155 research outputs found

    The E-Recruitment in Algeria

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    In recent years, one of the essential data of our time remains unquestionably the imperative of an efficient and optimal management of available resources. This reality stands out as a major goal for all leaders at all levels, more than at any other time in history. Algeria is gradually becoming part of this new situation; faced with the challenge of development, it tends to create the conditions for an influx of enterprises, whether of foreign or national origin. In this vein, Algerian companies; whether public or private, occupy a special place. And this, because of the functions they are called to fill within the company. Among these functions, the one related to better management of human resources. To this end, the recruitment of staff, career management, training, performance evaluation: to mention only these elements, are all areas of research

    Marketing RH: La Marque Emoployeur/ un Levier pour se Demarquer

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    Today, in a world dominated by digital technology, it is obvious that companies have to integrate new methods of getting work done. This digitalization has changed the work of managers and have made them realized that their methodology has become obsolete. At any rate, the HR function indeed was impacted by this wave of digitization that has overwhelmed all other functions of the company including marketing. Driven by digital technology, the HR function has moved from a support function to a business partner function. This switch marked the advent of the "E-marketing HR", an unexpected marriage that upset the situation. Since then, HR marketing is a renewed approach of HRM, which seeks, on the one hand, to improve the internal attractiveness of the company. On the other hand, it helps to develop the external attractiveness of the company. Thus, this paper focuses on the external attractiveness of the company. To attract candidates, the company needs to focus on improving their brand by communicating its culture. The relationship between the digital employer brand and e-recruitment will therefore be the subject of our article. Our thinking is built on four stages: First we will consider the genesis of HR marketing and its role in the development of the employer brand. The second part will be devoted to the use of web 2.0 in the construction of a digital employer brand and itsimpact on e-recruitment. Finally, we will present some digital recruitment strategies of some multinationals.Aujourd’hui dans un monde dominĂ© par le digital, c’est tout naturel que les entreprises aient intĂ©grĂ© des nouveaux modes de travail façonnĂ©s par le numeriquĂ©.Cette mutation digitale a modifiĂ© le travail des gestionnaires et les a amenĂ©s Ă  repenser une mĂ©thodologie devenue obsoletĂ©. Et tout Ă©tat de cause, La fonction RH ne s’échappe pas Ă  cette vague de digitalisation qui a submergĂ© toutes les autres fonctions de l’entreprise y compris le marketing. EmportĂ©e par le digital, la fonction RH est passĂ©e d’une fonction support Ă  une fonction de partenaire stratĂ©gique. Ce passage a marquĂ© l’avĂšnement du «E-marketing RH », un mariage inattendu qui a bouleversĂ© la donne. DĂšs lors, Le marketing RH est une approche rĂ©novĂ©e de la GRH, qui cherche d’une part Ă  amĂ©liorer l’attractivitĂ© interne de l’entreprise et d’autre part dĂ©velopper son attractivitĂ© externe. Nous nous intĂ©ressons dans cet article Ă  l’attractivitĂ© externe de l’entreprise. En effet pour attirer les candidats l’entreprise est appelĂ©e Ă  polir sa marque employeur en vĂ©hiculant sa culture. La relation entre la marque employeur et l’e-recrutement sera donc le sujet de notre article. Notre rĂ©flexion est construite en quatre Ă©tapes : nous verrons en premiers temps la genĂšse du marketing RH et son rĂŽle dans le dĂ©veloppement de la marque employeur. Secundo nous mettons en surbrillance l’usage du web 2.0 dans la construction de la marque employeur numĂ©rique et son impact sur l’erecrutement. In fine, nous prĂ©sentons quelques stratĂ©gies de recrutement digital de certaines Multinationales

