2,517 research outputs found

    Hermite regularization of the Lattice Boltzmann Method for open source computational aeroacoustics

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    The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is emerging as a powerful engineering tool for aeroacoustic computations. However, the LBM has been shown to present accuracy and stability issues in the medium-low Mach number range, that is of interest for aeroacoustic applications. Several solutions have been proposed but often are too computationally expensive, do not retain the simplicity and the advantages typical of the LBM, or are not described well enough to be usable by the community due to proprietary software policies. We propose to use an original regularized collision operator, based on the expansion in Hermite polynomials, that greatly improves the accuracy and stability of the LBM without altering significantly its algorithm. The regularized LBM can be easily coupled with both non-reflective boundary conditions and a multi-level grid strategy, essential ingredients for aeroacoustic simulations. Excellent agreement was found between our approach and both experimental and numerical data on two different benchmarks: the laminar, unsteady flow past a 2D cylinder and the 3D turbulent jet. Finally, most of the aeroacoustic computations with LBM have been done with commercial softwares, while here the entire theoretical framework is implemented on top of an open source library (Palabos).Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (in press

    Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of a Coriolis Mass Flowmeter using a Lattice Boltzmann Method

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    In this paper we use a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) approach to simulate a Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF). The fluid dynamics are calculated by the open source framework OpenLB, based on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). For the structural dynamics we employ the open source software Elmer, an implementation of the finite element method (FEM). A staggered coupling approach between the two software packages is presented. The finite element mesh is created by the mesh generator Gmsh to ensure a complete open source workflow. The Eigenmodes of the CMF, which are calculated by modal analysis are compared with measurement data. Using the estimated excitation frequency, a fully coupled, partitioned, FSI simulation is applied to simulate the phase shift of the investigated CMF design. The calculated phaseshift values are in good agreement to the measurement data and verify the suitability of the model to numerically describe the working principle of a CMF

    Detailed analysis of the lattice Boltzmann method on unstructured grids

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    The lattice Boltzmann method has become a standard for efficiently solving problems in fluid dynamics. While unstructured grids allow for a more efficient geometrical representation of complex boundaries, the lattice Boltzmann methods is often implemented using regular grids. Here we analyze two implementations of the lattice Boltzmann method on unstructured grids, the standard forward Euler method and the operator splitting method. We derive the evolution of the macroscopic variables by means of the Chapman-Enskog expansion, and we prove that it yields the Navier-Stokes equation and is first order accurate in terms of the temporal discretization and second order in terms of the spatial discretization. Relations between the kinetic viscosity and the integration time step are derived for both the Euler method and the operator splitting method. Finally we suggest an improved version of the bounce-back boundary condition. We test our implementations in both standard benchmark geometries and in the pore network of a real sample of a porous rock.Comment: 42 page

