3 research outputs found

    Development of fully automatic inspection systems for large underground concrete pipes partially filled with wastewater

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    The Emschergenossenschaft based in Germany is currently planning the Emscher sewer system, arguably the largest residential water management project in Europe in years to come. The Emschergenossenschaft engaged the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF) in Magdeburg, Germany, as the general contractor to develop automatic inspection and cleaning systems to meet the requirements imposed by legal guidelines. The systems must operate continuously in a sewer line that has diameters ranging from 1400 to 2800 mm and is partially filled, 25% at minimum, all the time. To construct the Emscher sewer system, the Emschergenossenschaft favors a one-pipe line in long sections. A walk-through or inspection by personnel would be impossible in these sections. The Fraunhofer Institute IFF has developed prototypes of all systems for motion through the sewer and all sensor systems, thus achieving a new quality of inspection above and below the water line under these difficult conditions. This article describes significant project results and important components of inspection such as the inspection systems, pipe axis measurement, system positioning, and sensor systems for damage detection. Fundamental for the development of the inspection systems is the detail of the inspection, which goes far beyond the video inspection common today, and the ability to take comparative measurements throughout the sewer system's period of operation in order to track the development of damage

    Development of Wall-Pressed in-Pipe Robot for Cleaning and Inspection Tasks

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    The aim of the project is to design a pipe cleaning and inspection robot for industrial applications. This is going to use very simple mechanism for cleaning the internal area of the pipe with changing diameters. The design is focusing on developing a bevel gear mechanism which can able to clean and translate the robot body into the pipe effectively. Here we are going to use only single DC motor for both cleaning and locomotion in the pipe. The inspection of the pipe is by using the ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is going to give the distance between the obstacle and the robot. According to the distance measured we are going to know about the bends and joints. The ultrasonic sensor is also going to give information regarding the waste materials accumulated in the pip

    The Impact of Occupational Safety on Logistics and Automation in Industrial Plants

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    Research on workplace health and safety analyses the integration of work practices with safety, health and wealth of people at work. The aim of occupational safety is to realize a safe and health work environment, eliminating or reducing the risks for workers' safety and health. The objective of this thesis is the study, integration, development and application of innovative approaches and models for decision-making support in the context of occupational safety in industrial plants and logistics. Such methodologies are expected to lead practitioners and decision-makers, in particular safety professionals and companies, in the management of occupational safety. In particular, this research focuses on the integration and application of ergonomics principles to reduce biomechanical overload of manual work, and methodologies and solutions to improve safety of confined space work in industrial plants. The study of biomechanical overload due to manual handling of loads and awkward postures is the object of several researches and publications addressing the ergonomic risk assessment and the ergonomic approach to remove or reduce the risk of manual handling injuries and disorders. Furthermore, when awkward postures are assumed in high-risk workplaces as confined spaces, the overall risk of work is extremely high. Confined space work is a high-risk activity, posing a significant hazard for both workers and rescuers involved in the emergency response. The leading cause of accidents and fatalities in confined spaces is atmospheric condition (Sahli & Armstrong 1992, Harris et al. 2005, Flynn & Susi, 2010, Meeker, Susi & Flynn 2010, Ye 2011, Bellamy 2015). Further common causes are fire, explosion, ignition of flammable contaminants, spontaneous combustion and contact with temperature extremes. Besides, work activities in confined spaces (e.g., welding and maintenance tasks) frequently require awkward and static postures, at high temperatures. This thesis stresses the importance of implementing health and safety interventions at workplace. These interventions have impact not only on enterprise level but also on individual and social levels. Furthermore, protection of human life is a matter of human rights and human life has an invaluable value. In this thesis, the role of occupational safety and safety strategy as means for the improvement of workers and companies’ performances clearly emerges. Two parallel research fields on occupational safety are investigated: ergonomics and confined spaces. Selected data are introduced related to occupational accidents and diseases due to biomechanical overload and work in confined spaces. The literature survey on controls for risk elimination and reduction shows that technology for safety is available. Nevertheless, injuries and accidents still occur, i.e. safety is frequently considered an expensive investment and a compliance obligation. Specifically, administrative and engineering controls for risk elimination and reduction are introduced for each research field. Administrative controls include work procedures and mathematical models for the design of safe work processes. Such control methods reduce the workers' exposure to occupational risk factors. The ergonomic analysis of manual handling activities drives the modelling by multi-objective optimisation problems in the design of administrative controls for the ergonomic risk reduction in different industries. Administrative controls for risks in confined spaces include work procedures, a multi-criteria decision tool and the analysis of the requirements of Internet of Things (IOT) technologies for reducing the risk of confined space work. The introduction of automation to replace manual work and engineering controls for confined space work are analysed for the risk elimination. Results show that the integration of ergonomics and safety principles in the industrial processes plays a leading role in the successful implementation of the overall strategy. Technologies for safe confined space work and technical solutions assisting workers during manual material handling tasks have been the focus of the Solutions Database Project, funded by the Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale of Bologna (AUSL), Italy. The study of such technological and technical solutions lead to the development of the Solutions Database, a free access database available online for researchers and practitioners (http://safetyengineering.din.unibo.it/en/banca-delle-soluzioni). The thesis ends with the recommendation that companies should integrate workplace health and safety principles to human resource management and work organisation. The management of health and safety issues should be considered to be crucial for workplace development, as a lever to increase performance and productivity. Finally, this research aims to support and reinforce the evolution of the concept of safety in industry, from ex post required obligation, to ex ante optimisation strategy