442 research outputs found

    How to Measure Gender Bias in Machine Translation: Optimal Translators, Multiple Reference Points

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    In this paper, as a case study, we present a systematic study of gender bias in machine translation with Google Translate. We translated sentences containing names of occupations from Hungarian, a language with gender-neutral pronouns, into English. Our aim was to present a fair measure for bias by comparing the translations to an optimal non-biased translator. When assessing bias, we used the following reference points: (1) the distribution of men and women among occupations in both the source and the target language countries, as well as (2) the results of a Hungarian survey that examined if certain jobs are generally perceived as feminine or masculine. We also studied how expanding sentences with adjectives referring to occupations effect the gender of the translated pronouns. As a result, we found bias against both genders, but biased results against women are much more frequent. Translations are closer to our perception of occupations than to objective occupational statistics. Finally, occupations have a greater effect on translation than adjectives.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures; updated submission, updated references, corrected typ

    Gender bias in natural language processing

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    (English) Gender bias is a dangerous form of social bias impacting an essential group of people. The effect of gender bias is propagated to our data, causing the accuracy of the predictions in models to be different depending on gender. In the deep learning era, our models are highly impacted by the training data transferring the negative biases in the data to the models. Natural Language Processing models encounter this amplification of bias in the data. Our thesis is devoted to studying the issue of gender bias in NLP applications from different points of view. To understand and manage the effect of bias amplification, evaluation and mitigation approaches have to be explored. The scientific society has exerted significant efforts in these two directions to enable proposing solutions to the problem. Our thesis is devoted to these two main directions; proposing evaluation schemes, whether as datasets or mechanisms, besides suggesting mitigation techniques. For evaluation, we proposed techniques for evaluating bias in contextualized embeddings and multilingual translation models. Besides, we presented benchmarks for evaluating bias for speech translation and multilingual machine translation models. For mitigation direction, we proposed different approaches in machine translation models by adding contextual text, contextual embeddings, or relaxing the architecture’s constraints. Our evaluation studies concluded that gender bias is encoded strongly in contextual embeddings representing professions and stereotypical nouns. We also unveiled that algorithms amplify the bias and that the system’s architecture impacts the behavior. For the evaluation purposes, we contributed to creating several benchmarks for the evaluation purpose; we introduced a benchmark that evaluates gender bias in speech translation systems. This research suggests that the current state of speech translation systems does not enable us to evaluate gender bias accurately because of the low quality of speech translation systems. Additionally, we proposed a toolkit for building multilingual balanced datasets for training and evaluating NMT models. These datasets are balanced within the gender occupation-wise. We found out that high-resource languages usually tend to predict more precise male translations. Our mitigation studies in NMT suggest that the nature of datasets and languages needs to be considered to apply the right approach. Mitigating bias can rely on adding contextual information. However, in other cases, we need to rethink the model and relax some influencing conditions to the bias that do not affect the general performance but reduce the effect of bias amplification.(Español) El prejuicio de género es una forma peligrosa de sesgo social que afecta a un grupo esencial de personas. El efecto del prejuicio de género se propaga a nuestros datos, lo que hace quela precisión de las predicciones en los modelos sea diferente según el género. En la era del aprendizaje profundo, nuestros modelos se ven afectados por los datos de entrenamiento que transfieren los prejuicios de los datos a los modelos. Los modelos de procesamiento del lenguaje natural pueden además amplificar este sesgo en los datos. Para comprender el efecto de la amplificación del prejuicio de género, se deben explorar enfoques de evaluación y mitigación. La sociedad científica ha visto la importancía de estas dos direcciones para posibilitar la propuesta de soluciones al problema. Nuestra tesis está dedicada a estas dos direcciones principales; proponiendo esquemas de evaluación, ya sea como conjuntos de datos y mecanismos de evaluación, además de sugerir técnicas de mitigación. Para la evaluación, propusimos técnicas para evaluar el prejuicio en representaciones vectoriales contextualizadas y modelos de traducción multilingüe. Además, presentamos puntos de referencia para evaluar el prejuicio de la traducción de voz y los modelos de traducción automática multilingüe. Para la dirección de mitigación, propusimos diferentes enfoques en los modelos de traducción automática agregando texto contextual, incrustaciones contextuales o relajando las restricciones de la arquitectura. Nuestros estudios de evaluación concluyeron que el prejuicio de género está fuertemente codificado en representaciones vectoriales contextuales que representan profesiones y sustantivos estereotipados. También revelamos que los algoritmos amplifican el sesgo y que la arquitectura del sistema afecta el comportamiento. Para efectos de evaluación, contribuimos a la creación de varios datos de referencia para fines de evaluación; presentamos un conjunto de datos que evalúa el sesgo de género en los sistemas de traducción de voz. Esta investigación sugiere que el estado actual de los sistemas de traducción del habla no nos permite evaluar con precisión el sesgo de género debido a la baja calidad de los sistemas de traducción del habla. Además, propusimos un conjunto de herramientas para construir conjuntos de datos equilibrados multilingües para entrenar y evaluar modelos NMT. Estos conjuntos de datos están equilibrados dentro de la ocupación de género. Descubrimos que los idiomas con muchos recursos generalmente tienden a predecir traducciones masculinas más precisas. Nuestros estudios de mitigación en NMT sugieren que se debe considerar la naturaleza de los conjuntos de datos y los idiomas para aplicar el enfoque correcto. La mitigación del sesgo puede basarse en agregar información contextual. Sin embargo, en otros casos, necesitamos repensar el modelo y relajar algunas condiciones que influyen en el sesgo que no afectan el rendimiento general pero reducen el efecto de la amplificación del sesgo.Postprint (published version

