1,355 research outputs found

    Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Soil Water Content (WC) Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing under Controlled Glass House Conditions for Spring Barley and Sugar Beet

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    Leaf area index (LAI) and water content (WC) in the root zone are two major hydro-meteorological parameters that exhibit a dominant control on water, energy and carbon fluxes, and are therefore important for any regional eco-hydrological or climatological study. To investigate the potential for retrieving these parameter from hyperspectral remote sensing, we have investigated plant spectral reflectance (400-2,500 nm, ASD FieldSpec3) for two major agricultural crops (sugar beet and spring barley) in the mid-latitudes, treated under different water and nitrogen (N) conditions in a greenhouse experiment over the growing period of 2008. Along with the spectral response, we have measured soil water content and LAI for 15 intensive measurement campaigns spread over the growing season and could demonstrate a significant response of plant reflectance characteristics to variations in water content and nutrient conditions. Linear and non-linear dimensionality analysis suggests that the full band reflectance information is well represented by the set of 28 vegetation spectral indices (SI) and most of the variance is explained by three to a maximum of eight variables. Investigation of linear dependencies between LAI and soil WC and pre-selected SI's indicate that: (1) linear regression using single SI is not sufficient to describe plant/soil variables over the range of experimental conditions, however, some improvement can be seen knowing crop species beforehand; (2) the improvement is superior when applying multiple linear regression using three explanatory SI's approach. In addition to linear investigations, we applied the non-linear CART (Classification and Regression Trees) technique, which finally did not show the potential for any improvement in the retrieval process

    Remote Sensing: Useful Approach for Crop Nitrogen Management and Sustainable Agriculture

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    Soil fertility is among the most important criteria that affect crop yield and quality. Nitrogen stress due to the low soil fertility and the lack of nitrogen availability is a major factor limiting the crop productivity in arid and semiarid environments, where fertilization is not optimized in terms of timing and quantity. Managing nitrogen fertilization is one of the most important criteria in the precision agriculture, which helps to improve crop production, environment conditions, and farmer’s economy. It is very important to apply N fertilizers with efficient methods allowing to the nutrient use efficiency and avoiding nitrogen losses and environment contamination. Nowadays, remote sensing methods using spectral and thermal approaches have been proposed as potential indicators to rapid identification of crop nitrogen status by providing information about vegetation canopy properties across large areas. The use of remote sensing methods to schedule nitrogen fertilization can help farmers to practice a more sustainable agriculture, minimizing risks of losing the harvest by providing an adequate rate of nitrogen when the crops’ needs and at a specific location

    Improving field management by machine vision - a review

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    Growing population of people around the world and thus increasing demand to food products as well as high tendency for declining the cost of operations and environmental preserving cares intensify inclination toward the application of variable rate systems for agricultural treatments, in which machine vision as a powerful appliance has been paid vast attention by agricultural researchers and farmers as this technology consumers. Various applications have introduced for machine vision in different fields of agricultural and food industry till now that confirms the high potential of this approach for inspection of different parameters affecting productivity. Computer vision has been utilized for quantification of factors affecting crop growth in field; such as, weed, irrigation, soil quality, plant nutrients and fertilizers in several cases. This paper presents some of these successful applications in addition to representing an introduction to machine vision

    IoT-based systems for soil nutrients assessment in horticulture

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    Soil nutrients assessment has great importance in horticulture. Implementation of an information system for horticulture faces many challenges: (i) great spatial variability within farms (e.g., hilly topography); (ii) different soil properties (e.g., different water holding capacity, different content in sand, sit, clay, and soil organic matter, different pH, and different permeability) for different cultivated plants; (iii) different soil nutrient uptake by different cultivated plants; (iv) small size of monoculture; and (v) great variety of farm components, agroecological zone, and socio-economic factors. Advances in information and communication technologies enable creation of low cost, efficient information systems that would improve resources management and increase productivity and sustainability of horticultural farms. We present an information system based on different sensing capability, Internet of Things, and mobile application for horticultural farms. An overview on different techniques and technologies for soil fertility evaluation is also presented. The results obtained in a botanical garden that simulates the diversity of environment and plant diversity of a horticultural farm are discussed considering the challenges identified in the literature and field research. The study provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the development of technologies that enable horticultural farmers to improve resources management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mehitamata ÔhusÔiduki rakendamine pÔllukultuuride saagikuse ja maa harimisviiside tuvastamisel

