13 research outputs found

    Efficient and High-Quality Rendering of Higher-Order Geometric Data Representations

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    Computer-Aided Design (CAD) bezeichnet den Entwurf industrieller Produkte mit Hilfe von virtuellen 3D Modellen. Ein CAD-Modell besteht aus parametrischen Kurven und Flächen, in den meisten Fällen non-uniform rational B-Splines (NURBS). Diese mathematische Beschreibung wird ebenfalls zur Analyse, Optimierung und Präsentation des Modells verwendet. In jeder dieser Entwicklungsphasen wird eine unterschiedliche visuelle Darstellung benötigt, um den entsprechenden Nutzern ein geeignetes Feedback zu geben. Designer bevorzugen beispielsweise illustrative oder realistische Darstellungen, Ingenieure benötigen eine verständliche Visualisierung der Simulationsergebnisse, während eine immersive 3D Darstellung bei einer Benutzbarkeitsanalyse oder der Designauswahl hilfreich sein kann. Die interaktive Darstellung von NURBS-Modellen und -Simulationsdaten ist jedoch aufgrund des hohen Rechenaufwandes und der eingeschränkten Hardwareunterstützung eine große Herausforderung. Diese Arbeit stellt vier neuartige Verfahren vor, welche sich mit der interaktiven Darstellung von NURBS-Modellen und Simulationensdaten befassen. Die vorgestellten Algorithmen nutzen neue Fähigkeiten aktueller Grafikkarten aus, um den Stand der Technik bezüglich Qualität, Effizienz und Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit zu verbessern. Zwei dieser Verfahren befassen sich mit der direkten Darstellung der parametrischen Beschreibung ohne Approximationen oder zeitaufwändige Vorberechnungen. Die dabei vorgestellten Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen ermöglichen die effiziente Unterteilung, Klassifizierung, Tessellierung und Darstellung getrimmter NURBS-Flächen und einen interaktiven Ray-Casting-Algorithmus für die Isoflächenvisualisierung von NURBSbasierten isogeometrischen Analysen. Die weiteren zwei Verfahren beschreiben zum einen das vielseitige Konzept der programmierbaren Transparenz für illustrative und verständliche Visualisierungen tiefenkomplexer CAD-Modelle und zum anderen eine neue hybride Methode zur Reprojektion halbtransparenter und undurchsichtiger Bildinformation für die Beschleunigung der Erzeugung von stereoskopischen Bildpaaren. Die beiden letztgenannten Ansätze basieren auf rasterisierter Geometrie und sind somit ebenfalls für normale Dreiecksmodelle anwendbar, wodurch die Arbeiten auch einen wichtigen Beitrag in den Bereichen der Computergrafik und der virtuellen Realität darstellen. Die Auswertung der Arbeit wurde mit großen, realen NURBS-Datensätzen durchgeführt. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die direkte Darstellung auf Grundlage der parametrischen Beschreibung mit interaktiven Bildwiederholraten und in subpixelgenauer Qualität möglich ist. Die Einführung programmierbarer Transparenz ermöglicht zudem die Umsetzung kollaborativer 3D Interaktionstechniken für die Exploration der Modelle in virtuellenUmgebungen sowie illustrative und verständliche Visualisierungen tiefenkomplexer CAD-Modelle. Die Erzeugung stereoskopischer Bildpaare für die interaktive Visualisierung auf 3D Displays konnte beschleunigt werden. Diese messbare Verbesserung wurde zudem im Rahmen einer Nutzerstudie als wahrnehmbar und vorteilhaft befunden.In computer-aided design (CAD), industrial products are designed using a virtual 3D model. A CAD model typically consists of curves and surfaces in a parametric representation, in most cases, non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS). The same representation is also used for the analysis, optimization and presentation of the model. In each phase of this process, different visualizations are required to provide an appropriate user feedback. Designers work with illustrative and realistic renderings, engineers need a comprehensible visualization of the simulation results, and usability studies or product presentations benefit from using a 3D display. However, the interactive visualization of NURBS models and corresponding physical simulations is a challenging task because of the computational complexity and the limited graphics hardware support. This thesis proposes four novel rendering approaches that improve the interactive visualization of CAD models and their analysis. The presented algorithms exploit latest graphics hardware capabilities to advance the state-of-the-art in terms of quality, efficiency and performance. In particular, two approaches describe the direct rendering of the parametric representation without precomputed approximations and timeconsuming pre-processing steps. New data structures and algorithms are presented for the efficient partition, classification, tessellation, and rendering of trimmed NURBS surfaces as well as the first direct isosurface ray-casting approach for NURBS-based isogeometric analysis. The other two approaches introduce the versatile concept of programmable order-independent semi-transparency for the illustrative and comprehensible visualization of depth-complex CAD models, and a novel method for the hybrid reprojection of opaque and semi-transparent image information to accelerate stereoscopic rendering. Both approaches are also applicable to standard polygonal geometry which contributes to the computer graphics and virtual reality research communities. The evaluation is based on real-world NURBS-based models and simulation data. The results show that rendering can be performed directly on the underlying parametric representation with interactive frame rates and subpixel-precise image results. The computational costs of additional visualization effects, such as semi-transparency and stereoscopic rendering, are reduced to maintain interactive frame rates. The benefit of this performance gain was confirmed by quantitative measurements and a pilot user study