    Discourse-aware neural machine translation

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    Machine translation (MT) models usually translate a text by considering isolated sentences based on a strict assumption that the sentences in a text are independent of one another. However, it is a truism that texts have properties of connectedness that go beyond those of their individual sentences. Disregarding dependencies across sentences will harm translation quality especially in terms of coherence, cohesion, and consistency. Previously, some discourse-aware approaches have been investigated for conventional statistical machine translation (SMT). However, this is a serious obstacle for the state-of-the-art neural machine translation (NMT), which recently has surpassed the performance of SMT. In this thesis, we try to incorporate useful discourse information for enhancing NMT models. More specifically, we conduct research on two main parts: 1) exploiting novel document-level NMT architecture; and 2) dealing with a specific discourse phenomenon for translation models. Firstly, we investigate the influence of historical contextual information on the perfor- mance of NMT models. A cross-sentence context-aware NMT model is proposed to consider the influence of previous sentences in the same document. Specifically, this history is summarized using an additional hierarchical encoder. The historical representations are then integrated into the standard NMT model in different strategies. Experimental results on a Chinese–English document-level translation task show that the approach significantly improves upon a strong attention-based NMT system by up to +2.1 BLEU points. In addition, analysis and comparison also give insightful discussions and conclusions for this research direction. Secondly, we explore the impact of discourse phenomena on the performance of MT. In this thesis, we focus on the phenomenon of pronoun-dropping (pro-drop), where, in pro-drop languages, pronouns can be omitted when it is possible to infer the referent from the context. As the data for training a dropped pronoun (DP) generator is scarce, we propose to automatically annotate DPs using alignment information from a large parallel corpus. We then introduce a hybrid approach: building a neural-based DP generator and integrating it into the SMT model. Experimental results on both Chinese–English and Japanese–English translation tasks demonstrate that our approach achieves a significant improvement of up to +1.58 BLEU points with 66% F-score for DP generation accuracy. Motivated by this promising result, we further exploit the DP translation approach for advanced NMT models. A novel reconstruction-based model is proposed to reconstruct the DP-annotated source sentence from the hidden states of either encoder or decoder, or both components. Experimental results on the same translation tasks show that the proposed approach significantly and consistently improves translation performance over a strong NMT baseline, which is trained on DP-annotated parallel data. To avoid the errors propagated from an external DP prediction model, we finally investigate an end-to-end DP translation model. Specifically, we improve the reconstruction-based model from three perspectives. We first employ a shared reconstructor to better exploit encoder and decoder representations. Secondly, we propose to jointly learn to translate and predict DPs. In order to capture discourse information for DP prediction, we finally combine the hierarchical encoder with the DP translation model. Experimental results on the same translation tasks show that our approach significantly improves both translation performance and DP prediction accuracy

    CRF-based Disfluency Detection using Semantic Features for German to English Spoken Language Translation

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    Disfluencies in speech pose severe difficulties in machine translation of spontaneous speech. This paper presents our conditional random field (CRF)-based speech disfluency detection system developed on German to improve spoken language translation performance. In order to detect speech disfluencies considering syntactics and semantics of speech utterances, we carried out a CRF-based approach using information learned from the word representation and the phrase table used for machine translation. The word representation is gained using recurrent neural networks and projected words are clustered using the k-means algorithm. Using the output from the model trained with the word representations and phrase table information, we achieve an improvement of 1.96 BLEU points on the lecture test set. By keeping or removing humanannotated disfluencies, we show an upper bound and lower bound of translation quality. In an oracle experiment we gain 3.16 BLEU points of improvement on the lecture test set, compared to the same set with all disfluencies

    Coreference Resolution for Arabic

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    Recently, there has been enormous progress in coreference resolution. These recent developments were applied to Chinese, English and other languages, with outstanding results. However, languages with a rich morphology or fewer resources, such as Arabic, have not received as much attention. In fact, when this PhD work started there was no neural coreference resolver for Arabic, and we were not aware of any learning-based coreference resolver for Arabic since [Björkelund and Kuhn, 2014]. In addition, as far as we know, whereas lots of attention had been devoted to the phemomenon of zero anaphora in languages such as Chinese or Japanese, no neural model for Arabic zero-pronoun anaphora had been developed. In this thesis, we report on a series of experiments on Arabic coreference resolution in general and on zero anaphora in particular. We propose a new neural coreference resolver for Arabic, and we present a series of models for identifying and resolving Arabic zero pronouns. Our approach for zero-pronoun identification and resolution is applicable to other languages, and was also evaluated on Chinese, with results surpassing the state of the art at the time. This research also involved producing revised versions of standard datasets for Arabic coreference

