180 research outputs found

    Epidermal inclusion cyst of the breast . A literature review

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    An epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC) of the breast is a rare, benign condition that may potentially be malignant. The present study conducted a systematic review of the literature in order to identify pathological hypotheses, clinical characteristics, and diagnostic and treatment options. A search for relevant studies was conducted through the Scopus, Embase and Medline databases during September 2014. The search term employed was ῾epidermal inclusion cyst breast᾽. Studies were selected if they contained adequate information regarding symptoms at presentation, diagnostic tools, pathology, characteristics, type of procedure performed and follow-up routines. A total of 35 papers describing 91 patients affected by EIC of the breast were identified. Following this, a total of 82 patients, including an additional case supplied from the present study, were selected for further analysis. EIC of the breast typically occurs during the fifth decade of life. A palpable mass of the breast was present in 65 (79%) patients. Ultrasonographic imaging was consistently utilized as a diagnostic tool in all the cases analyzed, whereas fine-needle aspiration cytology was used in 70% of the cases and mammography in 65%. No tumor recurrence was reported at a mean follow-up time of 53 months. The present study demonstrated that elliptical excision is the preferred treatment for EIC of the breast, with pathological analysis required to exclude malignancy

    Considering task pre-conditions in model-based user interface design and generation

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    HCI engineering: charting the way towards methods and tools for advanced interactive systems

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    This workshop intends to establish the basis of a roadmap addressing engineering challenges and emerging themes in HCI. Novel forms of interaction and new application domains involve aspects that are currently not sufficiently covered by existing methods and tools. The workshop will serve as a venue to bring together researchers and practitioners interested the Engineering of Human- Computer Interaction and in contributing to the definition of a roadmap for the field. The intention is to continue work on the roadmap in follow-up workshops as well as in the IFIP Working Group on User Interface Engineering.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Updating database schemas without breaking the UI: Modeling using cognitive semantic categories

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    PublishedData management user interfaces are ubiquitous in information systems and web-based applications. From the oldest spreadsheet to the most modern database, end users and administrators alike have interacted with tabular data. Usually, each concept is represented by a table and columns. Change to the structure of each concept requires structural change to the tables and columns, which is costly. Tailor-made database and web applications may overcome this obstacle by designing UIs on top of the data layer, providing some degree of data independence. However, changes in their schemas do not automatically propagate into the user interface, and so their maintenance is expensive. In this paper we present a user interface that lets the end user alter the schema without the need for programming skills, eliminating the need for expensive software maintenance. To this end we propose an automatically generated user interface to include schema and data management functions. We built and evaluated an Adaptive Information System user interface (AIS UI), incorporating schema evolution functionality. In usability testing, firsttime users were able to perform various data management tasks equally fast or faster than users using Microsoft Access, and on average ̃43% faster than users using Microsoft Excel. Task completion rates using the AIS significantly exceeded those using Microsoft Access and were comparable (>95%) with those using Microsoft Excel. Copyright © 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-2725-1/14/06

    PIXAPP Photonics Packaging Pilot Line development of a silicon photonic optical transceiver with pluggable fiber connectivity

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    This paper demonstrates how the PIXAPP Photonics Packaging Pilot Line uses its extensive packaging capabilities across its European partner network to design and assemble a highly integrated silicon photonic-based optical transceiver. The processes used are based on PIXAPP's open access packaging design rules or Assembly Design Kit (ADK). The transceiver was designed to have the Tx and Rx elements integrated on to a single silicon photonic chip, together with flipchip control electronics, hybrid laser and micro-optics. The transceiver used the on-chip micro-optics to enable a pluggable fiber connection, avoiding the need to bond optical fibers directly to the photonic chip. Finally, the packaged transceiver module was tested, showing 56 Gb/s loop-back modulation and de-modulation, validating both the transmitter and receiver performance

    Towards an engineering approach for advanced interaction techniques in 3D environments

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    National audienceIn recent years, Virtual Environments have appeared in new areas such as mass-market, web or mobile situations. In parallel, advanced forms ofinteractions are emerging such as tactile, mixed, tangible or spatial user interfaces, promoting ease of learning and use. To contribute to the democratization of 3D Virtual Environments(3DVE) and their use by persons who are not experts in 3D and occasional users, simultaneously considering Computer Graphics and Human Computer Interaction design considerations is required. In this position paper, we first provide an overview of a new analytical framework for the design of advanced interaction techniques for 3D Virtual Environment. It consists in identifying links that support the interaction and connect user’s tasks to be performed in a 3DVE with the targeted scene graph. We relate our work to existing modeling approaches and discuss about our expectations with regards to the engineering of advanced interaction techniqu