    DĂ©veloppement d’un systĂšme d’appariement pour l’e-recrutement

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    Ce mĂ©moire tente de rĂ©pondre Ă  une problĂ©matique trĂšs importante dans le domaine de recrutement : l’appariement entre offre d’emploi et candidats. Dans notre cas nous disposons de milliers d’offres d’emploi et de millions de profils ramassĂ©s sur les sites dĂ©diĂ©s et fournis par un industriel spĂ©cialisĂ© dans le recrutement. Les offres d’emploi et les profils de candidats sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux professionnels sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement destinĂ©s Ă  des lecteurs humains qui sont les recruteurs et les chercheurs d’emploi. Chercher Ă  effectuer une sĂ©lection automatique de profils pour une offre d’emploi se heurte donc Ă  certaines difficultĂ©s que nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  rĂ©soudre dans le prĂ©sent mĂ©moire. Nous avons utilisĂ© des techniques de traitement automatique de la langue naturelle pour extraire automatiquement les informations pertinentes dans une offre d’emploi afin de construite une requĂȘte qui nous permettrait d’interroger notre base de donnĂ©es de profils. Pour valider notre modĂšle d’extraction de mĂ©tier, de compĂ©tences et de d’expĂ©rience, nous avons Ă©valuĂ© ces trois diffĂ©rentes tĂąches sĂ©parĂ©ment en nous basant sur une rĂ©fĂ©rence cent offres d’emploi canadiennes que nous avons manuellement annotĂ©e. Et pour valider notre outil d’appariement nous avons fait Ă©valuer le rĂ©sultat de l’appariement de dix offres d’emploi canadiennes par un expert en recrutement.Our work seeks to address a very important issue in the recruitment field: matching jobs postings and candidates. We have thousands of jobs postings and millions of profiles collected from internet provided by a specialized firm in recruitment. Job postings and candidate profiles on professional social networks are generally intended for human readers who are recruiters and job seekers. We use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to automatically extract relevant information in a job offer. We use the extracted information to build automatically a query on our database. To validate our information retrieval model of occupation, skills and experience, we use hundred Canadian jobs postings manually annotated. And to validate our matching tool we evaluate the result of the matching of ten Canadian jobs by a recruitment expert

    Transformation of the HR function in Moroccan companies: the case of e-recruitment

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    The digitalization of human resources function of companies is a current topic that has been arised with the emergence of NICTs and the health crisis that has disrupted the mode of management of organizations. Because of this disruption, these organizations have been forced to introduce new modes of human resources management to cope with the economic and social changes that companies have experienced. Indeed, employment issues are at the heart of the debates and the search for the best talents has become one of the biggest challenges for the HRD as well as for the managers who would like to face the new expectations and the globalization. At the level of the human resources mission, the arrival of the Internet has profoundly changed the recruitment process. The changing context requires organizations to define new recruitment standards and methods in order to meet the current challenges with the appropriate norms. This research falls under the field work of Human Resource Management and that analyzes the degree of transformation of the recruitment function in the digital era and the perception of recruiters of this shift towards e-recruitment. Therefore, we have chosen to study the perception of e-recruitment among recruiters in Moroccan companies. To do this, we adopted a hypothetical-deductive approach. The quantitative study through a survey distributed among 100 Moroccan human resources managers allows us to conclude that e-recruitment is employed by the majority of the respondents, but the crisis of covid-19 has propelled its expansion. This method, finally, remains a strategic choice for them and its use is increasingly important given the facilities that it offers during the recruitment process.   Keywords: HRM, digitalization, E-recruitment, Moroccan companies. JEL Classification: O15 Paper type: Empirical Research The digitalization of human resources function of companies is a current topic that has been arised with the emergence of NICTs and the health crisis that has disrupted the mode of management of organizations. Because of this disruption, these organizations have been forced to introduce new modes of human resources management to cope with the economic and social changes that companies have experienced. Indeed, employment issues are at the heart of the debates and the search for the best talents has become one of the biggest challenges for the HRD as well as for the managers who would like to face the new expectations and the globalization. At the level of the human resources mission, the arrival of the Internet has profoundly changed the recruitment process. The changing context requires organizations to define new recruitment standards and methods in order to meet the current challenges with the appropriate norms. This research falls under the field work of Human Resource Management and that analyzes the degree of transformation of the recruitment function in the digital era and the perception of recruiters of this shift towards e-recruitment. Therefore, we have chosen to study the perception of e-recruitment among recruiters in Moroccan companies. To do this, we adopted a hypothetical-deductive approach. The quantitative study through a survey distributed among 100 Moroccan human resources managers allows us to conclude that e-recruitment is employed by the majority of the respondents, but the crisis of covid-19 has propelled its expansion. This method, finally, remains a strategic choice for them and its use is increasingly important given the facilities that it offers during the recruitment process.   Keywords: HRM, digitalization, E-recruitment, Moroccan companies. JEL Classification: O15 Paper type: Empirical Research&nbsp

