1,536 research outputs found

    Exploring the Modularity and Structure of Robots Evolved in Multiple Environments

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    Traditional techniques for the design of robots require human engineers to plan every aspect of the system, from body to controller. In contrast, the field of evolu- tionary robotics uses evolutionary algorithms to create optimized morphologies and neural controllers with minimal human intervention. In order to expand the capability of an evolved agent, it must be exposed to a variety of conditions and environments. This thesis investigates the design and benefits of virtual robots which can reflect the structure and modularity in the world around them. I show that when a robot’s morphology and controller enable it to perceive each environment as a collection of independent components, rather than a monolithic entity, evolution only needs to optimize on a subset of environments in order to maintain performance in the overall larger environmental space. I explore previously unused methods in evolutionary robotics to aid in the evolution of modularity, including using morphological and neurological cost. I utilize a tree morphology which makes my results generalizable to other mor- phologies while also allowing in depth theoretical analysis about the properties rel- evant to modularity in embodied agents. In order to better frame the question of modularity in an embodied context, I provide novel definitions of morphological and neurological modularity as well as create the sub-goal interference metric which mea- sures how much independence a robot exhibits with regards to environmental stimu- lus. My work extends beyond evolutionary robotics and can be applied to the opti- mization of embodied systems in general as well as provides insight into the evolution of form in biological organisms

    The Emergence of Canalization and Evolvability in an Open-Ended, Interactive Evolutionary System

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    Natural evolution has produced a tremendous diversity of functional organisms. Many believe an essential component of this process was the evolution of evolvability, whereby evolution speeds up its ability to innovate by generating a more adaptive pool of offspring. One hypothesized mechanism for evolvability is developmental canalization, wherein certain dimensions of variation become more likely to be traversed and others are prevented from being explored (e.g. offspring tend to have similarly sized legs, and mutations affect the length of both legs, not each leg individually). While ubiquitous in nature, canalization almost never evolves in computational simulations of evolution. Not only does that deprive us of in silico models in which to study the evolution of evolvability, but it also raises the question of which conditions give rise to this form of evolvability. Answering this question would shed light on why such evolvability emerged naturally and could accelerate engineering efforts to harness evolution to solve important engineering challenges. In this paper we reveal a unique system in which canalization did emerge in computational evolution. We document that genomes entrench certain dimensions of variation that were frequently explored during their evolutionary history. The genetic representation of these organisms also evolved to be highly modular and hierarchical, and we show that these organizational properties correlate with increased fitness. Interestingly, the type of computational evolutionary experiment that produced this evolvability was very different from traditional digital evolution in that there was no objective, suggesting that open-ended, divergent evolutionary processes may be necessary for the evolution of evolvability.Comment: SI can be found at: http://www.evolvingai.org/files/SI_0.zi

    Transformations in the Scale of Behaviour and the Global Optimisation of Constraints in Adaptive Networks

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    The natural energy minimisation behaviour of a dynamical system can be interpreted as a simple optimisation process, finding a locally optimal resolution of problem constraints. In human problem solving, high-dimensional problems are often made much easier by inferring a low-dimensional model of the system in which search is more effective. But this is an approach that seems to require top-down domain knowledge; not one amenable to the spontaneous energy minimisation behaviour of a natural dynamical system. However, in this paper we investigate the ability of distributed dynamical systems to improve their constraint resolution ability over time by self-organisation. We use a ‘self-modelling’ Hopfield network with a novel type of associative connection to illustrate how slowly changing relationships between system components can result in a transformation into a new system which is a low-dimensional caricature of the original system. The energy minimisation behaviour of this new system is significantly more effective at globally resolving the original system constraints. This model uses only very simple, and fully-distributed positive feedback mechanisms that are relevant to other ‘active linking’ and adaptive networks. We discuss how this neural network model helps us to understand transformations and emergent collective behaviour in various non-neural adaptive networks such as social, genetic and ecological networks

