383 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a wideband sigma delta ADC

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    Abstract. High-speed and wideband ADCs have become increasingly important in response to the growing demand for high-speed wireless communication services. Continuous time sigma delta modulators (CTƩ∆M), well-known for their oversampling and noise shaping properties, offer a promising solution for low-power and high-speed design in wireless applications. The objective of this thesis is to design and implement a wideband CTƩ∆M for a global navigation satellite system(GNSS) receiver. The targeted modulator architecture is a 3rdorder single-bit CTƩ∆M, specifically designed to operate within a 15 MHz signal bandwidth. With an oversampling ratio of 25, the ADC’s sampling frequency is set at 768 MHz. The design goal is to achieve a theoretical signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 55 dB. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of the CTƩ∆M, building upon the principles of a discrete time Ʃ∆ modulator, and leveraging system-level simulation and formulations. A detailed explanation of the coefficient calculation procedure specific to CTƩ∆ modulators is provided, along with a "top-down" design approach that ensures the specified requirements are met. MATLAB scripts for coefficient calculation are also included. To overcome the challenges associated with the implementation of CTƩ∆ modulators, particularly excess loop delay and clock jitter sensitivity, this thesis explores two key strategies: the introduction of a delay compensation path and the utilization of a finite impulse response (FIR) feedback DAC. By incorporating a delay compensation path, the stability of the modulator can be ensured and its noise transfer function (NTF) can be restored. Additionally, the integration of an FIR feedback DAC addresses the issue of clock jitter sensitivity, enhancing the overall performance and robustness of the CTƩ∆M. The CTƩ∆Ms employ the cascade of integrators with feed forward (CIFF) and cascade of integrators with feedforward and feedback (CIFF-B) topologies, with a particular emphasis on the CIFF-B configuration using 22nm CMOS technology node and a supply voltage of 0.8 V. Various simulations are performed to validate the modulator’s performance. The simulation results demonstrate an achievable SNR of 55 dB with a power consumption of 1.36 mW. Furthermore, the adoption of NTF zero optimization techniques enhances the SNR to 62 dB.Laajakaistaisen jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta-AD-muuntimen suunnittelu ja toteutus. TiivistelmĂ€. Nopeat ja laajakaistaiset AD-muuntimet ovat tulleet entistĂ€ tĂ€rkeĂ€mmiksi nopeiden langattomien kommunikaatiopalvelujen kysynnĂ€n kasvaessa. Jatkuva-aikaiset sigma delta -modulaattorit (CTƩ∆M), joissa kĂ€ytetÀÀn ylinĂ€ytteistystĂ€ ja kohinanmuokkausta, tarjoavat lupaavan ratkaisun matalan tehonkulutuksen ja nopeiden langattomien sovellusten suunnitteluun. TĂ€mĂ€n työn tarkoituksena on suunnitella ja toteuttaa laajakaistainen jatkuva -aikainen sigma delta -modulaattori satelliittipaikannusjĂ€rjestelmien (GNSS) vastaanottimeen. Arkkitehtuuriltaan modulaattori on kolmannen asteen 1-bittinen CTƩ∆M, jolla on 15MHz:n signaalikaistanleveys. YlinĂ€ytteistyssuhde on 25 ja AD muuntimen nĂ€ytteistystaajuus 768 MHz. Tavoitteena on saavuttaa teoreettinen 55 dB signaalikohinasuhde (SNR). TĂ€mĂ€ työ keskittyy jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen, perustuen diskreettiaikaisen Ʃ∆-modulaattorin periaatteisiin ja systeemitason simulointiin ja mallitukseen. Jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kertoimien laskentamenetelmĂ€ esitetÀÀn yksityiskohtaisesti, ja vaatimusten tĂ€yttyminen varmistetaan “top-down” -suunnitteluperiaatteella. LiitteenĂ€ on kertoimien laskemiseen kĂ€ytetty MATLAB-koodi. Jatkuva-aikaisten sigma delta -modulaattoreiden erityishaasteiden, liian pitkĂ€n silmukkaviiveen ja kellojitterin herkkyyden, voittamiseksi tutkitaan kahta strategiaa, viiveen kompensointipolkua ja FIR takaisinkytkentĂ€ -DA muunninta. Viivekompensointipolkua kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ modulaattorin stabiilisuus ja kohinansuodatusfunktio saadaan varmistettua ja korjattua. LisĂ€ksi FIR takaisinkytkentĂ€ -DA-muuntimen kĂ€yttö pienentÀÀ kellojitteriherkkyyttĂ€, parantaen jatkuva aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kokonaissuorituskykyĂ€ ja luotettavuutta. Toteutetuissa jatkuva-aikaisissa sigma delta -modulaattoreissa on kytketty perĂ€kkĂ€in integraattoreita myötĂ€kytkentĂ€rakenteella (CIFF) ja toisessa sekĂ€ myötĂ€- ettĂ€ takaisinkytkentĂ€rakenteella (CIFF-B). PÀÀhuomio on CIFF-B rakenteessa, joka toteutetaan 22nm CMOS prosessissa kĂ€yttĂ€en 0.8 voltin kĂ€yttöjĂ€nnitettĂ€. Suorityskyky varmistetaan erilaisilla simuloinneilla, joiden perusteella 55 dB SNR saavutetaan 1.36 mW tehonkulutuksella. LisĂ€ksi kohinanmuokkausfunktion optimoinnilla SNR saadaan nostettua 62 desibeliin