    Transformation of the HR function in Moroccan companies: the case of e-recruitment

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    The digitalization of human resources function of companies is a current topic that has been arised with the emergence of NICTs and the health crisis that has disrupted the mode of management of organizations. Because of this disruption, these organizations have been forced to introduce new modes of human resources management to cope with the economic and social changes that companies have experienced. Indeed, employment issues are at the heart of the debates and the search for the best talents has become one of the biggest challenges for the HRD as well as for the managers who would like to face the new expectations and the globalization. At the level of the human resources mission, the arrival of the Internet has profoundly changed the recruitment process. The changing context requires organizations to define new recruitment standards and methods in order to meet the current challenges with the appropriate norms. This research falls under the field work of Human Resource Management and that analyzes the degree of transformation of the recruitment function in the digital era and the perception of recruiters of this shift towards e-recruitment. Therefore, we have chosen to study the perception of e-recruitment among recruiters in Moroccan companies. To do this, we adopted a hypothetical-deductive approach. The quantitative study through a survey distributed among 100 Moroccan human resources managers allows us to conclude that e-recruitment is employed by the majority of the respondents, but the crisis of covid-19 has propelled its expansion. This method, finally, remains a strategic choice for them and its use is increasingly important given the facilities that it offers during the recruitment process.   Keywords: HRM, digitalization, E-recruitment, Moroccan companies. JEL Classification: O15 Paper type: Empirical Research The digitalization of human resources function of companies is a current topic that has been arised with the emergence of NICTs and the health crisis that has disrupted the mode of management of organizations. Because of this disruption, these organizations have been forced to introduce new modes of human resources management to cope with the economic and social changes that companies have experienced. Indeed, employment issues are at the heart of the debates and the search for the best talents has become one of the biggest challenges for the HRD as well as for the managers who would like to face the new expectations and the globalization. At the level of the human resources mission, the arrival of the Internet has profoundly changed the recruitment process. The changing context requires organizations to define new recruitment standards and methods in order to meet the current challenges with the appropriate norms. This research falls under the field work of Human Resource Management and that analyzes the degree of transformation of the recruitment function in the digital era and the perception of recruiters of this shift towards e-recruitment. Therefore, we have chosen to study the perception of e-recruitment among recruiters in Moroccan companies. To do this, we adopted a hypothetical-deductive approach. The quantitative study through a survey distributed among 100 Moroccan human resources managers allows us to conclude that e-recruitment is employed by the majority of the respondents, but the crisis of covid-19 has propelled its expansion. This method, finally, remains a strategic choice for them and its use is increasingly important given the facilities that it offers during the recruitment process.   Keywords: HRM, digitalization, E-recruitment, Moroccan companies. JEL Classification: O15 Paper type: Empirical Research&nbsp

    Transformation of the HR function in Moroccan companies: the case of e-recruitment

