821 research outputs found

    Micro Fourier Transform Profilometry (μ\muFTP): 3D shape measurement at 10,000 frames per second

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    Recent advances in imaging sensors and digital light projection technology have facilitated a rapid progress in 3D optical sensing, enabling 3D surfaces of complex-shaped objects to be captured with improved resolution and accuracy. However, due to the large number of projection patterns required for phase recovery and disambiguation, the maximum fame rates of current 3D shape measurement techniques are still limited to the range of hundreds of frames per second (fps). Here, we demonstrate a new 3D dynamic imaging technique, Micro Fourier Transform Profilometry (μ\muFTP), which can capture 3D surfaces of transient events at up to 10,000 fps based on our newly developed high-speed fringe projection system. Compared with existing techniques, μ\muFTP has the prominent advantage of recovering an accurate, unambiguous, and dense 3D point cloud with only two projected patterns. Furthermore, the phase information is encoded within a single high-frequency fringe image, thereby allowing motion-artifact-free reconstruction of transient events with temporal resolution of 50 microseconds. To show μ\muFTP's broad utility, we use it to reconstruct 3D videos of 4 transient scenes: vibrating cantilevers, rotating fan blades, bullet fired from a toy gun, and balloon's explosion triggered by a flying dart, which were previously difficult or even unable to be captured with conventional approaches.Comment: This manuscript was originally submitted on 30th January 1

    The Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey: extended and remastered data release

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    This paper describes the extended data release of the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey (eDR). It comprises science-grade quality data for 895 galaxies obtained with the PMAS/PPak instrument at the 3.5 m telescope at the Calar Alto Observatory along the last 12 years, using the V500 setup (3700-7500{\AA}, 6{\AA}/FWHM) and the CALIFA observing strategy. It includes galaxies of any morphological type, star-formation stage, a wide range of stellar masses (\sim107^7 1012^{12} Msun ), at an average redshift of \sim0.015 (90\% within 0.005<<z<<0.05). Primarily selected based on the projected size and apparent magnitude, we demonstrate that it can be volume corrected resulting in a statistically limited but representative sample of the population of galaxies in the nearby Universe. All the data were homogeneous re-reduced, introducing a set of modifications to the previous reduction. The most relevant is the development and implementation of a new cube-reconstruction algorithm that provides with an (almost) seeing-limited spatial resolution (FWHM PSF \sim1.0").To illustrate the usability and quality of the data, we extracted two aperture spectra for each galaxy (central 1.5" and fully integrated), and analyze them using pyFIT3D. We obtain a set of observational and physical properties of both the stellar populations and the ionized gas, that have been compared for the two apertures, exploring their distributions as a function of the stellar masses and morphologies of the galaxies, comparing with recent results in the literature. DATA RELEASE: http://ifs.astroscu. unam.mx/CALIFA_WEB/public_html/Comment: 30 pages, 26 figures, accepted for publishing in the MNRA

    Designing Future Dark Energy Space Missions: II. Photometric Redshift of Space Weak Lensing Optimized Survey

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    Accurate weak-lensing analysis requires not only accurate measurement of galaxy shapes but also precise and unbiased measurement of galaxy redshifts. The photometric redshift technique appears as the only possibility to determine the redshift of the background galaxies used in the weak-lensing analysis. Using the photometric redshift quality, simple shape measurement requirements, and a proper sky model, we explore what could be an optimal weak-lensing dark energy mission based on FoM calculation. We found that photometric redshifts reach their best accuracy for the bulk of the faint galaxy population when filters have a resolution R~3.2. We show that an optimal mission would survey the sky through 8 filters using 2 cameras (visible and near infrared). Assuming a 5-year mission duration, a mirror size of 1.5m, a 0.5deg2 FOV with a visible pixel scale of 0.15", we found that a homogeneous survey reaching IAB=25.6 (10sigma) with a sky coverage of ~11000deg2 maximizes the Weak Lensing FoM. The effective number density of galaxies then used for WL is ~45gal/arcmin2, at least a factor of two better than ground based survey. This work demonstrates that a full account of the observational strategy is required to properly optimize the instrument parameters to maximize the FoM of the future weak-lensing space dark energy mission.Comment: 25 pages, 39 figures, accepted in A&

    Innovations in the Analysis of Chandra-ACIS Observations

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    As members of the instrument team for the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and as Chandra General Observers, we have developed a wide variety of data analysis methods that we believe are useful to the Chandra community, and have constructed a significant body of publicly-available software (the ACIS Extract package) addressing important ACIS data and science analysis tasks. This paper seeks to describe these data analysis methods for two purposes: to document the data analysis work performed in our own science projects, and to help other ACIS observers judge whether these methods may be useful in their own projects (regardless of what tools and procedures they choose to implement those methods). The ACIS data analysis recommendations we offer here address much of the workflow in a typical ACIS project, including data preparation, point source detection via both wavelet decomposition and image reconstruction, masking point sources, identification of diffuse structures, event extraction for both point and diffuse sources, merging extractions from multiple observations, nonparametric broad-band photometry, analysis of low-count spectra, and automation of these tasks. Many of the innovations presented here arise from several, often interwoven, complications that are found in many Chandra projects: large numbers of point sources (hundreds to several thousand), faint point sources, misaligned multiple observations of an astronomical field, point source crowding, and scientifically relevant diffuse emission.Comment: Accepted by the ApJ, 2010 Mar 10 (\#343576) 39 pages, 16 figure

    The non-evolving internal structure of early-type galaxies: the case study SDSS J0728+3835 at z = 0.206

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    We study the internal dynamical structure of the early-type lens galaxy SDSS J0728+3835 at z = 0.206. The analysis is based on two-dimensional kinematic maps extending out to 1.7 effective radii obtained from Keck spectroscopy, on lensing geometry and on stellar mass estimates obtained from multiband Hubble Space Telescope imaging. The data are modelled under the assumptions of axial symmetry supported by a two-integral distribution function (DF), by applying the combined gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics code CAULDRON, and yielding high-quality constraints for an early-type galaxy at cosmological redshifts. Modelling the total density profile as a power-law of the form rho_tot ~ 1/r^{gamma}, we find that it is nearly isothermal (logarithmic slope gamma = 2.08^{+0.04}_{-0.02}), and quite flattened (axial ratio q = 0.60^{+0.08}_{-0.03}). The galaxy is mildly anisotropic (delta = 0.08 +/- 0.02) and shows a fair amount of rotational support, in particular towards the outer regions. We determine a dark matter fraction lower limit of 28 per cent within the effective radius. The stellar contribution to the total mass distribution is close to maximal for a Chabrier initial mass function (IMF), whereas for a Salpeter IMF the stellar mass exceeds the total mass within the galaxy inner regions. We find that the combination of a NFW dark matter halo with the maximally rescaled luminous profile provides a remarkably good fit to the total mass distribution over a broad radial range. Our results confirm and expand the findings of the SLACS survey for early-type galaxies of comparable velocity dispersion (sigma_SDSS = 214 +/- 11 km/s). The internal structure of J0728 is consistent with that of local early-type galaxies of comparable velocity dispersion as measured by the SAURON project, suggesting lack of evolution in the past two billion years.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. MNRAS in press. Revised to match accepted versio