225 research outputs found

    Urban Anomaly Analytics: Description, Detection, and Prediction

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    Urban anomalies may result in loss of life or property if not handled properly. Automatically alerting anomalies in their early stage or even predicting anomalies before happening is of great value for populations. Recently, data-driven urban anomaly analysis frameworks have been forming, which utilize urban big data and machine learning algorithms to detect and predict urban anomalies automatically. In this survey, we make a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art research on urban anomaly analytics. We first give an overview of four main types of urban anomalies, traffic anomaly, unexpected crowds, environment anomaly, and individual anomaly. Next, we summarize various types of urban datasets obtained from diverse devices, i.e., trajectory, trip records, CDRs, urban sensors, event records, environment data, social media and surveillance cameras. Subsequently, a comprehensive survey of issues on detecting and predicting techniques for urban anomalies is presented. Finally, research challenges and open problems as discussed.Peer reviewe

    Trajectory data mining: A review of methods and applications

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    The increasing use of location-aware devices has led to an increasing availability of trajectory data. As a result, researchers devoted their efforts to developing analysis methods including different data mining methods for trajectories. However, the research in this direction has so far produced mostly isolated studies and we still lack an integrated view of problems in applications of trajectory mining that were solved, the methods used to solve them, and applications using the obtained solutions. In this paper, we first discuss generic methods of trajectory mining and the relationships between them. Then, we discuss and classify application problems that were solved using trajectory data and relate them to the generic mining methods that were used and real world applications based on them. We classify trajectory-mining application problems under major problem groups based on how they are related. This classification of problems can guide researchers in identifying new application problems. The relationships between the methods together with the association between the application problems and mining methods can help researchers in identifying gaps between methods and inspire them to develop new methods. This paper can also guide analysts in choosing a suitable method for a specific problem. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an integrated view relating applications of mining trajectory data and the methods used

    A Clustering-Based Framework for Individual Travel Behaviour Change Detection

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    Detecting Flow Anomalies in Distributed Systems

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    Deep within the networks of distributed systems, one often finds anomalies that affect their efficiency and performance. These anomalies are difficult to detect because the distributed systems may not have sufficient sensors to monitor the flow of traffic within the interconnected nodes of the networks. Without early detection and making corrections, these anomalies may aggravate over time and could possibly cause disastrous outcomes in the system in the unforeseeable future. Using only coarse-grained information from the two end points of network flows, we propose a network transmission model and a localization algorithm, to detect the location of anomalies and rank them using a proposed metric within distributed systems. We evaluate our approach on passengers' records of an urbanized city's public transportation system and correlate our findings with passengers' postings on social media microblogs. Our experiments show that the metric derived using our localization algorithm gives a better ranking of anomalies as compared to standard deviation measures from statistical models. Our case studies also demonstrate that transportation events reported in social media microblogs matches the locations of our detect anomalies, suggesting that our algorithm performs well in locating the anomalies within distributed systems

    Probabilistic Modelling for Unsupervised Analysis of Human Behaviour in Smart Cities

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    The growth of urban areas in recent years has motivated a large amount of new sensor applications in smart cities. At the centre of many new applications stands the goal of gaining insights into human activity. Scalable monitoring of urban environments can facilitate better informed city planning, efficient security, regular transport and commerce. A large part of monitoring capabilities have already been deployed; however, most rely on expensive motion imagery and privacy invading video cameras. It is possible to use a low-cost sensor alternative, which enables deep understanding of population behaviour such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) data. However, the automated analysis of such low dimensional sensor data, requires new flexible and structured techniques that can describe the generative distribution and time dynamics of the observation data, while accounting for external contextual influences such as time of day or the difference between weekend/weekday trends. In this paper, we propose a novel time series analysis technique that allows for multiple different transition matrices depending on the data’s contextual realisations all following shared adaptive observational models that govern the global distribution of the data given a latent sequence. The proposed approach, which we name Adaptive Input Hidden Markov model (AI-HMM) is tested on two datasets from different sensor types: GPS trajectories of taxis and derived vehicle counts in populated areas. We demonstrate that our model can group different categories of behavioural trends and identify time specific anomalies

    Routine pattern discovery and anomaly detection in individual travel behavior

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    Discovering patterns and detecting anomalies in individual travel behavior is a crucial problem in both research and practice. In this paper, we address this problem by building a probabilistic framework to model individual spatiotemporal travel behavior data (e.g., trip records and trajectory data). We develop a two-dimensional latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model to characterize the generative mechanism of spatiotemporal trip records of each traveler. This model introduces two separate factor matrices for the spatial dimension and the temporal dimension, respectively, and use a two-dimensional core structure at the individual level to effectively model the joint interactions and complex dependencies. This model can efficiently summarize travel behavior patterns on both spatial and temporal dimensions from very sparse trip sequences in an unsupervised way. In this way, complex travel behavior can be modeled as a mixture of representative and interpretable spatiotemporal patterns. By applying the trained model on future/unseen spatiotemporal records of a traveler, we can detect her behavior anomalies by scoring those observations using perplexity. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modeling framework on a real-world license plate recognition (LPR) data set. The results confirm the advantage of statistical learning methods in modeling sparse individual travel behavior data. This type of pattern discovery and anomaly detection applications can provide useful insights for traffic monitoring, law enforcement, and individual travel behavior profiling
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