388 research outputs found

    Global state predicates in rough real-time

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    Distributed systems are characterized by the fact that the constituent processes have neither common memory nor a common system clock. These processes communicate solely via message passing. While providing a number of benefits such as increased reliability, increased computational power, and geographic dispersion, this architecture significantly complicates many of the tasks of software development and verification, including evaluation of the program state. In the case of distributed systems, the program state is comprised of the local states of the constituent processes, as well as the state of the channels between processes, and is called the global state.;With no common system clock, many distributed system protocols rely on the global ordering of local process events imposed by the message passing that occurs between processes. This leads to a partial global ordering of local process events, which can then be used to determine which process states could (or could not) have occurred simultaneously.;Traditional predicate evaluation protocols evaluate predicates on the global state of a distributed computation using consistent global states. This evaluation is complicated by the fact that the event ordering imposed by message passing is only partial. A complete history of the global states that occurred during an execution cannot always be constructed. This introduces inefficiency into predicate detection protocols and prohibits detection of certain predicates.;This dissertation explores the use of this rough global time base for global state predicate evaluation within distributed systems. By structuring the evaluation on the assumption that a global time base exists, we can develop simple and efficient protocols for both stable and unstable predicate evaluation. Further, we can evaluate certain predicates which are not easily evaluated using consistent global states. We demonstrate these advantages by developing protocols for detection of distributed termination, distributed deadlock detection, and detection of certain unstable predicates as they occur. as the global time base is rough, we can only detect unstable predicates which remain true for a sufficient duration. We additionally develop several formalizations which assist the protocol developer in dealing with the fact that the global time base is not perfect. We demonstrate the application of these formalizations within the protocols that we develop

    Combating state explosion in the detection of dynamic properties of distributed computations

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    In the context of asynchronous distributed systems, many important applications depend on the ability to check that all observations of the execution of a distributed program, or distributed computation, satisfy a desired (or undesired) temporal evolution of states, or dynamic property. Examples include the implementation of distributed algorithms, automated testing via oracles, debugging, and building fault-tolerant applications through exception detection and handling. When a distributed program exhibits a high degree of concurrency, the number of possible observations of an execution can grow exponentially, quickly leading to an explosion in the amount of space and time required to check a dynamic property. In the worst case, detection of such properties may be defeated. This is the run-time counterpart of the well-known state explosion problem studied in model checking. In this thesis, we study the problem of state explosion as it arises in the detection of dynamic properties. In particular, we consider the potential of applying well-known techniques for dealing with state explosion from model checking to the case of dynamic property detection. Significant semantic similarities between the two problems means that there is great potential for deriving techniques for dealing with state explosion in dynamic property detection based on existing model checking techniques. However, differences between the contexts in which model checking and dynamic property detection take place mean that not all approaches to dealing with state explosion in model checking may carryover to the run-time case. We investigate these similarities and differences and provide the development and analysis of two approaches for combating state explosion in dynamic property detection based on model checking methods: on-the-fly automata theoretic model checking, and partial order reduction.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A Hierarchical Filtering-Based Monitoring Architecture for Large-scale Distributed Systems

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    On-line monitoring is essential for observing and improving the reliability and performance of large-scale distributed (LSD) systems. In an LSD environment, large numbers of events are generated by system components during their execution and interaction with external objects (e.g. users or processes). These events must be monitored to accurately determine the run-time behavior of an LSD system and to obtain status information that is required for debugging and steering applications. However, the manner in which events are generated in an LSD system is complex and represents a number of challenges for an on-line monitoring system. Correlated events axe generated concurrently and can occur at multiple locations distributed throughout the environment. This makes monitoring an intricate task and complicates the management decision process. Furthermore, the large number of entities and the geographical distribution inherent with LSD systems increases the difficulty of addressing traditional issues, such as performance bottlenecks, scalability, and application perturbation. This dissertation proposes a scalable, high-performance, dynamic, flexible and non-intrusive monitoring architecture for LSD systems. The resulting architecture detects and classifies interesting primitive and composite events and performs either a corrective or steering action. When appropriate, information is disseminated to management applications, such as reactive control and debugging tools. The monitoring architecture employs a novel hierarchical event filtering approach that distributes the monitoring load and limits event propagation. This significantly improves scalability and performance while minimizing the monitoring intrusiveness. The architecture provides dynamic monitoring capabilities through: subscription policies that enable applications developers to add, delete and modify monitoring demands on-the-fly, an adaptable configuration that accommodates environmental changes, and a programmable environment that facilitates development of self-directed monitoring tasks. Increased flexibility is achieved through a declarative and comprehensive monitoring language, a simple code instrumentation process, and automated monitoring administration. These elements substantially relieve the burden imposed by using on-line distributed monitoring systems. In addition, the monitoring system provides techniques to manage the trade-offs between various monitoring objectives. The proposed solution offers improvements over related works by presenting a comprehensive architecture that considers the requirements and implied objectives for monitoring large-scale distributed systems. This architecture is referred to as the HiFi monitoring system. To demonstrate effectiveness at debugging and steering LSD systems, the HiFi monitoring system has been implemented at the Old Dominion University for monitoring the Interactive Remote Instruction (IRI) system. The results from this case study validate that the HiFi system achieves the objectives outlined in this thesis

