14 research outputs found

    Game Application as Teaching Tool to Assist Mastering Installation of Three-Phase Motor Control Topic: Expert Perception

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    The learning and teaching process using conventional methods might cause students to be unable to highlight their true potential. Besides, it can be more difficult for teachers to choose the types of games that suit the curriculum and students' needs. Hence, this study aims to develop a game application as a teaching assistant tool for a three-phase direct online starter topic in Electrical Technology Malaysian Vocational Certificate subject for Vocational College students using the Android platform. Learning materials and games are developed using multimedia and interactive elements to attract students to be active in using the learning medium based on game applications as 21st-century learning tools. The development purpose of the game application is to give early exposure to students to the installation of three-phase motor control before going through the laboratory session. The behaviorism learning theory and Game development Life Cycle (GDLC) model, were implemented in the game application development in this research. The researcher used Unity 3D software is online software such as Canva and Microsoft PowerPoint design tools interactively to make a game-based learning application for the three-phase motor control installation subject. Based on the analysis of the findings, the experts agreed that the functionality of this three-phase Motor Control game application can be used well and is suitable to be used as a teaching aid. In addition, these research results can be used by teachers to increase students' interest and further make the learning process more interesting to improve student understanding

    Development and Field Testing of a Narrative-Centered Digital Game for English Comprehension

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    This paper describes the development and field testing of Learning Likha: Rangers to the Rescue, a narrative-centered, mobile-based digital game for practicing English comprehension. Twenty-seven (27) student participants from Grades 4, 5, and 6 were invited to play the game and answer a comprehension test to determine their level of understanding of the game’s contents. Self-report questionnaires were also used to assess the extent to which they enjoyed playing the game. Three (3) teachers were likewise invited for a focus group discussion (FGD) to gather their insights about the game and how they may use it in their classes. Student’s self-reported feedback indicated they found the game fun, interesting, and sufficiently challenging. Post-test comprehension scores were generally good. Younger participants scored lower than their older peers but the differences were found to be not significant. Teachers indicated the game has the potential to be used as a supplement for their classes and that their students would enjoy playing it

    The Effect of Gameplay on the Creative Self-Efficacy of Educators in Hypothetical Classroom Management Situations

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    In an ever-changing emotional, psychological, and physically developing world of education, it is important for educators to adapt creative skills to meet learners\u27 needs. It is paramount for educators to develop creative skills to meet the needs of their learners and demonstrate effective classroom management. There is a gap between preservice teacher preparation and the reality of the day-to-day demands of educators. Game-based learning can provide a measure to fill that gap by providing a simulated experience for preservice teachers to encounter possible challenging scenarios. This concept of educational gameplay uses interactive learning that can improve the classroom response to behavioral issues (Bada & Olusegun, 2015). Learning during play is a far superior form of training in that it stimulates multiple learning resources and can create connections that will last longer for most (Resnick, 2017). Educational games can spark creativity (Dyson et al., 2016) and enhance the preservice teacher learning experience (Johnson & Kim, 2021). This research asked how gameplay may affect the creative self-efficacy of educators in hypothetical classroom management situations. In this experimental design, a randomized cluster block was used to explore the impact on a self-report measure of creative self-efficacy before and after participants played a card game simulating challenging student behavior

    Flow Experience as a Quality Measure in Evaluating Physically Activating Collaborative Serious Games

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    The measurement of the subjective playing experience is important part of the game development process. The enjoyment level that a serious game offers is a key factor in determining whether a player will be engaged in the gameplay and achieve the objectives of the game. In this paper we report the results of a game design process in which two prototypes of a collaborative exergame were studied. The main aim of the paper is to explore to what extend the measurement of flow experience can facilitate the game evaluation and design process. Alltogether 102 junior high school students participated in two user experience studies and played collaborative exergames designed to teach soft skills. Playing experience was measured with a flow questionnaire, playing behavior was observed and some of the players were interviewed. The results showed that flow experience can be used to evaluate the overall quality of the gameplay and it provides a structured approach to consider the quality of the game. However, flow does not provide detailed information about the shortages of the game and thus complementary methods is needed to identify the causes. The results also indicated that flow experience was independent of gender that supports its use in quality measurement


