726 research outputs found

    Integration of IoT and chatbot for aquaculture with natural language processing

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    The development of internet of things (IoT) technology is very fast lately. One sector that can be implemented by IoT technology is the aquaculture sector. One important factor in the success of aquaculture is a good and controlled water quality condition. But the problem for the traditional aquaculture farmers is to monitor and increase the water quality quickly and efficiently. To resolve the above-mentioned problem, this paper proposes a real-time monitoring system for aquaculture and supported with chatbot assistant to facilitate the user. This system was composed of IoT system, cloud system, and chatbot system. The proposed system consists of 7 main modules: smart sensors, smart aeration system, local network system, cloud computing system, client visualization data, chatbot system, and solar powered system. The smart aeration system consists of NodeMCU, relay, and aerator. The smart sensors consist of several sensors such as dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and water level sensor. Natural language processing is implemented to build the chatbot system. By combining text mining processing with naive Bayes algorithm, the result shows the very good performance with high precision and recall for each class to monitor the quality of water in aquaculture sector

    IoT-based guppy fish farming monitoring and controlling system

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    Nowadays, monitoring of guppy fish farming is still done manually. A monitoring and control system is needed to make it easier for guppy fish farmers. This system consists of a sensor module and monitoring module. Sensor module detects the value of pH and salinity of water and send it to the monitoring module. Monitoring is used as a web-based system using IoT technology. This web-based system serves to monitor and control the pH value and only monitor the salinity value. The workings of the monitoring and control system send data on pH and salinity sent by the sensor and then stored and in database hosting. Data on the database will be displayed on the website using wireless media, making it easier for users to view data and information remotely. Beside, farmers are facilitated in knowing the value of pH and salt content dissolved in water. For the value of a dangerous salt content worth less than 160 and more than 210, if for a pH of less than 6.5 and more than 7.5. Farmers are also facilitated to control pH with servo motors through the website, so farmers can prevent if the pH content dissolved in water is dangerous for guppy fish

    Design and Implementation of Embedded Water Quality Control and Monitoring System for Indoor Shrimp Cultivation

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    Maintaining the water quality of a pond is one of the main issues on aquaculture management. Water quality represents the condition of a pond based on several water parameters such as dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, pH, and salinity. All of these parameters need to be strictly supervised since it affects the life-sustainability of cultivated organisms. However, DO is said to be the main parameter since it affects the growth and survival rate of the shrimp. Therefore, a water quality control and monitoring system is needed to maintain water parameters at acceptable value. The system is developed on a mini-PC and microcontroller which are integrated with several sensors and actuator forming an embedded system. Then, this system is used to collect water quality data that is consisting of several water parameters and control the DO as the main parameter. In accordance with the stability needs against the sensitive environment, a fuzzy logic-based controller is developed to maintain the DO rate in the water. This system is also equipped with SIM800 module to notice the farmer by SMS, built-in wifi module for web-based data logging, and improved with Android-based graphical user interface (GUI) to perform user-friendly monitoring. From the experiment results, a fuzzy controller that is attached to the system can control the DO at the acceptable value of 6 ppm. The controller is said to have high robustness since its deviation for long-time use is only 0.12 ppm. Another test shows that the controller is able to overcome the given disturbance and easily adapt when the DO’s set point is changed.  Finally, the system is able to collect and store the data into cloud storage periodically and show the data on a website

    Sustainable supply chain management for blue economics in Northern Norway

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    In the first part of thesis, there was conducted a literature review of production and the supply chain with regards to fish farming, existing technologies, together with the potential of alternative digital technology. In the second part, a case study of a relevant manufacturer who is involved in all the aspects of the value chain was carried out to gain insight into relevant supply chain management. There was also carried out research on consumer wishes, and consumer behaviour, to further understand the value-potential of fish products. Solution contains necessities and potential-assessment of a new product service system, and the accompanying benefits for both the consumer and manufacturer

    An IoT Based pH Level Monitoring Mobile Application on Fishponds using pH Sensor and Waterproof Temperature Sensor

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    Climate change vastly affect the demand of human consumption such as natural resources due to the destruction of the natural ecosystem. Due to the increasing population in many countries, people discovered innovative ways to produce supplies specifically food that can suffice the demandfor food consumption without compromising natural resources. Most people rely on terrestrial land including farms for plant based foods, there are artificial made food harvested in a controlled environment and creating artificial environment for animal culture both in land and body of water that serves as mass production of raw product such aschicken, beef, pork and fish meat. Since climate change is oneof the major factors that can affect the production of food, developers and experts provided assistance in innovative ways such as designing application and devices that can provide efficient process in mass producing raw products in the market. The emergence of Internet of Things in the different industries has vastly improved in present time. Internet of Things changed the way people execute their tasks from customer service, manufacturing large amount of materials, and even creating a smarter and energy efficient home for families that can be controlled through smartphone devices remotely. Internet of things were integrated in animal culture in several countries and it provides efficient and reliable assistance for animal farmers such as fishpond and poultry owners. This proposed research contributes on providing alternative and innovate way of aquaculture on artificial body of water specifically on fishponds. The proposed study can recommend specific aquatic species that can be culture in a specific season in the Philippines throughanalysis of the temperature and pH level of the artificial bodyof water