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.VĂ€itekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse erialal.This thesis aims to examine how machine learning (ML) technologies have aided significant advancements in image analysis in the area of precision agriculture. These multimodal computing technologies extend the use of machine learning to a broader spectrum of data collecting and selection for the advancement of agricultural practices (Nawar et al., 2017) These techniques will assist complicated cropping systems with more informed decisions with less human intervention, and provide a scalable framework for incorporating expert knowledge of the PA system. (Chlingaryan et al., 2018). Complexity, on the other hand, can be seen as a disadvantage in crop trials, as machine learning models require training/testing databases, limited areas with insignificant sampling sizes, time and space-specificity, and environmental factor interventions, all of which complicate parameter selection and make using a single empirical model for an entire region impractical. During the early stages of writing this thesis, we used a relatively traditional machine learning method to address the regression problem of crop yield and biomass prediction [(i.e., random forest regression (RFR), support vector regression (SVR), and artificial neural network (ANN)] to predicted dry matter (DM) yields of red clover. It obtained favourable results, however, the choosing of hyperparameters, the lengthy algorithms selection process, data cleaning, and redundant collinearity issues significantly limited the way of the machine learning application. We will further discuss the recent trend of automated machine learning (AutoML) that has been driving further significant technological innovation in the application of artificial intelligence from its automated algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization of the deployable pipeline model for unravelling substance problems. However, a present knowledge gap exists in the integration of machine learning (ML) technology with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and hyperspectral-based imaging data categorization and regression applications. In this thesis, we explored a state-of-the-art (SOTA) and entirely open-source AutoML framework, Auto-sklearn, which was built on one of the most frequently used machine learning systems, Scikit-learn. It was integrated with two unique AutoML visualization tools to examine the recognition and acceptance of multispectral vegetation indices (VI) data collected from UAS and hyperspectral narrow-band VIs across a varied spectrum of agricultural management practices (AMP). These procedures incorporate soil tillage method (STM), cultivation method (CM), and manure application (MA), and are classified as four-crop combination fields (i.e., red clover-grass mixture, spring wheat, pea-oat mixture, and spring barley). Additionally, they have not been thoroughly evaluated and lack characteristics that are accessible in agriculture remote sensing applications. This thesis further explores the existing gaps in the knowledge base for several critical crop categories and cultivation management methods referring to biomass and yield analysis, as well as to gain a better understanding of the potential for remotely sensed solutions to field-based and multifunctional platforms to meet precision agriculture demands. To overcome these knowledge gaps, this research introduces a rapid, non-destructive, and low-cost framework for field-based biomass and grain yield modelling, as well as the identification of agricultural management practices. The results may aid agronomists and farmers in establishing more accurate agricultural methods and in monitoring environmental conditions more effectively.Doktoritöö eesmĂ€rk oli uurida, kuidas masinĂ”ppe (MÕ) tehnoloogiad vĂ”imaldavad edusamme tĂ€ppispĂ”llumajanduse valdkonna pildianalĂŒĂŒsis. Multimodaalsed arvutustehnoloogiad laiendavad masinĂ”ppe kasutamist pĂ”llumajanduses andmete kogumisel ja valimisel (Nawar et al., 2017). Selline tĂ€psemal informatsioonil pĂ”hinev tehnoloogia vĂ”imaldab keerukate viljelussĂŒsteemide puhul teha otsuseid inimese vĂ€hema sekkumisega, ja loob skaleeritava raamistiku tĂ€ppispĂ”llumajanduse jaoks (Chlingaryan et al., 2018). PĂ”llukultuuride katsete korral on komplekssete masinĂ”ppemudelite kasutamine keerukas, sest alad on piiratud ning valimi suurus ei ole piisav; vaja on testandmebaase, kindlaid aja- ja ruumitingimusi ning keskkonnategureid. See komplitseerib parameetrite valikut ning muudab ebapraktiliseks ĂŒhe empiirilise mudeli kasutamise terves piirkonnas. Siinse uurimuse algetapis rakendati suhteliselt traditsioonilist masinĂ”ppemeetodit, et lahendada saagikuse ja biomassi prognoosimise regressiooniprobleem (otsustusmetsa regression, tugivektori regressioon ja tehisnĂ€rvivĂ”rk) punase ristiku prognoositava kuivaine saagikuse suhtes. Saadi sobivaid tulemusi, kuid hĂŒperparameetrite valimine, pikk algoritmide valimisprotsess, andmete puhastamine ja kollineaarsusprobleemid takistasid masinĂ”pet oluliselt. Automatiseeritud masinĂ”ppe (AMÕ) uusimate suundumustena rakendatakse tehisintellekti, et lahendada pĂ”hiprobleemid automatiseeritud algoritmi valiku ja rakendatava pipeline-mudeli hĂŒperparameetrite optimeerimise abil. Seni napib teadmisi MÕ tehnoloogia integreerimiseks mehitamata Ă”husĂ”idukite ning hĂŒperspektripĂ”histe pildiandmete kategoriseerimise ja regressioonirakendustega. VĂ€itekirjas uuriti nĂŒĂŒdisaegset ja avatud lĂ€htekoodiga AMÕ tehnoloogiat Auto-sklearn, mis on ĂŒhe enimkasutatava masinĂ”ppesĂŒsteemi Scikit-learn edasiarendus. SĂŒsteemiga liideti kaks unikaalset AMÕ visualiseerimisrakendust, et uurida mehitamata Ă”husĂ”idukiga kogutud andmete multispektraalsete taimkatteindeksite ja hĂŒperspektraalsete kitsaribaandmete taimkatteindeksite tuvastamist ja rakendamist pĂ”llumajanduses. Neid vĂ”tteid kasutatakse mullaharimisel, kultiveerimisel ja sĂ”nnikuga vĂ€etamisel nelja kultuuriga pĂ”ldudel (punase ristiku rohusegu, suvinisu, herne-kaera segu, suvioder). Neid ei ole pĂ”hjalikult hinnatud, samuti ei hĂ”lma need omadusi, mida kasutatatakse pĂ”llumajanduses kaugseire rakendustes. Uurimus kĂ€sitleb biomassi ja saagikuse seni uurimata analĂŒĂŒsivĂ”imalusi oluliste pĂ”llukultuuride ja viljelusmeetodite nĂ€itel. Hinnatakse ka kaugseirelahenduste potentsiaali pĂ”llupĂ”histe ja multifunktsionaalsete platvormide kasutamisel tĂ€ppispĂ”llumajanduses. Uurimus tutvustab kiiret, keskkonna suhtes kahjutut ja mÔÔduka hinnaga tehnoloogiat pĂ”llupĂ”hise biomassi ja teraviljasaagi modelleerimiseks, et leida sobiv viljelusviis. Töö tulemused vĂ”imaldavad pĂ”llumajandustootjatel ja agronoomidel tĂ”husamalt valida pĂ”llundustehnoloogiaid ning arvestada tĂ€psemalt keskkonnatingimustega.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Scieces and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of the European Social Fund