    Proceedings of the 1st EICS Workshop on Engineering Interactive Computer Systems with SCXML

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    Development of a novel headspace sorptive extraction method to study the aging of volatile compounds in spent handgun cartridges

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    Estimating the time since the last discharge of firearms and/or spent cartridges may be a useful piece of information in forensic firearm-related cases. The current approach consists of studying the diffusion of selected volatile organic compounds (such as naphthalene) released during the shooting using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME). However, this technique works poorly on handgun car-tridges because the extracted quantities quickly fall below the limit of detection. In order to find more effective solutions and further investigate the aging of organic gunshot residue after the discharge of handgun cartridges, an extensive study was carried out in this work using a novel approach based on high capacity headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE). By adopting this technique, for the first time 51 gunshot residue (GSR) volatile organic compounds could be simultaneously detected from fired handgun cartridge cases. Application to aged specimens showed that many of those compounds presented significant and complementary aging profiles. Compound-to-compound ratios were also tested and proved to be beneficial both in reducing the variability of the aging curves and in enlarging the time window useful in a forensic casework perspective. The obtained results were thus particularly promising for the development of a new complete forensic dating methodology

    Orthogonal Analytical Approaches for the Investigation of Specific Metabolic Pathways of 17α-Methyltestosterone with the Focus on Hydroxylation Reactions

