4,018 research outputs found

    An ecosystem-based approach to Arctic governance

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    Pengelolaan Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Melalui Konsep Ecosystem-based Approach (Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Management an Ecosystem-based Approach)

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    The Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) or capungan Banggai (often abbreviated as BCF) is a marine fish endemic to the waters around the Banggai Archipelago, caught in large numbers for the marine aquarium trade. The conservation of this endemic species became an International issue, in 2007 the BCF was proposed for CITES listing by the USA and listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The CITES proposal was withdrawn, with Indonesia committed to conserve the Banggai Cardinalfish through a sustainable ornamental fishery approach. The multi-stakeholder Banggai Cardinalfish Action Plan (2007-2012) and other initiatives have aimed towards this goal; however the initiative to secure limited protected status in 2011 failed. Studies during 2011-2012 found many positive developments in the BCF fishery, and if the carrying capacity (stocks and ecosystems) was similar to the early 2000\u27s, current official exploitation levels should be sustainable. However a stock assessment analysis using FISAT II revealed a high exploitation level (0.5), indicating catches may have reached or possibly exceeded sustainable limits. Survey/monitoring results indicate the endemic population is not in a steady state, with sharp declines in the past decade. There are strong indications that habitat degradation is the main cause of this decline, including over-exploitation of key BCF micro-habitat (sea urchins and sea anemones). Without an effective solution to protect the supporting ecosystem, P. Kauderni will be increasingly threatened with extinction, with or without fishing pressure. The case of the BCF highlights the importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries policy and management

    A new adaptive marine policy toolbox to support ecosystem-based approach to management

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    4 p.As a consequence of increasing threats to the marine ecosystems, new decision support tools are necessary to support the implementation of the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) to management in order to ensure their sustainable exploitation whilst ensuring their preservation. *To operationalize Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) to management and translate scientific knowledge into decision tools, an innovative Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox has been created. It provides policymakers with necessary framework and resources to develop adaptive policies according to the EBA. *The Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox provides a one-stop single location to access all the guidelines and resources necessary to design and implement adaptive marine policies according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. *The toolbox presents a high transferability to additional regulations calling for the Ecosystem-Based Approach to management such as the Ecosystem Approach of the Mediterranean Action Plan and the Black Sea´s Strategic Action Plan. *The Resources existing within the toolbox are presented in a user-friendly format. The presence of assessments and models capable to cope with uncertain conditions allows for high flexibility and adaptation in management strategies when future conditions change

    The application of electronic certificates for ships in China: an ecosystem-based approach

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    Leveraging app relationships and distribution patterns to identify malicious software

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    Software distributors, such as the operators of online software repositories or stores, scan and analyze the software they host to flag potentially harmful applications (PHAs). The scans are typically performed offline and are based solely on app-level features and do not take into account structural relationships between different apps and devices. This disclosure describes an app ecosystem-based approach to detect PHAs via analysis of contextual information, such as app install statistics and installation distribution patterns. Relevant contextual information about each app obtained user permission is leveraged to build a machine learning pipeline to flag PHAs for further review. The ecosystem-based approach makes it difficult for malicious actors to evade detection. The techniques can be applied online at app install time and are complementary to detection mechanisms that involve direct analysis of apps

    The implementation of the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries man agement in the Common Fisheries Policy

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    This thesis entails a legal comparions regaring the implementation of the ecosystem-based approach in fisheries management between the EU and Norway. The CFP and MRA are going to be compared in order to find solutions to overcome the failures of the EU implementation

    PENGELOLAAN BANGGAI CARDINALFISH (Pterapogon kauderni) MELALUI KONSEP ECOSYSTEM-BASED APPROACH (Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) Management an Ecosystem-Based Approach)

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    ABSTRACTThe Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) or capungan Banggai (often abbreviated as BCF) is a marine fish endemic to the waters around the Banggai Archipelago, caught in large numbers for the marine aquarium trade. The conservation of this endemic species became an international issue, in 2007 the BCF was proposed for CITES listing by the USA and listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The CITES proposal was withdrawn, with Indonesia committed to conserve the Banggai Cardinalfish through a sustainable ornamental fishery approach. The multi-stakeholder Banggai Cardinalfish Action Plan (2007-2012) and other initiatives have aimed towards this goal; however the initiative to secure limited protected status in 2011 failed. Studies during 2011-2012 found many positive developments in the BCF fishery, and if the carrying capacity (stocks and ecosystems) was similar to the early 2000’s, current official exploitation levels should be sustainable. However a stock assessment analysis using FISAT II revealed a high exploitation level (0.5), indicating catches may have reached or possibly exceeded sustainable limits. Survey/monitoring results indicate the endemic population is not in a steady state, with sharp declines in the past decade. There are strong indications that habitat degradation is the main cause of this decline, including over-exploitation of key BCF micro-habitat (sea urchins and sea anemones). Without an effective solution to protect the supporting ecosystem, P. Kauderni will be increasingly threatened with extinction, with or without fishing pressure. The case of the BCF highlights the importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries policy and management.Key words: ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, Pterapogon kauderni, stockassessment, sustainable ornamental fishery-------ABSTRAKBanggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) yang sering disingkat BCF atau capungan Banggai merupakan ikan laut endemik di perairan Banggai Kepulauan dan sekitarnya yang ditangkap dalam jumlah besar untuk diperdagangkan sebagai ikan hias. Kelestarian spesies endemik tersebut menjadi isu internasional dan pada tahun 2007 diusulkan pada CITES oleh Amerika Serikat dan didaftarkan sebagai Endangered pada Red List IUCN. Status terdaftar pada CITES ditangguhkan, namun Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menjamin kelestarian Banggai cardinalfish dengan pola sustainable ornamental fishery. Rencana Aksi Banggai Cardinalfish multi-stakeholder (2007-2012) dan beberapa inisiatif lain bertujuan mewujudkan tujuan tersebut antara lain penetapan status jenis lindung terbatas, namun upaya yang diinisiasi pada tahun 2011 tersebut gagal. Berdasarkan data kajian 2011-2012, banyak perubahan positif dalam perikanan BCF, dan jika daya dukung alam (stok dan ekosistem) masih seperti pada awal tahun 2000-an tingkat pemanfaatan resmi seharusnya sustainable. Hasil kajian menggunakan FISAT II bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan (0,5) tergolong tinggi, dan merupakan indikasi bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan telah pada atau melebihi batas maksimal lestari. Hasil survey/monitoring menunjukkan bahwa populasi endemik tidak pada kondisi steady state dan menunjukkan penurunan tajam dalam dekade terakhir. Terindikasi kuat bahwa penyebab utama penurunan tersebut adalah degradasi habitat, antara lain akibat pemanfaatan lebih mikrohabitat (bulu babi dan anemon laut). Tanpa solusi efektif untuk melestarikan ekosistem pendukung, P. kauderni akan semakin terancam punah, dengan atau tanpa adanya penangkapan. Kasus BCF menunjukkan pentingya pendekatan ecosystem-based approach terhadap kebijakan dan manajemen perikanan tangkap.Kata kunci: ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, Pterapogon kauderni,pengkajian stok, sustainable ornamental fisher
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