    Nondestructive detection method for the calcium and nitrogen content of living plants based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) using multispectral images

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    Herein, we present the novel method targeted for determination of plant nutritional state with the use of computer vision and Neural Networks. The method is based on multispectral imaging performed by an exclusively designed Agroscanner and a dedicated analytical system for further data analysis with Neural Networks. An Agroscanner is a low-cost mobile construction intended for multispectral measurements at macro-scale, operating at four wavelengths: 470, 550, 640 and 850 nm. Together with developed software and implementation of a Neural Network it was possible to design a unique approach to process acquired plant images and assess information about plant physiological state. The novelty of the developed technology is focused on the multispectral, macro-scale analysis of individual plant leaves, rather than entire fields. Such an approach makes the method highly sensitive and precise. The method presented herein determines the basic physiological deficiencies of crops with around 80% efficiency

    Optimized Angles of the Swing Hyperspectral Imaging Tower for Single Corn Plant

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    During recent years, hyperspectral imaging systems have been widely applied in the greenhouses for plant phenotyping purposes. Current imaging systems are mostly designed as either top view or side view imaging mode. Top-view is an ideal imaging angle for top leaves which are often more flat with more uniform reflectance. However, most bottom leaves are either blocked or shaded from top view. From side view, most leaves are viewable, and the entire structure can be imaged. However, at this angle most of the leaves are not facing the camera, which will impact the measurement quality. At the same time, there could be advantages with certain tilted imaging angle between top view and side view. Therefore, it’s important to explore the impact of different imaging angles to the phenotyping quality. For this purpose, we designed a swing hyperspectral imaging tower which enables us to rotate the camera and lighting source to capture images at any angle from side view (0◩) to top view (90◩). 36 corn plants were grown and divided into 3 different treatments: high nitrogen (N) and well-watered (control group), high N and drought-stressed, and low N and well-watered. Each plant was imaged at 7 different angles from 0◩ to 90◩ with an interval of 15◩. According to different treatments applied on experimental samples, two comparative pairs were set up: drought-stressed group vs. control group (Pair 1); N-deficiency group vs. control group (Pair 2). In this study, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and relative water content (RWC) were computed and compared to determine optimized imaging angle(s). For NDVI, the imaging angle near to top view is optimized to separate Pair 1, while, the imaging angle near to side view is optimized to distinguish Pair 2. For RWC, partial least square regression (PLSR) models were applied to predict pixel-level RWC distribution of each plant, and higher imaging angles (close to top view) are better to tell the RWC distribution difference in Pair 1. In conclusion, higher imaging angles (close to top view) are better to separate different water treatments, while, lower imaging angles (close to side view) are better to separate different N treatments