    Design of a wideband low-power continuous-time sigma-delta (ΣΔ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in 90nm CMOS technology

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    The growing trend in VLSI systems is to shift more signal processing functionality from analog to digital domain to reduce manufacturing cost and improve reliability. It has resulted in the demand for wideband high-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). There are many different techniques for doing analog-to-digital conversions. Oversampling ADC based on sigma-delta (ΣΔ) modulation is receiving a lot of attention due to its significantly relaxed matching requirements on analog components. Moreover, it does not need a steep roll-off anti-aliasing filter. A ΣΔ ADC can be implemented either as a discrete time system or a continuous time one. Nowadays growing interest is focused on the continuous-time ΣΔ ADC for its use in the wideband and low-power applications, such as medical imaging, portable ultrasound systems, wireless receivers, and test equipments. A continuous-time ΣΔ ADC offers some important advantages over its discrete-time counterpart, including higher sampling frequency, intrinsic anti-alias filtering, much relaxed sampling network requirements, and low-voltage implementation. Especially it has the potential in achieving low power consumption. This dissertation presents a novel fifth-order continuous-time ΣΔ ADC which is implemented in a 90nm CMOS technology with single 1.0-V power supply. To speed up design process, an improved direct design method is proposed and used to design the loop filter transfer function. To maximize the in-band gain provided by the loop filter, thus maximizing in-band noise suppression, the excess loop delay must be kept minimum. In this design, a very low latency 4-bit flash quantizer with digital-to-analog (DAC) trimming is utilized. DAC trimming technique is used to correct the quantizer offset error, which allows minimum-sized transistors to be used for fast and low-power operation. The modulator has sampling clock of 800MHz. It achieves a dynamic range (DR) of 75dB and a signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 70dB over 25MHz input signal bandwidth with 16.4mW power dissipation. Our work is among the most improved published to date. It uses the lowest supply voltage and has the highest input signal bandwidth while dissipating the lowest power among the bandwidths exceeding 15MHz

    High Performance Integrated Circuit Blocks for High-IF Wideband Receivers

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    Due to the demand for high‐performance radio frequency (RF) integrated circuit design in the past years, a system‐on‐chip (SoC) that enables integration of analog and digital parts on the same die has become the trend of the microelectronics industry. As a result, a major requirement of the next generation of wireless devices is to support multiple standards in the same chip‐set. This would enable a single device to support multiple peripheral applications and services. Based on the aforementioned, the traditional superheterodyne front‐end architecture is not suitable for such applications as it would require a complete receiver for each standard to be supported. A more attractive alternative is the highintermediate frequency (IF) radio architecture. In this case the signal is digitalized at an intermediate frequency such as 200MHz. As a consequence, the baseband operations, such as down‐conversion and channel filtering, become more power and area efficient in the digital domain. Such architecture releases the specifications for most of the front‐end building blocks, but the linearity and dynamic range of the ADC become the bottlenecks in this system. The requirements of large bandwidth, high frequency and enough resolution make such ADC very difficult to realize. Many ADC architectures were analyzed and Continuous‐Time Bandpass Sigma‐Delta (CT‐BP‐ΣΔ) architecture was found to be the most suitable solution in the high‐IF receiver architecture since they combine oversampling and noise shaping to get fairly high resolution in a limited bandwidth. A major issue in continuous‐time networks is the lack of accuracy due to powervoltage‐ temperature (PVT) tolerances that lead to over 20% pole variations compared to their discrete‐time counterparts. An optimally tuned BP ΣΔ ADC requires correcting for center frequency deviations, excess loop delay, and DAC coefficients. Due to these undesirable effects, a calibration algorithm is necessary to compensate for these variations in order to achieve high SNR requirements as technology shrinks. In this work, a novel linearization technique for a Wideband Low‐Noise Amplifier (LNA) targeted for a frequency range of 3‐7GHz is presented. Post‐layout simulations show NF of 6.3dB, peak S21 of 6.1dB, and peak IIP3 of 21.3dBm, respectively. The power consumption of the LNA is 5.8mA from 2V. Secondly, the design of a CMOS 6th order CT BP‐ΣΔ modulator running at 800 MHz for High‐IF conversion of 10MHz bandwidth signals at 200 MHz is presented. A novel transconductance amplifier has been developed to achieve high linearity and high dynamic range at high frequencies. A 2‐bit quantizer with offset cancellation is alsopresented. The sixth‐order modulator is implemented using 0.18 um TSMC standard analog CMOS technology. Post‐layout simulations in cadence demonstrate that the modulator achieves a SNDR of 78 dB (~13 bit) performance over a 14MHz bandwidth. The modulator’s static power consumption is 107mW from a supply power of ± 0.9V. Finally, a calibration technique for the optimization of the Noise Transfer Function CT BP ΣΔ modulators is presented. The proposed technique employs two test tones applied at the input of the quantizer to evaluate the noise transfer function of the ADC, using the capabilities of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) platform usually available in mixed‐mode systems. Once the ADC output bit stream is captured, necessary information to generate the control signals to tune the ADC parameters for best Signal‐to‐Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR) performance is extracted via Least‐ Mean Squared (LMS) software‐based algorithm. Since the two tones are located outside the band of interest, the proposed global calibration approach can be used online with no significant effect on the in‐band content

