerentes ao envelhecimento populacional e geram emprego. Estas organizações assumem também um papel relevante na valorização de potencialidades locais e no aproveitamento dos recursos endógenos da região (Museu de Peva, valorização e divulgação do património natural, histórico e cultural). As iniciativas associativas que operam na comunidade revelam uma sociedade civil capaz de se organizar e demonstram que é possível, com o envolvimento dos diversos atores, caminhar no sentido de uma outra forma organizativa de economia que visa a satisfação das necessidades da população. No contexto deste trabalho o desenvolvimento local será encarado como ação para o desenvolvimento de iniciativa local tendo como objetivo a resposta a necessidades básicas da comunidade que estão por satisfazer.This dissertation was conducted in the context of the appliance to the Master Degree in Social and Solidarity Economy and has the inherent objective of giving a contribution to a better understanding of the role of the social economy organizations in the search for answers to the social problems in the county of Almeida. This region of the country is characterized by a very aged populational structure as a result of the demographic exodus verified in the last decades induced by the emigration, internal migrations and the demographic dynamic itself. The dynamic of the Social and Solidarity Economy organizations in the referred county contributes to the development of this region. The effort to stimulate the local development process is expressed through the creation of projects to fight poverty and social exclusion, namely through community financing programs (Poverty III, Equal) and the availability of new proximity services, which contribute to solving the problems inherent to the aging population and generate employment. These organizations assume a relevant role in the valorization of local potentials and in the exploitation of endogenous resources of the region (Peva Museum, gastronomical events, recognition and disclosure of the natural patrimony, landscape, historic and cultural). The associative initiatives operating in the community reveal a civil society able to organize and demonstrate what is possible with the involvement of different actors, heading towards another form of economic organization that aims to meet the needs of the population. In the context of this project, the local development is regarded as a local initiative for development, with the objective of achieving the answer to basic needs that are not fulfilled in the community