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationVolumetric parameterization is an emerging field in computer graphics, where volumetric representations that have a semi-regular tensor-product structure are desired in applications such as three-dimensional (3D) texture mapping and physically-based simulation. At the same time, volumetric parameterization is also needed in the Isogeometric Analysis (IA) paradigm, which uses the same parametric space for representing geometry, simulation attributes and solutions. One of the main advantages of the IA framework is that the user gets feedback directly as attributes of the NURBS model representation, which can represent geometry exactly, avoiding both the need to generate a finite element mesh and the need to reverse engineer the simulation results from the finite element mesh back into the model. Research in this area has largely been concerned with issues of the quality of the analysis and simulation results assuming the existence of a high quality volumetric NURBS model that is appropriate for simulation. However, there are currently no generally applicable approaches to generating such a model or visualizing the higher order smooth isosurfaces of the simulation attributes, either as a part of current Computer Aided Design or Reverse Engineering systems and methodologies. Furthermore, even though the mesh generation pipeline is circumvented in the concept of IA, the quality of the model still significantly influences the analysis result. This work presents a pipeline to create, analyze and visualize NURBS geometries. Based on the concept of analysis-aware modeling, this work focusses in particular on methodologies to decompose a volumetric domain into simpler pieces based on appropriate midstructures by respecting other relevant interior material attributes. The domain is decomposed such that a tensor-product style parameterization can be established on the subvolumes, where the parameterization matches along subvolume boundaries. The volumetric parameterization is optimized using gradient-based nonlinear optimization algorithms and datafitting methods are introduced to fit trivariate B-splines to the parameterized subvolumes with guaranteed order of accuracy. Then, a visualization method is proposed allowing to directly inspect isosurfaces of attributes, such as the results of analysis, embedded in the NURBS geometry. Finally, the various methodologies proposed in this work are demonstrated on complex representations arising in practice and research

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWhile boundary representations, such as nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) surfaces, have traditionally well served the needs of the modeling community, they have not seen widespread adoption among the wider engineering discipline. There is a common perception that NURBS are slow to evaluate and complex to implement. Whereas computer-aided design commonly deals with surfaces, the engineering community must deal with materials that have thickness. Traditional visualization techniques have avoided NURBS, and there has been little cross-talk between the rich spline approximation community and the larger engineering field. Recently there has been a strong desire to marry the modeling and analysis phases of the iterative design cycle, be it in car design, turbulent flow simulation around an airfoil, or lighting design. Research has demonstrated that employing a single representation throughout the cycle has key advantages. Furthermore, novel manufacturing techniques employing heterogeneous materials require the introduction of volumetric modeling representations. There is little question that fields such as scientific visualization and mechanical engineering could benefit from the powerful approximation properties of splines. In this dissertation, we remove several hurdles to the application of NURBS to problems in engineering and demonstrate how their unique properties can be leveraged to solve problems of interest

    A Comprehensive Survey of Isocontouring Methods: Applications, Limitations and Perspectives

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    This paper provides a comprehensive overview of approaches to the determination of isocontours and isosurfaces from given data sets. Different algorithms are reported in the literature for this purpose, which originate from various application areas, such as computer graphics or medical imaging procedures. In all these applications, the challenge is to extract surfaces with a specific isovalue from a given characteristic, so called isosurfaces. These different application areas have given rise to solution approaches that all solve the problem of isocontouring in their own way. Based on the literature, the following four dominant methods can be identified: the marching cubes algorithms, the tessellation-based algorithms, the surface nets algorithms and the ray tracing algorithms. With regard to their application, it can be seen that the methods are mainly used in the fields of medical imaging, computer graphics and the visualization of simulation results. In our work, we provide a broad and compact overview of the common methods that are currently used in terms of isocontouring with respect to certain criteria and their individual limitations. In this context, we discuss the individual methods and identify possible future research directions in the field of isocontouring