    Culture, Embodiment and Genes: Unravelling the Triple Helix

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    Much recent work stresses the role of embodiment and action in thought and reason, and celebrates the power of transmitted cultural and environmental structures to transform the problem-solving activity required of individual brains. By apparent contrast, much work in evolutionary psychology has stressed the selective fit of the biological brain to an ancestral environment of evolutionary adaptedness, with an attendant stress upon the limitations and cognitive biases that result. On the face of it, this suggests either a tension or, at least, a mismatch, with the symbiotic dyad of cultural evolution and embodied cognition. In what follows, we explore this mismatch by focusing on three key ideas: cognitive niche construction; cognitive modularity; and the existence (or otherwise) of an evolved universal human nature. An appreciation of the power and scope of the first, combined with consequently more nuanced visions of the latter two, allow us to begin to glimpse a much richer vision of the combined interactive potency of biological and cultural evolution for active, embodied agents

    Evolutionary Mobile Robotics

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    Exploring the effects of robotic design on learning and neural control

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    The ongoing deep learning revolution has allowed computers to outclass humans in various games and perceive features imperceptible to humans during classification tasks. Current machine learning techniques have clearly distinguished themselves in specialized tasks. However, we have yet to see robots capable of performing multiple tasks at an expert level. Most work in this field is focused on the development of more sophisticated learning algorithms for a robot's controller given a largely static and presupposed robotic design. By focusing on the development of robotic bodies, rather than neural controllers, I have discovered that robots can be designed such that they overcome many of the current pitfalls encountered by neural controllers in multitask settings. Through this discovery, I also present novel metrics to explicitly measure the learning ability of a robotic design and its resistance to common problems such as catastrophic interference. Traditionally, the physical robot design requires human engineers to plan every aspect of the system, which is expensive and often relies on human intuition. In contrast, within the field of evolutionary robotics, evolutionary algorithms are used to automatically create optimized designs, however, such designs are often still limited in their ability to perform in a multitask setting. The metrics created and presented here give a novel path to automated design that allow evolved robots to synergize with their controller to improve the computational efficiency of their learning while overcoming catastrophic interference. Overall, this dissertation intimates the ability to automatically design robots that are more general purpose than current robots and that can perform various tasks while requiring less computation.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2008.0639

    Harnessing the Power of Collective Intelligence: the Case Study of Voxel-based Soft Robots

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    The field of Evolutionary Robotics (ER) is concerned with the evolution of artificial agents---robots. Albeit groundbreaking, progress in the field has recently stagnated. In the research community, there is a strong feeling that a paradigm change has become necessary to disentangle ER. In particular, a solution has emerged from ideas from Collective Intelligence (CI). In CI---which has many relevant examples in nature---behavior emerges from the interaction between several components. In the absence of central intelligence, collective systems are usually more adaptable. In this thesis, we set out to harness the power of CI, focusing on the case study of simulated Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs): they are aggregations of homogeneous and soft cubic blocks that actuate by altering their volume. We investigate two axes. First, the morphologies of VSRs are intrinsically modular and an ideal substrate for CI; nevertheless, controllers employed until now do not take advantage of such modularity. Our results prove that VSRs can truly be controlled by the CI of their modules. Second, we investigate the spatial and time scales of CI. In particular, we evolve a robot to detect its global body properties given only local information processing, and, in a different study, generalize better to unseen environmental conditions through Hebbian learning. We also consider how evolution and learning interact in VSRs. Looking beyond VSRs, we propose a novel soft robot formalism that more closely resembles natural tissues and blends local with global actuation.The field of Evolutionary Robotics (ER) is concerned with the evolution of artificial agents---robots. Albeit groundbreaking, progress in the field has recently stagnated. In the research community, there is a strong feeling that a paradigm change has become necessary to disentangle ER. In particular, a solution has emerged from ideas from Collective Intelligence (CI). In CI---which has many relevant examples in nature---behavior emerges from the interaction between several components. In the absence of central intelligence, collective systems are usually more adaptable. In this thesis, we set out to harness the power of CI, focusing on the case study of simulated Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs): they are aggregations of homogeneous and soft cubic blocks that actuate by altering their volume. We investigate two axes. First, the morphologies of VSRs are intrinsically modular and an ideal substrate for CI; nevertheless, controllers employed until now do not take advantage of such modularity. Our results prove that VSRs can truly be controlled by the CI of their modules. Second, we investigate the spatial and time scales of CI. In particular, we evolve a robot to detect its global body properties given only local information processing, and, in a different study, generalize better to unseen environmental conditions through Hebbian learning. We also consider how evolution and learning interact in VSRs. Looking beyond VSRs, we propose a novel soft robot formalism that more closely resembles natural tissues and blends local with global actuation

