1,468 research outputs found

    Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. Part I

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    This collective monograph offers the description of philosophical bases of definition of communicative competence and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communication skills. The authors of individual chapters have chosen such point of view for the topic which they considered as the most important and specific for their field of study using the methods of logical and semantic analysis of concepts, the method of reflection, textual reconstruction and comparative analysis. The theoretical and applied problems of modern society are investigated in the context of philosophical, communicative and pedagogical interpretations

    Preparing future teachers for work in an inclusive educational environment

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    Сучасне розуміння сутності інтегрованого навчання полягає в тому, що його формування корелює насамперед із розуміння суб’єктивності. Якщо розглянути аспект створення освітнього середовища, яке здатне сформувати а стабільний рівень освіти дітей не тільки з легкими відхиленнями, але і людей з важкими антисоціальними формами хвороб, то використання інтегрованої освіти сприяє формуванню повноцінного громадянства та адаптації мінімально професійні навички. Новизна дослідження визначається тим, що відбувається формування педагогічного прийоми та методи ґрунтуються насамперед на необхідності досягнення таких параметрів, як загальноосвітні середовище та методи його розвитку. Автори статті демонструють аспекти формування особистості рівні інтегрованої освіти, визначають методи та форми підтримки цієї технології та узагальнюють дані на достатньому рівні для адаптації як студентами, так і навчальними закладами. Автори показують, що використання інклюзивна освіта повинна стати стандартною схемою викладання в школі. Практичне значення дослідження полягає визначається тим, що розроблені моделі реалізації загальноосвітнього простору в школі будуть сприяють загальній інтеграції дітей в соціальних умовах.Современное понимание сущности интегрированного обучения заключается в том, что его формирование соотносится, прежде всего, с понимание субъективности. Если рассмотреть аспект создания образовательной среды, способной сформировать стабильный уровень образования детей не только с легкими отклонениями, но и с тяжелыми антисоциальными формами болезней, то использование интегрированного образования способствует формированию полноценной гражданственности и адаптации минимально профессиональные навыки. Новизна исследования определяется тем, что формирование педагогического Приемы и приемы основаны прежде всего на необходимости достижения таких параметров, как общеобразовательная среда и методы ее развития. Авторы статьи раскрывают аспекты формирования личности уровни в интегрированном образовании, определить методы и формы поддержки этой технологии, и обобщить данные на достаточных уровнях для адаптации как студентов, так и учебных заведений. Авторы показывают, что использование инклюзивное образование должно стать стандартной моделью обучения в школе. Практическая значимость исследования Определяется тем, что разработанные модели для реализации общего образовательного пространства в школе будут способствовать общей интеграции детей в социальные условия.A modern understanding of the essence of integrated learning is that its formation is correlated primarily with an understanding of subjectivity. If to consider the aspect of creating an educational environment that is able to form a stable level of education for children not only with mild abnormalities, but also people with severe antisocial forms of diseases, then the use of integrated education contributes to the formation of a full citizenship and adaptation of minimally professional skills. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the formation of pedagogical techniques and methods is based primarily on the necessity to achieve such parameters as the general educational environment and methods for its development. The authors of the article show aspects of the formation of personal levels in integrated education, determine the methods and forms of support for this technology, and summarise the data on sufficient levels for adaptation by both students and educational institutions. The authors show that the use of inclusive education should become a standard teaching pattern in school. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the developed models for the implementation of the general educational space in school will contribute to the overall integration of children in social conditions


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    The article considers the effective impact of professional and spiritual qualities on the life of society in the future, and in connection with this the need to improve the educational system in higher educational institutions and expand its methodological support. It is also said that the development of professional and spiritual qualities of students of medical universities is a complex, lengthy and consistently developing process that requires the cooperation of all participants in the educational process - the teaching staff and students.The article considers the effective impact of professional and spiritual qualities on the life of society in the future, and in connection with this the need to improve the educational system in higher educational institutions and expand its methodological support. It is also said that the development of professional and spiritual qualities of students of medical universities is a complex, lengthy and consistently developing process that requires the cooperation of all participants in the educational process - the teaching staff and students


