8 research outputs found

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    Conceptual modeling for the design of intelligent and emergent information systems

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    A key requirement to today's fast changing economic environment is the ability of organizations to adapt dynamically in an effective and efficient manner. Information and Communication Technologies play a crucially important role in addressing such adaptation requirements. The notion of `intelligent software' has emerged as a means by which enterprises can respond to changes in a reactive manner but also to explore, in a pro-active manner, possibilities for new business models. The development of such software systems demands analysis, design and implementation paradigms that recognize the need for ‘co-development’ of these systems with enterprise goals, processes and capabilities. The work presented in this paper is motivated by this need and to this end it proposes a paradigm that recognizes co-development as a knowledge-based activity. The proposed solution is based on a multi-perspective modeling approach that involves (i) modeling key aspects of the enterprise, (ii) reasoning about design choices and (iii) supporting strategic decision-making through simulations. The utility of the approach is demonstrated though a case study in the field of marketing for a start-up company

    CAiSE Radar 2016

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    The CAiSE Radar is an experimental format, established for CAiSE 2016, to make CAiSE workshops livelier, exciting, stimulate discussions, and attract additional active participants by establishing an environment where not only well established and validated research is reported but research in infancy, new ideas, and potentially interesting research projects can be presented and discussed. So similarly to a radar, the idea is to enable researchers to look into the future of the field and identify upcoming trends early. The aim of such effort is on one hand to contribute to the building of research communities and promote the integration of young researchers into the community, and on the other hand to provide opportunities to discuss ideas early and to receive additional opinions on planned research

    CAiSE Radar 2016

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    The CAiSE Radar is an experimental format, established for CAiSE 2016, to make CAiSE workshops livelier, exciting, stimulate discussions, and attract additional active participants by establishing an environment where not only well established and validated research is reported but research in infancy, new ideas, and potentially interesting research projects can be presented and discussed. So similarly to a radar, the idea is to enable researchers to look into the future of the field and identify upcoming trends early. The aim of such effort is on one hand to contribute to the building of research communities and promote the integration of young researchers into the community, and on the other hand to provide opportunities to discuss ideas early and to receive additional opinions on planned research

    Informacijos saugos valdymo karkasas smulkiam ir vidutiniam verslui

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    Information security is one of the concerns any organization or person faces. The list of new threats appears, and information security management mechanisms have to be established and continuously updated to be able to fight against possible security issues. To be up to date with existing information technology threats and prevention, protection, maintenance possibilities, more significant organizations establish positions or even departments, to be responsible for the information security management. However, small and medium enterprise (SME) does not have enough capacities. Therefore, the information security management situation in SMEs is fragmented and needs improvement. In this thesis, the problem of information security management in the small and medium enterprise is analyzed. It aims to simplify the information security management process in the small and medium enterprise by proposing concentrated information and tools in information security management framework. Existence of an information security framework could motivate SME to use it in practice and lead to an increase of SME security level. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four main chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter introduces the problem of information security management and its’ automation. Moreover, state-of-the-art frameworks for information security management in SME are analyzed and compared. The second chapter proposes a novel information security management framework and guidelines on its adoption. The framework is designed based on existing methodologies and frameworks. A need for a model for security evaluation based on the organization’s management structure noticed in chapter two; therefore, new probability theory-based model for organizations information flow security level estimation presented in chapter three. The fourth chapter presents the validation of proposed security evaluation models by showing results of a case study and experts ranking of the same situations. The multi-criteria analysis was executed to evaluate the ISMF suitability to be applied in a small and medium enterprise. In this chapter, we also analyze the opinion of information technology employees in an SME on newly proposed information security management framework as well as a new model for information security level estimation. The thesis is summarized by the general conclusions which confirm the need of newly proposed framework and associated tools as well as its suitability to be used in SME to increase the understanding of current information security threat situation.Dissertatio

    Method support for enterprise architecture management capabilities

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    "What can our EA organization do and/or what should it be capable of?". In order to answer this questions, a capability-based method is developed, which assists in the identification, structuring and management of capabilities. The approach is embedded in a process comprising four building blocks providing appropriated procedures, concepts and supporting tools evolved from theory and practical use cases. The guide represents a flexible method for capability newcomers and experienced audiences to optimize enterprises’ economic impacts of EAM supporting the alignment of business and IT.„Was muss unser UAM leisten können?“ Als Grundlage für die Beantwortung dieser Frage sollen Konzepte aus dem Fähigkeitenmanagement genutzt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine fähigkeitenbasierte Methode entwickelt, welche Unternehmen bei der Identifikation, Strukturierung und Verwaltung von UAM-Fähigkeiten unterstützt. Der Ansatz ist in einen Prozess eingegliedert, welcher vier Hauptbestandteile beinhaltet und die für die Durchführung notwendigen Vorgehen, Konzepte und Hilfsmittel beschreibt, welche wiederrum in Kooperationen mit der Praxis getestet wurden