    Efficient offline outer/inner DAC mismatch calibration in wideband ΔΣ ADCs

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    Distortion due to feedback DAC mismatch is a key limitation in Delta Sigma ADCs for wideband wireless communications. This article presents an efficient frequency-domain mask-based offline mismatch calibration method of both the outer DAC and the inner DACs in a Delta Sigma ADC. The test stimulus for the calibration is a two-tone signal near the band edge. To avoid the need for high-performance signal generation, a frequency mask is applied to void the stimulus signal and its phase noise. In this way, the method is robust against distortion and jitter in the stimulus signal, which therefore could be combined from two low-quality signal generators. The two-tone band-edge signal has the additional benefit that the number of needed samples of the excitation signal is very modest because as many intermodulations as possible contribute to the calculation of the mismatch errors of the DACs. Experimental results confirming the calibration method are obtained from a prototype chip, designed for an 85MHz signal bandwidth in 28nm CMOS technology. A two-tone stimulus around 78 MHz is applied to calculate the mismatch of the outer DAC and the inner DAC with only 68K samples. With the DACs calibrated, an SFDR improvement of 28.1 dB is achieved for a single-tone input at 5 MHz, while for a two-tone input around 71 MHz, the IM3 is improved from -63.6 dBc to below the noise floor (<-94.1 dBc). This illustrates the effectiveness of the approach

    A 10-b Fourth-Order Quadrature Bandpass Continuous-Time ΣΔ Modulator With 33-MHz Bandwidth for a Dual-Channel GNSS Receiver

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Junfeng Zhang, Yang Xu, Zehong Zhang, Yichuang Sun, Zhihua Wang, and Baoyong Chi, ‘A 10-b Fourth-Order Quadrature Bandpass Continuous-Time ΣΔ Modulator With 33-MHz Bandwidth for a Dual-Channel GNSS Receiver’, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Practice, Vol. 65 (4): 1303-1314, first published online 16 February 2017. The version of record is available online at DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2017.266237, Published by IEEE. © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A fourth-order quadrature bandpass continuous-time sigma-delta modulator for a dual-channel global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver is presented. With a bandwidth (BW) of 33 MHz, the modulator is able to digitalize the downconverted GNSS signals in two adjacent signal bands simultaneously, realizing dual-channel GNSS reception with one receiver channel instead of two independent receiver channels. To maintain the loop-stability of the high-order architecture, any extra loop phase shifting should be minimized. In the system architecture, a feedback and feedforward hybrid architecture is used to implement the fourth-order loop-filter, and a return-to-zero (RZ) feedback after the discrete-time differential operation is introduced into the input of the final integrator to realize the excess loop delay compensation, saving a spare summing amplifier. In the circuit implementation, power-efficient amplifiers with high-frequency active feedforward and antipole-splitting techniques are employed in the active RC integrators, and self-calibrated comparators are used to implement the low-power 3-b quantizers. These power saving techniques help achieve superior figure of merit for the presented modulator. With a sampling rate of 460 MHz, current-steering digital-analog converters are chosen to guarantee high conversion speed. Implemented in only 180-nm CMOS, the modulator achieves 62.1-dB peak signal to noise and distortion ratio, 64-dB dynamic range, and 59.3-dB image rejection ratio, with a BW of 33 MHz, and consumes 54.4 mW from a 1.8 V power supply.Peer reviewe

    A 1 GS/s, 31 MHz BW, 76.3 dB Dynamic Range, 34 mW CT-ΔΣ ADC with 1.5 Cycle Quantizer Delay and Improved STF

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    A 1 GS/s continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CT- ΔΣM) with 31 MHz bandwidth, 76.3 dB dynamic range and 72.5 dB peak-SNDR is reported in a 0.13 ÎŒm CMOS technology. The design employs an excess loop delay (ELD) of more than one clock cycle for achieving higher sampling rate. The ELD is compensated using a fast-loop formed around the last integrator by using a sample-and-hold. Further, the effect of this ELD compensation scheme on the signal transfer function (STF) of a feedforward CT- ΔΣ architecture has been analyzed and reported. In this work, an improved STF is achieved by using a combination of feed-forward, feed-back and feed-in paths and power consumption is reduced by eliminating the adder opamp. This CT- ΔΣ M has a conversion bandwidth of 31 MHz and consumes 34 mW from the 1.2 V power supply. The relevant design trade-offs have been investigated and presented along with simulation results