    IoT Based Machine Learning Weather Monitoring and Prediction Using WSN

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    A novel approach to analysis and prediction is provided by the internet of things-based time monitoring and prediction system using wireless sensor networks (WSN) and machine learning techniques (ML). To give accurate meteorological data in real time, the integrated system uses IoT, WSN, and ML. Making informed decisions requires these insights. Includes strategically positioned infrared points that are used to gather meteorological information, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind speed, among other things.The machine's automatic data processing methods are then used in a central processing unit to collect and analyse the data. By seeing patterns and drawing diagrams utilising previously collected data, ML models are able to comprehend intricate temporal dynamics. An important development in this system is its predictive capabilities. Artificial intelligence has the processing power to precisely forecast short-term weather patterns, enabling the rapid transmission of warnings for extreme localised events and the reduction of potential dangers.The combination of historical data, real-time sensor inputs, and automated analysis produces the predictive potential. The "Internet of Things" architecture used to develop this system makes it simpler to gather meteorological data. A number of industries, including as agriculture, transportation, emergency management, and event planning, are encouraged to make data-based decisions since users can quickly obtain current meteorological conditions and forecasts through user-friendly web interfaces or mobile applications

    Security and Privacy for Green IoT-based Agriculture: Review, Blockchain solutions, and Challenges

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    open access articleThis paper presents research challenges on security and privacy issues in the field of green IoT-based agriculture. We start by describing a four-tier green IoT-based agriculture architecture and summarizing the existing surveys that deal with smart agriculture. Then, we provide a classification of threat models against green IoT-based agriculture into five categories, including, attacks against privacy, authentication, confidentiality, availability, and integrity properties. Moreover, we provide a taxonomy and a side-by-side comparison of the state-of-the-art methods toward secure and privacy-preserving technologies for IoT applications and how they will be adapted for green IoT-based agriculture. In addition, we analyze the privacy-oriented blockchain-based solutions as well as consensus algorithms for IoT applications and how they will be adapted for green IoT-based agriculture. Based on the current survey, we highlight open research challenges and discuss possible future research directions in the security and privacy of green IoT-based agriculture

    Identification of Innovative Improvements for Aquaculture Sector Using Arising Technologies

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    Master's thesis in Industrial Asset ManagementThe arising of new technologies as internet of things, machine learning, 3D printing, virtual reality and among others are starting to transform industries in different sectors, already calling this phenomenon as the 4th Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0, and as any industrial revolution the companies must be aware of the importance to use these technologies to maintain or improve their position in the market. The Norwegian Aquaculture sector was chosen for identify possible innovations, due to its growth and its importance for future generation due to the fast growth of the world population, and also given that the Norwegian aquaculture can be considered as a conservative sector there is a lot of space for improvements. Innovative ideas were generated by utilizing a method, which identified improvements opportunities in the services, products and segments of salmon farming sector applying the arising technologies. After this process the ideas generated were evaluated in problem solving potential, economic potential and patent protection to classify the ideas with most potential of developing a business. A few ideas presented very good potential making possible the idea of developing a business, showing that the method utilized can be a model to identify opportunities for new undertakings

    Design and analysis of a solar water pumping for a fish farm in Pakistan

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    Aquaculture is a multibillion-dollar industry growing worldwide, especially in developing countries. This thesis focuses on a comprehensive study of off-grid fish farming in rural areas of Pakistan. A suitable site is selected for a fish farm. The solar PV system was designed and optimized for this fish farm on their annual load requirements, which are 100% renewable. Results demonstrated that the designed Solar PV system fulfilled the fish farm load smoothly and sufficiently throughout the year. Initial cost and maintenance are also estimated using HOMER Pro. Data were collected from the site survey and found there was not any system for water pumping system operations. The water pump operated manually through labor based on the visual determination of water level in ponds, Which increased production cost, electricity consumption, and wastewater. For this problem, Proposed a water pumping system automation and control using TinkerCAD. As a result, the system worked efficiently using an ultrasonic water level sensor and a low-cost motor with a microcontroller. The designed system works automatically when the water level drops to the threshold and stops. The major part of this thesis is designing and implementing an IoT-based real-time health monitoring system for the fish farm. Microcontroller Arduino Uno and Wi-Fi module ESP8266 used for the proposed system and designed a system to monitor the most critical metrics of the fish farm using an ultrasonic sensor temperature sensor, pH sensor, and dissolved oxygen sensor. ThingSpeak Cloud platform is used for data storage and display. Aquafarmers can access the fish farm health monitoring system through the web interface and phone App

    IoT Smart Agriculture for Aquaponics and Maintaining Goat Stall System

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    This present a project development on smart farm and agriculture. The surge in global population is compelling a shift towards smart farm and agriculture practices. This coupled with the diminishing natural resources increase in unpredictable weather conditions makes food security a major concern for most countries. As a result, the use of internet of things (IoT) and data analytics (DA) are employed to enhance the operational efficiency and productivity in the farm and agriculture sector. The objective is to design a prototype that used internet of things in the farm and agriculture. Next is to have a monitoring and controlling or automation system that will benefits the farmer. Then collect all the data to be analyses on the rainfall, temperature, humidity and light intensity. The methodology comprised of hardware, software, programming, sensors such as water sensor, light depending resistor sensor, temperature and humidity sensor and weight sensor for collected data. Result presents a prototype on aquaponics and goat stall that implement the concepts of internet of things for monitoring, controlling or automation system while data analytics is presented from all the sensors. Analytic data on the temperature, light intensity, humidity and rainfall rate are analyzed. Surrounding temperature are important for both plant and fish because if it too hot, they can die easily. While optimum light is needed by the plant for their photosynthesis process. Thus, by monitoring and collecting these parameters, data can be used for analyzing purpose. This project can benefits agriculture and farm sector. Prototype also can be used for small size like at the backyard or balcony of the house for person that likes gardening
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