    Multi-scale modeling of particle-laden flows

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    Particle-laden flow occur in a wide range of engineering applications such as combustors, gasifiers, fluidized beds and pollution control systems. Particle-flow interactions are complex, especially in turbulent and confined flows. A proper understanding of these interactions is critical in designing devices with better performance characteristics. In this work, particle-laden flows in channels are numerically investigated with the lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM). A three-dimensional parallelized lattice-Boltzmann method code is developed to carry out these studies. The code resolves the particle surface and the boundary layer surrounding it to gain fundamental insights into particle-flow interactions. The lattice-Boltzmann method is assessed for its accuracy in solving several standard single-phase and multi-phase, laminar and turbulent flows. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of particle-laden channel flows are then performed. When the particle diameter is smaller than the Kolmogorov length scale, direct numerical simulations (DNS) with the point-particle approximation show that the Stokes number, St, mass loading of particles, i.e. ratio of mass of dispersed to carried phase, and particle diameter, are important parameters that determine the distribution of the particles across the channel cross-section and the impact of the particles on the flow field. When the St is infinitesimally small, the particles are uniformly distributed across the cross-section of the channel. As St is increased, the particle concentration near the wall increases. At even higher St, the particle concentration near the wall decreases, but it increases at the center of the channel. These changes in concentration are attributed to turbophoresis which causes preferential movement of the particles. The impact of the turbophoretic force is affected by St and particle diameter. The parameters that influence the mean flow field of the carrier phase is primarily the mass loading. To further improve the understanding of the physics of the flow, particle-resolved direct numerical simulations (PR-DNS) are carried out. Particle motion in a laminar channel flow is initially studied. The trajectory of a single particle is examined. It is shown that the mean equilibrium position of the particle in the channel depends on the St. Particles with low St reach an equilibrium position that lies between the wall and the center of the channel (Segre-Silberberg effect) while those with high St begin to oscillate about the center of the channel as they are transported by the fluid. The particle location and motion are determined by the interplay of three forces acting on the particle in the wall normal direction: the Saffman lift, Magnus lift and wall repulsion. Saffman lift and Magnus lift act to move the particle towards the wall while wall-repulsion opposes this motion. Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow past stationary particles in a channel are then carried out. These simulations provide information about particle-flow interactions when the particle is near the wall and at the center. Multiple particles fixed in a cross-sectional plane are also considered. The position of the particles in the channel, the particle size, the Reynolds number and the number of particles are varied. The details of the flow field are analyzed to provide insight into the factors that control the distance of influence of the fixed particle on the flow field. With a single particle case, the effect of the particle is felt for about 20 diameters downstream. When multiple particles are present, interaction between the vortices shed by the particles lengthens the distance to about 40 diameters downstream. The results suggest that in a particle-laden flow, if particles are separated by an average distance greater than 40 diameters, particle-fluid-particle interactions can be neglected. At shorter distances, these interactions become important. Next particle-resolved direct numerical simulations (PR-DNS) in a turbulent channel flow are carried out to study the particle motion when the particle diameter is larger than the Kolmogorov length scale. It is shown that in a turbulent channel flow, the dominant forces are the Saffman lift and the turbophoresis. When the particle is larger than the Kolmogorov length scale, turbophoresis can act in a local sense whereby the more intense exchange of momentum of eddies on the side of the particle with higher turbulent kinetic energy relative to the opposite side move the particle toward the lower turbulent kinetic energy region or in a global sense whereby even when the particles do not directly feel the effect of eddies, particles tend to diffuse down gradients of turbulent kinetic energy. The simulations show that particles with relatively lower St move preferentially toward the wall while those with higher St exhibit a relatively uniform concentration. This is consistent with the conclusion from the point-particle simulations. As particle size is increased, the St at which uniform distribution is reached increases. The likely reason is that the effect of local turbophoresis and Saffman lift increases for larger particles and these forces tend to concentrate particles near the wall. Higher St, i.e. higher inertia, is needed to overcome these forces

    Volumetric Lattice Boltzmann Method for Wall Stresses of Image-Based Pulsatile Flows

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    Image-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become a new capability for determining wall stresses of pulsatile flows. However, a computational platform that directly connects image information to pulsatile wall stresses is lacking. Prevailing methods rely on manual crafting of a hodgepodge of multidisciplinary software packages, which is usually laborious and error-prone. We present a new computational platform, to compute wall stresses in image-based pulsatile flows using the volumetric lattice Boltzmann method (VLBM). The novelty includes: (1) a unique image processing to extract flow domain and local wall normality, (2) a seamless connection between image extraction and VLBM, (3) an en-route calculation of strain-rate tensor, and (4) GPU acceleration (not included here). We first generalize the streaming operation in the VLBM and then conduct application studies to demonstrate its reliability and applicability. A benchmark study is for laminar and turbulent pulsatile flows in an image-based pipe (Reynolds number: 10 to 5000). The computed pulsatile velocity and shear stress are in good agreements with Womersley\u27s analytical solutions for laminar pulsatile flows and concurrent laboratory measurements for turbulent pulsatile flows. An application study is to quantify the pulsatile hemodynamics in image-based human vertebral and carotid arteries including velocity vector, pressure, and wall-shear stress. The computed velocity vector fields are in reasonably well agreement with MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) measured ones. This computational platform is good for image-based CFD with medical applications and pore-scale porous media flows in various natural and engineering systems

    Numerical investigation of particle-fluid interaction system based on discrete element method