    A robust algorithm for implicit description of immersed geometries within a background mesh

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    The paper presents a robust algorithm, which allows to implicitly describe and track immersed geometries within a background mesh. The background mesh is assumed to be unstructured and discretized by tetrahedrons. The contained geometry is assumed to be given as triangulated surface. Within the background mesh, the immersed geometry is described implicitly using a discontinuous distance function based on a level-set approach. This distance function allows to consider both, “double-sided” geometries like membrane or shell structures, and “single-sided” objects for which an enclosed volume is univocally defined. For the second case, the discontinuous distance function is complemented by a continuous signed distance function, whereas ray casting is applied to identify the closed volume regions. Furthermore, adaptive mesh refinement is employed to provide the necessary resolution of the background mesh. The proposed algorithm can handle arbitrarily complicated geometries, possibly containing modeling errors (i.e., gaps, overlaps or a non-unique orientation of surface normals). Another important advantage of the algorithm is the embarrassingly parallel nature of its operations. This characteristic allows for a straightforward parallelization using MPI. All developments were implemented within the open source framework “KratosMultiphysics” and are available under the BSD license. The capabilities of the implementation are demonstrated with various application examples involving practice-oriented geometries. The results finally show, that the algorithm is able to describe most complicated geometries within a background mesh, whereas the approximation quality may be directly controlled by mesh refinement.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A robust algorithm for implicit description of immersed geometries within a background mesh

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    The paper presents a robust algorithm, which allows to implicitly describe and track immersed geometries within a background mesh. The background mesh is assumed to be unstructured and discretized by tetrahedrons. The contained geometry is assumed to be given as triangulated surface. Within the background mesh, the immersed geometry is described implicitly using a discontinuous distance function based on a level-set approach. This distance function allows to consider both, “double-sided” geometries like membrane or shell structures, and “single-sided” objects for which an enclosed volume is univocally defined. For the second case, the discontinuous distance function is complemented by a continuous signed distance function, whereas ray casting is applied to identify the closed volume regions. Furthermore, adaptive mesh refinement is employed to provide the necessary resolution of the background mesh. The proposed algorithm can handle arbitrarily complicated geometries, possibly containing modeling errors (i.e., gaps, overlaps or a non-unique orientation of surface normals). Another important advantage of the algorithm is the embarrassingly parallel nature of its operations. This characteristic allows for a straightforward parallelization using MPI. All developments were implemented within the open source framework “KratosMultiphysics” and are available under the BSD license. The capabilities of the implementation are demonstrated with various application examples involving practice-oriented geometries. The results finally show, that the algorithm is able to describe most complicated geometries within a background mesh, whereas the approximation quality may be directly controlled by mesh refinement

    Particle Systems for Efficient and Accurate High-Order Finite Element Visualization

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    High-performance geometric vascular modelling

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    Image-based high-performance geometric vascular modelling and reconstruction is an essential component of computer-assisted surgery on the diagnosis, analysis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. However, it is an extremely challenging task to efficiently reconstruct the accurate geometric structures of blood vessels out of medical images. For one thing, the shape of an individual section of a blood vessel is highly irregular because of the squeeze of other tissues and the deformation caused by vascular diseases. For another, a vascular system is a very complicated network of blood vessels with different types of branching structures. Although some existing vascular modelling techniques can reconstruct the geometric structure of a vascular system, they are either time-consuming or lacking sufficient accuracy. What is more, these techniques rarely consider the interior tissue of the vascular wall, which consists of complicated layered structures. As a result, it is necessary to develop a better vascular geometric modelling technique, which is not only of high performance and high accuracy in the reconstruction of vascular surfaces, but can also be used to model the interior tissue structures of the vascular walls.This research aims to develop a state-of-the-art patient-specific medical image-based geometric vascular modelling technique to solve the above problems. The main contributions of this research are:- Developed and proposed the Skeleton Marching technique to reconstruct the geometric structures of blood vessels with high performance and high accuracy. With the proposed technique, the highly complicated vascular reconstruction task is reduced to a set of simple localised geometric reconstruction tasks, which can be carried out in a parallel manner. These locally reconstructed vascular geometric segments are then combined together using shape-preserving blending operations to faithfully represent the geometric shape of the whole vascular system.- Developed and proposed the Thin Implicit Patch method to realistically model the interior geometric structures of the vascular tissues. This method allows the multi-layer interior tissue structures to be embedded inside the vascular wall to illustrate the geometric details of the blood vessel in real world