    From computers to cultivation: reconceptualizing evolutionary psychology.

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    Does evolutionary theorizing have a role in psychology? This is a more contentious issue than one might imagine, given that, as evolved creatures, the answer must surely be yes. The contested nature of evolutionary psychology lies not in our status as evolved beings, but in the extent to which evolutionary ideas add value to studies of human behavior, and the rigor with which these ideas are tested. This, in turn, is linked to the framework in which particular evolutionary ideas are situated. While the framing of the current research topic places the brain-as-computer metaphor in opposition to evolutionary psychology, the most prominent school of thought in this field (born out of cognitive psychology, and often known as the Santa Barbara school) is entirely wedded to the computational theory of mind as an explanatory framework. Its unique aspect is to argue that the mind consists of a large number of functionally specialized (i.e., domain-specific) computational mechanisms, or modules (the massive modularity hypothesis). Far from offering an alternative to, or an improvement on, the current perspective, we argue that evolutionary psychology is a mainstream computational theory, and that its arguments for domain-specificity often rest on shaky premises. We then go on to suggest that the various forms of e-cognition (i.e., embodied, embedded, enactive) represent a true alternative to standard computational approaches, with an emphasis on "cognitive integration" or the "extended mind hypothesis" in particular. We feel this offers the most promise for human psychology because it incorporates the social and historical processes that are crucial to human "mind-making" within an evolutionarily informed framework. In addition to linking to other research areas in psychology, this approach is more likely to form productive links to other disciplines within the social sciences, not least by encouraging a healthy pluralism in approach

    A sensory system for robots using evolutionary artificial neural networks.

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    The thesis presents the research involved with developing an Intelligent Vision System for an animat that can analyse a visual scene in uncontrolled environments. Inspiration was drawn both from Biological Visual Systems and Artificial Image Recognition Systems. Several Biological Systems including the Insect, Toad and Human Visual Systems were studied alongside popular Pattern Recognition Systems such as fully connected Feedforward Networks, Modular Neural Networks and the Neocognitron. The developed system, called the Distributed Neural Network (DNN) was based on the sensory-motor connections in the common toad, Bufo Bufo. The sparsely connected network architecture has features of modularity enhanced by the presence of lateral inhibitory connections. It was implemented using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks (EANN). A novel method called FUSION was used to train the DNN, which is an amalgamation of several concepts of learning in Artificial Neural Networks such as Unsupervised Learning, Supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Competitive Learning, Self-organisation and Fuzzy Logic. The DNN has unique feature detecting capabilities. When the DNN was tested using images that comprised of combination of features used in the training set, the DNN was successful in recognising individual features. The combinations of features were never used in the training set. This is a unique feature of the DNN trained using Fusion that cannot be matched by any other popular ANN architecture or training method. The system proved to be robust in dealing with New and Noisy Images. The unique features of the DNN make the network suitable for applications in robotics such as obstacle avoidance and terrain recognition, where the environment is unpredictable. The network can also be used in the field of Medical Imaging, Biometrics (Face and Finger Print Recognition) and Quality Inspection in the Food Processing Industry and applications in other uncontrolled environments

    Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on NASA/University Advanced Space Design Program

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    Topics discussed include: lunar transportation system, Mars rover, lunar fiberglass production, geosynchronous space stations, regenerative system for growing plants, lunar mining devices, lunar oxygen transporation system, mobile remote manipulator system, Mars exploration, launch/landing facility for a lunar base, and multi-megawatt nuclear power system