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    This thesis focuses on the numerical investigation of the particle-fluid systems based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The whole thesis consists of three parts, in each part we have coupled the DEM with different schemes/solvers on the fluid phase. In the first part, we have coupled DEM with Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) to study the particle-laden turbulent flow. The effect of collisions on the particle behavior in fully developed turbulent flow in a straight square duct was numerically investigated. Three sizes of particles were considered with diameters equal to 50 µm, 100 µm and 500 µm. Firstly, the particle transportation by turbulent flow was studied in the absence of the gravitational effect. Then, the particle deposition was studied under the effect of the wall-normal gravity force in which the influence of collisions on the particle resuspension rate and the final stage of particle distribution on the duct floor were discussed, respectively. In the second part, we have coupled DEM with Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) to study the particle sedimentation in Newtonian laminar flow. A novel combined LBM-IBM-DEM scheme was presented with its application to model the sedimentation of two dimensional circular particles in incompressible Newtonian flows. Case studies of single sphere settling in a cavity, and two particles settling in a channel were carried out, the velocity characteristics of the particle during settling and near the bottom were examined. At last, a numerical example of sedimentation involving 504 particles was finally presented to demonstrate the capability of the combined scheme. Furthermore, a Particulate Immersed Boundary Method (PIBM) for simulating the fluid-particle multiphase flow was presented and assessed in both two and three-dimensional applications. Compared with the conventional IBM, dozens of times speedup in two-dimensional simulation and hundreds of times in three-dimensional simulation can be expected under the same particle and mesh number. Numerical simulations of particle sedimentation in the Newtonian flows were conducted based on a combined LBM - PIBM - DEM showing that the PIBM could capture the feature of the particulate flows in fluid and was indeed a promising scheme for the solution of the fluid-particle interaction problems. In the last part, we have coupled DEM with averaged Navier-Stokes equations (NS) to study the particle transportation and wear process on the pipe wall. A case of pneumatic conveying was utilized to demonstrate the capability of the coupling model. The concrete pumping process was then simulated, where the hydraulic pressure and velocity distribution of the fluid phase were obtained. The frequency of the particles impacting on the bended pipe was monitored, a new time average collision intensity model based on impact force was proposed to investigate the wear process of the elbow. The location of maximum erosive wear damage in elbow was predicted. Furthermore, the influences of slurry velocity, bend orientation and angle of elbow on the puncture point location were discussed.Esta tesis se centra en la investigación numérica de sistemas partícula-líquido basado en la técnica Discrete Element Method (DEM). La tesis consta de tres partes, en cada una de las cuales se ha acoplado el método DEM con diferentes esquemas/solucionadores en la fase fluida. En la primera parte, hemos acoplado los métodos DEM con Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) para estudiar casos de "particle-laden turbulent flow". Se investigó numéricamente el efecto de las colisiones en el comportamiento de las partículas en el flujo turbulento completamente desarrollado en un conducto cuadrado recto. Tres tamaños de partículas se consideraron con diámetros de 50, 100 y 500 micrometros. En primer lugar, el transporte de partículas por el flujo turbulento se estudió en la ausencia del efecto gravitacional. Entonces, la deposición de partículas se estudió bajo el efecto de la fuerza de gravedad normal a la pared, en el que se discutieron la influencia de la tasa de colisiones en re-suspensión de las partículas y la fase final de la distribución de partículas en el suelo del conducto, respectivamente. En la segunda parte, se ha acoplado los métodos DEM con Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) para estudiar la sedimentación de partículas en flujo laminar newtoniano. Un nuevo metodo combinado LBM-IBM-DEM se presentó y ha sido aplicado para modelar la sedimentación de dos partículas circulares bi-dimensionales en flujos Newtonianos incompresibles. Se estudiaron casos de sedimentación en una cavidad de una sola esfera, y sedimentación de dos partículas en un canal, las características de la velocidad de la partícula durante la sedimentación y cerca de la base fueron también examinados. En el último caso, un ejemplo numérico de sedimentación de 504 partículas fue finalmente presentado para demostrar la capacidad del método combinado. Además, se ha presentado un método "Particulate Immersed Boundary Method" (PIBM) para la simulación de flujos multifásicos partícula-fluido y ha sido evaluado en dos y tres dimensiones. En comparación con el método IBM convencional, se puede esperar con el mismo número de partículas y de malla un SpeedUp docenas de veces superior en la simulación bidimensional y cientos de veces en la simulación en tres dimensiones. Se llevaron a cabo simulaciones numéricas de la sedimentación de partículas en los flujos newtonianos basados en una combinación LBM - PIBM - DEM, mostrando que el PIBM podría capturar las características de los flujos de partículas en el líquido y fue en efecto un esquema prometedor para la solución de problemas de interacción fluido-partícula. En la última parte, se ha acoplado el método DEM con las ecuaciones promediadas de Navier-Stokes (NS) para estudiar el transporte de partículas y el proceso de desgaste en la pared de una tubería. Se utilizó un caso de transporte neumático para demostrar la capacidad del modelo acoplado. Entonces se simuló el proceso de bombeo de hormigón, de donde se obtuvo la presión hidráulica y la distribución de la velocidad de la fase fluida. Se monitoreó la frecuencia de impacto de las partículas en la tubería doblada, se propuso un nuevo modelo de intensidad de colisión promediado en tiempo para investigar el proceso de desgaste del codo basado en la fuerza de impacto. Se predijo la ubicación del daño máximo desgaste por erosión en el codo. Además, se examinaron las influencias de la velocidad de pulpa, la orientación y el ángulo de curvatura del codo en la ubicación del punto de punción.Postprint (published version