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    Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are commonly used as performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports because of their anabolic effects. Nearly half of the adverse analytical findings (AAF) in 2019 are correlated to AAS misuse [83]. The metabolization process plays an essential role in the analysis of endogenous and exogenous steroids. Therefore, investigations on drug metabolizing and steroidogenic CYP enzymes are important in antidoping research. The most common reaction catalyzed by CYP enzymes in phase-I-metabolism is the introduction of a hydroxy group. Currently, analysis of AAS is mostly performed using GC-MS systems. These methods usually correlate with laborious sample preparation and extended run times compared to LC-MS(/MS) methods. On the other hand, LC-MS(/MS) methods have a lower separation efficiency than GC-MS systems. SFC, as an orthogonal analytical approach, was used to separate the hydroxy metabolites of MT. This project aimed to get a more in-depth look at the metabolization and analysis of MT, an AAS prohibited as PED in sport by the WADA [1], focusing on hydroxylated metabolites and the aromatization process. Therefore, reference material of 2αOHMT, 2βOHMT, and 4OHMT was synthesized and characterized by HRMS and NMR. In vitro studies with HLM, CYP2C19, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, and CYP19A1 and an in vivo study with one healthy male volunteer were conducted to investigate the formation of hydroxylated MT metabolites. Because existing and developed GC-MS(/MS) and LC-MS(/MS) methods could not separate the hydroxylated metabolites of interest, an SFC-MS/MS method was developed, which gave a good separation. SFC showed its orthogonality by means of the elution order 4OHMT>2βOHMT>2αOHMT>6βOHMT, which differed from GC (2βOHTM>6βOHMT>4OHTM>2αOHMT, as per-TMS) and LC (6βOHMT>2βOHMT>2αOHMT>4OHMT). Finally, the formation of 2βOHMT in HLM and CYP2C19 incubation were verified with synthesized reference material, where CYP2C19 may show the predominant way in its formation. Additionally, the presence of 2βOHMT after CYP19A1 incubation shows its influence in the aromatization of MT. Investigation of urine samples after MT administration showed the formation of 2βOHMT, 6βOHMT, and 4OHMT. However, all three metabolites were only detected to a maximum of 22 hours after the administration and in very low concentrations. Thus, hydroxylated metabolites of MT cannot be seen as superior metabolites over the classical MT metabolites 5αTHMT and 5βTHMT [45]. Future work may focus on developing an SFC-HRMS method to investigate the formation of unknown hydroxy metabolites. As only recently described by Savill et al., incubation studies with different cell lines may be a good alternative for in vivo studies with steroids [84]. Further, the synthesis and characterization of possible metabolite structures will be the next step in investigating the hydroxylated metabolome. Boldenone is the AAS with the majority of reported AAF according to the WADA Testing Figures [83]. Therefore, boldenone, or its corresponding 17-methyl analog metandienone, might be an interesting substance for this kind of study. In addition, further experiments on the aromatization of MT with 2βOHMT and 19OHMT as substrate, and the identification of 2β,19-dihydroxymethyltestosterone as intermediate with synthesized reference material are needed.Anabol androgene Steroide (AAS) werden aufgrund ihrer anabolen Wirkung häufig als leistungssteigernde Mittel (PEDs) im Sport eingesetzt. Fast die Hälfte der unerwünschten analytischen Befunde (AAF) im Jahr 2019 korreliert mit dem Missbrauch von AAS [83]. Eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Detektion von endogenen und exogenen Steroiden in Urinproben spielt die Metabolisierung. Daher sind Untersuchungen zu arzneimittelmetabolisierenden und steroidogenen CYP-Enzymen in der Antidopingforschung wichtig. Die häufigste Reaktion, die von CYP-Enzymen im Phase-I-Metabolismus katalysiert wird, ist die Einführung einer Hydroxygruppe. Die Analyse von AAS wird derzeit meist mit GC-MS-Systemen durchgeführt. Diese Methoden sind in der Regel mit einer aufwendigen Probenvorbereitung und längeren Laufzeiten im Vergleich zu LC-MS(/MS)-Methoden verbunden. Auf der anderen Seite haben LC-MS(/MS)-Methoden eine geringere Trenneffizienz im Vergleich zu GC-MS-Systemen. Die SFC als orthogonaler analytischer Ansatz wurde zur Trennung der Hydroxymetaboliten von MT verwendet. Ziel dieses Projektes war es, die Metabolisierung und Analyse von MT, einem von der WADA als PED im Sport verbotenen AAS [1], genauer zu untersuchen, wobei der Fokus auf hydroxylierte Metabolite und die Aromatisierung lag. Dazu wurde Referenzmaterial von 2αOHMT, 2βOHMT und 4OHMT synthetisiert und mittels HRMS und NMR charakterisiert. In vitro Versuche mit HLM, CYP2C19, CYP1A2, CYP1B1 und CYP19A1 sowie ein in vivo Versuch mit einem gesunden männlichen Probanden wurden durchgeführt, um die Entstehung von hydroxylierten MT-Metaboliten zu untersuchen. Da bestehende und entwickelte GC-MS(/MS)- und LC-MS(/MS)-Methoden nicht in der Lage waren, die hydroxylierten Metaboliten zu trennen, wurde eine SFC-MS/MS-Methode entwickelt, die eine gute Trennung ergab. Die SFC zeigte seine Orthogonalität an Hand der Elutionsfolge 4OHMT>2βOHMT>2αOHMT>6βOHMT, welche sich grundlegend von der GC (2βOHTM>6βOHMT>4OHTM>2αOHMT, als per-TMS) und der LC (6βOHMT>2βOHMT>2αOHMT>4OHMT) unterschied. Die Entstehung von 2βOHMT in HLM und CYP2C19 Inkubation mit wurde mit synthetisiertem Referenzmaterial verifiziert, wobei CYP2C19 offenbar den vorherrschenden Weg bei der Entstehung von 2βOHMT zeigt. Das Vorhandensein von 2βOHMT nach Inkubation mit CYP19A1 zeigt dessen Einfluss auf die Aromatisierung von MT. Die Untersuchung von Urinproben nach Einnahme von MT zeigte die Entstehung von 2βOHMT, 6βOHMT und 4OHMT. Alle drei Metaboliten wurden jedoch nur bis maximal 22 Stunden nach der Verabreichung und in sehr geringen Konzentrationen nachgewiesen. Somit können hydroxylierte Metabolite von MT gegenüber den klassischen MT Metaboliten 5αTHMT und 5βTHMT nicht als übergeordnet angesehen werden [45]. Zukünftige Arbeiten könnten sich auf die Entwicklung einer SFC-HRMS-Methode beschäftigen, um die Bildung von unbekannten hydroxylierten Metaboliten zu untersuchen. Wie erst kürzlich von Savill et al. beschrieben, können Inkubationsstudien mit verschiedenen Zelllinien eine gute Alternative für in vivo Studien mit Steroiden sein [84]. Die Synthese und Charakterisierung möglicher weiterer Metabolitstrukturen werden der nächste Schritt bei der Untersuchung des Phase-I-Metabolismus von MT sein. Boldenon ist das AAS mit den meisten berichteten AAF gemäß des WADA Testing Figures Report [83]. Daher könnte Boldenon oder sein entsprechendes 17-Methyl Analogon Metandienon eine interessante Substanz für diese Art von Studie sein. Zudem sind weitere Versuche zu der Aromatisierung von MT mit 2βOHMT und 19OHMT als Substrat, und die Identifizierung von 2β,19-Dihydroxymethyltestosterone als Zwischenprodukt mit synthetisierter Referenzsubstanz nötig