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    The digitalization of human resources function of companies is a current topic that has been arised with the emergence of NICTs and the health crisis that has disrupted the mode of management of organizations. Because of this disruption, these organizations have been forced to introduce new modes of human resources management to cope with the economic and social changes that companies have experienced. Indeed, employment issues are at the heart of the debates and the search for the best talents has become one of the biggest challenges for the HRD as well as for the managers who would like to face the new expectations and the globalization. At the level of the human resources mission, the arrival of the Internet has profoundly changed the recruitment process. The changing context requires organizations to define new recruitment standards and methods in order to meet the current challenges with the appropriate norms. This research falls under the field work of Human Resource Management and that analyzes the degree of transformation of the recruitment function in the digital era and the perception of recruiters of this shift towards e-recruitment. Therefore, we have chosen to study the perception of e-recruitment among recruiters in Moroccan companies. To do this, we adopted a hypothetical-deductive approach. The quantitative study through a survey distributed among 100 Moroccan human resources managers allows us to conclude that e-recruitment is employed by the majority of the respondents, but the crisis of covid-19 has propelled its expansion. This method, finally, remains a strategic choice for them and its use is increasingly important given the facilities that it offers during the recruitment process.   Keywords: HRM, digitalization, E-recruitment, Moroccan companies. JEL Classification: O15 Paper type: Empirical Research The digitalization of human resources function of companies is a current topic that has been arised with the emergence of NICTs and the health crisis that has disrupted the mode of management of organizations. Because of this disruption, these organizations have been forced to introduce new modes of human resources management to cope with the economic and social changes that companies have experienced. Indeed, employment issues are at the heart of the debates and the search for the best talents has become one of the biggest challenges for the HRD as well as for the managers who would like to face the new expectations and the globalization. At the level of the human resources mission, the arrival of the Internet has profoundly changed the recruitment process. The changing context requires organizations to define new recruitment standards and methods in order to meet the current challenges with the appropriate norms. This research falls under the field work of Human Resource Management and that analyzes the degree of transformation of the recruitment function in the digital era and the perception of recruiters of this shift towards e-recruitment. Therefore, we have chosen to study the perception of e-recruitment among recruiters in Moroccan companies. To do this, we adopted a hypothetical-deductive approach. The quantitative study through a survey distributed among 100 Moroccan human resources managers allows us to conclude that e-recruitment is employed by the majority of the respondents, but the crisis of covid-19 has propelled its expansion. This method, finally, remains a strategic choice for them and its use is increasingly important given the facilities that it offers during the recruitment process.   Keywords: HRM, digitalization, E-recruitment, Moroccan companies. JEL Classification: O15 Paper type: Empirical Research&nbsp

    L’intelligence artificielle au cƓur du processus de recrutementE-Recrutement 4.0 au Maroc Etat des lieux et perspectives

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    Depuis le 18 ème siècle, le monde a connu trois révolutions industrielles. La quatrième révolution industrielle ou l’industrie 4.0 est actuellement en pleine croissance. Cette révolution 4.0 se base énormément sur l’insertion de l’intelligence artificielle dans tous les domaines d’activité. La GRH est l’un des domaines qui a été très impacté par l’IA notamment la phase de recrutement, d’où la naissance du e-recrutement 4.0. Au Maroc, l’e- recrutement 4.0 n’est pas appliqué à 100%.Cependant les chances de réussirson insertion au sein des entreprises et des établissements publics dépendent de la volonté et l’accord du candidat marocain pour être évalué par un robot. Le présent article est articulé autour de trois points principaux ,dans un premier temps nous allons cerner la notion du e-recrutement4.0 ,présenter les principaux axes de recrutement touchés par l’intelligence artificielle et ensuite souligner les avantages et les inconvénients du e-recrutement 4.0, dans un deuxième temps nous allons décrire la situation de déséquilibre de l’offre et la demande en matière d’emploi au Maroc et démontrer la nécessité d’adopter la nouvelle forme de recrutement 4.0 afin de corriger ce déséquilibre, et finalement nous allons établir un questionnaire destiné à 380 candidats en recherche d’emploi afin d’avoir une idée de la perception des demandeurs d’emploi marocains sur l’insertion de l’intelligence artificielle au sein du processus de recrutement