    Mitigating Gender Bias in Neural Machine Translation Using Counterfactual Data

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    Recent advances in deep learning have greatly improved the ability of researchers to develop effective machine translation systems. In particular, the application of modern neural architectures, such as the Transformer, has achieved state-of-the-art BLEU scores in many translation tasks. However, it has been found that even state-of-the-art neural machine translation models can suffer from certain implicit biases, such as gender bias (Lu et al., 2019). In response to this issue, researchers have proposed various potential solutions: some have proposed approaches that inject missing gender information into models, while others have attempted modifying the training data itself. We focus on mitigating gender bias through the use of both counterfactual data augmentation and data substitution techniques, exploring how the two techniques compare when applied to different datasets, how gender bias mitigation varies with the amount of counterfactual data used, and how these techniques may affect BLEU score

    Incorporating pronoun function into statistical machine translation

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    Pronouns are used frequently in language, and perform a range of functions. Some pronouns are used to express coreference, and others are not. Languages and genres differ in how and when they use pronouns and this poses a problem for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems (Le Nagard and Koehn, 2010; Hardmeier and Federico, 2010; Novák, 2011; Guillou, 2012; Weiner, 2014; Hardmeier, 2014). Attention to date has focussed on coreferential (anaphoric) pronouns with NP antecedents, which when translated from English into a language with grammatical gender, must agree with the translation of the head of the antecedent. Despite growing attention to this problem, little progress has been made, and little attention has been given to other pronouns. The central claim of this thesis is that pronouns performing different functions in text should be handled differently by SMT systems and when evaluating pronoun translation. This motivates the introduction of a new framework to categorise pronouns according to their function: Anaphoric/cataphoric reference, event reference, extra-textual reference, pleonastic, addressee reference, speaker reference, generic reference, or other function. Labelling pronouns according to their function also helps to resolve instances of functional ambiguity arising from the same pronoun in the source language having multiple functions, each with different translation requirements in the target language. The categorisation framework is used in corpus annotation, corpus analysis, SMT system development and evaluation. I have directed the annotation and conducted analyses of a parallel corpus of English-German texts called ParCor (Guillou et al., 2014), in which pronouns are manually annotated according to their function. This provides a first step toward understanding the problems that SMT systems face when translating pronouns. In the thesis, I show how analysis of manual translation can prove useful in identifying and understanding systematic differences in pronoun use between two languages and can help inform the design of SMT systems. In particular, the analysis revealed that the German translations in ParCor contain more anaphoric and pleonastic pronouns than their English originals, reflecting differences in pronoun use. This raises a particular problem for the evaluation of pronoun translation. Automatic evaluation methods that rely on reference translations to assess pronoun translation, will not be able to provide an adequate evaluation when the reference translation departs from the original source-language text. I also show how analysis of the output of state-of-the-art SMT systems can reveal how well current systems perform in translating different types of pronouns and indicate where future efforts would be best directed. The analysis revealed that biases in the training data, for example arising from the use of “it” and “es” as both anaphoric and pleonastic pronouns in both English and German, is a problem that SMT systems must overcome. SMT systems also need to disambiguate the function of those pronouns with ambiguous surface forms so that each pronoun may be translated in an appropriate way. To demonstrate the value of this work, I have developed an automated post-editing system in which automated tools are used to construct ParCor-style annotations over the source-language pronouns. The annotations are then used to resolve functional ambiguity for the pronoun “it” with separate rules applied to the output of a baseline SMT system for anaphoric vs. non-anaphoric instances. The system was submitted to the DiscoMT 2015 shared task on pronoun translation for English-French. As with all other participating systems, the automatic post-editing system failed to beat a simple phrase-based baseline. A detailed analysis, including an oracle experiment in which manual annotation replaces the automated tools, was conducted to discover the causes of poor system performance. The analysis revealed that the design of the rules and their strict application to the SMT output are the biggest factors in the failure of the system. The lack of automatic evaluation metrics for pronoun translation is a limiting factor in SMT system development. To alleviate this problem, Christian Hardmeier and I have developed a testing regimen called PROTEST comprising (1) a hand-selected set of pronoun tokens categorised according to the different problems that SMT systems face and (2) an automated evaluation script. Pronoun translations can then be automatically compared against a reference translation, with mismatches referred for manual evaluation. The automatic evaluation was applied to the output of systems submitted to the DiscoMT 2015 shared task on pronoun translation. This again highlighted the weakness of the post-editing system, which performs poorly due to its focus on producing gendered pronoun translations, and its inability to distinguish between pleonastic and event reference pronouns