336 research outputs found

    Havoc awake & Notification System via Android app

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    Since history started, human activities becomes responsible for many natural disasters. Countries or areas which are near to oceans or situated nearer to oceans are most delicate to natural disasters, due to change in climate and geographic position. Still some developing countries are unable to construct efficient disaster preparedness systems to handle natural disasters. Providing warnings and guidelines can save lives of peoples of such disaster prone areas. System is implemented on Android phones as Android phones become extensively famous. Proposed system administer warnings and evacuation process delivery to tourist and blind peoples who can face troubles in searching shelter in new or unknown area. Our system delivers track of closer safe place using Google map. Google map is proven very competent as compared to OpenStreetMap (OSM) and other mapping techniques. Google map delivers faster updates of maps and other interfaces. The experimental result proves the effectiveness of our system. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15068

    Finding the Shortest Route for Kosovo Cities Through Dijkstra's Algorithm

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    Kosovo is a beautiful country with a strong cultural heritage which has a very rich nature. Kosovo is not only mountainous, but also has scenic views and other attractions of high cultural importance. Although a small country, Kosovo has many destinations to see and visit. Therefore, to visit these cities we try to choose the shortest route between these locations. But this is probably very difficult to do manually. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to find the shortest path between the two cities of the Republic of Kosovo through Dijkstra’s algorithm. The mentioned cities are in both ends of the country, where the starting point is the city of Gjakova and the destination is the city of Gjilan. Dijkstra's Algorithm basically starts at the node that you choose and it analyzes the graph to find the shortest path between that node and all the other nodes in the graph. The results of this study showed the importance of Dijkstra's Algorithm, where by measuring the road distance through Google Maps, we came to the conclusion in calculating the shortest route between these cities

    Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm to Find a School Shortest Distance Based on The Zoning System in South Tangerang

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    School is an essential thing for education quality. This time, the South Tangerang government is implementing a new student admission process using a zoning system; all prospective students must choose a school that has the shortest distance from their residence. However, many parents and prospective students do not understand this zoning system. The limited access to information is a problem for them, so they do not know where the schools are included in their zoning area. For this reason, the need to efforts the problem-solve to use Dijkstra's algorithm as a consideration to find the results more accurate for the shortest distance. So the exact solution that should implement the information technology this time is "Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm to Find a School Shortest Distance Based on The Zoning System In South Tangerang." It is a solution for parents and prospective students to get information about school choices included in their zoning.School is an essential thing for education quality. This time, the South Tangerang government is implementing a new student admission process using a zoning system; all prospective students must choose a school that has the shortest distance from their residence. However, many parents and prospective students do not understand this zoning system. The limited access to information is a problem for them, so they do not know where the schools are included in their zoning area. For this reason, the need to efforts the problem-solve to use Dijkstra's algorithm as a consideration to find the results more accurate for the shortest distance. So the exact solution that should implement the information technology this time is "Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm to Find a School Shortest Distance Based on The Zoning System In South Tangerang." It is a solution for parents and prospective students to get information about school choices included in their zoning


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    TransRoute: a web-based vehicle route planning application is proposed in this paper. This application leverages existing input-output (I/O) efficient implementations of shortest path algorithms (SPAs) to implement the proposed system that will fundamentally address the problems experienced in moving people, goods and services from one location to another. A number of SPAs are evaluated using landau notations. Main functionalities of the system will be implemented as a web-enabled geographic information system (GIS) application based on open-source technologies and object-oriented software development methodology using unified modeling language. Pilot implementation is done based on spatial data of three selected states in Nigeria, pulled from web-based mapping tools like Google Maps and Microsoft Bings respectively. In conclusion, the Dijkstra's algorithm implemented with double bucket dynamic data structure is selected for implementing the proposed route planning system, as past research efforts has proven that it is the fastest with run-time improvements from O(m + n/log C) to O(m) respectively. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v36i3.3


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    Globalization Technology is growing very rapidly uncontrollably, the ease of use of technology is supported by the many emerging technology tools that are very easy to obtain, even some technology tools sold at very affordable prices. Android technology installed and packed in the form of smartphones is familiar to use even among people who are marginalized in the corners of the region. Not only are the intellect literate with technology utilizing the ease and development of this technology, even the lay people who utilize the internet network and are familiar with google can also mark the location of its place on google maps. With the globalization of this technology, the author will use the Implementation of Alghorithm Dijkstra In Finding the Shortest Route from the author's residence to Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School – Ldii Di Samarinda. In this study, algorithm Dijkstra used alghorithm in determining the shortest path from the starting point to the destination point in a graff or shortest path with the help of LBS (Location Based Service), GPS, Google Maps, and Graff then found the shortest path was 4.88 km