    On Cognitive Preferences and the Plausibility of Rule-based Models

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    It is conventional wisdom in machine learning and data mining that logical models such as rule sets are more interpretable than other models, and that among such rule-based models, simpler models are more interpretable than more complex ones. In this position paper, we question this latter assumption by focusing on one particular aspect of interpretability, namely the plausibility of models. Roughly speaking, we equate the plausibility of a model with the likeliness that a user accepts it as an explanation for a prediction. In particular, we argue that, all other things being equal, longer explanations may be more convincing than shorter ones, and that the predominant bias for shorter models, which is typically necessary for learning powerful discriminative models, may not be suitable when it comes to user acceptance of the learned models. To that end, we first recapitulate evidence for and against this postulate, and then report the results of an evaluation in a crowd-sourcing study based on about 3.000 judgments. The results do not reveal a strong preference for simple rules, whereas we can observe a weak preference for longer rules in some domains. We then relate these results to well-known cognitive biases such as the conjunction fallacy, the representative heuristic, or the recogition heuristic, and investigate their relation to rule length and plausibility.Comment: V4: Another rewrite of section on interpretability to clarify focus on plausibility and relation to interpretability, comprehensibility, and justifiabilit

    Integration of analysis techniques in security and fault-tolerance

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    This thesis focuses on the study of integration of formal methodologies in security protocol analysis and fault-tolerance analysis. The research is developed in two different directions: interdisciplinary and intra-disciplinary. In the former, we look for a beneficial interaction between strategies of analysis in security protocols and fault-tolerance; in the latter, we search for connections among different approaches of analysis within the security area. In the following we summarize the main results of the research

    Modeling and Analyzing Timed Security Protocols Using Extended Timed CSP

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SSIRI.2010.29Security protocols are hard to design, even under the assumption of perfect cryptography. This is especially true when a protocol involves different timing aspects such as timestamps, timeout, delays and a set of timing constraints. In this paper, we propose a methodology for modeling and analyzing security protocols that are aware of timing aspects. We develop a formalism for modeling security protocols by extending Timed CSP with the capability of stating complicated timing behaviors for processes and events. A reasoning mechanism for the proposed formalism is developed based on Constraint Logic Programming (CLP). Using the reasoning engine built in CLP, the authentication properties of timed security protocols are able to be verified and attacks can be discovered. We demonstrate the capability of our method by modeling and verifying real-world security protocols. New approaches of using timing information to unfold and prevent potential attacks are also presented

    A debugging engine for parallel and distributed programs

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    DissertaĆ§Ć£o apresentada para a obtenĆ§Ć£o do Grau de Doutor em InformĆ”tica pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiĆŖncias e Tecnologia.In the last decade a considerable amount of research work has focused on distributed debugging, one of the crucial fields in the parallel software development cycle. The productivity of the software development process strongly depends on the adequate definition of what debugging tools should be provided, and what debugging methodologies and functionalities should these tools support. The work described in this dissertation was initiated in 1995, in the context of two research projects, the SEPP (Software Engineering for Parallel Processing) and HPCTI (High-Performance Computing Tools for Industry), both sponsored by the European Union in the Copernicus programme, which aimed at the design and implementation of an integrated parallel software development environment. In the context of these projects, two independent toolsets have been developed, the GRADE and EDPEPPS parallel software development environments. Our contribution to these projects was in the debugging support. We have designed a debugging engine and developed a prototype, which was integrated the both toolsets (it was the only tool developed in the context of the SEPP and HPCTI projects which achieved such a result). Even after the closing of those research projects, further research work on distributed debugger has been carried on, which conducted to the re-design and re-implementation of the debugging engine. This dissertation describes the debugging engine according to its most up-to-date design and implementation stages. It also reposts some of the experimentalworkmade with both the initial and the current implementations, and how it contributed to validate the design and implementations of the debugging engine

    Dependence-Based Source Level Tracing and Replay for Networked Embedded Systems

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    Error detection and diagnosis for networked embedded systems remain challenging and tedious due to issues such as a large number of computing entities, hardware resource constraints, and non-deterministic behaviors. The run-time checking is often necessitated by the fact that the static verification fails whenever there exist conditions unknown prior to execution. Complexities in hardware, software and even the operating environments can also defeat the static analysis and simulations. Record-and-replay has long been proposed for distributed systems error diagnosis. Under this method, assertions are inserted in the target program for run-time error detection. At run-time, the violation of any asserted property triggers actions for reporting an error and saving an execution trace for error replay. This dissertation takes wireless sensor networks, a special but representative type of networked embedded systems, as an example to propose a dependence-based source-level tracing-and-replay methodology for detecting and reproducing errors. This work makes three main contributions towards making error detection and replay automatic. First, SensorC, a domain-specific language for wireless sensor networks, is proposed to specify properties at a high level. This property specification approach can be not only used in our record-replay methodology but also integrated with other verification analysis approaches, such as model checking. Second, a greedy heuristic method is developed to decompose global properties into a set of local ones with the goal of minimizing the communication traffic for state information exchanges. Each local property is checked by a certain sensor node. Third, a dependence-based multi-level method for memory-efficient tracing and replay is proposed. In the interest of portability across different hardware platforms, this method is implemented as a source-level tracing and replaying tool. To test our methodology, we have built different wireless sensor networks by using TelosB motes and Zolertia Z1 motes separately. The experiments\u27 results show that our work has made it possible to instrument several test programs on wireless sensor networks under the stringent program memory constraint, reduce the data transferring required for error detection, and find and diagnose realistic errors
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