    Integrated structural analysis using isogeometric finite element methods

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    The gradual digitization in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry over the past fifty years led to an extremely heterogeneous software environment, which today is embodied by the multitude of different digital tools and proprietary data formats used by the many specialists contributing to the design process in a construction project. Though these projects become increasingly complex, the demands on financial efficiency and the completion within a tight schedule grow at the same time. The digital collaboration of project partners has been identified as one key issue in successfully dealing with these challenges. Yet currently, the numerous software applications and their respective individual views on the design process severely impede that collaboration. An approach to establish a unified basis for the digital collaboration, regardless of the existing software heterogeneity, is a comprehensive digital building model contributed to by all projects partners. This type of data management known as building information modeling (BIM) has many benefits, yet its adoption is associated with many difficulties and thus, proceeds only slowly. One aspect in the field of conflicting requirements on such a digital model is the cooperation of architects and structural engineers. Traditionally, these two disciplines use different abstractions of reality for their models that in consequence lead to incompatible digital representations thereof. The onset of isogeometric analysis (IGA) promised to ease the discrepancy in design and analysis model representations. Yet, that initial focus quickly shifted towards using these methods as a more powerful basis for numerical simulations. Furthermore, the isogeometric representation alone is not capable of solving the model abstraction problem. It is thus the intention of this work to contribute to an improved digital collaboration of architects and engineers by exploring an integrated analysis approach on the basis of an unified digital model and solid geometry expressed by splines. In the course of this work, an analysis framework is developed that utilizes such models to automatically conduct numerical simulations commonly required in construction projects. In essence, this allows to retrieve structural analysis results from BIM models in a fast and simple manner, thereby facilitating rapid design iterations and profound design feedback. The BIM implementation Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is reviewed with regard to its capabilities of representing the unified model. The current IFC schema strongly supports the use of redundant model data, a major pitfall in digital collaboration. Additionally, it does not allow to describe the geometry by volumetric splines. As the pursued approach builds upon a unique model for both, architectural and structural design, and furthermore requires solid geometry, necessary schema modifications are suggested. Structural entities are modeled by volumetric NURBS patches, each of which constitutes an individual subdomain that, with regard to the analysis, is incompatible with the remaining full model. The resulting consequences for numerical simulation are elaborated in this work. The individual subdomains have to be weakly coupled, for which the mortar method is used. Different approaches to discretize the interface traction fields are implemented and their respective impact on the analysis results is evaluated. All necessary coupling conditions are automatically derived from the related geometry model. The weak coupling procedure leads to a linear system of equations in saddle point form, which, owed to the volumetric modeling, is large in size and, the associated coefficient matrix has, due to the use of higher degree basis functions, a high bandwidth. The peculiarities of the system require adapted solution methods that generally cause higher numerical costs than the standard procedures for symmetric, positive-definite systems do. Different methods to solve the specific system are investigated and an efficient parallel algorithm is finally proposed. When the structural analysis model is derived from the unified model in the BIM data, it does in general initially not meet the requirements on the discretization that are necessary to obtain sufficiently accurate analysis results. The consequently necessary patch refinements must be controlled automatically to allowfor an entirely automatic analysis procedure. For that purpose, an empirical refinement scheme based on the geometrical and possibly mechanical properties of the specific entities is proposed. The level of refinement may be selectively manipulated by the structural engineer in charge. Furthermore, a Zienkiewicz-Zhu type error estimator is adapted for the use with isogeometric analysis results. It is shown that also this estimator can be used to steer an adaptive refinement procedure

    Imaging and Computational Methods for Exploring Sub-cellular Anatomy

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    The ability to create large-scale high-resolution models of biological tissue provides an excellent opportunity for expanding our understanding of tissue structure and function. This is particularly important for brain tissue, where the majority of function occurs at the cellular and sub-cellular level. However, reconstructing tissue at sub-cellular resolution is a complex problem that requires new methods for imaging and data analysis. In this dissertation, I describe a prototype microscopy technique that can image large volumes of tissue at sub-cellular resolution. This method, known as Knife-Edge Scanning Microscopy (KESM), has an extremely high data rate and can capture large tissue samples in a reasonable time frame. We can therefore image complete systems of cells, such as whole small animal organs, in a matter of days. I then describe algorithms that I have developed to cope with large and complex data sets. These include methods for improving image quality, tracing filament networks, and constructing high-resolution anatomical models. These methods are highly parallel and designed to allow users to segment and visualize structures that are unique to high-throughput microscopy data. The resulting models of large-scale tissue structure provide much more detail than those created using standard imaging and segmentation techniques