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    The article deals with the study of the problem of interethnic tolerance, the activity of ethnocultural associations aimed at forming interethnic tolerance of youth in a multicultural environment. As forms of socio-cultural activities of youth in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus is analyzed the theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of interethnic tolerance in foreign practice, patterns, and principles of the functioning of ethnocultural associations. Also on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed mechanisms of educational influence of the multicultural environment on the process of forming interethnic tolerance of youth. Particular attention is drawn to the study of new educational strategies and approaches to the formation of interethnic tolerance of youth in the sphere of culture, where the specifics of the Kazakhstan-Belarusian experience of organizing this socially significant segment of educational services can be useful to other countries. For achieving the goal of the work were used the materials of scientific publications and applied research of the authors of the article in the field of pedagogy. On the basis of the conducted research is proposed scientifically grounded conclusions and recommendations on organizing the process of formation of interethnic tolerance of youth in a multicultural environment. The results of the research can be used in the system of retraining and advanced training of personnel in the sphere of culture and education, and can also be a guide for the cultural policy of state organizations in educational programs for organizing leisure time for young people at the international level.&nbsp

    The analysis of humanitarian and socially education work in the institution of higher medical education for improvement of the system of vocational training of future doctors

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    An important goal of today is the training of highly qualified doctors. Therefore, one of the tasks of higher medical education is to work to improve the system of professional training of future doctors. The humanitarian and educational work in the university is aimed at ethical, deontological, patriotic and ecological education, to promotion of a healthy lifestyle, formation of empathy of the students. Improvement of forms and methods of educational work on training of future physicians will promote appropriate formation of the identity of the doctor


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    Purpose of the study: To study the ways to increase the communicative competence of social sphere specialists, aimed at the formation of professional and personal qualities, communicative skills, and development of professional interest and success. Methodology: Some theoretical and empirical research methods are used: analysis of publications in social work, normative documentation on the research issue; diagnostic methods: questioning, testing, interviews; experimental methods: ascertaining, forming, and control stages of the experiment; stating, forming and control stages of the experiment; methods of statistical processing of research results. Main Findings: The main results of the study showed that the modern practice of successful organization of social service activities requires a thoughtful approach. The head, together with the full-time psychologist, should monitor the communicative competence of the specialists working at this service and timely organize the work to overcome the manifestations of professional burnout of specialists and prevent their professional deformation. The significance of the influence of active teaching methods on interpersonal communication has allowed us to develop and test several practically effective teaching methods that increase the effectiveness of interaction with others in professional communication. Applications of this study: This study reveals the possibilities of improving the communicative competence of the specialists working at social service departments in modern conditions of systematic emotional overload when performing their professional duties. This theme is quite relevant for the activities of any service within “person to person” interaction, especially a social one, having its specifics and directed at helping a person facing a social problem. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this study is in justifying the need for organizing activities to improve the communicative competence of social service specialists using modern socio-psychological developments. In the modern practice of holding social work, this component is often overlooked, which subsequently leads to frequent conflicts among social service employees and recipients of social services, a gradual loss of interest in the work performed, and, as a result, its indifferent fulfilment

    Evaluating professional qualities of medical students

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    Currently, the higher medical education should reflect a practical sphere of public health care as well as improvement of the quality of education of future doctors. Doctor’s activities involve almost all spheres of human life; therefore, the problem of training a highly skilled expert is urgent in the sphere of public health as doctors should have high professional and ethical expertise for more effective functioning of medicine. The research was conducted in the 2016/17 academic year at the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University among 286 third-year and fourth-year students: 140 students of the experimental group (EG) and 146 students of the control group (CG). 24 experts (specialists in medicine) took part in the ascertaining phase of the pedagogical experiment. The special study course “Professionally important qualities of future doctors” in the EG was carried out in the form of experimental teaching while in the CG the traditional methods of teaching were used. The comparison of the results of students’ professional qualities evaluation obtained before and after the experiment allows us to state that there is a substantial increase in professionally important qualities of the EG students compared to the CG students. This paper mainly presents the idea that professional (ability to apply knowledge into practice, ability to work with a specialised literature, ability to remember a large amount of information, knowledge and use of foreign language in professional activity, adequate professional self-assessment, desire for improvement) and volitional (responsibility for the life and health of a patient, fast reaction and ability to take decisions, resistance to psychical and emotional stresses, restraint and persistence, self-control) qualities are the most important professional qualities of future doctors. Therefore, moral (attentiveness, decency, honesty, mercifulness, altruism) and social qualities (responsibility, communicative skills, tolerance, ability to build trust) are less significant for future doctors. The experimental testing of the level of professional qualities development of medical students has proved that future doctors should interpret theoretical knowledge into practical activities, constantly improving it by working with expert literature, should be able to control their emotions and react quickly in critical situations