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    Abstract. In the past, we adding the knowledge that we have only from school. But now, we can get the knowledge in every activity. One of the activities is a game online. Playing a game online has advantages, but gamer realizes that the advantage is refreshing only. The gamer could get many pieces of knowledge and educations like it said before. One of the knowledge is financial literacy and personal financial management. There is a possibility that playing a game online brings effect on financial literacy and financial management. The descriptive quantitative research has the sample from economic education’s college students of FKIP UKSW (56 students of the classes of 2015-2017). The data was collected form questioner and tested by simple regression. The result shows that playing the game online brings effect on financial literacy. But on the other side, playing the game online do not affect financial literacy.Keywords: game online; financial literacy; individual financial management.Abstrak. Pengetahuan tidak hanya didapatkan dari pelajaran yang diselenggarakan sekolah secara formal. Salah satunya adalah bermain game. Selain menjadi sarana hiburan, game online juga menjadi sarana edukasi. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa game online tidak hanya memberikan dampak yang negatif namun juga dampak yang positif. Banyak macam pengetahuan yang dapat diambil dari penggunaan game. Salah satunya adalah pengetahuan mengenai literasi keuangan. Penggunaan game online ini juga memiliki kemungkinan pengaruh pada pengelolaan keuangan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang terjadi pada penggunaan game online terhadap literasi keuangan dan pengelolaan keuangan. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini mengambil sampel 56 mahasiswa angkatan 2015- 2017 Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UKSW. Data didapatkan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner menggunakan simple random sampling. Setelah data didapatkan, dilakukan pengujian regresi sederhana. Berdasarkan pengujian tersebut, didapatkan hasil bahwa penggunaan game online berpengaruh terhadap literasi keuangan. sementara itu, penggunaan game online tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan keuangan.Kata Kunci: game online; literasi keuangan; pengelolaan keuangan individu


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang serta mengimplementasikan aplikasi gamifikasi berbasis information and communication technology (ICT) pada perkuliahan optik yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa calon guru fisika secara beriringan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed methods dengan desain embedded experimental model. Tahap uji coba dilakukan dengan menggunakan time series design yang melibatkan 34 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Jakarta dan 20 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Bandung. Tahap implementasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pre-test post-test nonequivalent multiple group design yang melibatkan 48 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Ternate (Lokasi I) dan 58 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Bandung (Lokasi II). Data kuantitatif terkait penguasaan konsep, keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa dikumpulkan melalui instrumen tes terintegrasi yang terdiri dari 46 item soal pilihan ganda, 4 item soal pilihan ganda beralasan dan 1 item soal uraian. Data keterlibatan serta perilaku belajar mahasiswa diperoleh dengan menganalisis basis data log history aplikasi OG. Data kualitatif terkait tanggapan mahasiswa dikumpulkan melalui angket. Melalui penelitian ini telah dihasilkan aplikasi gamifikasi berbasis ICT yang dinamakan dengan OpticalGamification (OG). Desain OG model serial didasarkan pada teori belajar bermakna, dimana model ini telah berhasil dalam menyajikan setiap level (sub topik) dan evaluasi dalam sesi-sesi yang dikerjakan secara berurutan. Desain OG model random didasarkan pada teori pembelajaran orang dewasa, dimana model ini telah berhasil memberikan kebebasan akses bagi mahasiswa pada setiap level (sub topik) dan evaluasi dalam sesi-sesi yang dapat dikerjakan secara acak sesuai dengan keinginan mahasiswa. Fitur-fitur pada OpticalGamification (OG) meliputi fitur profil, gamifikasi, forum, proyek, halaman prestasi dan leaderboards. Fitur gamifikasi dirancang dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran siklus belajar tipe empiris abduktif yang meliputi fase eksplorasi, fase pengenalan konsep dan fase aplikasi konsep. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam peningkatan penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan berpikir kritis antara mahasiswa pada grup serial dan grup random. Peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa pada grup random secara signifikan lebih meningkat dibandingkan dengan grup serial khususnya untuk indikator fluency dan flexibility. Pola perilaku belajar mahasiswa pada grup random menunjukkan adanya urutan perilaku yang lebih beragam dibandingkan grup serial. Kedua model gamifikasi yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif solusi dalam merancang aplikasi gamifikasi untuk pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan efisien dimasa mendatang

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