    Shortest Route at Dynamic Location with Node Combination-Dijkstra Algorithm

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    Online transportation has become a basic requirement of the general public in support of all activities to go to work, school or vacation to the sights. Public transportation services compete to provide the best service so that consumers feel comfortable using the services offered, so that all activities are noticed, one of them is the search for the shortest route in picking the buyer or delivering to the destination. Node Combination method can minimize memory usage and this methode is more optimal when compared to A* and Ant Colony in the shortest route search like Dijkstra algorithm, but can't store the history node that has been passed. Therefore, using node combination algorithm is very good in searching the shortest distance is not the shortest route. This paper is structured to modify the node combination algorithm to solve the problem of finding the shortest route at the dynamic location obtained from the transport fleet by displaying the nodes that have the shortest distance and will be implemented in the geographic information system in the form of map to facilitate the use of the system

    Penerapan Algoritma Dijkstra untuk Mencari Rute Terpendek pada Pengiriman Produk Wafer di PT. XYZ

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    Dijkstra's algorithm is used to find the shortest path based on the smallest weight from one point to another, then Dijkstra's Algorithm calculates all possible smallest weights from each point. Dijkstra's algorithm in this study is used as a tool to calculate all possible smallest weights from the distribution line of PT. XYZ to retailer point. The problems faced by PT. XYZ, the company wants to save shipping time by finding the shortest route that must be passed. The purpose of this study is to determine the shortest route that must be traversed and how far must be taken by PT. XYZ to ship its products to retailers. Based on the analysis of Dijkstra's Algorithm, the results of the shortest route pass through the points 0-3-5-4-6, where point 0 is the starting point or PT. XYZ, point 3 is Jalan Raya Curug – Kosambi, point 5 is Cilangkap, Purwakarta, point 4 is Kalihurip, Cikampek and point 6 is the destination retailer in Dian Anyar, Purwakarta with a total distance of 42.9 km.Algoritma Dijkstra digunakan untuk menemukan lintasan terpendek berdasarkan bobot terkecil dari satu titik ke titik lainnya, maka Algoritma Dijkstra melakukan kalkulasi terhadap semua kemungkinan bobot terkecil dari setiap titik. Algoritma Dijkstra dalam penelitian ini digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengkalkulasikan semua kemungkinan bobot terkecil dari jalur distribusi produsen PT. XYZ ke titik retailer. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh PT. XYZ yaitu perusahaan ingin menghemat waktu pengiriman dengan cara mencari rute terpendek yang harus dilewati. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui rute terpendek yang harus dilalui dan berapa jarak yang harus ditempuh oleh PT. XYZ untuk mengirimkan produknya ke retailer. Berdasarkan analisis Algoritma Dijkstra didapatkan hasil rute terpendek melewati titik-titik 0-3-5-4-6, dimana titik 0 sebagai titik awal atau PT. XYZ, titik 3 sebagai Jalan Raya Curug – Kosambi, titik 5 sebagai Cilangkap, Purwakarta, titik 4 sebagai Kalihurip, Cikampek dan titik 6 sebagai retailer tujuan yang berada di Dian Anyar, Purwakarta dengan total jarak yang harus ditempuh yaitu sebesar 42,9 km

    Information System Design of Online Motorcycle and Car Repair Shop Using Dijkstra Method

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    Now more people are using motorized vehicles. In addition, the use of technology is also increasing, people are increasingly experiencing fast-paced services. However, in the midst of busy society and online services, some services still have to be done manually, one of which is register for a motorcycle or car repair shop. There are still many people difficult to find the right, closest, and comfortable with the needs of their vehicle. With the existing problems, a vehicle service ordering system is needed that can serve the community quickly and practically, which can be accessed by many people, especially in Tangerang City. With a vehicle service ordering system for motorcycles or car repairshop, people can easily find a repair shop that is the closest to their location and can order without having to wait in long queues. The design of the system for the closest repair shop locations uses the Dijkstra method. The workings of Dijkstra's Algorithm is to create a path to one optimal node at each step. Dijkstra's algorithm has the property to find the point whose distance from the starting point is the shortest. To find out whether the system has been accepted and has met the requirements, the system is tested using the User Acceptance Test (UAT) method, and from the test results, 85.1% of users are satisfied with the system

    Determining the Distribution Route Using the Clustered Generalised Vehicle Routing Problem Model and Dijkstra's Algorithm

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    Distributions and logistics processes are the essential element activities integral to the industrial sector, one of them is the distribution of LPG 3 kg. The most common issue that occurs in the distribution process is determining the vehicle routes which are often called Vehicle Routing Problems. PT Amalia Yusri is one of the distributor agents of LPG 3 kg in Banda Aceh and also had the same issue to determine the distribution routes. The Clustered Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem model is used to determine the optimal distribution route on the vertex destinations that have been grouped. Based on the number of requests and vehicle capacity, the grouping and formation of clusters are divided into two days and split into five groups. The first day consists of group 1 and group 2; while on the second day are group 3, group 4, and group 5. The method that is used to optimise distribution distance is Dijkstra Algorithm. From the application of the CGVRP model and Dijkstra Algorithm obtained a total distance for group 1 is 25.582 m, group 2 is 24.650 m, group 3 is 39.350 m, group 4 is 27.500 m, and group 5 is 38.500 m
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