    Can Doctors Maintain Good Character? An Examination of Physician Lives

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    Can doctors maintain good character? This paper shifts the focus from patient care to ethical considerations that bear on the physician and impact her as a person. By decentering patient care, the paper highlights certain factors that habituate a particular way of reasoning that is not conducive to inculcating good character. Such factors include, standards of professionalism, being influenced by external monitors, and emphasis on adherence to guidelines. While such factors may benefit patients, they often adversely affect the character of physicians

    History, philosophy, and sociology of sport recommendations for physical education teacher education

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the essential history, philosophy, and sociology of sport competencies to be used to inform the physical education teacher education undergraduate curriculum. A two-round modified Delphi procedure involved the repeated circulation of a questionnaire to a panel of content experts. The study sample included specialists in history of sport, philosophy of sport, and sociology of sport, experts in the field of physical education teacher education, and school-based physical education practitioners. The Delphi panel members rated each questionnaire item in terms of its theoretical importance and pedagogical relevance using a five-point Likert scale. The data collected during the second round of the questionnaire were used to provide a final measure of group consensus regarding the strength of each history, philosophy, and sociology of sport competency. Five Delphi panel members, one from each of the three subject matter areas, one physical education teacher educator, and one K-12 physical education teacher were also asked to complete a subsequent telephone interview concerning their recommendations regarding the most effective delivery method of history, philosophy, and sociology of sport to prospective physical education teachers. The results from this research study, which includes a final list of recommended history, philosophy, and sociology of sport competencies and suggested methods of delivery, provide a conceptual framework upon which physical education teacher educators can make future curricular decisions in the areas of history, philosophy, and sociology of sport

    Deformacja zawodowa: tendencje, dynamika i ryzyko przejawu

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    The article concretizes methodological approaches of studying the phenomenon of personality professional deformations in the light of adaptational conditionality of professional safety. Causes (general and partial), conditions (monotonous, closed, emotionally intensive, extreme character of work), emergence of professional deformations, positive and negative content of their manifestation through the characteristics description (rate of development, depth of formation, sustainability degree and wideness) have been outlined. Levels (general professional, special professional, professionally typological, individualized) and typology of manifestation of professional deformations have been structurized, personality characteristics of which are expressed in double ethical standards, professional marginalism and emotional burnout. Radical forms of professional deformations (professionally conditioned accentuations, learned helplessness, professional alienation, professional incompetence and stagnation) have been indicated, which are caused by age and psychological factors of professional aging. Risks zone of professional deformations manifestation (blocking of professionally important qualities by specialist, initiation of personality alienation by specialist and loss of professional maturity by specialist) has been grounded.W artykule opisano metodologiczne aspekty zjawiska deformacji zawodowej osobowości z punktu widzenia adaptacyjnej determinacji bezpieczeństwa zawodowego. Przedstawiono przyczyny (ogólne i częściowe), warunki (monotonne, zamknięte, emocjonalno-intensywne) tworzenia się deformacji zawodowej, pozytywną i negatywną treść ich przejawu przez opis głównych cech (prędkość rozwoju, głębokość formacji, miarę stabilności i szerokość). Uporządkowano poziomy (ogólnoprofesjonalne, szczególnoprofesjonalne, profesjonalno-typologiczne, zindywidualizowane) i nakreślono typologie przejawu deformacji zawodowej, cechy osobowości, które są wyrażone w podwójnych standardach etycznych oraz marginalizmie profesjonalnym i wypaleniu emocjonalnym. Przeanalizowano radykalne formy profesjonalnej deformacji (wyuczoną bezradność, profesjonalną alienację, profesjonalną niekompetencję i stagnację), które są spowodowane przez psychologiczne czynniki zawodowego starzenia się. Uzasadniono sferę ryzyka przejawu deformacji zawodowej (blokowanie rozwoju profesjonalnie ważnych cech specjalisty, inicjację osobistej alienacjii, stratę profesjonalnej dojrzałości specjalisty)